Odd Twitter Campaign

Puzzled Twitter mascot birdThe Twitter campaign revealed here is apparently not something that Unitarian Universalists (UUs) are doing, yet deserves some exposure here. This WWUUD site has an automated collection system that pulls in UU-related information into the Stream. As an automated system, it often gets information that is not really of interest to UUs, or is even negative.

Since the information is concentrated here in a list that I occasionally review, some odd trends sometime appear.

Near the end of 2018, a handful of Twitter accounts started tweeting about the July 27, 2008 Knoxville UU Church shooting. These tweets have been coming at an increasing rate, for a total of at least 130 messages, listed below.

I do not know the motivations of those with these accounts. It appears to be a small part of a much bigger campaign. I do think it has some intent to shift conversations, search engine results and possibly even sway public opinion. And I know it makes me uncomfortable that someone, some robot, or a few people, are putting much effort into this.

I welcome others to investigate these accounts and draw their own conclusions. Post on the WWUUD Facebook page if you have any idea what’s going on!

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