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I'm putting together a small group experience considering the new Values and Covenants
Do you have a link to an audio or video of a sermon on a single Value, e.g. a sermon entirely about Equity or entirely about Generosity? Please share the link
(In the context of the small group, I just want to share the link so people have a voice outside of our small congregation to print their thoughts. It would be a suggested extra, not a part of the sessions.)
Thanks for your help!
Love, justice, equity, transformation, pluralism, generosity, interdependence
Do you have a lay pastoral care team? Please pass along this training opportunity and consider joining us yourself! Join us for all this Saturday's all online Pastoral Care Training, 10am-3pm ET. Our trainers will be sharing tools for grounding & presence to help care for ourselves and each other in difficult times. Get all the info and register here: Embodied Pastoral Care for a Liberated Community https://sanctuaryboston.breezechms.com/form/50e0df (via Sanctuary Boston, reposting from Facebook)
I'm going to take the UU Institute Coming of Age for Adults: Building a Faithful UU Identity course online this February. It's a free course.
I'm inviting you to also take the course and for us to discuss each module, about one per week. For those whom the time zones work out, we'll do a voice chat.
Here's an invite to the discord. Look for the thread on the #ask-a-uu channel
I'm going to take the UU Institute Coming of Age for Adults: Building a Faithful UU Identity course online this February. It's a free course.
I'm inviting you to also take the course and for us to discuss each module, about one per week. For those whom the time zones work out, we'll do a voice chat.
Here's an invite to the discord. Look for the thread on the #ask-a-uu channel
I am a worship tech and occasional worship leader at my congregation. I often feel disconnected when I'm being the tech and even sometimes while leading worship.
Does anyone have techniques for being more present and having a spiritual experience while working the service? (I'm an apatheist humanist, so spontaneous prayer to divinity is unlikely to be helpful, but mantras are something I can try, regardless if they reference deity.)
Dear friends,
Happy New Year! I am sending you care as we begin another year. This, 2023, is an important year for Unitarian Universalism.
We are currently in a multi-year process to consider changes to our UUA Principles and Purpose. This process formally began in 2020 when the UUA Board appointed an Article II Study Commission. This is a dry name for such important work. The reason is our Principles, Purpose, covenant and Sources are contained in Article II of the UUA Bylaws.
Our seven Principles and six Sources – which we know and love – were adopted in 1985. They offered a substantial (even radical) change from what preceded them. The changes came through years of effort by UU women, particularly the UU Women’s Federation, to push for gender equality in UUism, support for women in the ministry and to eliminate sexist language from our bylaws, hymns, and yes, from the version of Article II passed in 1961 (at the time of merger).
But the changes didn’t just address gender, they made significant language changes that reflected the times. It removed language of God, man, and brotherhood, but also added the language of interdependence and added sources reflecting the growing theological diversity shaping our tradition.
As a lifelong UU, coming of age after these changes, I am grateful. They changed our movement in ways that were important for the success of women leaders, ministers, and for me, as our first elected woman president. These changes, at the time, brought fierce dissent. But more, they inspired excitement and possibility.
Why Review Our UU Principles and Purpose?
In the mid-2010’s, the ground began to shift again – much as it did in response to the women’s movement. The emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, the election of Donald Trump with his racist and misogynist campaign, and the urgent calls to confront white supremacy culture in our own movement – all of these compelled UUs to ask questions about whether our Principles reflected fully who we are and who we need to be.
By the 2017 General Assembly, there were multiple grassroots efforts to change our Principles. The first was overwhelmingly adopted – to change “prophetic women and men” to “prophetic people” to move beyond gender binary. There was also a proposal to change the first principle from “the inherent worth and dignity of all people” to the “inherent worth and dignity of all beings.” This proposal was ultimately tabled as delegates grappled with the reality that we still had a lot of work on living the first Principle for people. Discussions of the Eighth Principle were also taking place and by 2020, hundreds of UU congregations had adopted it! The Eighth Principle recognized the need to go beyond aspirational Principles to articulate commitments to dismantle systems of oppression – calling us from aspiration to action.
It was within this context that your UUA Board appointed an Article II Study Commission to integrate these conversations and lead a discernment process for our whole Association about our core values, covenant, and purpose. The Board gave the Commission a broad charge to review, change, or reimagine Article II to “enable our UUA, our member congregations, and our covenanted communities to be a relevant and powerful force for spiritual and moral growth, healing, and justice.”
After two and a half years of study and conversations with thousands of Unitarian Universalists, the Article II Study Commission submitted their final report and proposal to the UUA Board for its January 20th meeting. Read the report and proposal (PDF 26 pages). https://www.uua.org/files/2023-01/a2sc_rpt_01172023.pdf
This spring, congregational delegates and the Board can propose amendments to the proposal. Amendments will be considered at the 2023 GA and require a majority vote to be accepted. If any of the delegate amendments are accepted, and if the proposal receives majority approval, then the Article II Study Commission will make any necessary changes to create a final draft for consideration at the 2024 General Assembly. The final proposal will require a two thirds majority vote at GA 2024 to be adopted.
Seven years ago, when I was beginning my campaign for UUA President, I approached the process with an intention to be open to the process while letting go of outcomes. My hope for us as Unitarian Universalists is that we approach this discernment about Article II with similar openness. May we enter our conversations with a spirit of curiosity, holding off attachment to outcomes, and listen with our whole hearts and to the fullness and diversity of voices in our community. May the process itself deepen our understanding of and commitment to our faith.
September 15, 2022
The Article II Study Commission is excited to share a full draft of Article II (PDF, 3 Pages) for feedback. The Study Commission's outreach team will be hosting Zoom feedback sessions in the first half of November, along with gathering feedback through a forthcoming online form for individual comments.
The Study Commission will present its final draft to the Board in January for inclusion on the agenda for General Assembly 2023. It will then be the subject of mini-Assemblies before the initial vote at GA 2023. If it passes that delegate vote by a majority, it will require a 2/3 majority vote at GA 2024 to become the new Article II of the Bylaws.
This draft makes significant changes to Article II. We invite you to read it using one of the practices we have started following in our work:
It will be ideal if you can hold suggestions until the online form is available so that they can be more easily gathered and read. But do feel free to direct questions to [changemanager@uua.org](mailto:changemanager@uua.org)
My congregation uses the Soul Matters Sharing Circle, but explicitly frames it that people are not obligated to do any of the exercises or contemplate the questions before the meeting. This makes it really hard for me, personally, to make the time to do the exercises and contemplate the questions before the meeting, and I actually do want to do that.
Does anyone know of a Soul Matters accountability group? I don't necessarily want to join a Sharing Circle at another church, but I do want some people who expect me to do the work. I'm happy to join another platform (or, if anyone here wants to do it here, I could do that, too.) I'm on Twitter, Facebook, and Discord, if that influences your answer.
I've definitely needed more spiritual time lately, and I've actually started attending Quaker meeting for worship online, and that's helped.
I would like to add a moving/embodied practice to my life, and I wonder if anyone has some resources or recommendations that are not Tai Chi or Yoga. I would really like some sort of sacred dance or something, but I don't know where to start.