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Listing of Church Services Conducted in Atlanta 1879 to 1923

1 January 2014 at 00:00

The table below contains an inventory of Universalists and Unitarian services conducted in Atlanta from 1879 to 1923.  The information was obtained by reviewing newspapers covered in this time span and extract church service information.  This inventory many not be complete.   For church service notices found in the the newspaper, effort was extended to extract:

  • The minister conducting the service
  • The sermon or lecture topic
  • The location of the church service
  • The times of the sermon / lecture

This information provides documentation on the activity of Universalists and Unitarians in Atlanta, the buildings/locations used for church services, the ministers involved and topics covered in sermons.

If access to original newspaper clippings are required, please use the Contact form and request that information.

1879.07.20Notice - Rev. Bowman NC Universalist to Preach in Hall of Representatives in Capitol Building
1879.10.26Notice - Rev. W.C. Bowman to Provide Discourse at No. 9 Mitchell Street. Morning: "What is Truth" ; Evening: "The Truth Tested" No. ( Mitchell is noted as the Georgia Academy of Science building
1880.03.21Notice - Rev. Bowman Pastor No. 9 Mitchell Street. Morning: "What the Universalist Believe"; Evening: "Bible Proofs of Universal Salvation"; Sunday School 9:30am
1880.10.01Notice - Rev Bowman Re-elected Pastor of Universalist Church. Found in Gossip column
1880.11.02Notice - Rev. Burrus of Alabama Preached at Universalist Church. Rev. Burrus of Notasulga, AL is the editor of the Universalist Herald. Found in Personal Mention column.
1881.09.02Notice - Means's High School Begins Fourth Scholastic Year. Advertisement includes, "give our pupils the advantages of all improved modes of discipline", "when not in study, we have made arrangements to exercise them in military tactics"
1881.10.09Notice - Rev. Bowman at Liberal and Spiritual Church Walton and Forsyth streets. In Church Notices column. Also reference to Young's Men's Library at bottom of column.
1881.10.23Notice - Rev. Bowman Services at Liberal and Spiritual Church. Corner of Walton and Forsyth streets. In Church Notices column
1882.02.26Article - Rev. Chaney to speak in Senate Chambers
1882.03.04Notice - Rev. Chaney to Preach in Concordia Hall. Sermon: "Interdependence not Independence the Law of Christ". Concordia Hall is located on 40 Marietta Street
1882.03.19Notice - Rev. Chaney to Preach in Concordia Hall. Sermon: "Many Sects but One Church". Notice found in the "Church Notices" column. Also mention of the Liberal and Spiritual church at the corner of Walton and ForsythÉ.this may be the Universalist gathering
1882.03.26Notice - Chaney to Preach in Concordia Hall. Sermon: "Being and Owning". Universalist services listed to take place corner of Walton and Forsyth Street. Found in "Church Notices" column.
1882.04.02Notice - Chaney to preach in Concordia Hall. Also mention of "Liberal and Spiritual church" at "their hall, corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Notice in the "Churches Services" column. Note: Universalists had been meeting corner of Walton and Forsyth. Need to investigate.
1882.04.23Notice - Rev. Chaney to Preach in Concordia Hall Sermon. Sermon: (none listed). Services for Liberal and Spiritual church listed at corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Notices in the "Church Services" column
1882.04.30Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in Concordia Hall. Sermon: "James Russell Lowell". Services for Liberal and Spiritual church listed at corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Notices in the "Church Services" column
1882.05.08Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in Concordia Hall. Sermon: "Ralph Waldo Emerson" Services for Liberal and Spiritual church listed at corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Notices in the "Church Services" column
1882.05.14Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in Concordia Hall. Sermon: "Wm Ellery Channing" Services for Liberal and Spiritual church listed at corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Notices in the "Church Services" column
1882.05.28Notice - Unitarian services to be held in Concordia Hall. Rev. Chaney is not named. Services for Liberal and Spiritual church listed at corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Notices in the "Church Services" column
1882.06.04Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in Concordia Hall. Sermon (non listed). Services for Liberal and Spiritual church listed at corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Notices in the "Church Services" column
1882.11.19Notice - Unitarian Services in Concordia Hall in "Religious Services" column. Also notice that Rev. Chaney of Boston returns to Atlanta for the winter in the "Personal" column
1882.11.26Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room post-office building. Sermon: none listed. Liberal and Spiritual church to meet in hall at 142 Whitehall Street. Notices in the "Religious Services" column
1882.12.10Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room in the post-office building. Sermon: "Local Salvation". Notice in the "Religious Services" column
1882.12.17Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room. Sermon: "Preparation of the Heart" Notice in the "Church Services" column
1882.12.24Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room in the post-office building. Sermon: none listed. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.01.14Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room in the post-office building entrance on Forsyth Street. Sermon: none listed. Also notice for Liberal and Spiritual church at corner of Whitehall and Peters streets with lecture by S.T Marchant recently from South Africa. Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1883.02.11Notice - Unitarian services to be held in US District court entrance on Forsyth Street. Bible Study at 12:15. Sermon: None listed. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.03.04Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room in the post-office building service at 11:00am. Sermon: "Uncommon Honesty". Bible Study at 12:24 an 7:30 pm. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.03.11Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room in the post-office building service at 11:00am. Sermon at 11:00am: "Peacemakers". Sermon at 7:30 pm: "The Nation: Its Corner Stone". Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.03.18Notice - Rev. Chaney to hold service in US District court room. Sermon: "Education its physical basis". Notice in the "Church Services" column
1883.04.01Notice - Rev. Chaney discourse in US District court room. Evening topic: "Education in the Second Score of Man' Years" . Notice in the "Personal" column.
1883.04.15Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach in US District court room at 11am and 7:30pm. Universalists services by Rev. James Billings of Texas at the Knights of Temperance Hall 9 1/2 Mitchell Street. Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1883.05.06Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: "The Fatherless". Church of our Father is now mentioned following establishment of church in March 1883. Property on Church and Forsyth Street has been purchased to build a chapel. Prof's Mean's school house was an existing building on the property.
1883.05.13Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house at 11:00am. Sermon: None listed. Bible study at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.05.27Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house at 11:00am. Sermon: None listed. Bible study at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.06.24Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: "Tearing Down and Building Up". Bible study at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column. Church services are listed by denomination in this column. In order with number of churches noted: Methodist (8), Episcopalian (2), Baptist (6), Presbyterian (2), Unitarian (1), Christian (1), Miscellaneous (1), Colored (2)
1883.07.01Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: None listed. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.07.08Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house at 11:00am. Sermon: None listed. Also notice for Spiritualism Society held at Liberal Hall corner of Whitehall and Peters street. Farewell to Rev. Bowman on his "removal to Cincinnati." Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1883.07.15Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: None listed. Also notice for Spiritualism at the Light for Thinkers Hall corner of Whitehall and Peters street with lecture on Organization" by G.W. Kates. Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1883.10.21Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: None listed. Notes that Rev. Chaney has returned to the city. Services to held at 10:30am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.10.28Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: None listed. Notes that Rev. Chaney has returned to the city. Services to held at 11:00am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.11.04Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: None listed. Services to held at 11:00am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.11.11Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: "Martin Luther". Services to held at 11:00am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.12.02Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: None listed. Services to held at 11:00am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1883.12.09Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Prof. Means school house. Sermon: None listed. Services to held at 11:00am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1884.05.03Notice - Rev James Freeman Clarke of Boston to preach at Church of our Father. Article in the "City News" column. Article noted that Rev. Clarke came south to visit his brothers in Marietta.
1884.07.27Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon "Jesus the Fulfiller". Closing service for the summer. Notice in the "Church Services" column. Some story of the times in this article include: Charlie Campbell who was bitten by a highland moccasin snake...but "after giving him large quantities of whisky, he got better", a personal letter from Mrs. M.S. Judkins of Cedartown indicating that her daughter the after suffering from eczema for two years and having tried everything was cured by giving her "one and half bottles" of Swift's Specific "cured her sound and well" (who knew)
1884.11.16Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am. Evening: "The Bible How to Read it" at 7:30pm. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1884.12.28Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Christmas Service at 11:00 am and a sermon (topic not listed) at 7:30pm. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1885.01.25Notice - Rev. Reynolds Secty of AUA to preach at Church of our Father. Rev. Reynolds is coming from recent conference in Charleston, SC
1885.02.01Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am. Evening: "Methodism and Unitarianism" at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1885.03.08Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "the Bible as Jesus Viewed it" for 11:00am. Evening: "On What Terms May Men of Today be Christians" at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice for Spiritualists meeting at the Good Templars Hall corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets. Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1885.03.15Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am. Evening: "On What Terms May Christianity Accept a Man" at 7:30pm. Sunday School Bible class at 12:15. Notice for Spiritualists meeting at the Good Templars Hall corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets. Subject: "Creation". Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1885.09.06Notice - Artesian School advertisement. "Iron and Wood working, mechanical drawing and machine construction" "Terms: $1.00 per Month" Frank Lederle Sec'y, 239 Marietta Street
1886.01.03Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Fulfilling all Righteousness" at 11:00am. Evening: "Atlanta's One Fault" at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice for Spiritualists meeting at the Good Templars Hall corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets. Prof. G.H. Brooks will lecture and give psychometric readings. Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1886.01.31Notice - Rev. Horace Brumsted to preach at Church of our Father. Notice in the "Church Services" column. Inventory of churches includes: Methodist (11), Episcopalian (6), Baptist (9), Presbyterian (6), German Lutheran (1), Church of Christ (2), Unitarian (1), Congregational (2), Miscellaneous (2), Spiritualists (1) Note: Appears the spiritualists are, at this time, unrelated to the Universalists. G.H. Brooks is schedule to lecture and medium. Hmmmm....
1886.03.21Notice - Rev. Wm. P Tilden of Boston to preach at Church of our Father at 11:am. Sunday school immediately after morning sermon. Spiritualists have A.G. Ladd speak on the "Light of the New Testament" at the Good Templar's Hall. Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1886.05.23Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father at 11:00 am Sermon: None listed. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1886.05.24Notice - Rev. Chaney returned from North to preach. "Rev. George Leonard Chaney, who has been away for several months at the north, has returned to Atlanta." Article notes that Chaney sermon on Sunday, May 23, 1886 was on thankfulness. His text was Psalm 126:6 "He that look forth and weepiest, bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again and with rejoicing, bring his sheaves with him." Article in the "Atlanta Pulpit News" column.
1886.06.06Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am. Evening: "Science and Religion: A Review of the action of Presbyterian general assembly in Dr. Woodrow's case" at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Spiritualists have Miss Zaida Brown "under spirit control, will give tests". Suspending reporting on Atlanta spiritualist until there are signs of more Universalist tendencies. Notices in the "Church Services" column.
1886.06.13Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am. Evening: "Religion and Education or Godless Schools" at 8:00pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1886.10.31Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Inequities Among Men a Divine Ordering" at 11:00am and 7:30. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1886.11.28Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Tribulation Kingdom and Patience" at 11:00am. Evening: "Evening Man's Origin and Destiny on the Earth" at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1887.02.27Notice - Free literature to be sent to those requesting. Advertisement under heading "Unitarian Christianity" that "Unitarian literature will be sent free of charge to all persons applying to Rev. George Leonard Chaney" Additionally "Works of Channing, Dewey, Martineau, E.E. Hale, James Freeman Clarke and others, also loaned to persons willing to pay postage upon them."
1887.05.01Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon (paper torn) at 11:00. Evening service subject:" How to Kindle a Fire, Sermon (paper torn) Children. Notice in "Church Services" column.
1887.06.19Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Every Man Under His Own Vine and Fig Tree" at 11:00. Notice in "Church Services" column. Also a listing of services in the Christian Church section. Notice in the "Church Services" column
1888.04.22Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Lessons of the Recent Church Conference" at 11:00am. Evening: "Peace Jubilee" at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column. Also ad for Lemon Elixir for a story of the times...
1888.06.03Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Crucified with Christ" at 11:00am. No evening service. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes column.
1888.07.01Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Repose" at 11:00am. No listing of an evening service. It is also noted that "this will be the last service before the summer recess." Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes column. Note: There is no mention in other church notices of this being their last service before a summer recess.
1888.09.09Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father at 11:00am. Sermon: none listed. Pastor's bible class: 12:15. "Seats are free". Notice in "Church Chimes" column.
1888.10.28Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Lepers are Cleansed" both for 11:00 and 7:30pm. The sermon is the third in a course on "The Credentials of Christ". Sunday school and pastor's bible class at 12:15. Notice is in the "Church Chimes" column.
1888.11.11Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Dead are Raised Up" both for 11:00 and 7:30pm. The sermon is the fifth in a course on "The Credentials of Christ". Sunday school and pastor's bible class at 12:15. Notice is in the "Church Chimes" column.
1888.11.25Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon "Pestilential Literature" full page clipping
1888.12.09Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Conservative Influence of Racial Christianity" at 11:00 am and 7:30pm. Full page clipping
1888.12.16Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "A Nail in God's Temple" at 11:00am. Evening: "The Conservative Purpose of Radical Christianity" at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.01.20Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: The Cross of Christ" at 11:00am. Evening at 7:30pm there will be a service of song with a brief address. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.04.21Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Easter Sermon: "Eternal Life" at 11:00am. Evening service of song at 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.06.16Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Time of Refreshing" at 11:00am. No mention of evening service. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.06.23Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Religious Education of Children" at 11:00am. No mention of evening service. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.09.22Notice - Rev. E.D. Towle of Boston to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Revised Version of Adam's Fall " at 11:00am. No mention of evening service or Sunday school at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column. Unitarian services are listed under "Christian" and "Unitarian" in the Church Chimes column. Also see Story of the Times about race relations in the South at the end of the `18th century. "These negroes knew when they entered the coach set aside for the whites that they not only violated the rules of the railroad, but were endeavoring to force a step toward social equality with whites, something that would never be tolerated in the south."
1889.10.06Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Short Cut " at 11:00am. No evening service. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.10.13Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Influence of Jesus" at 11:00am. No mention of evening service. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.11.24Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Gin Lane A Temperance Lesson" at 11:00am and 7:30pm. Sunday School at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Chimes" column.
1889.12.01Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: none listed at 11:00. Evening service subject: "Snow Court or Life Among the Lowly" at 7:30pm. Notice in "Church Chimes column.
1890.01.19Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Is Evolution Irreligious?" at 11:00am and 7:30pm. Sunday School and minister's Bible class at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.02.02Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "How Evolution Helps Religion" at 11:00am and 7:30pm. Sunday School and minister's Bible class at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.03.02Notice - Rev. Goodridge (NC) to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: none listed for 11:00am. No evening service. Sunday School at 12:15pm. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.04.06Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Resurrection" at 11:00am and 7:30pm. Communion service at 12:15. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.04.27Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Visitings of Gods" at 11:00am. Evening: "Christianity and Agnosticism" at 7:30pm. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.05.11Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Self Sacrifice" at 11:00am. Evening: "Christianity vs. Agnosticism" at 7:30pm. Sunday school at 12:15pm. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.07.06Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Peace and Love" at 11:00am. Last service before his summer vacation. Sunday school at 9:30am; Communion service 10:30am. Notice in the "Church Services" column. .
1890.07.20Notice - Rev. P. Galvin of New Orleans to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: none listed to be delivered at 11:00am and 8:pm. Sunday school at 9:30am. E.P Burnes superintendent. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.08.10Notice - Services at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am and 8:00pm. Sunday school 9:30am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.08.17Notice - Services at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am and 8:00pm. Sunday school 9:30am. E.P Burnes superintendent. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1890.08.24Notice - Services at Church of our Father. Sermon: None listed for 11:00am and 8:00pm. Sunday school 9:30am. Notice in the "Church Services" column.
1891.03.01Notice - Rev. Chaney (Southern Secty of the AUA) to preach at Church of Messiah, New Orleans. Rev. Chaney is now the Southern Superintendent of the American Unitarian Association. His sermon: "Every Man's Kingdom" Article in a column marked "Religious".
1892.02.07Notice - Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Unspoken Gospel of Jesus." at 11:00am Sunday school meets at (:45am. Pastor Rev. William Rosweil Cole. Superintendent H.M. Currier. Notice in "Church Services" column (only the last section of that column clipped)
1894.01.14Notice - Rev. Cole to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "Evolution of Religion" at 11:00am. Sunday school at 9:30am. "All persons interested are invited to join the pastor's adult class for the study of the Bible in the light of modern research." Fortnightly club will hold its regular meeting at 8:00pm "at which an attractive literacy and musical programme will be presented." "On church street near the junction of Forsyth and Peachtree street." From "Church Services" column only the Unitarian services clipped.
1894.02.11Notice - Rev. Cole to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Women's Uprising" at 11:00am. Sunday school at 9:30am. H.M. Currier, superintendent. Article for "Churches Services" column on the Unitarian service clipped.
1894.12.16Notice - Rev. Cole to preach at Church of our Father. Sermon: "The Parable of the Talents" at 11:00am. Article from "Church Services" column only the Unitarian services clipped.
1895.09.29Notice - Unitarian and Universalists services noted. Rev. Chaney to preach at Church of our Father (Unitarian). Sermon: "Beginnings" at 9:30am. Rev. W.H. McGlaughlin to preach at Pythias Hall (Universalist) on Alabama street corner of Forsyth. Sermon: "The Faith of the Universalist Church" at 11:00am. Evening: "The Work of the Universalist Church." Notices in the "Other Churches' column.
1895.10.27Notice - W.H. McGlauhlin to preach at Knights of Pythias Hall. Sermon: "A Constructive Faith" at 11:00am. Evening: "Broad Foundations" at 7:30mp. Hall is located at the corner of Forsyth and Alabama streets. The Young People's Union will meet at 6:30pm topic for consideration "How can I Help my Church". Also notice that Rev. Chaney has returned from the Washington conference and will preach on that subject on Sunday. Notice in the "Church Services" column
1895.12.08Notice - Unitarian and Universalists services noted. Rev. Chaney (Unitarian) to preach at Unitarian Church of our Father. Sermon: "Each after its Kind" at 11:00am Evening: "Heart Hunger" Rev. McGlaughlin (Universalist) to preach at Universalist church corner of Alabama and Forsyth streets. Sermon: "Better than Liberty" at 11:00am. Evening: Religion at the Exposition"
1900.07.15Notice - Information on temporary location of Unitarian services (before second building is ready) and Universalist dedication . Rev. F. A. Bisbee, editor of Universalist Leader, will preach. Rev. Bisbee is visiting Atlanta to attend the convention of the Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist church. Additional notice about the convention of Universalists meeting in Atlanta. "This will be a memorable day with the Atlanta Universalist." "The greatest interest of the day will center in the dedication exercises of the church edifice."
1901.06.16Notice - Rev. Cole former pastor of Church of our Father now Cohasset, MA to preach (assuming at Church of our Father in Atlanta)
1917.03.03Notice - Services at Universalist church (16 Harris) and Unitarian church (301 W. Ptree). Service at Universalist church "Forgiveness". Pastor of Unitarian church, Rev. Conkling. Note: the name of the Unitarian church is now listed as "The Unitarian Church of Atlanta" and not the "Church of our Father"
1917.12.01Notice - Rousing war services to be conducted at the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Sermon by Rev. Ralph E. Conner "The Cost of our Country", "To Think is the Divine Right of Brains"
1918.06.01Notice - United Unitarian Universalist services offered at 301 West Peachtree Street. Rev. Henry B. Taylor will fill the pulpit.
1920.05.08Notice - Services at Liberal Christian noted as Unitarian Universalist at 301 W Ptree St. Sunday School 9:45,Morning service Rev. R.B. Fisher at 11:00, Kindergarten Sunday School at 11:00am, Young People's Christian Union at 5:00pm, Get Acquainted Club at 6:00pm
1923.06.23Notice - Ernest J. Bowden at Liberal Church 301 W. P'tree St. Service a 11:00am; school at 9:45, PCU (young People's Christian Union) at 6:00pm. Clipped from "Church Services" column