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Multi-Platform Worship: Crowdsourcing Wisdom & Insights

14 September 2021 at 11:14
It should be no surprise that πŸ”₯ MULTI-PLATFORM WORSHIP πŸ”₯ is a hot topic right now!
I'm having a wide range of conversations with clergy, staff, and volunteers related to multi-platform ministry, digital life, growth, outreach, membership development, etc... and all conversations tend to lead back to "hybrid" worship.
To help us learn, innovate, and iterate faster, I want to start holding regular Zoom sessions designed to crowdsource our wisdom and insight -- religious professionals, staff, and volunteer leaders.


These times call for collaboration and rapid innovation!Β  I think a monthly crowdsourcing session would be good.Β  Not just on multi-platform worship, but a wide range of issues.Β Β 

The first session will be on multi-platform worship. What other topics would you like to work on?Β 
Unitarian Universalist congregations: If you are a member of my Facebook group for UU leaders you may share your topic ideas in our group here.
If you have topic suggestions, I'd love to hear from you.Β Β 
Want to be invited to this session?Β  Please make sure you are on my email list for Unitarian Universalist leaders.
Thank you!

On Technology, Staffing & Multi-Platform Ministry

6 September 2021 at 14:46

Is your congregation considering new tech staffing?Β  This is for you!Β  Please share this with any congregation you know who is in discernment on this issue.Β 

Here's the question I keep getting, often when the process is far along and jobs are being threatened....


Peter, should we downsize our existing program staff and invest in a full-time tech person?

Quick Answer:Β  No! In my professional opinion that's a horrible idea for most congregations.Β  Better to invest in your existing staff & volunteers, cultivate new volunteers, see how far you can go and grow together, adding tech & media skills and associated tasks to portfolios of your staff and volunteers.Β  If there are tech tasks that you must have covered, start with temporary contracts to supplement your existing team.

Watch this for my long answer:


All congregations need to be working to develop their media and tech capacity. But this shouldn't be implemented as knee-jerk actions throwing money at staffing. I know it is easy to want to fix the problem by hiring a new staff person.Β 


Some day you may need to, but if you are in an emergencyΒ "Ah!!!! We need to go hybrid / multi-platform, and I can't do one more thing lets hire a new staff position"Β state, that isn't fair to your team, your congregation, and isn't a responsible use of funds.Β  Β  Β 


I hear staff saying that there are no volunteers so they have to hire staff ASAP!Β Β 


Well, congregations that haven't been talking about vision, mission, their calling, the future, and the role of social media, technology, and other aspects of digital life won't have tech and media volunteers hanging around. They haven't been needed or appreciated.


Hiring tech and communications staff, especially if budgets are tight, should follow a process that highlights the importance of media and technology and the building of an associated volunteer & ministry capacity.


What, there are no volunteers in this area? If you have never done a THING before, of course, you have no associated THING volunteers around. But if you start talking about why that THING is so important, all of a sudden the people who are good at that THING and LOVE your congregation are like to show up.



It is also important to recognize that we are being called to integrate our ministry and technology. For most congregations, this means not thinking of technology as a separate role from other staffing, volunteer, and ministry roles but an integral part of them β€” a part we need to carefully and intentionally cultivate.


At the heart of any viable hybrid future are staff and volunteers (with appropriate skill & strategy training) who are actively BUILDING relationships, FACILITATING conversations, and ENGAGING with members, friends, and newcomers in digital and physical spaces.


Instead of rushing to hire a new staff person to handle all the tech, keep in mind that you can't outsource ministry. Yes, you can hire AV people to run cameras, and hire Zoom worship associates to do the logistics, but at the heart of our ministry is relationship.


We can teach existing staff and volunteers new skills and strategies!Β 

β€’ How to engage with newcomers in digital spaces!Β 

β€’ How to run amazing Zoom-based connecting events that out-perform anything you've done offline for newcomers to date!!!

β€’ How to use social media video to tell the story of your congregation.

β€’ How to use multi-platform streaming tools like StreamYard allowing you to reach more people, more spaces, and do it all LIVE like a digital rock star!Β 

β€’ How to use small groups to make your ministry more relational, meaningful and transformative while being able to move between online and physical gatherings with ease!

β€’ And more....Β 


But it is much HARDER to get a turn a tech staffer into a minister, a membership coordinator, a pastoral care associate, a passionate member, and a new-found friend.


⁠⁠I know many of you feel the urge to GO BIG with tech staff because you need the help making whatever is going to come next happen. 


I understand. I get it.Β 


But rushing in this direction while cutting other positions and failing to do the visioning, leadership, and volunteer development work is not the way forward.


Instead of new tech staffing, invest in your existing staff & volunteers, cultivate new volunteers, see how far you can go and grow together, adding tech & media skills and associated tasks to their portfolios.Β  If there are tech tasks that you must have covered, start with temporary contracts to supplement your existing team.


Hope this helps!

On Relaunching Congregations This Fall

9 August 2021 at 18:56

I'm talking with leaders about regathering their congregations this Fall.Β  One of my recommendations? Think about it like we are RELAUNCHING our congregations. Β  That's the kind of spirit and energy I think we need to bring to our regathering efforts.Β 

Not just gathering again, but a full relaunch.Β  New energy, new models, new opportunities -- new and exciting!!!Β Β 

I know that's a lot.Β Β  But I think that's what we need to bring people back and to welcome new members in.

This is serious business, especially with the pandemic accelerating declining attendance trends. Enough to make me put on my serious face...Β 

But it is also incredibly exciting!

Our challenge?

To reconnect our communities -- including outreach to newcomers -- we need more effective communication, leaders using social media and video in ways that build relationships and deploy intentional strategies to help people take their next steps in congregational life.

That's a lot to figure out.

So my recommendation is to NOT try and figure it out all on your own. Let me help you. I've been working on this for years.Β Β Β 

Unitarian Universalist congregations (my home denomination) are invited to join my new UU Digital Ministry Academy program!

Our first live training is coming up Saturday.Β  For those who can't make it, there will be other repeat sessions plus on-demand video content available.

Members of the program get access to all program live trainings, strategy sessions, implementation events, and replays and other content on-demand.

To learn more and join us visit: http://www.digitalministryacademy.com

PS -- Short on time?Β  Below is a 90-second explanation of UU Digital Ministry Academy.Β 

Summer Training Update!

26 June 2021 at 13:38

Friends,  here's a quick update on what's coming this Summer 🌞

This is just a preview.Β  Training topics include digital ministry, social media, small groups, and membership development.Β  That and lots of time to talk strategy and issues related to re-gathering and re-launching this Fall.Β 

I'll share the full details, dates, and open registration afterΒ  July 4th.

I know some of you are taking a break, others are leading Summer services and programming, and others working hard on preparing for the Fall.Β  My goal is to be there to support you whenever you are ready!Β 


PS -- Watch to the end for my sea monster impression. πŸ‰

πŸš€ SUBSCRIBE HERE for free content, online training event invitations, and more for Unitarian Universalist religious professionals, staff & volunteers!


UU Digital Ministry - New Plan, New Program!

15 June 2021 at 00:00

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Based on your survey feedback and resulting conversations, I'm launching a 100% redesigned Unitarian Universalist Digital Ministry program.

Here are some features of the new program:

β€’ Open to all UU congregations
β€’ Offers ongoing digital ministry strategy, skill training, and support
β€’ For teams: volunteers, staff, and religious professionals
β€’ On-demand content
β€’ Live strategy sessions via Zoom
β€’ Additional live stream Q&A sessions in response to your questions
β€’ Monthly subscription affordable for congregations of all sizes and budgets

Do you like the idea of our doing Unitarian Universalist DIGITAL MINISTRY together? I can't wait! I'll be sharing much more shortly.

This is just a quick "I listened! Change of direction..." update.

What about the other program?Β  I'm following up with those who expressed interest in that program.

Thanks to all who completed the survey. I greatly appreciate your sharing your ideas, insight, and support needs with me.

Questions, comments, ideas?
I'm working hard at adapting to the needs of our congregations as conditions shift season by season. If you have ideas or special requests, I'd love to hear from you.Β  Contact me.

Digital Ministry Accelerator Program - Overview and Feedback Requested

11 June 2021 at 16:38

Update: Based on your feedback I'm 100% redesigning my training programs!Β  Make sure you sign up to get training updates. Details are coming out the week of June 23, 2021.


Friends, here's an overview of my new Digital Ministry Accelerator program, DMAX for short.Β  It is a 12-week program for Unitarian Universalist parish ministers (this round) and their congregations.Β  Interested ministers, I'd love your feedback!Β 

Please complete this brief program survey: SURVEY COMPLETED

Your responses will help me finalize the program design and the day and time we'll hold our weekly strategy sessions.Β  Β  Thank you!



Peter Bowden on the UU podcast "The Flame" by Roddy Biggs

5 April 2021 at 13:40

Friends, recently I had the opportunity to be a guest on the new Unitarian Universalist podcast "The Flame" by Roddy Biggs!

Grateful for the chance to reflect on a range of issues related to UU life, ministry, media, and the pandemic through this conversation.Β  Thanks, Roddy! Β 

If you'd like to have future episodes delivered to your device, subscribe to The Flame podcast.

About the podcast

The Flame is a Unitarian Universalist faith-centered podcast offering voices and stories of hope, love, resilience, and community. Witness real conversations, ones that sometimes tackle challenging topics but safely and bravely. Whether you are a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, new to the faith, or this is the first time you are hearing of the Unitarian Universalist faith, I welcome you just as you are.


Pandemic Ministry: Leadership, Clarity, and Uncertainty

22 March 2021 at 17:00

As we enter year two of the pandemic, uncertainty is a core aspect of our ministry context.Β  How can we lead when so much is unknown?Β 

Leaders and their congregations must have great clarity of mission and the vision they want to work toward.Β  To work toward a clear mission-driven vision,Β  facing the unknown as a community together is the path.Β 

We can't have productive conversations about models, approaches, and staffing if we don't have clarity on our mission in 2021 and a powerful vision specific to our present ministry context.

YouTube video chapters
(0:00​) Welcome
(3:19​) Covid19 Year One.Β 
(7:28​) Covid19 Year Two?
(9:16​) Leadership, Clarity, and Uncertainty

Interview with the Rev. Christana Wille McKnight

17 March 2021 at 14:07

In this interview with the Rev. Christana Wille McKnight, minister of First Parish in Taunton, MA , we discuss the principles and strategies that helped this Unitarian Universalist congregation move from being at risk of closing to becoming a thriving small congregation playing a major role in Taunton’s revitalization efforts.Β Β 

Get the "Playbook"
Rev. Christana Wille McKnight has kindly shared a Google Doc on the 11 points we discussed in this interview.Β  To get the playbook, click here to open the Google Doc and then hit the add to drive icon to save a link to it in your drive.


(0:00​) Countdown
0:43​) Welcome
2:00​) Overview of Transformation
6:00​) Rev. Christana Wille McKnight's "playbook"'
6:25​) 1. Live Invitational Culture
9:29​) 2. Use Accessible Language
12:05​) 3. Put Your Words into Action
17:15​) 4. Create Intentionally Welcoming Community
19:20​) 5. Reflect Your Community and Context.
20:48​) 6. Understand that Every Person Who Comes to Your Church Will Change It
25:18​) 7. Know Your Community’s History, Culture, Demographics and Needs Deeply
32:25​) 8. Create the Infrastructure to Help the Church You Want to Become Thrive
37:35​) 9. Create a Multicultural Worship Experience
39:45​) 10. Talk About Racism, Classism and the Injustices in the World in Meaningful Ways and Work to End These Unjust Constructs
45:10​) 11. Understand That Unitarian Universalism is a Theology, Not Culture.
53:45​) Wrapping up!

β€’Β  Due to internet issues we had to use a cell phone for an internet connection. We decided to go forward as is instead of rescheduling.Β  There some resulting audio pops. Sorry for the glitch.Β  Β 

β€’ You may watch here as well as on my Unitarian Universalist Youtube Channel and Facebook Page.Β Β Β 


Listen to this interview via my podcast below. You may subscribe here and have new episodes automatically delivered to your device. Β 



Bridport Unitarians ordain new minister, Rev. Elizabeth Harley

5 November 2021 at 07:36

On Sunday 3 October, Bridport Unitarians ordained their new minister Rev. Elizabeth Harley at The Chapel In The Garden, Bridport, Dorset. Elizabeth recently completed her ministry training with Unitarian College and has served as Bridport Unitarians’ β€˜Lay Person In Charge’ for 8 years. Speaking about her ordination, Rev. Harley said:

β€œThere have been Unitarians in Bridport for over 350 years so it felt like a piece of history to be welcomed as the first Unitarian woman to be Minister at the chapel. Interestingly, there have been Unitarian women Ministers in the UK since 1904 but Bridport somehow missed out.

Ministry training with Unitarian College has been a really wonderful opportunity to deepen my faith and to get to know this congregation even better. Even during Covid we organised Zoom services but it means so much to me to have this service here in the Chapel, with so many of my family, friends and members of the congregation here to share this day with me.”

You can read about the ordination in the local newspaper, Bridport & Lyme Regis News.

The post Bridport Unitarians ordain new minister, Rev. Elizabeth Harley appeared first on The Unitarians.

Faith leaders unite to rebuke Policing Bill

27 October 2021 at 10:15
  • Letter signed by Board of Deputies of British Jews, Muslim Council of Britain, the Church of England and others, urges government to β€˜think again.’
  • Concerns the Bill will have a β€˜chilling effect’ on aspects of practicing faith.
  • The Bill is declared β€˜unacceptable in a democratic society.’

The Unitarians have joined other religious, faith and belief groups in calling on the Government to rethink the controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, set to return to the House of Lords this week.Β 

In a scathing letter, published in The Independent and online, dozens of leaders, ranging from the Muslim Council of Britain and Board of Deputies of British Jews to the Church of England and Network of Sikh Organisations, warn of the β€˜chilling effect’ the Bill could have on β€˜millions who put their faith or belief into practice’ and declare it β€˜unacceptable in a democratic society.’

Part 3 of the Bill gives the police wide ranging powers to restrict the right to protest, including being able set noise limits. Faith leaders fear this could criminalise a range of religious activities including street preaching and chanting. There is also concern the Bill could lead to disproportionate policing on public acts of worship or prayer vigils as was the case with the Sarah Everard vigil earlier this year.

Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain, Zara Mohammed said: β€œThis Bill threatens to impinge greatly upon our rights to freedom of assembly and expression, as well as the public’s ability to hold the Government to account. It will exacerbate pre-existing disparities in policing and the criminal justice system. These inalienable rights are essential components of any functioning democratic society and must be preserved.”

The Bill passed unamended through the House of Commons despite high-profile critics including former police chiefs and former Prime Minister Theresa May who cautioned Priti Patel on the β€˜fine line between being popular and being populist.’ In the House of Lords, the Bill received widespread criticism including from Dr David Walker, the Lord Bishop of Manchester, who compared the noise from a pop concert to a campaign for injustice: β€˜Both events may cause nuisance, but it is a strange set of priorities that make it less lawful to protest than to party.’

In signing the letter, the Lord Bishop of Manchester added: β€œMuch in this Bill is both unnecessary and disproportionate. Existing laws already provide adequate remedy for when protests get out of hand, or are likely to lead to violence. This proposed legislation would also allow sweeping discretion for government ministers to define and change its interpretation to suit passing political whim. They will exercise their powers at the expense of ordinary citizens’ rights to make their voices heard. Debate will be stifled and progress prevented on some of the most important and contentious issues of the day.”

A flurry of amendments [265 to date] have been proposed for the Bill with many relating to part 4 on encampments. A national shortage of suitable sites and stopping places means Gypsies and Travellers are left with no places where they are permitted to stop. The Bill would for the first time make such activity a criminal offence and could lead to members of the Gypsy and Traveller having their home seized.

Mia Hasenson-Gross, executive director of RenΓ© Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights said: β€œThis is a critical moment for communities of faith and belief to stand together and secure our rights to public worship and protest in the face of marginalisation. We must not stay silent as our rights to protest are disregarded, and our Gypsy and Traveller friends, with whom we share a history of persecution in Europe, are criminalised and robbed of their culturally nomadic way of life.”

It is hoped that amendments are proposed and approved before the Bill returns to the House of Commons later this year.


  • David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, Church of England
  • Marie van der Zyl, President, Board of Deputies of British Jews
  • Lord Singh of Wimbledon CBE, Director, Network of Sikh Organisations UK
  • Zara Mohammed, Secretary-General, The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)
  • Jamie Cresswell, Director, Centre for Applied Buddhism
  • Rabbi Leah Jordan, Kehillah North London
  • The Right Reverend Andrew John, Bishop of Bangor and Senior Bishop of the Church in Wales, The Church in Wales
  • Paul Parker, Recording Clerk, Quakers in Britain
  • Mia Hasenson-Gross, Executive Director, RenΓ© Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights
  • Paul Rochester, General Secretary, Free Churches Group
  • Revd Clare Downing, Moderator of General Assembly, United Reformed Church
  • Elizabeth Slade, Chief Officer, General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
  • Revd Sonia Hicks, President of the Methodist Conference, Methodist Church of Britain
  • Barbara Easton Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, The Methodist Church
  • Revd Lynn Green, General Secretary, Baptist Union of Great Britain
  • Neil Thorns, Director of Advocacy and Communications, CAFOD
  • Revd Martin Burrell, Chair, Churches Network for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma (CNGTR)
  • Olivia Fuchs, Chair, Eco Dharma Network
  • Elizabeth Arif-Fear, Founder and Director, Voice of Salam
  • Sue Claydon , Chair, Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
  • Shanon Shah, Director, Faith for the Climate
  • Isobel Ingham-Barrow, Head of Policy, Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND)
  • Naomi Green, Staff, Belfast Islamic Centre
  • Raheel Mohammed, Director, Maslaha
  • Revd Dr Darrell Hannah, Chair, Operation Noah
  • Scot Bower, CEO, CSW
  • Jonathan Herbert, Reverend Canon, Church of England
  • Dr. Narapa Stephen Johnson, Buddhist Chaplain, Buddhist Healthcare Chaplaincy Trust
  • Joseph Mishan, Member of Organising group, Extinction Rebellion Buddhists
  • Graeme Hodge, CEO, All We Can & Y Care International

The post Faith leaders unite to rebuke Policing Bill appeared first on The Unitarians.

Leeds Unitarians hold refugee vigil to protest β€˜Nationality and Borders Bill’

26 October 2021 at 07:24

Local organisations in Leeds came together on Friday 22 October for a vigil and gathering at Mill Hill Unitarian Chapel in the city centre to support refugees and asylum seekers, protesting against the government’s new Nationality and Borders Bill.

Rev. Jo James, minister of Mill Hill Chapel, said: β€œThe Refugees and Asylum Seekers Conversation Club (founded in 2016 at Mill Hill Chapel and working towards safely re-starting after lockdown threw the very popular community resource into disarray) organised an β€˜Orange Heart’ event as a symbol of compassion for refugees and to oppose the government’s Nationalities and Borders Bill. Mill Hill regular Ann Callarman worked with Leeds Asylum Seekers networks to invite local officials and we were pleased that the Leader and Deputy Leader of the council and Lord Mayor Asghar Khan showed up as well as 30 plus friends and supporters including many refugees. As Liz Slade (Unitarian Chief Officer) was visiting Yorkshire Unitarians this week, she was delighted to join us too. Events like this serve to demonstrate compassion, support and solidarity as well as strengthen individual links and community resilience.”

Volunteer at Leeds Conversation Club and organiser of Friday’s gathering Dot Reed said: β€œVolunteers at Conversation Club regularly see the misery caused by the Home Office’s current self-declared β€˜hostile environment’. We see people living in limbo, sometimes for years on end, unable to work or contribute to society, living in constant fear of deportation back to their countries, from which they fled in fear of their lives.

This Bill’s aim is to make life even harsher for these unfortunate people, including criminalising them simply for the way they arrive in the UK, when often they have no choice. It is inhumane and goes completely against the values of this country.”

You can read more about the event in the Yorkshire Evening Post here.

You can view more photos from the event here.

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Welcoming our new Congregational Connections Lead, Lizzie Kingston Harrison

19 October 2021 at 06:38

We are delighted to welcome Lizzie Kingston Harrison to the General Assembly staff team, in the role of Congregational Connections Lead.

Lizzie will be connecting with individuals and congregations across our movement to help share knowledge and experience, so that more people can benefit from the good practices and innovations that have been developed locally, building on the work done by the previous Congregational Connections Lead, Rev. Bob Janis-Dillon.

Lizzie loves building authentic and meaningful connections with people and creating spaces where ideas can be shared freely and creatively. She cares deeply about Unitarian principles and left her career in teaching to contribute to this loving and vibrant community. Her role is to find new ways to connect our congregations so that we can share resources, serve our communities, and inspire each other. Lizzie’s doctoral thesis is on the eighteenth-century Unitarian dissenter Joseph Priestley, and she has a deep respect for the radical and liberal values on which the movement is founded. Lizzie grew up in Norwich and now lives in Suffolk with her husband and daughters. The beautiful coastal countryside and the grounded and welcoming community at Framlingham Unitarian Meeting House have helped her to find a spiritual home.

Lizzie said: β€œI am delighted to be the new Congregational Connections Lead and to serve our loving, free-thinking, and inclusive community.Β My research on the origins of UnitarianismΒ gave meΒ insight into the principles on which the movement is founded and whenΒ I started attending services, I was excited to find that those values live on in a compassionate and vibrant way.Β In this new role,Β IΒ amΒ so gladΒ to haveΒ theΒ opportunity to buildΒ freshΒ and dynamic connectionsΒ and create new ways for us to share ideas and inspiration.Β Β I am keen to listen and hear your priorities for congregational connection so if you would like to get in touch, please email me.β€œ

Find out more about our staff team here.

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Hampstead Unitarian minister calls for more same-sex religious weddings

15 October 2021 at 07:01

Rev Kate Dean of Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, Hampstead, appeared in the Camden New Journal recently to highlight the lack of options in the borough for same sex couples who wish to have a spiritual or religious marriage ceremony. Just 4 out of 86 non-conformist churches in Camden offer same-sex weddings.

β€œIt is so difficult to find places that will allow same-sex couples who want to express their love for each other in a religious setting… In such a diverse borough, it may be that LGBTQ couples do not realise the opportunities that some churches offer” – Rev. Kate Dean

Read the full article which appeared on 30 September 2021.

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Two new ministers from Oxford

6 October 2021 at 10:00

Photo: Rev. Michael Allured, Rev. Alex Bradley (Tutor) & Rev. Robin Hanford

This year, two students have completed their training at Harris Manchester College, Oxford, and been accepted onto the Roll of Ministers. Rev. Michael Allured and Rev. Robin Hanford had their Valediction Service at the College’s chapel in June, with a small congregation of tutors, family and friends present in line with covid-19 guidance. Now, Michael and Robin share some of their feelings about completing their training during the pandemic and their future ministries:

Rev. Michael Allured said:

β€œI am honoured to become a Unitarian minister and proud to join my husband Feargus on the GA ministerial Roll. Thanks to him and everyone who has encouraged and supported me on a journey that began at Golders Green Unitarians in 1989. To be a minister of religion is a tremendous privilege and I’m deeply conscious of the responsibility that this role carries.Β I shall do all I can to live up to that honour in the coming years as I walk alongside fellow pilgrims in times of joy and sorrow. May we encourage each other in our continuing explorations and attempts to make sense of life’s ultimate questions and what we are called to do for each other and for this precious and fragile world. It was joyful to share my valedictory service at Harris Manchester College, Oxford Β with Rev. Robin Hanford. Robin and I spent a year training together and I missed not joining him for his second year. So although I graduated in 2020 the 12 month wait for my valedictory service because of Covid-19 Β was worth it to celebrate in person with Robin and his family.”

Rev. Robin Hanford said: β€œThe last few years have been something of a whirlwind! I can still remember my interview at Harris Manchester College, and that feeling of euphoria when I was told that I had been accepted to train for ministry in the Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. In fact, it feels like it was only yesterday! That said, a lot of training has been crammed into two years. Training for ministry while living in Harris Manchester College and studying for a University of Oxford Postgraduate Diploma and being President of the college’s Middle Common Room was a very busy but ever such a special and rewarding experience. One of the things I believe to be harder than training for ministry during a pandemic must be training a minister during a global pandemic! I owe huge thanks to all at Harris Manchester College for their support. I am also hugely grateful to the Oxford Unitarian congregation who could not have been more supportive of my student pastorate with them. Sharing a valediction service with Rev. Michael Allured was a very moving experience. Michael has been a huge source of support for me throughout my training. I know that we will continue to support each other as Ministers of Religion as much as we did when we were students.β€œ
Congratulations Michael and Robin and all the best for your future ministries!

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Chief Officer discusses assisted dying with medical and faith leaders

6 October 2021 at 09:27

Unitarian Chief Officer Liz Slade has taken part in an online conversation about assisted dying, hosted by Tim Wyatt for Religion Media Centre, with Rabbi Jonathan Romain, founder of Dignity in Dying, Dr Sarah Foot from theΒ Christian Medical Fellowship, and Dr Hina ShahidΒ from the Muslim Doctors Association.

The Unitarian movementΒ votedΒ in 2013 on the issue of assisted dying. In our recognition of the worth and the dignity of all people and their freedom to believe as their consciences dictate, members voted to support the principle that individuals should have the right to seek support for assisted dying in certain circumstances, and that legislation should respect this choice and allow them compassionate assistance without fear of prosecution of anyone involved. Many Unitarians are passionately in favour of a change in the law, while recognising the need to allow a diversity of voices to be considered on this important moral issue.Β In June 2021, we welcomed the launch of new Religious Alliance for Dignity in Dying.

You can watch the video in full here.

Make your voice heard during the Second Reading of the Assisted Dying Bill by joining this demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament.

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Ipswich Unitarians celebrate reopening of historic Meeting House

5 October 2021 at 11:24

Ipswich Unitarians held a celebration on Saturday 25 September to mark the reopening of Ipswich Meeting House, one of the oldest non-conformist chapels in the country, after the completion of a huge renovation project supported by English Heritage costing Β£750,000.

Tessa Forsdike, the secretary of the trustees of the Meeting House, said the restoration work should guarantee the future of the building for at least the next 100 years. She said: β€œThis is a very important day for us. It gives us the chance to show off what has happened here and show what makes this such a special place.”

You can watch a video of the celebratory events here.

You can find out more about the renovation project here.

You can read more about this story in the local press here.

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Hale Chapel becomes 100th Unitarian church to register for same-sex weddings

1 October 2021 at 09:45

We are delighted to have reached an important milestone as Hale Chapel in Hale Barns, Cheshire, becomes the 100th Unitarian place of worship to register to conduct same-sex marriage ceremonies. The chapel’s minister Rev. Jeff Gould conducted their first same-sex wedding in August.

Reflecting on the day, Rev. Gould said: β€œThe congregation of Hale Chapel was delighted to host its first same-sex wedding in the middle of this past August. The couple who celebrated their marriage at the chapel had recently moved into a house that adjoins the chapel’s garden and cemetery. Β Their research revealed that a Unitarian house of worship would be the ideal venue for their inter-faith wedding, as one partner is Christian and the other is Jewish. I was delighted to officiate at a ceremony that involved elements of both religious traditions. The congregation is grateful that their first same-sex wedding couple will have a continuing relationship with the chapel, and look forward to welcoming other couples whose profiles reflect the diversity and richness of the local community.”

Unitarians have long supportedΒ lesbian,Β gay, bisexual and transgender rights, and we are proud to provide marriage ceremonies for all couples. In fact, we were one of the the first churches to offer same-sex marriages. Find out more here.

The post Hale Chapel becomes 100th Unitarian church to register for same-sex weddings appeared first on The Unitarians.

Cotswolds Unitarians help deliver peace education to local schoolchildren

22 September 2021 at 07:05

Cotswolds Unitarians are supporting Active Peace Education in local schools, organised by Malvern Quakers. Rosemary Webb (pictured), who co-leads local Unitarian youth group the Malvern Transformers, is delivering the sessions β€˜Rights for Kids’, β€˜Six Hours to Change the World’ and β€˜All Are Welcome’ in local schools, together with Quaker educators. Click here to find out more here.

Photo: Bosbury Primary School

The post Cotswolds Unitarians help deliver peace education to local schoolchildren appeared first on The Unitarians.

Blogging @ UCCN

9 November 2013 at 12:13
By: Diane
Led by Louise Rogers, a group of UCCN-ers chose to start blogging. Β In Louise's words, this is what we've been doing during the blogging workshop. Β And there may soon be a few more blogs out there.

What is a blog?

Blogs, or Web logs, are online journals that are updated frequently, sometimes even daily. An update, (also called an entry or a post) is usually quite short, perhaps just a few sentences, and readers can often respond to an entry online. People who write blogs are commonly called bloggers. Bloggers, tongue in cheek, call themselves and their blogs the blogosphere.

The difference between a blog and a website
Decide on a topicΒ 
Personal profile
Viewing Unitarian blogsΒ 

What do people like about some of these blogs?

  • Snappy title
  • A title that is understood and if not, an accessible explanation for the title
  • Visually attractive, not too busy, no strong image under the writing, not to detract from the writing. If images attached to posts they should be attractive - copyright-free from Β http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page and http://creativecommons.org/Β 
  • Style - not too much jargon and complex language, accessible style. An open and honest approach, not being too dogmatic.
  • Short pieces like poems which invite the reader to think.

What people don’t like

  • To many visuals, too busy, image beneath the text
  • Posts are too long
  • Too many bees in their bonnets
  • Too much political and religious ranting
  • Overly complex language, jargon and abbreviations that are not common (OK to use common abbreviations like OK and BBC)
  • Too long - not the place for sermons - consider setting up a personal website


  • Confidentiality, writing about other people
  • Archiving blogs which are not being added toΒ 

For own blog

  • Who is the audience?
  • What do they want to know/what do you want to tell them? Information? Advice? Personal stories?
  • How do they want this - words, pictures, podcasts, video?
  • How often will you blog? Once a week? Once a month?
  • How long will each post be?
  • Will you allow comments and will you respond to these?

Blog and blogposts

  • Your blog will have a title
  • Each post will have a title - titles should offer a benefit, promise news or arouse curiosity.
  • Do not have long, dense paragraphs
  • Perhaps have sub-headings?
  • Bulleted lists
  • Can use contractions like don’t and can’t - this is not an English exam
  • Have an easy style
  • Use the word β€˜you’ rather than β€˜we’
  • Explore different blog hosting services

Setting up a blogΒ 

  • Google account. To get to your blog sign into your Google account, search fro blogger and your sites will become visible.
  • Privacy setting
  • Lay-out, including gadgets
  • Design
  • Adding content - need to save it but until it is published it will not be viewed
  • Copyright issues
  • Links - use a gadget
  • Polls - use a gadget
  • Email new post alert - gadget
  • Time zone - language and formatting under Settings
  • Can write a post and set the time and date when it will be publishedΒ 
  • Labels for pages - determine which labels you want and list them under post settingsΒ 

Promoting your blog

  • Linking to other sites e.g. UCCN, local congregation, districts
  • Asking sites to link to your blog - as above
  • Facebook and Twitter - can link via Blogger

New book on 18th century dissent

18 October 2012 at 15:20
By: Yewtree

OUT NOW from John IssittΒ A new novel, Agents of Reason, by John Issitt, explores the life of Jeremiah Joyce, a dissenting minister in the 1790s.

Jeremiah was a London radical. He and his associates gave themselves to the cause of freedom - a cause that was always dangerous and compromised.

When the Bastille fell in 1789, English radicals like Jeremiah saw the promise of freedom, but by early 1793 the French Revolution had turned into madness as Robespierre and the guillotine had produced a blood-bath.

In England the fear that the revolution might spread across the channel provoked reactionary responses and the years of William Pitt’s terror began. Radicals were hunted down. Some found themselves in Botany Bay, others charged with sedition or treason, languishing in Newgate and the Tower.

A simple guide to social media

27 July 2012 at 08:15
By: Yewtree
How to market your brand / book / website on social media:

Set up a Facebook page and/or group where you will post regular news items (from your site and those of other relevant sites). Attract attention to it by posting it in other related Facebook groups (search in Groups for related keywords for your topic). Keep it updated regularly.

Set up a Twitter feed where you will post regular news items (from your site and those of other relevant sites). Attract attention to it by following other similar Twitter accounts (search for related keywords for your topic) and retweet and reply to their tweets. Keep it updated regularly.

Set up a blog where you will post regular blogposts about topical items in your subject area. Attract attention to it by adding other similar blogs to your blogroll (search for related keywords for your topic) and post comments on their blogs. Keep it updated regularly.

If you don't "get" Twitter, there's a remarkably succinct and clear summary of what it is and how it works in today's verdict on the Twitter joke trial. (PDF)

Using HootSuiteΒ (a paid service), you can also automatically send your blogposts to Twitter and Facebook.

Recommended reading

9 January 2012 at 16:29
By: Yewtree

You can buy some of these from the UK Unitarian website.

Unitarian Engagement Groups and Small Group MinistryΒ 

Unitarian Engagement Groups - How to start and facilitate groups

Unitarian ChristianityΒ 

Unitarian Earth SpiritΒ 

Press coverage of same-sex marriage campaign

5 October 2011 at 12:02
By: Yewtree
Scottish Unitarians participated in a press conference at the offices of the Scottish Youth Parliament in Edinburgh. The Scottish Youth Parliament has been campaigning alongside the Equality Network, LGBT Youth and NUS LGBT Campaign for marriage equality. Leaders and representatives from the Quakers, Liberal Judaism, Unitarians, Metropolitan Community Church and Pagan Federation want the law changed to allow them to preside over same-sex marriages. A 14-week consultation asks if marriage in Scotland should be allowed for homosexual people through a civil or religious ceremony.

Derek McAuley

Sound systems for churches

28 September 2011 at 10:51
By: Yewtree
I recently spotted this article,Β Sound Systems for Better Sunday WorshipΒ in UU World and notice that Oldham Unitarians have just installed a video screen.

I thought it would be a good idea to improve sound systems in our chapels and churches, so I asked if there was a fund to support this.

Apparently the Millennium Fund is still in existence and could be a source of funding support. It does cover β€œfittings, furniture and equipment following developmental work eg audio loop systems” Any congregation interested in making an application should contact Derek McAuley.

UUCF on Facebook

22 September 2011 at 09:58
By: Yewtree
TheΒ UnitarianΒ Universalist Christian Fellowship now has a Facebook page.

It's a great idea to have a Facebook page or group for your affinity group or society - that way, members can link together; you can raise awareness of your group and the issues you care about.

I'm a member of the CUUPs group (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) on Facebook, and it has some quite active discussion topics.

Because people see things in the Facebook feed, having a Facebook page boosts the numbers who are interested in your group - but only if you post things (comments and articles) regularly on your wall.

Find out more aboutΒ UnitarianΒ societies and UU societies.

Welsh Unitarian Chapels open for European Heritage Days

8 September 2011 at 06:21
By: Yewtree
Hen DΕ· Cwrdd, Alma Street, Trecynon, Aberdare
10 Sep 10am talk and walk around three sites in Trecynon

Hen DΕ· Cwrdd Unitarian Chapel, Cefn Coed y Cymer
10 Sep, 2pm-4.30pm; 11 Sep, 2.30pm-7pm (service, 6pm)

Yr Hen Gapel, Llwynrhydowen, Llandysul, Ceredigion
18 Sep 3pm-6pm (talks and choir; refreshments at Alltyrodyn Arms)

More details and photos of the Welsh churches

Introduction to social media

18 August 2011 at 05:48
By: Yewtree
Report by Sue Woolley

Lifespan Religious Education Conference 2011
Star Island, New Hampshire, 16 – 23 July 2011
Report on Social Media Workshop by Sue Woolley

Thanks to the generosity of the Manchester Academy Trust and the Hibbert Trust, I was able to attend this conference. The basic structure of our own Hucklow Summer School is based on this Unitarian Universalist conference, so many elements were familiar to me: the morning devotions, the daily theme talk, the compulsory morning workshops, optional afternoon activities, and lantern-lit procession to evening worship.

The morning workshop that I attended was led by the dynamic Peter Bowden, who is a β€œchurch growth consultant and Unitarian Universalist change agent” (to quote himself) who has dedicated his life to helping UU congregations to understand social media and to use them effectively. His blog (which is well worth looking at) is UU growth. I am writing the workshop up without much comment, as the things he was telling us are just as relevant to Unitarian congregations in the UK as to UU congregations in the US, if not more so.

Read the rest of the report β†’

Reasonable contrast on web pages

8 August 2011 at 08:25
By: Yewtree
For accessibility reasons, it's best to have high contrast text on a non-patterned background.

However, if you must have a fancy background, or you need a widget to turn off the styling of other people's sites, here's a neat bookmarklet that you can drag to your browser toolbar.

B on W

(via 456 Berea Street)

There are also browser add-ons for accessibility that you can get to help you test the contrast of a page.

How to add a favicon to your blog

12 July 2011 at 05:15
By: Yewtree
What's a favicon?
In some browsers, it appears before the web address in the address bar; in others, it appears on the tab where your blog is displayed. It also appears next to the name of your blog if it is listed in someone else's blog-roll.

Making your favicon
You will need a graphics package such as Gimp to do this.

  1. Find or create a square image - usually your logo.Β 
  2. Reduce it in size to 16 by 16 pixels.
Adding your favicon
  1. Go to the design view in your blog (click on design at the top right)
  2. Just underneath the heading "Add and arrange page elements" it says "favicon".Β 
  3. Click on the edit link next to favicon
  4. Upload your newly-created square 16 x 16 image

Darling Buds

11 July 2011 at 17:14
By: Yewtree
Darling Buds is the blog of Nelly Hench, from Octagon Unitarian Chapel in Norwich. She blogs about life, spirituality, home education, church services and much more. She is also a fan of Julian of Norwich, it seems.

Sound Systems

11 July 2011 at 08:06
By: Yewtree
Just saw this article in UU World: Sound Systems for Better Sunday Worship

It makes some good points about why proper sound and video systems help with a sense of community and inclusion.

LGBTQI Unitarians

4 July 2011 at 02:13
By: Yewtree
Rainbow, the group for LGBTQI Unitarians, now has a website. It explains why there is a need for such a group, lists forthcoming events, and has a resources page with links to similar groups.

It's great to see this group, though I hope it will soon become a national organisation, as there are LGBTQI people in other regions than London and the South-East. However, they do welcome people from other districts.

Of course, there's nothing to stop LGBTQI people in other districts starting their own groups.

The Gospel and the Zodiac

1 July 2011 at 09:21
By: Yewtree
Oldham Unitarian Chapel

SaturdayΒ 9thΒ July, 10.30 a.m. till 3.15 p.m.

Speaker and author: Rev. Bill Darlison, will talk about his book, The Gospel and the Zodiac.

In The Gospel and the Zodiac, Unitarian minister Bill Darlison demonstrates that the Gospel of Mark - considered the primary document of Christianity - is deliberately structured around the signs of the zodiac. Darlison argues that the Gospel was originally an esoteric rather than a historical text, and that its stories were never intended to be interpreted in a literal sense. Rather, they are dramatic representations of stages in spiritual development, and repositories of arcane wisdom.

Light lunch and refreshments available.

All are welcome!

Ring to reserve your place: 0161 339 6740 (preferred) or just turn up.

Location: King Street / Connaught Street, Oldham, OL8 1EB


10 am arrive for coffee / tea

10.30 am presentation The Gospel and the Zodiac

12.30 pm lunch

Afternoon Session

1.30 pm The Gospel and the Zodiac

2.45 pm questions and discussion

3.15 pm coffee / tea


If you could bring a copy of the Bible for reference to Mark's gospel it would be helpful to you.

Register for this event

Lesbian and Gay Foundation Faithbook

29 June 2011 at 10:39
By: Yewtree
The Lesbian and Gay Foundation have produced a booklet on faith and LGBT, wittily entitled Faithbook.

I was disappointed to see that it does not have a section on Unitarians, just a brief mention on page 43 in the listings section - and we are listed under Christian, which is not entirely accurate. This is a bit sad when we have been LGBT-welcoming since 1970.

Nor is there a section on the Metropolitan Community Church - which is weird when they are a major LGBT church.

I was glad to see it included Wicca (but why no other Pagan traditions?).

New Google tool - what do you love?

29 June 2011 at 06:03
By: Yewtree
What do you love? brings together a variety of Google tools in one place to provide comprehensive information about a topic.

I tried it with the search term Unitarians and it works quite well.

Oldham Unitarians Launch Campaign for Aslyum Seekers

22 June 2011 at 11:37
By: Yewtree
Oldham Unitarians

Members of Oldham Unitarian Chapel have launched a campaign to stop the deportation of two asylum seekers who are currently destitute and fear the consequences of being sent back to their own country.

The launch took place at 12pm on June 12th following the Sunday morning service and included a photo opportunity

The two refugees are: Abdoulaye Diabate from the Ivory Coast and Taha Ghasemi from Iran.

Abdoulaye fled the Ivory Coast after experiencing imprisonment and torture in 2006. His sister was caught up in the violence and raped. He does not know if she is still alive.

Taha Ghasemi is a member of the Kurdish Democratic Party who arrived in the United Kingdom in September 2006 following his imprisonment and torture at the hands of Iranian police and the security forces. As a known supporter of the Kurdish cause in Iran he faces immediate arrest and imprisonment should he be returned to Iran.

The campaign for Abdoulaye and Taha will include petitions, letters to MPs and other activities.

Both Abdoulaye and Taha are regular visitors to the Welcome Project sponsored by Oldham Unity. This voluntary support service for destitute asylum seekers takes place every Thursday at Oldham Baptist Church.

A social event for asylum seekers and their families takes place at Oldham Unitarian Chapel on the last Saturday of each month.

Media Links

Bob Pounder

Source: GA Uni-News

A questioning blog

14 June 2011 at 12:32
By: Yewtree
Rev Gill from Rochdale has started a blog called Living in the Question. The name comes from a quote from Rainer Maria Rilke:
'I want to beg you, as much as I can . . . to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves. . . . Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.' -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

I always enjoy reading her pieces in the Rochdale church newsletter, so I am sure that her blog will be equally full of gems!

The title also reminds me of the character George in Room with a View by E M Forster, who paints a question mark on the door of his room. And of the quip about Unitarianism being the religion where all your answers are questioned!

Religious civil partnership consultation

9 June 2011 at 12:38
By: Yewtree
Derek McAuley, Chief Officer, writes in the latest issue of GA Uni-News:
The deadline for responses to the Government's consultation paper on civil partnerships on religious premises is 23rd June 2011 and I would urge any congregation or individual wishing to respond to do so by this date.

It is important, even at this stage in the legislative process, for our views to be heard. I shall be submitting a response on behalf of the General Assembly based on our agreed position and general principles of freedom and equality but others will be most welcome.

I had the opportunity to meet with the civil servant conducting the consultation and we talked about the need to ensure that any proposals are practical and can be easily implemented. I indicated that I thought the cost of registration of Β£1500 for three years was excessive and that the comparison with secular commercial venues was invidious. We do not have the option of recouping the fee from sales of food and alcohol! Indicating the reality of finance for congregations may be useful in this debate.

I have recently also spoken to Stonewall, the organisation who worked closely with Lord Alli to secure the amendment to the Equality Bill to permit religious premises to be registered for civil partnerships. The support that we, with the Quakers and Liberal Jews, gave to the amendment proved very persuasive to parliamentarians in the free votes on this measure. Hopefully my views will influence their response.

We must ensure that this measure is implemented in a way that is effective and practical for our congregations. It is hoped that registrations can begin later this year.

Respond to the consultation paper

Derek McAuley, Chief OfficerΒ 

New church websites

9 June 2011 at 12:30
By: Yewtree
Congratulations to the following churches and chapels who now have shiny new websites.

The complexity of marriage law

6 June 2011 at 09:27
By: Yewtree
The subject of marriage and what is legal and what is not is getting increasingly more confusing, especially since a Liberal Jewish synagogue was in the news recently for performing a same-sex marriage (which is recognised by Liberal Judaism but not by the state). Apparently Scotland is just about to begin a process of consultation about same-sex marriage. So here's a list of what is and is not currently legal:

Legal (permitted by law and recognised by the state):
  • Opposite-sex church weddings (couple legally married and registered)
  • Same-sex civil partnerships in a register officeΒ / registered premises for weddings
  • Opposite-sex marriages in a register officeΒ / registered premises for weddings
The law allows, but there's no mechanism for implementing:
  • Religious civil partnerships (civil partnership ceremonies in a religious building)
Not forbidden by law, but not recognised by the state
  • same-sex blessings in a church / synagogue
  • same-sex marriages in a church / synagogue where the marriage is recognised by the church / synagogue Β but not by the state
  • Pagan handfastings (weddings) in England & Wales - both same and opposite sex
  • Pagan same-sex handfastings in Scotland
  • Blessings of polyamorous relationships
Illegal (not permitted by law):
  • Same-sex church weddings (couple legally married and registered)
  • Opposite-sex civil partnerships in a register officeΒ / registered premises for weddings
  • Same-sex marriages in a register officeΒ / registered premises for weddings
  • Marrying more than one person
Another difficulty is that if aΒ transsexualΒ married to a person of the opposite sex to their original sex wants to change their birth certificate to reflect their new sex, they would have to divorce their partner (whereas if same sex marriage were legal, they could stay married).

Legal (permitted by law and recognised by the state) in Scotland only:
  • Pagan opposite-sex handfastings where the celebrant says the required form of words (the same as for all other legal weddings)
Have I missed anything?

Systems for the hard of hearing

4 June 2011 at 13:10
By: Yewtree
If your chapel or church does not have a proper system for users of hearing aids, or needs to replace its existing one, the best place to go for advice is the RNID, who have a team of researchers reviewing products for deaf and hard of hearing people, including loop systems.

Bill Darlison on Walt Whitman

3 June 2011 at 15:18
By: Yewtree
Walt Whitman
Bolton Unitarians have a video of Rev BillΒ DarlisonΒ talking about Walt Whitman - excellent. They also have videos of Stephen Lingwood's sermons, which are always excellent (he posts them on his blog Reignite too).

Walt Whitman (whilst not a Unitarian) was a key figure in the Transcendentalist movement, which emerged from 19th century Unitarianism.

He was a complex person, believing in the abolition of slavery but disliking the abolitionist movement for its extreme methods, and not believing that African Americans should have the vote.

He is chiefly remembered for his rhythmic poetry, which influenced later poets like Allen Ginsberg, and for his free and celebratory attitude to sexuality, both gay and straight.

By watching the video, you can also find out the connection between Walt Whitman and Bolton.

Compassion and the future of our world

2 June 2011 at 04:22
By: Yewtree
1.00 – 3:30 pm,Β 2 July 2011

Golders Green Unitarian Church
31 Β½ Hoop Lane, London NW11 8BS

The World Congress of Faiths looks forward to having Karen Armstrong as ourΒ speaker at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, 28 St. Johns Wood Road, London, onΒ the evening of 7 December, 2011.

As a preparatory event, we are co-hosting an afternoon on Karen ArmstrongΒ and the Charter for Compassion, 1.00 -3:30 pm, Saturday, 2 July. AΒ representative of the Charter for Compassion is invited to a panel discussingΒ the Β charter.

The programme will open with a worship service at 1 pm led by the Rev.Β Feargus O’Connor.

Rev. Richard Boeke, Chair of the British Chapter of theΒ International Association for Religious FreedomΒ will give a sermon entitled The freedom to be compassionate, drawing on words of Martin Luther King, Jr, β€œI cannot affordΒ the luxury of hate.” The panel will follow about 2 pm.

How would you apply Karen Armstrong’s book, Twelve Steps to Compassion, inΒ your life? Should there be any additions to the Charter such asΒ recommended in this 12 May 2011 resolution of the British Chapter of the IARF:

The Chapter Endorses theΒ Charter for CompassionΒ and Karen Armstrong's book,Β Twelve Steps to CompassionΒ with the recommendation that there be anΒ additional paragraph on "Compassion for Nature."
The story is told that after God gave Moses Ten Commandments, God realizedΒ the need for the 11th Commandment. β€œListen.” In like manner, theΒ Charter for Compassion is not complete without compassion for theΒ interdependent web of which we are a part. The Charter for Compassion isΒ largely drawn from the Abrahamic Traditions. The β€œReverence for Nature” ofΒ the great Eastern Traditions is the great background to all humanΒ compassion. In those mystical moments when we are one with the All,Β we find again the β€œbasic trust” which is the heart of compassion.

Unitarian heritage

30 May 2011 at 08:05
By: Yewtree

Unitarian heritage in London

Pulse magazine has a page about a Unitarian heritage trail in London, which could do with postcodes and Google Maps to make it easier to find the places mentioned; but it's a good article. Sadly the photos which seem to have featured in the original article are not included on the web-page. Β The trail includes Newington Green Church, Stratford Church, Hampstead, Bethnal Green Church, Richmond Church, Golders Green Church, Islington, Croydon Unitarian Church, Brixton Church, Lewisham, Kensington, Hackney, the Gravel Pit, the Priestley plaque and statue, Bishopsgate Chapel, Lindsey's Essex Street Chapel, Blackfriars, Stamford Street, South Place Chapel, Conway Hall, Stepney College Chapel, Dingley Place Mission, Putney Church, and Bunhill Fields Cemetery (the Dissenters' burying ground).

AΒ VindicationΒ of the Rights of Mary has a series of posts about places associated with Mary Wollstonecraft, mostly around Newington Green, where she attended the Unitarian church where Richard Price was minister. There is also a campaign to get a statue of Mary Wollstonecraft on Newington Green, called Mary on the Green.

Unitarian churches in Wales

There's an excellent Unitarian trail with a tour around the Black Spot (Y Smotyn Du), so called because there was such a concentration of Unitarian churches on the map that they formed a single blob.

Unitarian churches in England

Wikipedia has a list of pages about Unitarian churches in England, including:

Humanism's links with Unitarianism

The Humanist heritage website has a list of some Unitarian landmarks and people (mostly those which were connected with the early history of Humanism).

William Johnson FoxΒ (1786-1864)
William Johnson Fox was a religious and political orator, born near Southwold, Suffolk.
He was trained for the Independent ministry, at Homerton College (then in London). He later seceded to the Unitarians, and in 1817 Fox became minister of a nonconformist congregation which subsequently went on to become the non-religious South Place Ethical Society.

Conway Hall, London
Conway Hall at at 37 Red Lion Square, Bloomsbury, is the home of the South Place Ethical Society and today is a landmark of London’s independent intellectual, political and cultural life.

Leicester Secular Society
By tradition the Leicester Secular Society dates its formation to 1851, although an earlier β€œRational Society” branch is mentioned in No.9 of The Movement edited by G. J. Holyoake dated February 10th 1844.

Moncure Daniel Conway
(17 March 1832 – 15 November 1907)
Moncure Daniel Conway was an American abolitionist, Unitarian clergyman, and author.

Ullet Road Unitarian Chapel, Liverpool
The Ullet Road Unitarian Chapel is known as the English β€˜cathedral of Unitarianism’. It was built between 1896 and 1898 to a design by the Unitarian architect Thomas Worthington and his son Percy.
Although founded as a non-conformist Christian faith, Unitarianism has historically been characterised by a rationalist and individualist approach to spirituality, which encompasses diverse religious views. In its anti-dogmatism, it has come to include atheist views, particularly under the banner of Unitarian Universalism in the twentieth century.

See also...

Pagans for Archaeology has a list of faith heritage trails

Unitarians in the arts

26 May 2011 at 13:56
By: Yewtree
There are many famous Unitarian poets and writers. Examples include:
  • Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
  • BΓ©la BartΓ³k (1881-1945)
  • e. e. cummings (1894-1962)
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
  • Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865)
  • Edith Holden (1871-1920)
  • Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)
  • Beatrix Potter (1866-1943)
  • Kurt Vonnegut
You have to be careful with lists of famous Unitarians, because sometimes they claim people who stopped being Unitarian part-way through their lives (like Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Stearns Eliot).

The Poetry Chaikhana recently featured a poem by someone who is not on the usual Unitarian lists: Edmond Bordeaux SzΓ©kely, although he was the grandson of SΓ‘ndor SzΓ©kely, a Transylvanian Unitarian bishop, who was himself a poet, and is buried in Cluj (KolozsvΓ‘r).

There are three poems by Edmond Bordeaux SzΓ©kely at the Poetry Chaikhana site:

Fantastic UU quotes resource

26 May 2011 at 09:45
By: Yewtree
Rev Naomi King has started a tumblr blog with quotes from Unitarian, Universalist, Unitarian Universalist and Brahmo Samaj sources. It's a great place to find pithy quotes for your sermon or address.

Walk of repentance for homophobia

25 May 2011 at 08:09
By: Yewtree
Symon Hill, co-director of Ekklesia (the Christian think-tank) is doing a walk of repentance from Birmingham to London as a pilgrimage of repentance for his former homophobic attitudes and beliefs.

You can help by turning up to one of his talks and events, or inviting him to stay on his route, or inviting him to speak at your church. If it's not on the route, he can still speak on the issues involved at some time after the walk.

Unitarians have been welcoming LGBT people since 1970, and welcoming LGBT ministers since 1977, but it's wonderful to see other churches doing the same. (Recently the Church of Scotland announced that it will allow LGBT ministers.)

Hopefully Symon's walk will raise awareness in all churches of the need to be inclusive and welcoming of LGBT people. LGBT people have many spiritual gifts and creative talents, so it's downright wrong to exclude us. As Desmond Tutu pointed out, this is an issue akin to apartheid.

Raymond Antrobus on Unitarians

20 May 2011 at 11:00
By: Yewtree
Raymond Antrobus recently visited Stratford Unitarians to read some of his poetry and take part in the service. He shares his experience in this moving article.

It started with a service delivered by a man called Julian.

His presence was gentle, you could feel the kindness in his heart just from the way he stood, smiled and welcomed you as a stranger without looking like he’s trying to work you out. Genuine friendliness is always refreshing when you live in a city.

Β» Read more

Why Unitarians don't make good news stories

19 May 2011 at 04:33
By: Yewtree
Ekklesia has an article on why the news always shows the bad side of religion - because "News waits for someone to embezzle or kill or seduce another in the name of God." News is essentially driven by high-profile events with negative impact. The fact that Unitarians never make this kind of news is amusingly parodied by Unitarian Jihad.

Feature-writers, on the other hand, get to explore the personal stories in religion - who knew that Southern Baptists engaged in disaster relief, for instance? Or that Wiccan efforts at charitable giving are stymied by bigoted Christians? Or that Unitarian ministers can also be Druids? (Amazing how many journalists don't know the difference between a minister and a vicar.)

If you want to get your more positive stories into the media, it's probably good to find a quirky or personal-interest angle as a hook for journalists.

Chief Officer gives evidence to Parliamentary committee

18 May 2011 at 08:11
By: Yewtree
Derek McAuley, Chief Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, has given evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee on the poor prospects for LGBT people if faith-based charities are allowed to run public services.
Faith charities delivering public services 'could increase discrimination'
By Kaye Wiggins, Third Sector Online, 16 May 2011

Contracts should be awarded only to groups that have demonstrated commitment to equality, Unitarian body warns Public Administration Select Committee

Giving more responsibility for delivering public services to local faith charities as part of the big society agenda could result in increased discrimination against marginalised groups, according to the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches.

Derek McAuley, chief officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, told Third Sector he was concerned that gay and lesbian public sector staff who were moved to local faith charities under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations might face discrimination by other staff at those charities.

His submission to the PASC says: "Non-religious people and those not seen to confirm to the dominant ethos of a religious body, such as being in an unmarried relationship or divorced and being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered, could find themselves subject to discrimination.

"Contracts should therefore only be awarded to faith-based organisations that have a public commitment to, and can demonstrate compliance with, the promotion of equality in line with the commitment of recent governments."

Derek has also written about this issue on his own blog:
The "Big Society", a policy much promoted by the Government, and built around social action, public service reform and community empowerment, needs to be inclusive. You cannot have a "Big Society" and then implicitly or explictly exclude and marginalise some groups. Unitarians have long worked to promote social justice and led many initiatives for social improvement. We have never applied religious tests to our work.

We need joined up policies. One risk is that encouraging faith groups to be more active in delivery of public services could in some cases lead to a conflict with equality and diversity policy.

New president on LGBT radio programme

3 May 2011 at 05:34
By: Yewtree

Ann Peart, as newly installed GA president, did a recorded interview yesterday evening for the LGBT programme of BBC Radio Manchester yesterday evening, and much of it was broadcast later the same evening. The interview starts at 36 minutes and lasts just over 10 minutes.
It is available until next Saturday.


2 May 2011 at 11:52
By: Yewtree
James Martineau
James Middleton (Kate Middleton's brother)


Are they by any chance related? Yes they are. James and Kate Middleton are descendants of the Martineaus, a prominent family of Unitarians.

Feed the trainee minister

29 April 2011 at 14:45
By: Yewtree
Rob MacPherson, Unitarian minister-in-training, has started a blog entitled "Will preach for food". There's a wonderful post about religion and humour, which really needed saying. It's also written in a lively and engaging style.

Tomorrow's ministry

27 April 2011 at 14:10
By: Yewtree
A presentation by Zan of Mixtape Communications given to the Unitarian Ministers' Conference.

How to promote your blog

27 April 2011 at 09:24
By: Yewtree
  1. Comment on other bloggers' posts - if your comment is interesting and polite, they might drop by to read your blog
  2. Add other blogs to your blogroll - they may return the favour (but never ask to be added to someone's blogroll, it's really tacky)
  3. Follow other bloggers and add them to your Google Reader
  4. Get yourself added to Unitarian Universalist andΒ UnitarianΒ blog aggregators
  5. Have a Twitter account, link it to HootSuite and have HootSuite update your Twitter and Facebook accounts automatically whenever you publish a new blog-post

New blogger dreams of the ocean

27 April 2011 at 09:15
By: Yewtree
Danny Crosby, minister of Queen's Road, Urmston and Dunham Road, Altrincham, has started a blog, I Dream of the Ocean. He writes eloquently and with an accessible style, so I am looking forward to reading his blog.

Earth Spirit presentation at GA

18 April 2011 at 12:43
By: Yewtree

The full text of the talk

Creative Commons Licence
From Natural Religion to Nature Religion: Pagan and Pantheist tendencies in Unitarianism by Yvonne Aburrow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Mary Wollstonecraft talk

5 April 2011 at 18:29
By: Yewtree
On Sunday 22nd May, after morning service at 11 am in the chapel of Harris Manchester College (Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TD), there will be a talk at 1 pm by Lyndall Gordon, the author of Vindication: A Life of Mary Wollstonecraft, concerning the life and times and Unitarian connections of the 18th-century feminist (wife of William Godwin, mother of Mary Shelley, and β€œthe foremother of much modern thinking about education and human rights, as well as about women's rights, female sexuality and the institution of marriage"). Please bring your own sandwich lunch; for directions to the college, consult the Chapel Society website.

Khasi Hills Unitarians have a blog

3 April 2011 at 16:08
By: Yewtree
The North East Indian Unitarian Church has a blog, maintained by H Helpme Mohrmen. It has some lovely photos of the scenery around Shillong, especially the living roots bridge, and accounts of the church's activities in the area, including pictures of a new school.

Shiny new website

4 March 2011 at 06:03
By: Yewtree
Congratulations to Bolton Unitarians on their shiny new website, which has a fresh and modern design. It also has images and videos, a forum, and a news feed.

You can check it out and leave a message in their guest book.

Coast to Coast Walk

3 March 2011 at 13:37
By: Yewtree
Two members of Upper Chapel, Sheffield, Beth Norton and Alan Walker, will be doing a coast-to-coast walk to raise money for the RNLI, NSPCC, and Royal British Legion.

You can donate at the following Just Giving pages:

One blog: doing something

2 March 2011 at 15:14
By: Yewtree
Sue Woolley has set up a new blog, "Still I am one". The title is from a quote by Edward Everett Hale, a 19th century Unitarian minister and writer.
"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
It's very exciting to see more UK Unitarian bloggers and twitterers, and I look forward to reading Sue's blog.

Another new blog

25 February 2011 at 07:22
By: Yewtree

Rev Daniel Costley, the minister of Sevenoaks Unitarians, has started a blog, and is also adding MP3 podcasts of his sermons.

So far he has blogged about Ascension Day, Harvest, Living in the Now, and Prayer.

It looks as if this will be a really interesting blog.

New Blog for Chief Officer

17 January 2011 at 04:47
By: Yewtree
The Chief Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, Derek McAuley, has started a new blog for those who want to know what the Chief Officer has been up to and get an insight into some of the issues facing the Unitarian and Free Christian denomination. Followers might even find out what inspires and occasionally shocks Derek.

Unitarian publicity: promoting an event

6 January 2011 at 19:03
By: Diane

Communication – Communication – Communication

Is your congregation/society holding a special event in 2011 or do you need to promote your organisation better? Would you like help in learning how to market this occasion or organisation, give a radio interview, write a press release and put together posters and leaflets for print and your website? If so the Unitarian Communication Coordinators’ Network (UCCN) can offer you hands on help from experts in their field.

Join us on the next UCCN Workshop Weekend 25th-27th February 2011 and learn about promoting your event or group on the radio, in the press and by using posters and leaflets.

More information on the UCCN conference website or on the event page on Facebook.

The Network has no membership or committee but has always been well supported by volunteers and those enthusiasts, from throughout the movement, who are keen to develop skills and extend networks both internally and to others on the fringes of and beyond our own movement.

Hope to see you there!

UU It Gets Better video

7 December 2010 at 06:08
By: Yewtree
UUA Presents "It Gets Better" Video

The UUA Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries recently released a video in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth, encouraging them to seek out UUism as a welcoming faith community that affirms each person's worth, regardless of race, creed, gender, or sexual orientation.

The "It Gets Better" project is a collection of videos produced by people across the globe aimed to offer hope and inspiration for LGBT teens.

Watch the video now.

R Travers Herford

6 December 2010 at 13:43
By: Yewtree
Robert Travers Herford (1860 - 1950) was a great Unitarian scholar. He entered into Jewish life and thought, and often described himself as a "Jewnitarian". He rehabilitated the reputation of the Pharisees from the hammering they get in the Gospels, and also wrote scholarly works interpreting the Torah and Talmud.

I have scanned and uploaded a PDF of the appreciation of Herford's life and workΒ which was produced after his death by H McLachlan.

Some of his books are available to view at Google Books.
The Idea of the Kingdom of God (PDF) is available from the Cambridge Unitarians website.

As can be seen from this quote (quoted by Andrew Brown), Herford regarded all faiths as divinely inspired:
"The Kingdom of God, as the rule of God in the heart, the love and service of him, and the consequent love and service of all men as children of the one Father, that is not limited by any doctrinal definitions. No one but a Christian ever did, or ever could, work for the Church. But all can work for the Kingdom of God, not Christians only but all who consciously own God, whether Christian or Jew, Mohammedan [sic] or Brahmin, or any other of those to whom God has revealed himself "by diverse portions and in diverse manners" (The Idea of the Kingdom of God, R. Travers Herford, Lindsey Press 1929 p. 13).

I am also glad to see that the plaque commemorating the fact that Robert Travers Herford lived and worked at Dr William's Library is listed at Open Plaques.

How to create a blog-roll

1 December 2010 at 15:32
By: Yewtree
Once you have created your blog, you might like to add a list of blogs that you read. This is called a blog-roll. Here's eHow's useful step-by-step guide to adding a blogroll.

In order to get to the bit where you can add a gadget, you need to click on Design at the top of your blog.

New blog

1 December 2010 at 08:18
By: Yewtree
Rev Bob Pounder, the new minister of Oldham Unitarians, has started a blog, entitled Faileth Never, and his first post is a beautiful prayer for Advent that he has written, which includes lots of Nature imagery and the idea that the Christ child is waiting to be born everywhere and in every heart (so more like a universal avatar than a particular incarnation). I look forward to reading more.

The title of the blog is presumably a quote from the hymn, The King of Love my Shepherd is, by H W Baker.

Off-putting quirks

9 November 2010 at 08:40
By: Yewtree
Andy of thoughtsON has some excellent points in a blog-post entitled It isn't welcoming if I can't figure out how to get inside.

All of these are excellent pointers for Unitarian congregations who don't want to put off newcomers by our funny quirky little habits.

Additional ones for British Unitarians to think about...

Remember to brief the visiting worship leader about what happens with the collection and the notices and the musical interludes. And bring them a glass of water and tell them where the loo is. (Most people do remember most of these, most of the time.)

If you sing the Lord's Prayer / Prayer of Jesus: not everyone knows the tune, or knows the same tune as you.

Children don't always like being sung out of the sanctuary with the same song. Go Now In Peace can get awfully samey. And don't get me started on that Rumi chant, Ours is no caravan of despair.

Please feel free to add your pet peeves in the comments!

Hoax emails

5 November 2010 at 06:39
By: Yewtree
If you receive an email warning you of a virus, a scam, or telling some incredible story or urban myth, please always search on Google to see if these are a hoax before forwarding them.

Reputable email debunking sites include:

If you get an email warning of a virus, check at:

These are some of the hoax emails that I have received recently, all false (some dangerously so), all forwarded by well-meaning people. Please do a search to check if it's true before forwarding these things.

Completely false:

True once, but five years out of date:
These were true but out of date, as the scams were shut down in 2005:

Mixture of true and false information:
This one sounds plausible but is a mixture of true and false information:

True, but crucial information omitted:
This one was true, but the email missed out some really important steps in the process and both sexes suffer from atypical heart attacks, so both men and women should be alert:

What is a Unitarian?

27 October 2010 at 07:52
By: Yewtree
About 15 Unitarians share what Unitarianism means to them and how they came to be one.

Bob Pounder's induction

What is a Unitarian? (1)

What is a Unitarian? (2)

How to create a blog

19 September 2010 at 14:53
By: Yewtree
Here's a video from Blogger about how to set up a blog.

How to use a URL shortener

12 September 2010 at 14:49
By: Yewtree

Web addresses (URLs) can be very long, and if you are pasting them into an email, Twitter, or printing them in your newsletter, it's better to use a URL shortener. This creates a much shorter version of the web address, which redirects to the long version. This saves space in Twitter, prevents the problem of URLs breaking when they are wrapped round to the next line in emails, and saves your newsletter readers from typing out the long version.

Upper Chapel, Sheffield

6 September 2010 at 14:45
By: Yewtree
Upper Chapel, Sheffield has a lovely courtyard that is used by members of the public wishing to sit in peaceful surroundings to rest, eat their lunch or use as a short cut to the city centre shops. The chapel has three static notice boards used to attract the attention of people passing by. However, the chance find of a discarded A Board by our resourceful caretaker has opened up other possibilities. This is now used to grab the interest of people either walking through or sitting in the courtyard. Displayed in these pictures are two of the recently advertised poster set available from Essex Hall. Perfect for getting people to stop and stare. A boards are great adaptable publicity aids. They can hold posters showing who Unitarians are, advertise forthcoming chapel events, showcase what the congregation stands for, display photos and other material about what has been taking place in the building etc. The opportunities are as endless as the collective imagination of your congregation.

Marion Baker

UK Unitarian Blog Aggregator

27 July 2010 at 15:35
By: Yewtree
I have just created a Yahoo Pipe which pulls together content from UK Unitarian blogs (I can't figure out how to get the blog name and author in there, as they don't appear to be stored in the blogpost bit of the RSS feeds) but it does at least only take an excerpt of the post, and then you click through to the original blogpost). If you go to the Pipe page, you can get a badge for your blog or website which pulls in the latest posts from UK Unitarian blogs. Click on the "Get a Badge" link and follow the steps in the popup.

There is now a page on this blog dedicated to blogposts from UK Unitarian bloggers, as well as links to them on the sidebar on the right.

Two new blogs

27 July 2010 at 08:27
By: Yewtree
Louise, who is secretary of Newcastle-under-Lyme Meeting House, has started two new blogs, Developing Spiritual Community and Governance for Unitarians.

On Developing Spiritual Community, she writes:
This blog has started from my desire to see the development of Unitarian communities in the UK. Many of the approaches that have been suggested recently take a marketing approach where Unitarianism is a product and if we only marketed it differently we would 'sell' more of it. The model adopted in this blog is one which sees local Unitarian communities as just that - communities - which most community members are committed to developing.

On Governance for Unitarians, she writes:
This blog is born out of a desire to make a positive contribution to UK Unitarians' continued discussions (or not) about how good governance works and to offer some hints and wrinkles about how to make it work for Unitarian communities wherever they are, however big or small.

Growth scheme

19 July 2010 at 06:51
By: Yewtree
Andy Pakula's Growth Scheme is now endorsed by the GA and available on the Unitarian web site. Check it out and see what you could do to remove barriers to growth.

Probably the least obvious barrier is the desire to grow without knowing why you want to grow. If it's just to get "bums on pews" that's not enough. It has to be because you want to include others in your beloved community and share the freedom you have found. You have to put your own house in order and deepen the spiritual life of your community before you can get others to join it. You have to care about an issue that's unrelated to growth, and inspire others to join you in your quest for social and environmental justice. And you have to communicate your enthusiasm to others, using all the media available to you (both online and print).

Jargon busting

15 July 2010 at 12:36
By: Yewtree
I was delighted to see that the Unitarian website now has a jargon-busting page, which explains the jargon and acronyms in use among Unitarians. Perhaps it could form the basis of a quiz!

HTML 5 - new semantic elements

23 June 2010 at 10:05
By: Yewtree
I was asked to create a presentation at work on an aspect of the new HTML 5 specification, so I decided to investigate the new semantic elements in HTML5, which allow developers to structure documents for parsing by other applications. Particularly useful in this respect are the article, header; footer, section and hgroup elements, which allow you to divide documents up into articles and sections, and group headings together for parsing into a table of contents. It also means that you can have more than one h1 on a page.

Further reading

New worship resources page

19 June 2010 at 08:28
By: Yewtree
I've just added a new worship resources page to the blog. If you have suggestions for additions to it, please post them in the comments below.

I have tried not to duplicate UALM's worship resources page too much, so if you expected to find something on the Unitarian Communications page and it's not there, have a look on UALM's page.

It's blowing in the wind

14 June 2010 at 03:06
By: Yewtree
Another new blog, entitled Any way the wind blows - Thoughts of a UnitarianΒ from Shammy Webster, who is Lay Person in Charge at New Chapel, Denton. Again, the quality of writing is high, and the topics vary from forgiveness to politics to tidying up the spare room. The title of her blog is a quote from Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, so she obviously has excellent taste in music too.

A meeting of minds

13 June 2010 at 13:13
By: Yewtree
Someone just sent me details of another new Unitarian blog, New Meeting Minds. It's a group blog by the members of Kidderminster New Meeting. It has some excellent posts; there's one pondering on the existence of God and the pleasures of heretical viewpoints; another on spirituality and religion; and one on aid workers and the insight they give into human nature. It's very accessibly written, and a good read.

If you have a UK Unitarian blog that isn't listed on the blogroll on the right, please let me know and I will add it.

New Unitarian blog

12 June 2010 at 16:04
By: Yewtree
I have just discovered a very interesting and well-written new Unitarian blog, entitled Live Unitarianly. The name comes from a phrase that Michael Dadson uses, which was promoted in Stephen Lingwood’s book. The site is aimed at people who are attempting to live by Unitarian values; want to improve Unitarian gatherings and groups, and share Unitarian ideas.

The Great Ejection

8 June 2010 at 16:46
By: Yewtree
I just found a fascinating website about the Great Ejection of 1662, with profiles of the ejected ministers, plus sermons and historical background.

The 350th anniversary of the Great Ejection will be in 2012 (something to distract us from the Olympics, I am delighted to say), and doubtless many churches will be marking the anniversary. Unitarians certainly will be.


17 April 2010 at 06:52
By: Yewtree
Unitarians don't proselytise. Well, OK, we'd like it if everyone had a liberal and tolerant attitude to diversity of belief, but we want to attract like-minded people. We want to share what we have. We have welcoming liberal spiritual communities where you can be yourself, and explore your spirituality in an atmosphere of openness and mutual support.

Problem is, hardly anyone has heard of us. Fearful of being seen as evangelical, Unitarians have rather been hiding our light under a bushel. But that is changing. It's hard sometimes to get across a more subtle view of religion than is purveyed by fundamentalists and evangelicals, but we are trying.

One example of the effort to encourage like-minded people to join us is a growth initiative created by Andy Pakula, which shows congregations how to be welcoming and to raise their profiles.

Unitarian communities, please sign up for his scheme. He writes:
I am happy to answer any questions posted as comments on the original blog post.

In addition, I will be highlighting online those congregations that have made progress along the steps of the scheme. Congregations, please let me know if and when you have reached any particular level. I will then add you to an online honour roll, which will also help seekers to find the congregations that are keen to have them!

New President & Vice-President

14 April 2010 at 04:33
By: Yewtree
New President - Neville Kenyon

Friendly and forward-looking Neville Kenyon, a life-long Unitarian who lives in Bury, Lancashire, was installed as the President of the General Assembly for 2010-2011 at the Annual Meetings in Nottingham on 11 April. He is emphasising the openness and flexibility of Unitarianism, and his wish to encourage the quest for spiritual understanding and innovation, by choosing 'Nurture Your Freedom' as his theme.

Both practical and imaginative, Neville has a long history of energetic service to the denomination. He joined the Unitarian Young People's League in the 1950s and was its President in 1961. He has been a member of the General Assembly's Council and served from its inception on the successor body, the Executive Committee, until he was elected Vice-President in 2009. He is passionate about publicising Unitarianism and is a member of the General Assembly's Communications Commission and a Director of the Board of the Inquirer Publishing Company (2004) which produces the Unitarian paper, The Inquirer. He is chairman of the congregation of Bury Unitarian Church. Among his many achievements is the adoption by the General Assembly of a colour-scheme, typography and imagery which gives the Movement a 'consistent identity'. He is a steadfast supporter of any cause he takes up, is unfailingly genial, and, with a flair for selecting silk ties and elegant suits, is very possibly the best-dressed man in the Movement!

Neville recognises that Unitarians are in an ideal position to provide, in the 21st century, a home for those who have a spiritual hunger but are repelled by the creeds and dogmas of more orthodox faith groups. He says "We are in an ideal position, to reflect a growing imperative for a spirituality unfettered by narrow creeds and dogmas." He wants to encourage social networking between the newer members throughout the country. "People come to us from a myriad of backgrounds", he says "but they have all made a journey to find their spiritual home with us. The mutual support provided by networking on the web adds a valuable communication dimension for newcomers stretching beyond their local congregation".

Β» Read more

New Vice President - Rev Dr Ann Peart

The Reverend Dr Ann Peart, a distinguished Unitarian scholar and leading woman minister was appointed as vice-president of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches at the close of the Denominations Annual Meetings in April 2010 in Nottingham. She is looking forward to visiting Unitarian congregations and other groups both in Britain and overseas. "I am particularly interested" she says, "in exploring what keeps such a diverse collection of groups and individuals together."

Β» Read more

Unitarian Forty-somethings

12 April 2010 at 11:37
By: Yewtree
There's BUYAN for 18-35 year olds. There are Juniors, Inters, and Seniors. There's the Women's League.

But there's nothing for 40- and 50-somethings. As a group, we may have slightly different needs. We may be rediscovering spirituality and religion after a time away from it. We may have changed our spiritual path recently. Some of us may have kids; some may not. We're all working, so can't join in with activities in the afternoon. And we like pubs.

So I have set up a group on Facebook for Unitarian 36 to 65 year olds (if you fall outside this age group but want to join anyway, you are very welcome).

What are they Twittering on about?

11 April 2010 at 15:23
By: Yewtree
My presentation from the GA Communications Commission session can now be viewed online.

Blogging from the GA

10 April 2010 at 11:53
By: Diane
Well, just found my first spare five minutes to catch my breath during the Unitarian annual meetings in Nottingham.

It's been a great few days, and more yet to come - the official social evening (as opposed to the random socialising between sessions, over tea and coffee, during meals and of course in the bar!).

Wonderful to see so many new members of the Unitarian twibe and the tweeting (#GAUK) is high volume.

Two equally interesting and informative, but very different, presentations at the CommComm slot yesterday. One from Julie Dadson about the Upper Chapel, Sheffield project to raise the profile of church - a lot of work is going on to renovate the exterior of the chapel and the garden to invite more people into the garden and hopefully through the doors. Yvonne Aburrow introduced us all to social media - from the afficionados to the totally uninitiated, all seemed to take something from the session.

Also been to the sessions on the future structure of the annual meetings, the name change (is it already happening organically, does it need to be done formally?), a report from the growth group and two congregations who have grown - from Ant Howe about Kingswood & Warwick Unitarians and from Kate McKenna about The Octagon Unitarian Chapel, Norwich.

OK - enough - must go and get ready to socialise ... apparently to sound of The Beatles!

CommComm - what we're about

7 April 2010 at 19:10
By: Diane
I should be finishing my packing for the annual meetings in Nottingham, which start tomorrow. Instead I seem to have decided it's a good time to add something to the Communications blog ...

These meetings mark the third year of the formation of the Communication Commission, and - in preparing for the report that I'll be making on Saturday morning - I've been looking back at what we've achieved over the last three years. There have been several leaflets, with more in the pipeline, a new travelling display with accompanying poster, the notice board scheme which has resulted in over 40 new notice boards across the country.

The commission (known fondly as CommComm) has as its mission statement, To encourage the growth and development of the Unitarian community by promoting a clear, contemporary Unitarian message via traditional and innovative means, in accordance with liberal values. It addresses matters concerning promotion of and publicity about the Unitarian movement, nationally and locally, and internal and external communication via a range of media.

Current work is wide-ranging.
  • Promotional activities: posters; exploiting new methods of communication (eg this blog); reviewing national advertising and appropriate media; reviewing use of the travelling display which was launched at the 2009 annual meetings.
  • Providing communication expertise and support: advice and support for local congregations; producing press packs about the President and Vice-President; supporting the online worship project being undertaken by the NUF; reviewing internal and external communication strategies.
  • Leaflet development: reviewing the range of leaflets available; reprinting and commissioning new leaflets in liaison with other commmissions and societies.
  • Internal communication: optimising messages and modes of communication.
The team is keen to continue the work. We look forward to getting feedback on some projects and finding out more about what is wanted - then getting sifting through and working out how we might implement all the ideas when we meet again in May.

Kiva microfinance site

3 April 2010 at 10:32
By: Yewtree
I wanted to let you know about Kiva, a non-profit organisation that allows you to lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur across the globe.

You choose who to lend to - whether a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in Peru, a restaurateur in Cambodia, or a tailor in Iraq - and as they repay their loan, you get your money back. It's a powerful and sustainable way to empower someone to lift themselves out of poverty.

There are also various Unitarian and UU lending teams, so you can join up with other Unitarians on the site.

The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ

1 April 2010 at 07:23
By: Yewtree
You may be aware of the controversy over Philip Pullman's new book. The Rev Alex Bradley was quoted in The Independent on Monday 29 March 2010.
The Rev Alex Bradley, of the Unitarian Christian Association, said: "Different people see Jesus in different ways. Everyone to some extent has an image of Him, and writers and artists should be free to form their own interpretation.

"Religious freedom remains indivisible, and freedom of expression remains a core value of democratic civilisation."
Excellent, well said. I blogged about this on my personal blog the other day:
I was talking to some fellow Unitarians on Sunday and we all said how much we are looking forward to reading Philip Pullman's new book, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, as the ideas in it sound very Unitarian. We also remarked that the Unitarian concept of God is far closer to Dust than to the Authority, since many Unitarians are pantheists or panentheists who believe that the Divine is immanent in the world.

Finding Ada: Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin

24 March 2010 at 04:57
By: Yewtree
This blogpost is part of Ada Lovelace Day, which is an international day of blogging to draw attention to the achievements of women in technology and science. Women’s contributions often go unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely recognised.
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (May 10, 1900 – December 7, 1979) was an English-American astronomer who in 1925 was first to show that the Sun is mainly composed of hydrogen, contradicting accepted wisdom at the time.

Cecilia Payne wrote a doctoral dissertation, and so in 1925 she became the first person to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe (now part of Harvard) for her thesis: "Stellar Atmospheres, A Contribution to the Observational Study of High Temperature in the Reversing Layers of Stars". Astronomer Otto Struve characterized it as "undoubtedly the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy". By applying the ionization theory developed by Indian physicist Megh Nad Saha she was able to accurately relate the spectral classes of stars to their actual temperatures. She showed that the great variation in stellar absorption lines was due to differing amounts of ionization that occurred at different temperatures, and not due to the different abundances of elements. She correctly suggested that silicon, carbon, and other common metals seen in the Sun were found in about the same relative amounts as on Earth, but that helium and particularly hydrogen were vastly more abundant (by about a factor of one million in the case of hydrogen). Her thesis thus established that hydrogen was the overwhelming constituent of the stars. When her dissertation was reviewed, she was dissuaded by Henry Norris Russell from concluding that the composition of the Sun is different from the Earth, which was the accepted wisdom at the time. However, Russell changed his mind four years later when other evidence emerged. After Payne-Gaposchkin was proven correct Russell was often given the credit.

She published several books including:
"Stars of High Luminosity" (1930),
"Variable Stars" (1938),
"Variable Stars and Galactic Structure" (1954),
"Introduction to Astronomy" (1956),
"The Galactic Novae" (1957)
"Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin : an autobiography and other recollections" (1984) ed. Katherine Haramundan)
She was also a Unitarian and a member of First Parish and Church in Lexington, Massachusetts. According to Owen Gingerich:
Payne-Gaposchkin was a many-sided personality known for her wit, her literary knowledge, and for her personal friendships with individual stars. She became the first woman in the history of Harvard University to receive a corporation appointment with tenure, and the first woman department chair in 1956.Β 
My other Finding Ada blogposts:
Lisa Barone
Hedy Lamarr

Mechanics and Humanists have Unitarian roots

21 March 2010 at 05:28
By: Yewtree
From the Mechanics Worldwide 2009 Conference diary:
Jana Sims of the Institute of Education in London spoke on Mechanics' Institutes in Sussex and Hampshire. The leafy counties of southern England aren't normally associated with Mechanics Institutes, but as Jana revealed there were plenty of them, in places like Brighton, Lewes and Winchester, many founded by members of the Unitarian church. The coastal ones ran classes in navigation, and any ideas of southern softness were dispelled by 5.30am classes in science and philosophy. Music played an important part in most Institutes, dispelling the myth of Engand as a non-musical nation, and although the early 19th century saw resistance to womens' attendance, that was largely resolved by the 1840s.
It is fairly well-known that Unitarians founded many educational establishments and projects, but I hadn't come across this one before!

When I last visited Conway Hall in London, however, I did notice that it was built by a group of Humanists who had originally been a Unitarian and Universalist chapel. The group still exists as the South Place Ethical Society, which owns Conway Hall. Their history is fascinating:
William Johnson Fox became minister of the congregation in 1817 which in 1824 it built a new chapel in South Place. This the Society occupied for 102 years and the name is still commemorated in the title of the Society, although it moved from South Place in 1926 to build its present home in Red Lion Square which was opened in 1929.

In 1831, Fox bought the journal of the Unitarian Association, The Monthly Repository, of which he was already editor; for five years this was virtually the first ancestor of the Ethical Record. Verse was contributed to it by both Tennyson and Browning -- the latter always spoke of Fox as his"literary father" ; the contributors of articles included John Stuart Mill, Leigh Hunt, Harriet Martineau, Henry Crabb Robinson and a fearless iconoclast, William Bridges Adams, whose outspoken series of articles on marriage, divorce, and other social questions split the South Place congregation again. So came about another evolutionary step that included severance from the Unitarian movement and established South Place as the centre of advanced thought and progressive activity. Among the causes with which Fox identified himself and the Society were the spread of popular education and the repeal of the Corn Laws. In 1847 he entered Parliament whilst remaining minister at South Place for several more years.

The most outstanding of Fox's successors in that position was an American, Moncure Conway, after whom the society's present home is named. He had adopted an uncompromising anti-slavery position at home and came to England in 1863 on a speaking tour. He settled at the South Place Chapel from 1864 until 1897, except for a break of seven years (from 1885 to 1892) during which he returned to America and wrote his famous biography of Thomas Paine. During that interval, in 1888, under the leadership of Stanton Coit, the name South Place Religious Society was changed to the South Place Ethical Society.
Perhaps those 19th century humanists and progressives would have been surprised at the modern evolution of Unitarianism, which now includes humanists, non-theists, theists, Pagans and Buddhists, among others.

Finding Ada

20 March 2010 at 04:14
By: Yewtree
Calling all Unitarian and UU bloggers: have you thought of blogging for Ada Lovelace Day about women in technology and science? Β See if you can find Unitarian and UU women - they don't have to be famous. Β I have already bagged Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, astronomer and Unitarian.
Please join us on March 24 for Ada Lovelace Day
Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging (videologging, podcasting, comic drawing etc.!) to draw attention to the achievements of women in technology and science.
Women’s contributions often go unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely recognised. We want you to tell the world about these unsung heroines, whatever they do. It doesn’t matter how new or old your blog is, what gender you are, what language you blog in, or what you normally blog about – everyone is invited. Just sign the pledge below (click β€˜pledge’ after you have completed the reCaptcha) and publish your blog post any time on Wednesday 24th March 2010.
Ada Lovelace was briefly associated with Unitarians; her mother funded Red Lodge in Bristol, which was run by Mary Carpenter, and Ada was taught science by Benjamin Carpenter, Mary's brother (Woolley, 2002).

Woolley, Benjamin (February 2002). The Bride of Science: Romance, Reason, and Byron's Daughter

Get your congregation Noticed

19 March 2010 at 04:47
By: Yewtree
Marion Baker writes:

Unitarian chapels in the UK can get a grant of up to Β£250 to replace or renovate their notice board. I have been responsible for administering the current scheme on behalf of the Communication Commission since its inception and a good number of congregations have benefited. At present, be aware that you can only have one bite at the cherry because funds are limited.

If your notice board needs some TLC, why not suggest that your congregation applies for a grant. The guidelines and application form can be found on the Unitarian web site on the Congregational Support page. The process is very simple. If you are unsure about what you need to do Mary Jean Hennis of the GA staff will put you in touch with me.