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June Update from Side With Love: what must we do to build communities and campaigns anchored in love?

27 June 2024 at 18:42

In these times, where the threats to democracy and liberty devastate our communities, we are fortified by the truth that throughout history, people rise to meet the moment. 

 In 2024, we are rising to the challenges we face in the world. 

 Transforming our Climate Justice Work  

 We are launching a first-ever faith-wide Climate Revival that will break down silos and springboard hundreds of congregations to a move beyond extraction into a wider climate justice movement—the Revival supports congregations with tools and training to equip us to take courageous and impactful action.  

 Growing our Organizing Power 

 We’re building response networks across the country for trans people, students, and the many folks targeted by state violence and legislative attacks. 

 Taking mass action for democracy 

 We are answering the call to show up boldly and be part of the moral majority that knows another world is possible. We are taking action right now towards that future with UU the Vote 2024

Side With Love is a public expression of our values, bringing our values to life through mobilizing leaders in congregations and our communities.

Support Side With Love

Today, it is urgent that we center love in all that we do, if we are to transform ourselves and our world toward liberation. That is the power of a liberating love. 

“Everything you touch, you change; everything that changes, changes you.” 

Octavia Butler, The Parable of the Sower

What happens when love is a force for change? Who must we become to embody that love?

 Help Side With Love build community and campaigns centered around liberating love. Let's harness our power in the urgent times. Thanks to generous donors, all contributions made by July 5 will be matched up to $75,000. 

Donate Now

The Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly & Moral March on Washington DC on Sat, June 29

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is calling on people of moral conscience in the DMV area to join thousands on June 29th in Washington, DC to uplift and center the needs of the over 135 million poor and low-wage people and workers across the country. The UUA is one of the organizational partners for this event.

Blessing for Queer Youth of Faith Day

Queer Youth of Faith Day is celebrated on June 30th.

According to Beloved Arise, "1 in 5 LGBTQ youth say their faith is important to them."

As a religious denomination committed to LGBTQIA+ liberation, Side With Love is pleased to share this blessing for queer youth of faith, penned by Side With Love Leadership Development Specialist Rev. Cathy Rion Starr (they/them/theirs).

General Assembly 2024

Side With Love Cohorts

During General Assembly 2024, Side With Love offered a cohort for attendees. Twice a day, GA attendees could drop into one of Side With Love's cohort sessions which offered theological grounding, a story of congregational action connected, opportunities for discussion, and moments of movement and levity.

 Recommended Resource: Collaboration is a relationship that starts with knowing what you have to offer and what you hold. See what your congregation can offer and what your congregation is currently holding:

Join Slack - our virtual field office! Slack is our primary online community for Side with Love - let’s connect!

Social Witness Statements for 2024

These statements were affirmed at General Assembly and are undergoing review by UUA legal counsel. Final text will be posted at UUA Statements by July 15th. 

Additionally, during General Assembly, the UUA Business Resolution: Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex People is a Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values was adopted as well as Responsive Resolution: UUA General Assembly Support for October 7 Hostages

June Update from Side With Love: what must we do to build communities and campaigns anchored in love?

Side With Love June Email: PRIDE is political

7 June 2024 at 17:06

It is that time again. PRIDE Month! Every June, many of us celebrate PRIDE, honoring LGBTQ+ people, our lives, accomplishments, and resilience. As you read this, the streets in your hometown may be lined with banners announcing the upcoming PRIDE parade; storefront windows are abundantly decorated with affirming messages like “love trumps hate” or “love is love.” From logos to curated book displays at our local library, we can find PRIDE deeply affirming and celebratory. 

Pride is beautiful! It is life-affirming to be celebrated and declare your love for yourself and your beloved. Whether it is joining an affirming community in a parade or a gentle reminder of your worth and dignity on a rainbow t-shirt, PRIDE month can bring revolutionary joy and healing to our community. Our existence and our resistance is beautiful and worthy of celebration. 

We know this PRIDE month may feel different. Maybe your school has removed books that include stories with LGBTQ+ characters. Maybe the PRIDE flag that used to fly outside your church’s door or in front of City Hall has been vandalized or stolen. Perhaps you and your community are grieving the loss of a loved one, the loss of a community member who has moved for their safety, or the loss of hope that things will get better. Maybe your PRIDE celebration includes a memorial or dedication. 

PRIDE is complicated. The love, grief, and unbridled joy moves through us 

It is a time when many of us hold our partners, our chosen family, and our beloved close because we know that “love is love” is not just a slogan. It means offering housing to someone whose home is no longer safe. It means cards and celebration on Nonbinary Parents Day. It means learning and celebrating new names, pronouns, and bodies. Love is embracing the joy in becoming who you know you are and the humility and care of being one who may be invited to witness this transformation. 

Today, it is important that we remind ourselves that the first PRIDE was a riot and lift up the legacies of Marsha P. Johnson and Silvia Rivera. In June, we witness new cycles of “No Police in PRIDE” campaigns. Some LGBTQ+ organizations will inform us of all the corporations that churn out PRIDE-themed advertisements while donating millions to legislators who vote to ban trans children from sports and trans people from bathrooms, vote for discriminatory policies that leave many in our community without homes or jobs, or healthcare, spread pinkwashing messages that worsen the genocide in Palestine, abandon disabled people to an ongoing pandemic, and use the carceral system to police our identity. 

PRIDE is political. PRIDE has never represented one cohesive and aligned community. Just as Silvia Rivera gave voice to a gay liberation movement that ignored the needs and contributions of trans and non-binary people, PRIDE continues to be an important site of political struggle that calls us into accountability and the work for collective liberation. 

PRIDE, like our LGBTQ+ community, is so many things. For Side With Love, PRIDE is an opportunity to faithfully continue the work of LGBTQ+ liberation and gender justice. It is an opportunity to reflect on where movements have fallen short of our highest ideals and recommit to centering BIPOC, trans, disabled, and other marginalized LGBTQ+ people who are still marginalized due to multiple and intersecting oppressions. It is a time when we honor our legacy of protest and disruption by affirming protest and disruption when communities are struggling for their liberation. PRIDE is an invitation to root in a radical history so that we may reach a liberatory future. 

This month, we will share short reflections from UUs on what PRIDE means to them this year. Find these posts on our Instagram at @SideofLove

Happy PRIDE!

In faith and solidarity,

Nicole Pressley 


New from inSpirit: UUA Book and Gift Shop!

T-Shirt: Every Body is Sacred

T-Shirt: Create Climate Justice

T-Shirt: Promise of democracy

See all merchandise available for Side With Love and our campaigns at InSpirit!

June Programming from Side With Love

Monthly Mixer

Monday, June 10 at 8:00pm ET

We know that these times ask a lot of us and that we need one another to stay in the work with hope, joy, impact, and accountability. Join us if you are doing the work on the ground, if you are showing up for and with Side with Love, and/or if you are just learning about Side with Love. Come connect with one another, build community across issues, and have some facetime with our staff. Register now.

Climate Justice Revival Info Session

Thursday, June 13 at 1:00pm ET

Are you excited for the first-ever UU Climate Justice Revival ...but...still have so many questions? Is it on zoom or in person? Can kids participate? Is it a regional or national event? When we do new and different things, questions are expected! Come to the UU Climate Justice Revival Info Session and get all your questions answered! Register now.

Stop Cop City Monthly Huddle

Thursday, June 13 at 2:00 PM ET

We’ll review what’s happening and what you can do with Stop Cop City more broadly. Join us to get activated or to jump back in. Register now.

Blessing for Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We are grateful to share with you a blessing to honor all of you, from Side With Love Disability Justice Associate Rev. Amanda Schuber.

Spirit of Life, Source of Hope and Healing,

We open our hearts to the boundless love that surrounds us. Each of us is touched in different ways by the complexities of mental health. Today, and every day, let us remember that wholeness is our birthright, and each of us is a precious part of the vast tapestry of existence.

May we embrace a theology of hope, one that celebrates the wholeness within each soul, beyond any perception of brokenness. Let us acknowledge that our struggles and pains are not signs of failure, but threads in the intricate weave of our humanity.

In times of struggle, may we find the wat forward. May we hold onto the truth that we are never alone; we are part of a loving community that supports and uplifts one another. Together, we can accompany each other in this life, offering compassion and understanding to ourselves and to others.

Let us affirm that every person is deserving of care, dignity, and respect, and may we create spaces where mental health is spoken of openly and without stigma, where seeking help is seen as a strength, and where every story is heard with empathy.

Spirit of Love, guide us to be beacons of hope. May we find strength in our shared journey, knowing that we are interconnected, and that together, we can foster a world where every mind and heart can thrive.

Blessed be. Amen.

Side With Love June Email: PRIDE is political

Unitarian publicity: promoting an event

6 January 2011 at 19:03
By: Diane

Communication – Communication – Communication

Is your congregation/society holding a special event in 2011 or do you need to promote your organisation better? Would you like help in learning how to market this occasion or organisation, give a radio interview, write a press release and put together posters and leaflets for print and your website? If so the Unitarian Communication Coordinators’ Network (UCCN) can offer you hands on help from experts in their field.

Join us on the next UCCN Workshop Weekend 25th-27th February 2011 and learn about promoting your event or group on the radio, in the press and by using posters and leaflets.

More information on the UCCN conference website or on the event page on Facebook.

The Network has no membership or committee but has always been well supported by volunteers and those enthusiasts, from throughout the movement, who are keen to develop skills and extend networks both internally and to others on the fringes of and beyond our own movement.

Hope to see you there!

How to use a URL shortener

12 September 2010 at 14:49
By: Yewtree

Web addresses (URLs) can be very long, and if you are pasting them into an email, Twitter, or printing them in your newsletter, it's better to use a URL shortener. This creates a much shorter version of the web address, which redirects to the long version. This saves space in Twitter, prevents the problem of URLs breaking when they are wrapped round to the next line in emails, and saves your newsletter readers from typing out the long version.