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Liberal Christian Church - Meeting Minutes, May 25, 1926 (Church Meeting)

1 January 2014 at 00:00


May Church Meeting

The regular May church meeting was held on Tuesday, May 25, 1926, having been changed from Friday, May 28th.

The ladies of the Women’s Union served a bountiful supper in the Sunday School room at 6.30 p.m., and after all had partaken of this wonderful spread-and had enjoyed a pleasant social period, President Harding called the meeting to order at about 8 p.m. and called upon the clerk to read the minutes of the church meeting held January 28, 1926, and of the special church meeting held on March 7, 1926. These minutes were approved as read.

The treasurer, Mr. J. V. Rogers, then presented his report by distributing copies to all those present. This report showed that a balance of $59.54 was on hand.

The report of the Pulpit Supply Committee was then called for, and Mr. A. H. Scott, the secretary of this committee, thereupon made a complete report of the activities of this committee from the time of its appointment in March to the present time. This report showed that the committee had been able to fill the pulpit very acceptably and especially by means of the special series of sermons and addresses upon the general topic of the ethical and religious significance of science had been able to arouse considerable interest with the result that the church attendance had increased to a marked extent. This report also covered what had been done from the time that Mr. Bowden, our former pastor, had given up his work up to the time this committee had been appointed.

Mrs. W. J. Draper was then called upon to give the history of the Unitarian Church here up to the time of the Union, and she gave a very interesting report in a very delightful manner. Likewise, Mrs. N. V. Perry was called upon to give the account of the local Universalist church prior to the union, and she gave a fine history of that church. These accounts by these two ladies were much appreciated.

The matter of electing a Historian – Librarian was next brought up and when the clerk had read from the constitution just what the duties of the position were, it was voted that Mrs. Draper be appointed Historian-Librarian, with Mrs. Perry as assistant Historian-Librarian.

The matter of changing the name of the church was postponed to some other time.

At this time Mr. T. C. Perkins, chairman of the Finance Committee, made his report. He related what had been done toward getting pledges for the support of the church, and he said that everyone had been given opportunity to subscribe and that the results were fairly satisfactory.

The next matter to come up was regarding action on Rev. Mr. S.G. Dunham of Providence, R. I., who had recently filled our pulpit. After some discussion among the members it was moved that action on him be postponed or deferred, the motion was seconded.

After considerable further discussion, the motion was amended to the effect that it was the unwritten part of the motion that Mr. Dunham not be called at all. This amendment was seconded, and the motion as amended was carried.

After this action had been taken, a feeling of discouragement pervaded the meeting. Dr. Rowlett then arose and said that we must not be discouraged, for we would yet find the man who would come and lead us on to higher achievement. But the discouragement continued. Finally someone was heard to say, “Oh, if we could only Mr. Patterson.” This was the spark that kindled a spontaneous enthusiasm for Rev. Mr. Patterson, the Field Secretary of the American Unitarian Association. There was immediate, unanimous demand that we call Mr. Patterson to become our pastor. A vote was carried that the Pulpit Supply Committee give immediate report on the matter of calling Mr. Patterson, and this committee, consisting of Dr. Rowlett, Mr. Faulkner, Mr. T. C. Perkins, and Mr. A. H. Scott, withdrew and shortly returned with the unanimous recommendation that Rev. Mr. Patterson be called as our pastor. It was then voted unanimously that this church extend him a call. It was further voted that the Pulpit Supply Committee, in the event that Mr. Patterson did not accept this call, take steps to find a man for pastor of this church; the members of this committee were authorized, if need be, to visit a prospective candidate in his own field. This committee was to find a man upon whom the members could unanimously agree and whom they could recommend, with the assurance that the recommendations of this committee would command unanimous support by the church.

There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned.

(signed) Arthur H. Scott, Clerk.

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 03
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

