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Liberal Christian Church - Meeting Minutes, Nov 14 1926 (Rev. Scott Installation)

1 January 2014 at 00:00


Special Meeting of Board of Trustees.

November 14, 1926.

The Board of Trustees of the Liberal Christian Church met at 3 p.m., November 14, 1926, at the residence of Mr. Harry C. Blake in special meeting to consult with Rev. Dr. George F. Patterson, Field Secretary of the American Unitarian Association, and with Rev. Roger F. Etz, Secretary of the Universalist General Convention, who had been with us to take part in the installation ceremonies that morning for Rev. Clinton Lee Scott, our new minister. The members of the board present at this meeting were Messrs. Harding, Blake, Knox, Rogers, and Scott, while in addition to the distinguished visitors, Messrs. J. P. Faulkner and William Wroth were also present. Rev. Clinton L. Scott also was present, together with Mr. T. C. Perkins, chairman of the Finance Committee.

President Harding called the meeting to order and explained that the purpose of the meeting was talk over with the representatives of the parent bodies our plans and purposes in meeting the increase in our expenses that was necessary. He then called upon Mr. Perkins for a detailed report of our plans and resources. In giving this report, Mr. Perkins told of the present worth of our property, the encumbrance on the property of $3750, a loan on the parish house which would mature in January, 1927, and mentioned the fund of $21,000 that was held for us by the Universalist General Convention. He told of the approximate expected revenue of the perish for the ensuing year and of the authorization at the church meeting in September permitting the Board of Trustees of the church to borrow $3,000 per annum, or as much thereof as may be necessary to meet expenses for the next, five years. Mr. Perkins said that it was rather expensive to borrow money here locally, end he hoped that the parent bodies could arrange to let this church borrow money at more advantageous rates. He suggested that we possibly could use some of the fund held for us by the Universalist General Convention. At any rate, he felt that the organization here was a going concern and that it was good business for us to borrow the money.

Dr. Patterson at this time spoke and told us that the American Unitarian Association would be glad to help us in any way that it could. He mentioned a loan fund that was held in Boston to loan out without interest and to be repaid in ten annual installments, and he said that perhaps our loan of $3750 that matured in January could be taken care of from this fund. He said that the Association appreciated what had been done here and realized the opportunity that awaited us here. He was sure that the Association would do what it could to help us.

Rev. Mr. Etz then spoke in behalf of the Universalist General Convention, He said that the General Convention appreciated, too, what we had been doing in Atlanta, and because they knew we were a live organization, the Board of the Convention had already made an appropriation for this church. He felt sure that the Convention would do all that it could to help us in our work here.

There was some general-discussion of the matter, and it was voted that the Treasurer send a monthly financial statement, a duplicate of that presented to the local Board, beginning with January 1, 1927. The clerk was instructed to send to Dr. Patterson and Mr. Etz a complete statement of our resources and plans, so that they could better present our desires before their respective Boards.

Mr. Rogers reported upon the repairs being made upon the Parish house and said that the contractor, he thought, would paint the out—side of the house for about $100. A resolution was then passed authorizing the spending of $100 for painting the outside of the Parish House.

Rev. Mr. Scott then announced that his furniture had arrived, and he hoped shortly to move into his new quarters in the parish house. He said that he would be glad to move in, but it would mean that he would have to begin to buy groceries.

After a little informal talk, the meeting was then adjourned.

A. H. Scott,


Financial statement Liberal Christian Church, 301 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, covering period January 1, 1926 to and including October 31, 1926.

Comments Sub Total Total
Balance on Hand, Jan. 1st, 1926 $211.06
1925 Pledges paid in 1926 $125.00
Interest from U.G.C. Fund $1,060.30
2/3rds Rev. Lewis’ Dunham’s and Scott’s expenses returned $236.44
Returned from Christmas Tree Fund $2.65
Rent from Parish House $600.00
Against 1926 Pledges $1,182.71
From other regular contributions $60.60
Plate Collections $332.05 $3,599.75
Total $3,810.81
Note, Fourth National Bank  $400.00
Church Suppers, Entertainment $30.60
Heating $40.25
Interest on Parish House Loan $262.50
1925 City Taxes $58.57
Rev. L.L. Lewis’ Expenses $144.93
Rev. S.G. Dunham’s Expenses  $124.01
Rev. C. Scott’s Expenses $87.00
Repairs to Organ $80.00
Repairs to the Parish House $296.90
Commission Paid to Renting Agent $30.00
Fire Insurance $27.30
Universalist General Convention $25.00
American Unitarian Association $25.00
Water, Lights and Gas $82.15
Advertising $159.91
Postage, Stationary, Wires, etc. $51.66
Janitor and Supplies $160.68
Delegate to Orlando Convention $40.00
Choir and Music $502.50
Pulpit Supply $556.00
Jewish Relief $25.00
Miscellaneous $36.12
Pastor Salary $111.11
Pastor’s Salary Advanced $200.00
Miscellaneous $3,557.69
Cash on Hand September 13, 1926 $253.12
Total $3,810.81

Respectfully submitted,

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 03
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
