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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Apr 21, 1902 (Quarterly Meeting)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

April 21, 1902 8:20 PM Adjourned meeting of Annual Meeting. Present: Mr. & Mrs. Behre, Mr. & Mrs. Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Longley, Mr. & Mrs. Langston, Mr. & Mrs. Lederle, Mrs. Daniels, Messrs. St. Amand and Harding.

The special business of the meeting was to receive the Treasurer’s report for the year 1901.

The report was read and ordered placed on file. (Archivist Note: included in the latter part of these minutes.). The regular quarterly meeting of the Church was called to order at 8:45 pm.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The report of the Treasurer was received covering receipts and expenditures from Jan 1st to April 15th.  Read and place on file. Mr. Langston reported that he had corresponded with Messrs. Haur and Stinc regarding a form of service to be used by different church of the Southern Conference but that he had received little encouragement.

Mr. Behre moved that a committee of three, consisting of the Pastor, Treasurer and Chairman of the Board of Trustees be appointed to get up a form of worship with authority to communicate with other churches regarding it adoption and be requested to report at the next church meeting. Carried.

Mrs. Langston reported for the Woman’s Alliance that the attendance at meetings was continually increasing and that the alliance had already paid to the church treasury $70.00 of the amount subscribed for the year. Mr. Harding reported on church attendance as follows:

Members present on Feb

  • 16 – 26
  • 23 – 57


  • 2 – 55
  • 9 – 54
  • 16 – 32
  • 23 – 61
  • 30 – 75


  • 6 – 50
  • 12 – 64
  • 20 – 50

Total: 530 – 54 average.

Mr. Langston reported that the Sunday School showed great improvement and steady growth.  The Primary class had grown from 6 to 17 pupils and on Easter Sunday the attendance numbered 43. The Young Peoples Union reported that it had changed it form of meeting and that the average attendance was 16.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.


Frank Lederle Treasurer’s Report.

Report of the Treasurer from January 1, 1901 to April 21, 1902 covering receipts and expenditures for the year ending December 31, 1901.

Receipts Amount
Sunday Collections $177.13
D.E. Spencer $4.00
T.H. Kennedy $15.00
C.H.Behre & Family $42.00
Womens Alliance $80.00
Mrs. J.R. Beardsley $5.00
Ralph H. Brown $25.00
Home of Incurables Spcl Coll $14.50
Mrs. Fred Meysenburg $148.10
Miss Sarah G. Whaley $25.00
Mrs. E.S. Langston $25.00
Geo. H. Crafts $85.00
John L. Moore $87.38
Julius R. Watts $30.00
Howard Daniels $10.00
Special Collection for Mr. Hanna $12.00
A.A. Fletcher $20.00
Mrs. A.M. Lederle $10.00
J.B. Frost $25.00
Mary D, Gude $5.00
Alfredo Barili $10.00
Miss Daisy Dixon $5.00
Alliance Syracuse, NY $5.00
Special Collection A.U.A. $17.43
Miss Hattie Martin $10.00
Mr. M.E. Owen $5.00
Sunday School $7.00
J.C. Peck $75.00
Mrs. Sharpstein $25.00
Mrs. Metta V. Foster $7.00
J.B. Young $5.00
Mrs. St. Amand Social $14.60
C.C. Chillingworth $10.00
Dr.C.E Hall $15.00
J.E. Harding $12.00
Young People’s R. Union $16.00
Home of Incurables collection $8.23
Collection for Sunday School $5.40
W.J. Govan $5.00
B.F. Longley $5.00
Mrs.C.A.Reed $2.00
Mrs.G.W.Johnson $10.00
Ira Freeman $9.00
Sub Total Receipts $1,140.67
American Unitarian Association $450.00
Cash in Hand of Treasurer Jan 1, 1901 $79.97
Total Receipts $1,670.64


Disbursements Amount
Rev. C.A. Langston $1,297.37
Expense Account Sundries $118.19
Mrs. T.A. Burke $44.00
Mrs. H.G. Linderman $31.50
Mrs.A.M. Lederle $37.50
A.U.A. $20.10
J.B. Trofford for Mr. Hanna $12.00
Kings Daughters $8.23
Janitor $87.25
Sub Total Disbursements $1,656.15
In hand of Treasurer April 21, 1902 $14.50
Collection for Home of Incurables (Archivist: no amount shown)

Respectfully submitted,


J.G. St. Amand

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25 Folder: 04 Book: 01 Pages: 224 – 225
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
