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Unitarian Church of Atlanta - Meeting Minutes, Jan 14, 1907 (Annual Meeting)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, GA., Jan. 14, 1907

Annual meeting of the church held this evening, Vice Chairman John L. Moore presiding. Meeting called to order at 8:25 P.M.

Present: Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lederle, Mr. end Mrs. St. Amand, Mr. and Mrs. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, Messrs. Hartshorn, Schwoen, Douglas, Watts, Wells, Harding, Jackson and Rev. Rush R. Shippen, Madames: Beardsley, Behre, Kreuser, Smith, and Misses Martin and Margaret Lederle, in all 24.

Minutes of the last annual and last quarterly meeting read and approved.

Mr. Hamilton Douglas Superintendent of the Sunday school read a report of the Sunday school which was approved and ordered spread on the minutes and will be found following the minutes.

Mr. J.E. Harding Clerk of the church, furnished a report showing the number of meetings held during the year, and the attendance for the year, which averaged 86 (Archivist Note:  this number of 86 appears high, but the original typed meeting meetings show this number) and a fraction, the Clerk’s report was also approved, ordered spread on the minutes and will he found following the minutes.

Mrs. J.R. Beardsley as President of the Women’s Alliance – made a full and comprehensive report of the work done by the Alliance during the year, which was approved and ordered spread on the minutes and will be found following the minutes.

J.G. St. Amand as Treasurer of the church made a detailed report of receipts and disbursements for the year 1906 which after paying the entire current expenses showed a balance in the hands of the Treasurer on January 1st 1907 – for the year 1906 of $124.08.

The Treasurer’s report will he found following the minutes.

Miss Hattie Martin suggested organizing a Young People’s Union. (Archivist Note: See Archivist Note at below citation.  This appears to reference the Unitarian Young People’s Religious Union Y.P.R.U.) The question was freely discussed by Rev. Mr. Shippen, Messrs. Douglas, Jackson, Lederle, Mrs. Behre and Miss Lederle. Upon motion of Dr. Jackson the chair appointed the following committee to draft a plan of organization and conclude arrangements and organize a Union. Miss Hattie Martin, Miss Margaret Lederle, Miss Alice Ormond, and Messrs. Frank Lederle, R.G. Wells and Alfredo Barili.

Dr. Shippen suggested that a committee be appointed to look up absentees from Sunday worship, and urge them to attend regularly and suggested that the committee be designated as a hospitality committee, the suggestion of Dr. Shippen was heartily endorsed by Mr. Hartshorne, Dr. Jackson, Mrs. Behre, Mrs. Francis and Miss Martin, upon motion of Dr. Jackson, the Chair appointed four members who would constitute the hospitality committee as follows J.G. St. Amand Chairman, Mr. Frank Lederle and Madames: Francis and Douglas, said committee being empowered to enlarge their number as in their judgment they may deem expedient to produce substantial results.

Mr. Hamilton Douglas and others suggested that if agreeable to Dr. Shippen and he would furnish copy, that Dr. Shippen’s sermons ought to be published in the Monday morning Constitution. Dr. Shippen readily consented to furnish copy and Mr. Douglas agreed to see that they appeared in the Constitution on the following Monday.

The committee on nominations through Mr. St. Amand as Chairman presented a list of the officers proposed by the committee for the year 1907 to be voted upon. Said report was adopted by the meeting and the Clerk was requested to cast, the ballot for those present.

The salary of the pastor was fixed at fifteen hundred dollars $(1500.00) per annum.

The Treasurer presented a subscription list and $1,107.00 was promptly subscribed.

Secretary’s Report for 1906

We began the year with an enrolled membership of 44. The largest attendance on any one Sunday during the first half of the year was on Jan. 28th, when 44 were present. On May 20th, we had only 28 present, which was the smallest attendance between Jan. 1st and July 1st. General average for this period – 36.

The largest attendance on any one Sunday since July 1st was on July 15th, when 49 were present. Smallest number present for the last half of the year was on Sept. 23d. On this Sunday 18 were in attendance. The race troubles of the night previous accounts for the marked difference in our numbers.

General average for the latter half of the year – 33
Regularly enrolled, membership at close of year – 40
Average for first half of year – 36
Average for second half of year – 32
General average for entire year – 34

As stated above, we began the year with 44 members. This number, however, includes only those whom we have considered regularly connected with the Sunday school. Whenever a larger attendance has been noted, there have been visitors. As for instance during the summer months, beginning with July 1st, although several of our regular members were out of the city, the attendance shows from 45 to 49 present each Sunday. This was due to the fact that we held our exercises in the auditorium of the church, and not only members from the congregation came to help us but, strangers coming to hear a sermon, remained with us for the morning. When we began our exercises in the main part of the church, commencing at the service hour, 11 o’clock, instead of our usual time, it was decided to continue through the month of July at least, in order to keep the church from being entirely closed. On the last Sunday in July, it was decided after some discussion, that the Sunday school continue its exercises in the main auditorium until September, the time for the regular re-opening of the church. This was done, and the regular attendance of the church members, who did come, proved their interest in the studies considered.

To further the general welfare of the school, several committees were appointed by the superintendent, as follows: (in May)

Picnic: Theodore Behre, chairman; Misses Angie Harding, Janet Stirling and Janet Douglas.

School Room: Gilbert Govan, chair, and Jean Colvin, Miss Frances Lederle.

Flowers and Decorations: Phillip Francis, chairman; Percy Freeman, and Miss Lederle.

Removal from the city in the spring, took two children, the Karstrands from our ranks, and later Mrs. Colvin’s three have been absent for the same reason. Our Asst. Supt. also Mr. Geo. Crafts

Financially, we have met all expenses incurred during the year, and have a neat balance on hand to further our work for 1907.

The short meetings held immediately at close of exercises, although only recently inaugurated, will no doubt prove an excellent idea for the good of the School; and all who have an interest the growth and general welfare of this department of the Church, are cordially requested to join us, not only for these meetings, but for our entire exercises, as well.

Unitarian Sunday School Treasurer’s Report for 1906


Jan 1 Cash on Hand $10.08
Jan 1 to Dec 31st, Offerings $86.31
1 gold star, replacement .65
Total Receipts for 1906 $97.04


Jan 21 Pictures for 2nd Class .50
Apr 5 2 ½ dozen enamel stars 2.50
½ dozen silver stars 1.02
Easter Offering to Unit. S.S. 3.79
Apr 22 Contribution to San Francisco  1.93
Apr 9 Bill for “Brown” pictures 7.15
May 18 Lessons to May 1st 9.08
July 2 Flowers to Mr. and Mrs. Schwoen 2.50
July 8 Frt on books to Warrior Ala 4.83
Sep 24 1/3 doz. Gold stars 2.60
Oct 8 Tuning piano 2.50
Oct 9 Map and express 2.35
Oct 14 4 doz. Pictures for 2nd class .48
Oct 25 Lessons from May 1 to Oct 2st 4.00
Oct 25 Subscription to paper to 1906 4.00
Nov 22 Christmas stockings 1.18
Nov 27 Pulpit Bible and sundries 8.70
Dec Contribution to Home for Incurables 2.10
Ice for summer 1.15 postage & 71 cts 1.86
To Primary class for sundries .95
Dec 31 2 books for kindergarten class 1.00
Dec 31 Candy, fruit, nuts, tree Xmas 6.95
Total disbursements for 1906 $71.97

Dec 31, Balance Cash on hand . . . . . . . . $25.07

General Summary of Expenditures

For Stars 6.22
Lessons, pictures, paper, etc. $28.56
Bible 8.70
Sundries as flowers, ice, frt, postage 20.23
Christmas tree, candy, fruit, nuts, etc. 8.13

Mr Douglas called attention to the Burn’s meeting to be hole at the church and urged upon the member to bestir themselves and dispose of as many tickets as possible, as the process of the evening was for the benefit of the Woman’s Alliance.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned with good cheer.


J.E. Kennedy, Clerk

Archivist Note: The meeting minute book has the clerks adjournment notation on page 303 on an un-number record book page.  However, on page 303 and subsequent pages there are additional materials apparently from the annual meeting of January 14, 1907.  Those materials (e.g., Report from the Nominating Committee, Clerk’s Report for 1906, Report from the Woman’s Alliance and additional detailed reporting from the treasurer) are present below in the in order in which they appear on the physical pages of the meeting notebook.

Nominating Committee

Atlanta, January 11, 1907

To the Congregation of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta:

We, the committee appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year beg to report as follows

For Pastor: Rev. R.R. Shippen
For members of Board of Trustees for the new term of three years as follows: J.C. Peck, W.M. Francis, D.E. Spencer
Trustees whose terms have not expired and who will serve two years:  Julius A. Watts, John L. Moore, Frank Lederle
Trustees whose terms have not expired and who will serve for one year (during 1907):  Chas. H. Behre, A.F. Walker, Dr. Wm. A. Jackson.
For Treasurer:  J. G. St. Amand
For Clerk:  J. E. Harding
For advisory committee: T.C. Perkins, Mrs. Cora P. Williams,  William J. Govan
For Superintendent Sunday School: Hamilton Douglas
For assistant Supt. Sunday School: J. E. Harding


J.G. St. Amand
Jno. L. Moore
Mrs. Chas. H. Behre

Report of the Clerk for the Year 1906

Regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees have been held during the year with the exception of two months during the summer.

Quarterly and Call meeting of the church have been held from time to time to transact the business coming before the church.

Forty-three Sunday services have been held during the year.  The average attendance for the whole year was eight-six (86) and a fraction, which is I believe the largest yearly average we ever had.

To go into detail, the average attendance for the twenty-five Sunday services held by Dr. Sanborn up to and including the last Sunday in June was one hundred and five and three-fourths (105 3/4).

During July and August no church services were held.

During the five Sundays in September in which Lay services were held, the average Sunday attendance was fifty-two (52).

During attendance during the thirteen Sundays in which Dr. Shippen has been our Pastor up to and including the last Sunday in December was sixty-four and one thirteenth (64 1/13).

Respectfully submitted,


J.E. Harding, Clerk

Woman’s Alliance Report

The Woman’s Alliance met the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays in the month for the year just closed with two months vacation in the summer.  The following officers presiding: President, Mrs. J.R. Beardsley; Vice President, Mrs. W.C. Van Valen; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Henry Smith; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Alice Ormond; Treasurer, Mrs. W.M. Francis.

The 1st and 3rd meetings have been for business, the 4th for study.

We have on our roll 30 resident members although only about 1/3 are active.

We have worked hard this year in many ways. Beginning in Feb, we had a Valentine party which netted us $18.00. In the same month, we had charge of the Sheltering Arms restaurant for one day and took in for them nearly $100.  We also added our mite consisting of $1.26 to the Sunshine Society of New York, helping in a small way the grand work they are doing to carry sunshine and cheer into thousands of dreary lives.

In March we gave two receptions one at the resident of Mrs. Francis for Mrs. Ames and one at Mrs. Behre’s for Mr. & Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Jenkin Lloyd Jones.

In March we had an Easter Sales at the home of Mrs. Moore at which we cleared $36.43. Two very disagreeable but successful rummage sales were held one in the Spring and one in the Fall meeting netting respectively $30.00 and $23.80.

Our Christmas sale held a few weeks ago cleared $56.00. We have taken up an entirely new line of work since Fall that of selling evergreens for decorations for churches, weddings, etc.  Mrs. Williams is chairman of this committee and although we had a late start so that we could do nothing in the way of  advertising in our church papers, we had on hand $16.65 as the result after all bills for stationary, printing, postage, etc were paid. We hope to build up this work and make it pay so well that we may do away with rummage sales and other schemes for raising funds.

We are trying to bring our church people more together by having something in the way of a social each month. In October, Mrs. Douglas gave a Halloween party at her home having an attendance of about 100.  In November, the Harvest Supper at the church had its usual good attendance.  For December, the Xmas entertainment was very enjoyable. We hope to continue this plan for the remainder of the month.

Out of the money we have raised, we have paid our church treasure $130.00, dues to National Alliance $8.34, Southern Associate Alliance dues $1.00, Southern Circuit Work $3.00, dues to the Free Kindergarten Association of Atlanta $5.00, to Mary Rouel Free Kindergarten for lunches and Xmas entertainment about $15.00.  New dishes for church pantry $9.00.  On decorating the church at Easter and Xmas $10.00. In paying janitor form $1.00 to $2.50 each time for extra work for entertainments, house cleaning, etc.  For buying brooms, mops, matches, soaps, tacks and dozens of other small items.

Also keeping up the Post Office Mission work of sending out Unitarian Literature.

We belong to the Needle Work Guild of America with Mrs. Moore as our section president and have turned in this year to the head of the society 110 new garments and #20.00 in money to be distributed among the chartiable institutes of the city.

On looking over our record book of several years, I find we have had a very successful year in all except attendance, but I think that if a few can do so well, we may do still greater things in the coming year if we can work up enthusiasm among some of our members who have not been with us as often as we should like to have them.

Respectfully Submitted,


Ida Harding Beardsley, President

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report covering receipts and disbursements form  from Jan 1, 1906 to Jan 14, 1907 (for year 1906)

Receipts Amount
Sunday Collections $330.37
J.B. Frost $24.00
D.E. Spencer $59.50
F. Schwoon $9.00
Socius Club $6.60
J.C. Peck $100.00
C.H. Behre $75.00
Mrs. Annie F. Taylor $15.00
Special Collection A.U.A.  $15.00
Miss Sarah G, Whaley $35.00
Miss Angie Harding $5.00
Grand Opera House collection $142.88
Episcopal church for windows $25.00
J.G. St. Amand $104.00
Julius R. Watts $50.00
W.M. Francis $30.00
Frank Lederle $100.00
Hugh C. Scott $25.00
A.F. Walker $25.00
Mrs. Rose S. Colvin $3.00
Ralph H. Brown $50.00
Geo. Fowle and wife $15.00
Dr. W.A. Jackson $50.00
Miss Hattie Martin $25.00
John L. Moore $100.00
Woman’s Alliance $130.00
T.C. Perkins $12.50
R.G. Wells $11.00
San Francisco Sufferers $50.65
R.F. Shedden $10.00
Earl Moore $10.00
H.A. Smith $25.00
Mrs. A. Karstrand $2.50
Mrs. Alfredo Barili $20.00
Mrs. Cora P. Williams $30.00
Mrs. U.O. Roberston $50.00
Sub Total Receipts $2,308.50
Amount in hands of Treas. Jan 1, 1906 $118.55
Total Receipts $2,427.05
Rev. Moore Sanborn $1,000.00
Rev. R.R. Shippen $375.00
Opera House Expense $329.25
Piedmont Hotel Mr. Shippen’s bill $25.00
Insurance on property $20.05
Repairs to church property $44.30
E.H. Thornton Treas San Francisco Sufferers $50.65
Ex. Account Lights, water, printing, etc. $96.47
Mrs. A.M. Lederle Organist $45.00
Mrs. T.J. Harper Organist $16.50
Mrs. A.M. Wynne Singer $123.75
E.C. Paine Singer $4.00
Erwin Mueller Violinist $10.00
Miss Ticker & Friend Singers $10.00
Special Collection A.U.A. $15.00
Janitor $91.00
Sub Total Disbursements $2,302,97
Amount in hand of Treasurer today $124.08
Balance made up as follows
Note of Ralph H. Brown due Feb 14, 1907 $37.50
Note H.A. Smith due March 15, 1907 $25.00
Chk C.H. Behre $46.25
Cash on Hand $15.33
Total $124.08

Atlanta, Ga., January 14, 1907

Respectfully Submitted,


J.G. St. Amand, Treasurer

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26  Folder: 06    Book: 01 Pages: 300 – 307
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA


Archivist Note: There is scant mention of the Unitarian Young People’s Religious Union (Y.P.R.U.) in the records of the Unitarian church archive.  The Unitarian Young People’s Religious Union was founded in 1896.

See reference to a report in the Annual Meeting of 1902 to a report from the President of the Young People’s Religious Union.

In the archive records of Atlanta Universalists, there is extensive information on the Universalist’s Young People’s Christian Union (Y.P.C.U.).

The Atlanta Universalist’s church was considered a missionary church that was explicitly supported by the Universalist’s Y.P.C.U. National organization.  The “young” element of the name of the association is a bit misleading.  When this “young people’s” organization was founded in 1889, membership age boundaries were rather elastic.  It was not unusal for individuals to join in their mid-thirties and linger on the rolls until their mid-fifties.  In later years this “elastic membership criteria” became more youth focused.  However, at the time of the formative years membership in the Universalist’s Young People’s Christian Union was quite open.
