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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes of Novย 2, 1891 (Annual Meeting)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 2, 1891
Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father.
The hour of meeting – 8 o’clock pm – having arrived, the clerk called the meeting to order.

Prayer was offered by the pastor.

The meeting proceeded to business by the election of Bro. J.E. Harding ,Chairman.

Minutes of last Annual Meeting and two Special meetings read and approved as read.

The Treasurer presented his paper marked A.

On motion, the report was accepted and referred to the Auditing Committee to consist of Bros. Kennedy and Behre.

A Special Committee appointed July 20th, 1891 for the purpose of conveying a call to Mr. Cole to become pastor of the church presented their report as follows:

To the Officers and members of the Church of Our Father –

Your committee appointed a the special meeting of July 20th, 18891 to extend the unanimous call of the church to Wm. Roswell Cole of Baltimore, Md. to become our Pastor for the ensuing year are happy to state that their duties were pleasantly consummated in the following letter:

To the committee of the Church of Our Father, Atlanta, Ga.

Gentlemen, I now address you to communicate my acceptance of the invitation of the Church of Our Father to settle as their minister until July 1892.

I rely much upon the cooperation of every member of the church and feel that in that way only will I be able to establish a strong church in Atlanta.

In settling among you I shall consider the prosperity and interest of the society as my end and happiness

As a follower of Christ, I shall endeavor to declare those truths which he has made known to me. Restricted by no denominational feeling or by any form or belief. Free and independent I feel I must be.

Though young, I am encouraged to form this solemn connection in reverent trust in God. Confident in your zeal, candor and affection of which I had already had experience.

I desire the earnest progress of all to Almighty God that He may enable me to perform the duties of my calling and that our labors together may bear fruit to the glory of the life of Christ and the human race.

Mt. Washington, Md.
Aug 17th 1891

Wm. Roswell Cole

On account of the sickness of Mr. Cole services could not be resumed as early as hoped and the first service was held by him Oct. 14th, 1891.

Respectively Submitted,

John. Y. Dixon
Geo. H. Crafts

On motion, the report was accepted and ordered to be placed in the journal.

Mr. J.E. Harding from committee on Care of Church Property presented a report as follows. The report was accepted and adopted.

To the Church of Our Father, Nov. 2, 1891

Your Committee on Care of Church Property begs leave to submit the following report for the year ending Nov. 2, 1891.

Since the general and extensive repairing done on (the) dwelling house attached to the church property, we have paid for sundry repairing and plumbing $30.07. Much of this was the finishing up or a part of the general repairs.

A new water meter was needed jointly for the dwelling and church which was purchased and put in at a cost of $17.75.

A new veranda became necessary and was put on last August at a cost of about $25.00. This included the lumber needed and labor to remodel (the) roof before putting on this.

A church sign has been put up at a cost of $2.25 making a total expenditure of $75.57.

We carry $4,500 insurance on the church building, library, furniture, etc. and $3,000 on (the) dwelling house.

Soon after the general repairs last fall, a fire occurred inn the roof of the dwelling house. This damage, however, was made good by the insurance companies.

We were unfortunate this year in securing a tenant for the house it being vacant some seven months. We, however, are now glad to report the house occupied by a first call paying tenants.

Your committee thinks the woodwork of (the) church needs a coat of paint and recommend that this be done at an early date.

Respectfully Submitted,

G.L. Norrman
J.W. Harding
Jon. Y. Dixon

Mr. Crafts presented the following report from the committee on music which was accepted and adopted.

The music committee of the Board of Trustees beg to report that the music for the past year has been conducted by Mrs. Fisher as organist and soprano together with what volunteer assistance could be obtained.

We regret that Mrs. Fisher will not be able to be with us the next year. She has been of the greatest assistance to us in our music being every ready to assist when she could be present and her music is highly appreciated by all.

In order to make the music a stronger and more constant aid to the services the committee by consent of the Board of Trustees decided to engage an organist and soprano singer for the year and Miss Helena Schumann and Miss Addie Currier will fill the respective places. We hope that we may have volunteer singers to enlarge the choir and complete all the parts and we want all to help us that can help us to make our music better.

Respectively Submitted,

Geo. H. Crafts
J.E. Harding
W.E. Fisher

Mr. Currier for committee on operation of church present a report which was accepted and placed on file mark C.

On motion to proceed to election of officers, the chair appointed Messrs. Crafts and Kennedy and Mrs. Swift a special committee to nominate officers.

The above committee reported as follows:

  •  H.M. Currier – Clerk
  • J.Y. Dixon – Treasurer
  • C.H. Behre – Trustee
  • Will Haight – Trustee
  • Mrs. Swift, J.E. Harding – Advisory Committee

On motion, Mr. Behre was instructed to deposit a ballot in accord with the report of the nominating committee which he did at once and the several nominees were declared unanimously elected.

The pastor then addressed the meeting upon the needs and future work of the church and presented his written report which was accepted and placed on file marked D.

On motion, it was voted to hold a special meeting of the society in connection with the Fortnightly Club on Thursday, Nov. 12.

It was moved and voted that the committee on Operation of the Church be increased to five (5) members with the pastor as chairman.

No other business appearing, the meeting was adjourned.


H.M. Currier, Secretary

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25   Folder: 02   Book: 01   Pages: 164 – 168
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

