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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes Jul 12, 1893 (Resolution of Thanks to Mr. Stone)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga. July 12, 1893

Called meeting of Board of Trustees of the Church of Our Father held in church July 12th, 1893 8 o’clock pm.
McCutcheon, Kennedy, Harding, Winslow, Dixon, Currier and Rev. Mr. Cole were present.

Mr. J.E. Harding was called to the chair.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved as corrected.

Mr. Dixon presented a report from a Special Committee as follows:

Atlanta, Ga., June 29, 1893
To the Board of Trustees of the Church of Our Father, Atlanta, Ga.

Gentlemen – Your special committee, appointed for the purpose of drafting suitable resolutions expressing the high esteem entertained by the Church of Our Father for Mr. Geo. W. Stone and his estimable wife, would respectfully report as follows:

Whereas, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Stone, of Wilmington, Del., have been stopping in Atlanta for a number of weeks and have made their church home with the members of this church; and

Whereas, Mr. Stone has rendered most valuable and important service to this church by preaching from this pulpit sermon of great power and interest, by wise counsels and by his inspiring words of cheer and encouragement; and

Whereas, Both Mr. and Mrs. Stone have endeared themselves to the members of this church and congregation by their society and friendship and the charm of their personality; therefore,

Resolved, That the heartfelt thanks of this board and of the congregation of the Church of Our Father are tendered to Mr. Geo. W. Stone for the valuable services he has rendered this church.

Resolved, That it is the sense of this board and of the congregation of this church that the coming to our city of Mr. and Mrs. Stone and their sojourn here has been a great boon and a source of pleasure and gratification to all connected with the church.

Resolved, That we shall witness their departure with deep regret and retain in the most pleasant memories of their association with us; that when they go they will carry with them the esteem and affection of our people and the happy consciousness of having made brighter and better this Southern outpost of the Unitarian faith.

Resolved, That these resolution be spread upon our minutes, that same be published in the Southern Unitarian, and a copy of same be delivered to Mr. and Mrs. Stone.

John Y. Dixon
Chas. H. Behre
H.M. Currier
Special Committee

On motion of Mr. McCutcheon, the report was unanimously adopted.

Bill for music were presented as follows:

  • Miss Helena Schumann as organist to amount of $25.00
  • Miss Addie Currier for singing to the amount of $75.00

Referred to Music Committee and ordered paid if found correct.

On motion it was voted to request the Committee on the Operation of the Church to invite Bishop Haygood of Oxford to preach during Mr. Cole’s absence of vacation during the month of August.

Mr. Dixon reported that the A.U.A. had granted the request for a loan of $2,000, but the details had not yet been arranged.

Mr. Cole reported that a representative of the Gordon High School had made inquiries in view of renting the church house. On motion it was voted to refer the matter to the Committee on Church Property.

Mr. Winslow was then elected on the Committee of Church Property in place of Mr. Stain who had moved out of state. The committee now consisting of Messrs. Harding, Winslow and Dixon.

On motion the Board adjourned.

H.M. Currier, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA   Box: 26   Folder: 02 Book: 02 Pages: 100 – 101
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia)   Thu, Mar 30, 1893 · Page 7

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia)
Thu, Mar 30, 1893 · Page 7

Archivist Note: Mr. George W. Stone of Wilmington, DE is a agent of the United States government in charge of the Gate City National Bank. He had been in Atlanta for several weeks and had provided lectures and pulpit duty at the Church of Our Father during the months of March and April.

Newspaper articles are not part of the Pitts Theology Library collect. Contact Archivist for access.
