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Covid19: Prioritizing small groups, moving small group ministry online with ZOOM

11 March 2020 at 14:45

Subscribe here to listen via my Podcast.

Congregational leaders, this is another digital strategy session to support you as we work to slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. For many of you, that means moving your ministry online.

In this session, we’re talking small group ministry.

Specifically, why I want you to prioritize moving your small group ministry program online β€” I recommend using ZOOM video for group meetings.

If you don’t have an existing small group ministry program, that’s okay! You can simply focus on launching a digital small group ministry now.

Doing so will help with present social distancing and will likely lead to an interest in participation when you’re promoting group-based ministry at a later time.

I know how much work and energy it takes to embrace and learn new models. Many of you are accelerating your learning and experimenting at lightning speed. You can do it!

Peter Bowden

Peter Bowden Covid19 Digital Ministry Strategy


What if we have to cancel church because of the Covid19 Coronavirus?

5 March 2020 at 13:33

On covid19, social distancing, limiting large gatherings, and your digital ministry strategy.

This is a strategy session to get your congregation thinking about the Covid19 coronavirus and your digital strategy should you face community spread and required β€œsocial distancing” such as limiting large gatherings and quarantines.

Specifically, how can we use social media, live video, and other tools to accomplish the work and ministry of your congregation without gathering face-to-face? This is something we need to be preparing for and I have strategy ideas to get you thinking.

Listen via my Podcast – subscribe here.



Text the word PETER to 1 (833) 306-0201Β 

This will connect us via my text platform. Β Once we’re connected, whenever you have questions related to podcast episodes, videos, or other content, you can send me a message directly. Β This is NOT a group chat. It is a way for you to share questions with me one-on-one. I also send out low volume updates about live recording sessions and other opportunities to connect.


I work with nonprofit and congregational leaders across the United States on community building, digital leadership, and other connecting strategies. For private executive and team strategy sessions, please email me. Once I verify we’re a match to work together, I’ll send you a scheduling link.


On Congregational Membership, Digital Culture, and Staffing

27 September 2019 at 09:51

I just had a great conversation with a ministry team about membership, digital culture, and staffing.Β  For these leaders β€” staff and membership volunteers β€” it was eye-opening.

I want you to have the sameΒ  experience.Β  I hope this 10 minute-ish video helps inspire you to update your strategy!

We need to meet people WHERE and WHEN they are making decisions about our congregations β€” that’s online for a huge percentage of potential visitors and new members.

We need to welcome them online.

We need to inspire, educate, and orient them online.

We need to bring a branch of the path to membership online.

How do we do this?Β  First, acknowledge the fact that the world, our technology, and human behavior requires a shift.Β  Once you do that you can seek out specific support.

My Facebook Group

I am continually discussing this and related issues in my UU PLANET LEADERS Facebook groupΒ  Join me and over 1,000 other Unitarian Universalist leaders in this group.Β 

Get Monthly Training

I also lead a new LIVE and ON-DEMAND training for congregational leaders every month. This is through my Leading Congregations Monthly program. Learn more.

Zoom Video Presentations

As noted in this video, I also offer Zoom video consultations.Β  This inlcudes one-on-one and team consultations, as well as remote video presentations for professional groups, seminaries, and conferences across the United States.

Contact me if you’d like to discuss a training.

A video briefing on congregational membership, digital Culture, and staffing with Peter Bowden

