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A simple guide to social media

By: Yewtree
How to market your brand / book / website on social media:

Set up a Facebook page and/or group where you will post regular news items (from your site and those of other relevant sites). Attract attention to it by posting it in other related Facebook groups (search in Groups for related keywords for your topic). Keep it updated regularly.

Set up a Twitter feed where you will post regular news items (from your site and those of other relevant sites). Attract attention to it by following other similar Twitter accounts (search for related keywords for your topic) and retweet and reply to their tweets. Keep it updated regularly.

Set up a blog where you will post regular blogposts about topical items in your subject area. Attract attention to it by adding other similar blogs to your blogroll (search for related keywords for your topic) and post comments on their blogs. Keep it updated regularly.

If you don't "get" Twitter, there's a remarkably succinct and clear summary of what it is and how it works in today's verdict on the Twitter joke trial. (PDF)

Using HootSuite (a paid service), you can also automatically send your blogposts to Twitter and Facebook.
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UUCF on Facebook

By: Yewtree
The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship now has a Facebook page.

It's a great idea to have a Facebook page or group for your affinity group or society - that way, members can link together; you can raise awareness of your group and the issues you care about.

I'm a member of the CUUPs group (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) on Facebook, and it has some quite active discussion topics.

Because people see things in the Facebook feed, having a Facebook page boosts the numbers who are interested in your group - but only if you post things (comments and articles) regularly on your wall.

Find out more about Unitarian societies and UU societies.
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Introduction to social media

By: Yewtree
Report by Sue Woolley

Lifespan Religious Education Conference 2011
Star Island, New Hampshire, 16 – 23 July 2011
Report on Social Media Workshop by Sue Woolley

Thanks to the generosity of the Manchester Academy Trust and the Hibbert Trust, I was able to attend this conference. The basic structure of our own Hucklow Summer School is based on this Unitarian Universalist conference, so many elements were familiar to me: the morning devotions, the daily theme talk, the compulsory morning workshops, optional afternoon activities, and lantern-lit procession to evening worship.

The morning workshop that I attended was led by the dynamic Peter Bowden, who is a “church growth consultant and Unitarian Universalist change agent” (to quote himself) who has dedicated his life to helping UU congregations to understand social media and to use them effectively. His blog (which is well worth looking at) is UU growth. I am writing the workshop up without much comment, as the things he was telling us are just as relevant to Unitarian congregations in the UK as to UU congregations in the US, if not more so.

Read the rest of the report →
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How to promote your blog

By: Yewtree
  1. Comment on other bloggers' posts - if your comment is interesting and polite, they might drop by to read your blog
  2. Add other blogs to your blogroll - they may return the favour (but never ask to be added to someone's blogroll, it's really tacky)
  3. Follow other bloggers and add them to your Google Reader
  4. Get yourself added to Unitarian Universalist and Unitarian blog aggregators
  5. Have a Twitter account, link it to HootSuite and have HootSuite update your Twitter and Facebook accounts automatically whenever you publish a new blog-post
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Unitarian Forty-somethings

By: Yewtree
There's BUYAN for 18-35 year olds. There are Juniors, Inters, and Seniors. There's the Women's League.

But there's nothing for 40- and 50-somethings. As a group, we may have slightly different needs. We may be rediscovering spirituality and religion after a time away from it. We may have changed our spiritual path recently. Some of us may have kids; some may not. We're all working, so can't join in with activities in the afternoon. And we like pubs.

So I have set up a group on Facebook for Unitarian 36 to 65 year olds (if you fall outside this age group but want to join anyway, you are very welcome).
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Summary of Business Delegates Will Consider at 2021 General Assembly

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
General Assembly this year will include an election featuring one contested seat on the UUA Board of Trustees and business resolutions that could shorten UUA presidential campaigns and allow the possibility of an uncontested presidential election. Make sure your congregation is certified to vote in GA this year and get registered to participate today!

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In Tulsa, Faith Leaders Call for Massacre Reparations

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
A century ago in 1921, the Tulsa Race Massacre caused the death of roughly 300 Black Tulsans and the destruction of 36 square blocks of homes and businesses in the Black community. Now, local faith leaders, including Unitarian Universalists, are calling for reparations to be paid to the survivors and descendants of the massacre’s victims. As we remember this terrible event, we must also actively combat the continuing racism in this country and acknowledge that reparations are only the beginning of repairs.

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Unitarian Universalist congregations vary widely across our Association, so we cannot apply a single strategy to how we re-gathe...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist congregations vary widely across our Association, so we cannot apply a single strategy to how we re-gather now that the pandemic seems to be subsiding in the U.S.

Congregations need to choose approaches that work best in their local context, as long as they align with our key principles, grounded in UU values:

1. Root decisions in values of inclusion and consent.
2. Follow the science.
3. Go slow and be flexible.
4. Be realistic with expectations of ourselves and others.

We at the UUA are with you in this journey. We are creating and updating our resources online and you can always reach out to your regional contacts for support. Learn more at https://www.uua.org/safe/pandemics.

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Make Time to Mourn

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Even in this year of incredible loss and overwhelming grief, we have had to rethink how we mourn due to Covid restrictions. In this piece from the New York Times, our own Dr. Janice Marie Johnson reflects upon the death of her twin sister, the beloved Rev. Hope Johnson. She found that taking intentional time to reflect upon their relationship and create alternative rituals helped her to process her grief. We at the UUA also felt the heartbreak of Rev. Hope’s passing and hold everyone who has lost a loved one in care.

Though the pandemic has posed obstacles to funerals, delaying memorial services has also opened up unexpected opportunities for reflection and creativity.

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2019 General Assembly Program Book is Available!

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Are you ready for General Assembly next month? Download the all-new GA mobile app and get started choosing what programs you can't miss this year!


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Alternatives to Calling the Police

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Today's somber anniversary calls this source of our Unitarian Universalist faith to mind: Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love.

And we share this key resource from our Safe Congregations Handbook. We hope you'll engage with the questions and guidance offered here in your congregation and community so we can continue our work toward building #BelovedCommunity.

#ICantBreathe #DefundPolice

Alternatives to Calling the Police—Introduction ...

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As we approach the 1 year anniversary of his death, we lift up and honor the beautiful humanity of George Floyd, the dignity of ...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As we approach the 1 year anniversary of his death, we lift up and honor the beautiful humanity of George Floyd, the dignity of his life, and how deeply he will be missed by his family and loved ones. It is this consideration for humanity that is so obviously absent in police use of force and why we will not rest until there is a better way to keep each other safe.

#RestInPowerGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #DefundPolice

Image © 2020 Kerem Yucel/AFP via Getty Images at: https://www.uuworld.org/articles/reflection-memorial

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Multi-Platform: Trauma

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As more people get vaccinated and congregations begin to consider multi-platform operations, it’s important to understand that our faith communities have gone through a traumatic experience which impacts our physical and mental functioning. In this resource, Rev. Sunshine J. Wolfe offers multiple ways to recognize this trauma and how hold our communities in care moving forward.

It's important to understand that our faith communities have gone through a traumatic experience, and that is having an impact on our people.

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Home - GAAD

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Today is The Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access/inclusion and people with different abilities. Here at the UUA, we work hard to make our digital content as accessible as possible and there's always room for improvement!

Learn more about GAAD and Web Content Accessibility so we can all do our parts to make the internet more accessible and welcoming.

Thursday, May 20 2021 marks the tenth Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access/inclusion and people with different disabilities.

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Service of the Living Tradition

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
"If we can think about this as not work but ministry, what we’re called to do as UUs, it may enable us to push past the walls where we often stop and continue deepening our engagement" said Rev. Dr. Natalie Fenimore in describing the ongoing work of the Commission on Institutional Change.

We are proud to have Rev. Fenimore lead the Service of the Living Tradition at General Assembly this year. Learn more and register for GA at https://www.uua.org/ga/program/highlights/slt.

This worship service is a General Assembly annual tradition where fellowshipped and credentialed religious leaders are honored.

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We are proud of the ways that Unitarian Universalists have shared ministry, partnered across congregations, and leaned on each o...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are proud of the ways that Unitarian Universalists have shared ministry, partnered across congregations, and leaned on each other over the past year and a half in the midst of so much loss and tragedy.

UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray outlined four key principles to help guide our congregations and communities in transitioning to multi-platform operations. Get more details and many great resources in this message: https://bit.ly/3tGrOv4.

Text in image reads, "2021 Guidance for UU Gatherings Key Principles for Multi-platform Operations 1. Root decisions in the values of inclusion and consent. 2. Follow the science. 3. Go slow and be flexible. 4. Be realistic with expectations of ourselves and others."

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This content isn't available right now

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
DRUUMM President Ayanna Kafi and Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons invite you to "Becoming Human, Again and Again," a unique worship and fundraising event on Wednesday, May 19 at 8:30pm ET.

This service will be open to all, with a special invitation to the larger community of multiracial families and white antiracist allies. Worship will be led by Rev. Mitra Rahnema and includes Joshua Long, Nicole Rumeau, Rev. Manish Mishra, Esperanza Garza-Danweber, Rhonda Brown and more.

RSVP to be in the virtual congregation at bit.ly/may19druumm or join the livestream on the Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries @DRUUMM Facebook page.

When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

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May 15, 1961 is the date of the consolidation of AUA (American Unitarian Association) and UCA (Universalist Church of America) t...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
May 15, 1961 is the date of the consolidation of AUA (American Unitarian Association) and UCA (Universalist Church of America) to form the UUA. So today is our 60th birthday!

Help us celebrate this special day by supporting one of these critically important funds:
The Holdeen India Program: https://www.uua.org/international-justice/holdeen
The UUA’s Living Tradition Fund https://giving.uua.org/LTF
The UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund: https://giving.uua.org/disaster-relief

The image in the graphic below is from the archives. It was taken during the consolidation ceremony in 1961 - too bad they couldn't take selfies back then!

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Savoring Simplicity

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Nearly every week, we update our website resources providing congregations #guidanceongathering as conditions change in the COVID 19 pandemic: https://bit.ly/33IpGbN. We are also sharing great examples here on our Facebook page when we find them (share your congregation's story with us in the comments!). And President Susan Frederick-Gray offers pastoral support and guidance in her regular messages to leaders. This week's message encourages Unitarian Universalists to focus on simple ways of being with one another as we all navigate this exhausting time of ever-changing rules and protocols.

How is your congregation or community doing in this time of transition? As Rev. Frederick-Gray affirms in her message, let us be flexible and compassionate as we go.

You cannot resolve liminality by planning your way through it. You must learn your way through it.

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How Vincent Chin's Death Gave Others A Voice

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are mindful that this Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month arrives in the difficult context of terrible violence and bigotry against this diverse ethnic group. If you don't know Vincent Chin's story, we encourage you to explore it. It's a reminder that violence against people of Asian descent has a long history in this country. As we hold the loss of Vincent Chin's life in our hearts, we also honor the strength, courage, and determination of the activists - Asian, Black, and many other people of color - that his death gave rise to. When we rally for justice and equity, we carry with us the hope and the power of those who have come before. #AsianAmericanPacificIslanderHeritageMonth

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Policymaking and Leadership During COVID-19

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As more Unitarian Universalists receive COVID-19 vaccinations, and because of our strong desire to connect once again in the sacred spaces of our congregational buildings, many congregational leaders are asking the UUA for guidance in decision-making about when and how to return to in-person programs and services.

This is a decision that each congregation will need to make based on its own unique circumstances. However, we urge congregations to move slowly, with caution and our deepest values at the center. UUA Congregational Life staff are here to help. Learn more at https://www.uua.org/safe/pandemics/gathering-guidance

This is "Policymaking and Leadership During COVID-19" by Unitarian Universalist Assoc. on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love…

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World Changing Ideas Awards 2021: Enduring Impact (15+ Years) In Business Finalists and Honorable Mentions

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are so excited and honored that our UU the Vote campaign has been included as a finalist in Fast Company's World Changing Ideas Awards!

The World Changing Ideas Awards honor businesses and organizations driving change in the world. This year, the entries reflected a range of exceptional work helping to fight the pandemic and rethinking how society emerges from the past year better than before.

See the full list of honorees.

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We love to share Unitarian abolitionist and suffragist Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation for Peace on this holiday, wh...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We love to share Unitarian abolitionist and suffragist Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation for Peace on this holiday, which is so often marked with flower bouquets and tea dates. May our ancestors always be a source of inspiration and learning for the work for justice that must go on.

Gratitude to The Peace Alliance for this beautiful graphic and excerpt. Read Howe's full proclamation on their website at http://bit.ly/1g9epQd.

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We love seeing the ways that Mother's Day has evolved in recent years away from a card and gift-based - and often highly gendere...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We love seeing the ways that Mother's Day has evolved in recent years away from a card and gift-based - and often highly gendered - holiday towards an opportunity to uplift the difficulty, the beauty, and the dignity of parenting in its most intimate forms.

We share this beautiful graphic created by Dayna Draws Stuff as one way to uplift the diversity of motherhood. On this Mother's Day, what is your heart calling you to honor, cherish or uplift? Share your wishes here so we can all join with you in marking this special time of year.

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With Mother’s Day approaching, we hold in care the mothers that have been separated from their families due to incarceration. Fr...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
With Mother’s Day approaching, we hold in care the mothers that have been separated from their families due to incarceration. From May 6th to May 12th, the National Bail Out Collective will hold their third annual Black Mama’s Day Bail Out to bail out as many mothers and caregivers as possible so they can spend Mother’s Day with their families and communities. We recognize the hardship that incarceration places on families and uplift the work of organizers that are fighting to end money bail and pretrial detention. You can learn more about the campaign and donate here. https://www.nationalbailout.org/history

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Time for All Ages, April 11, 2021

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
When approached with intentionality and creativity, digital spaces are sacred spaces. Congregations and communities have centered care for the most vulnerable during the pandemic by shifting to online operations, while maintaining the spirit of beloved community for all. There are unique values to online gatherings that allow us to connect deeply with each other and to our faith, like this Time for All AgesYouTube video. We were moved by the meaningful way this religious educator from UU Church of Haverhill helped us think about what makes us feel at home.

Let us reflect on how virtual operations have created opportunities to grow and rethink our ministries. How can we keep growing in our ability to make sacred the Zoom meeting or digital recording shared in our Unitarian Universalist communities? Join us over the next few weeks for examples of UUs building meaningful online ministries.

Clare and Thomas tell as story about Nicholas and his travels!To learn more about our church, visit: www.uuhaverhill.orgTo donate, please visit: https://uuha...

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For nearly forty years, the UUA has worked with grassroots partners in India battling poverty and inequality. Never have we witn...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
For nearly forty years, the UUA has worked with grassroots partners in India battling poverty and inequality. Never have we witnessed a crisis like the second surge of COVID-19. Every day our program partners learn of colleagues who have lost family members or fallen themselves to the virus. In Gujarat, an epicenter of the surge, people are lining up for hours outside hospitals in the searing heat, waiting for medicine, oxygen, and hospital beds that may not exist.​ The raging virus has not spared anyone—small towns, villages, and big cities have all been hit hard. Yet our partners across the country are still ensuring aid reaches those most in need. Team members who are vaccinated or recently recovered are mounting campaigns and trainings to expand vaccinations and deliver emergency relief.

In this time of intensifying crisis, our hearts mourn for all who have been lost to this virus. But our faith is also sustained by the resilience of those working to advance solidarity and justice, even as they struggle to survive. You can support the UU Holdeen India Program with a donation to https://giving.uua.org/holdeen.

Text in image reads, "Every day we learn of colleagues in India who have lost family members or fallen themselves to the virus. In this time of intensifying crisis, our hearts mourn for all who have been lost to Covid-19. Derek Mitchell Director, UU Holdeen India Program"

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UU World Special Issue: (Re)Building Democracy

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Since the beginning of Unitarianism and Universalism in the United States, newspapers, journals, and magazines captured key ideas and moments in the faith and kept members connected. When Universalists and Unitarians joined together, the shared faith and culture was reflected in the pages of newspapers and, eventually, the UU World magazine as we know it today.

We are excited to build on this living tradition and offer a reimagined take on our beloved magazine with a new special issue called, “(Re)Building Democracy: A National Reckoning About Race, Justice, and Equity.” Redesigned and including vibrant art and photography, this issue reflects long standing concerns of Unitarians, Universalists and Unitarian Universalists, yet captures this historic moment in (re)building democracy in the United States.

Look for your issue to arrive in your mailbox in early May! Not sure if you’re getting UU World magazine or need to update your subscription? You can do that here: https://www.uuworld.org/subscriptions.

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An Update on General Assembly 2021

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Join us online this June for our annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists at General Assembly!

We're excited to welcome Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade for the Ware Lecture this year and to connect with thousands of UUs all over the world in worship, learning and community. Make sure you're registered and encourage your congregation members to register, too!

Have you registered for this June's all-virtual General Assembly?

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Democracy Restoration Act

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
The Democracy Restoration Act is federal legislation that seeks to restore voting rights in federal elections to the millions of disenfranchised Americans who were formerly incarcerated. The UUA and UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray have joined faith leaders of many traditions and backgrounds to declare our support for this legislation.

The Democracy Restoration Act is federal legislation introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin to restore voting rights upon release from prison.

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Practical Advice on Copyright for Worship

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Since the transition to online worship, many congregations have grappled with how to legally and ethically stream entire services. In this valuable resource, Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson discusses how copyright law works with respect to the elements of worship such as readings, music, videos, and more.

How copyright law, and our principles, work with respect to worship: readings, sermons, music, stories, images, videos, and more.

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Formerly incarcerated, this Unitarian Universalist minister is dedicated to abolishing prisons

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As a Unitarian Universalist and someone formerly incarcerated, Rev. Jason Lydon envisions a world without prisons. He explains that his abolitionist mindset is grounded in our shared theology of human dignity and universal salvation. The work to dismantle the carceral system continues, but in the meantime, Rev. Lydon ministers to those who are incarcerated and challenges our understanding of policing, violence, and punishment.

(RNS) — His ministry may have been born in prison, but Jason Lydon wants to see a society where prisons no longer exist. That dream is connected to his theology, he says.

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‘I am free today’: After three years, Vicky Chavez can safely leave her sanctuary at a Salt Lake City church

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
For three years, Vicky Chavez and her children have been in sanctuary at First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City. Last week, she was finally able to safely leave after being granted a stay in her immigration case. We celebrate this moment of freedom and hold Vicky Chavez in care as she moves forward with her family and community.

After seeking sanctuary in a Salt Lake City church for more than three years, a Honduran woman and her two little girls are now finally free to leave.

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More Waters Rising

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
On this Earth Day, many of us are experiencing climate grief or burnout. Karishma Gottfried reminds us that singing offers a pathway to healing and regeneration with the song “More Waters Rising” by Saro Lynch. Although the song is simple, it expresses the complexities of climate justice in this moment. This song was performed during the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth Spring for Change worship, you can support the creation of more worships like this at https://www.uumfe.org/giving/

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A Prayer for Ostara

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Happy Earth Day! Today, people across our global community will be taking actions towards climate justice. We share this poem “Prayer for Ostara,” written and read by Mya Wade-Harper, to ground ourselves and our work in a deep connection to the earth. These centering words were a part of a larger worship produced by Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, you can support their ministries here https://www.uumfe.org/giving/

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Livestream of A National UU Post-Verdict Vigil

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Please join the UUA, Side with Love, Black Lives of UU and DRUUMM for the livestream of our virtual vigil tonight in response to the verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of killing George Floyd.

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We Speak George Floyd's Name

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Yesterday’s verdict was a rare moment of police accountability and we are now in a time of national reckoning. Our Unitarian Universalist faith demands that we speak George Floyd’s name in remembrance of his life and recognize every Black person who has been harassed, assaulted, or murdered by police.

We must work in solidarity with the Black leaders and organizers who have long been fighting for accountability and justice. We need a fundamental divestment of police spending and a reinvestment in our communities and a shared vision of safety. #justiceforgeorgefloyd #blacklivesmatter

Content warning: Message linked below includes some description of George Floyd's death.

America is grappling with the reality that our system of policing cannot be truly reformed.

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'Finally': America Reacts To Chauvin Guilty Verdict

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are holding Black communities in love and care in this time of deep trauma and relief. Policing in this country remains deadly for communities of color and those on the margins. We remain in solidarity with UUs, our partners and communities in the work to divest from policing and invest in community care. #blacklivesmatter #onward

Across the country, jubilation and relief broke out at the guilty verdict for the former Minneapolis police officer. But many people see it as the start of a long fight toward justice.

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Join Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth in the 2021 Project Drawdown EcoChallenge! Find their team on the Drawdown EcoCha...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Join Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth in the 2021 Project Drawdown EcoChallenge! Find their team on the Drawdown EcoChallenge platform to connect with other UUs passionate about climate justice. Commit to different climate justice actions, either one-time or ongoing, and share progress with team members. Find more information about the challenge and how to join at https://www.uumfe.org/campaigns/project-drawdown-uu-initiative/

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We are so excited to announce that Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade will join us as Ware Lecturers at General Assembly 2021 this ...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are so excited to announce that Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade will join us as Ware Lecturers at General Assembly 2021 this June!

Learn more and register for General Assembly online at: https://www.uua.org/ga/program/highlights/ware-lecture.

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Planning for Multi-Platform Operations

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We share our most updated guidance with you on safe congregational operations in response to the changing pandemic conditions. Our first concern continues to be safeguarding the well-being of our people and the public, so we recommend that congregations shift to multi-platform operations in the coming year.

We hope this flexible approach will allow congregations to assess the needs and risks in their community, while being prepared to go back to virtual operations should the need arise. We know that implementing this plan may not be easy and we're updating and creating new online resources to help guide you in this moment. Learn more in this message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray.

Finding ways to share ministry, to partner across congregations and lean on each other are the values and tools that will continue to guide us.

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We remain grateful for the leadership of UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray in this time of great pain and frustration for ...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We remain grateful for the leadership of UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray in this time of great pain and frustration for all who believe in justice. Our faith calls us to ever more courageous action to end policing as we know it in this country. #DaunteWright #GeorgeFloyd #blacklivesmatter

Image text reads, "May we find the resources within ourselves to give us courage in this moment to resist dehumanizing and violent systems. May we find the courage to deepen our commitment, and be willing to risk for this movement that needs to succeed. May we all find ways to support the Movement for Black Lives and the calls to divest from this deadly system of policing, criminalization and incarceration. It cannot be reformed. We need a new way. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray"

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inSpirit: UUA Bookstore and Gift Shop: Muhammad

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Ramadan Mubarak! In this first week of the holy month, find books that explore the Islamic faith from InSpirit UU Bookstore like "Muhammad: The Story of a Prophet and Reformer."

In the pages of Muhammad: The Story of a Prophet and Reformer, young readers will encounter a man very different from the figure often presented in Western popular culture.

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In Minnesota, a grieving community desperate for change after officer killed Daunte Wright

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
The UUA grieves with, and remains in unequivocal solidarity with our Black siblings and with Black people everywhere as we digest the horrific news of yet another killing of a Black person by law enforcement. We hold #DaunteWright and his family and community in our hearts and prayers.

As Minnesota NAACP Vice President P.J. Hill affirms in the article below, "The blue code is a culture that needs to be undone." We must divest from a white supremacist criminal justice system that continually devalues Black bodies and Black lives. #BlackLivesMatter

Not far from where George Floyd died, protesters again demand justice as they mourn another Black man killed by police.

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Spring For Change Worship Resources | Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As part of Spring for Change: Season of Sacred Activism, Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth has produced a full worship for congregational use, “Pathways to Healing and Regeneration.” It includes beautiful music and a variety of speakers, including a reflection from Rev. Yadenee Hailu. The services is available in full or in part and donations to UUMFE are highly encouraged.

2021 Virtual Worship Resources for Earth Day & Spring for Change This year, UU Ministry for Earth is producing a robust and beautiful virtual worship service for use in full or in part by participating congregations this Spring, as part of Spring for Change: A Season of Sacred Activism. Service Deta...

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They moved into churches to avoid deportation. Now they’re asking: Is it safe to leave?

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As President Biden attempts to temporarily freeze deportations, undocumented immigrants face their own personal dilemmas. Is it safe to leave sanctuary in this period of transition and uncertainty? Unitarian Universalists congregations are offering support in this struggle and a few are providing sanctuary to immigrants while they seek asylum.

President Biden froze deportations for 100 days, but a federal judge quickly blocked that order, creating a dilemma for those still in sanctuary.

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WHWN Spring 2021 - Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Get involved as a family, community, or congregation and get ready for #EarthDay by taking part in Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice and Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth's letter writing campaign in support of the Justice for Black Farmers Act. We believe that a transition to sustainable and climate-friendly agriculture can also address issues like racism, unemployment, and food insecurity.

Just Transition to Climate-Friendly Agriculture Letter-Writing Documents & Resources Issue Briefing – Thursday, April 15 2pm ET | 1pm CT | 12noon MT | 11am PT Register Here We will be joined by Adam Zipkin, Counsel to United States Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ). Adam advises the Senator on ... read m...

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Black Farmers Tell Congress Work Just Beginning

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Black farmers have long faced discrimination in terms of lending practices, funding, and recognition. For climate justice to be truly sustainable and intersectional, we must support equitable agricultural practices.

Black farmers were given a seat at the table at a recent U.S. House Agriculture Committee hearing to address discrimination in ag.

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In this holiday time, it can be especially hard not to gather in person across great distances or by bringing multiple household...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
In this holiday time, it can be especially hard not to gather in person across great distances or by bringing multiple households together. But as a community of faith, committed to values affirming the worthiness of all and our essential interdependence, we must remain steadfast in doing what we can to slow the spread of COVID-19.

We are continually updating our guidance and creating new resources to help us all navigate this journey: https://www.uua.org/safe/pandemics.

Image text reads: "2021 Guidance for UU Gatherings Values-based Decision Making 'When this pandemic is over, even with all of its painful, devastating losses, may we be able to say that our Unitarian Universalist congregations did all that we could to save lives.' Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray"

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Brighten Up Easter With Naturally Dyed Eggs

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Dying eggs is a wonderful activity to enjoy with loved ones of all ages and creates a unique opportunity to talk about the many changes that happen during this time of year. How do you mark this season and its special days? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Using ingredients straight from your kitchen, these dyed Easter eggs make a fun and festive way to celebrate.

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Lights, cameras and Zoom preaching: How I kept my church connected during a year of COVID

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
It has been over a year since many of our congregations have gathered in person. Communities have become even more important as we face new challenges in our lives. Rev. Dr. Debra W. Haffner from Unitarian Universalist Church in Reston reflects on how her congregation has grown and creatively cared for each other during this time. “Belonging to a beloved community got many of us through this past year. As it will get us through the months ahead.”

Our congregation has grown during COVID. I suspect some people prefer watching worship on their sofas, eating breakfast and maybe muting my sermons.

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What you need to know about trans rights in a new era

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Our commitment to ensuring trans rights and fighting for liberation extends beyond #TransDayofVisibility. It involves passing nondiscrimination laws that protect the LGBTQ+ community, establishing access to gender-inclusive healthcare, and creating alternatives to policing which so often exerts anti-trans violence. Author Sam Ames lifts up that "part of what makes trans people sacred is that we are born with an unrelenting drive toward a better way of being, a better way of living, a better world." For those with privilege, how can you show up as an accomplice and recommit to trans justice?

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Join us to take action to oppose the anti-trans bills moving through state legislatures. Find messaging guidance and resources i...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Join us to take action to oppose the anti-trans bills moving through state legislatures. Find messaging guidance and resources in this #TransWeekofAction toolkit: https://tinyurl.com/5ef6mxwz

Image text reads: "Unitarian Universalists unapologetically proclaim that trans lives are divine. On this #TransDayofVisibility and every day, we uplift and support all of the trans and nonbinary people in our lives, our congregations and communities."

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Exemplar: Gwendolyn Howard

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As we use our platforms to lift up and make visible the trans and non-binary folks in Unitarian Universalist faith communities today, we also acknowledge our own journey to this point. Rev. Theresa Soto says it well in this essay in UU World: "Unitarian Universalism has not always made space for the work of trans ministers, but the work of trans ministers has been precious and irreplaceable just the same."

May we continue to widen the circle of welcome and inclusion, learning from our past and leaning into the promise and possibility of our future. #TransLivesMatter #tdov2021

Unitarian Universalism has not always made space for the work of trans ministers, but the work of trans ministers has been precious and irreplaceable just the same.

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UUA Condemns Attacks on Democracy, Recommits to Protecting Voting Rights

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We offer support and solidarity to the powerful organizing happening in #Georgia, especially from faith communities and Black-led organizations such as New Georgia Project, Black Voters Matter - Georgia, and Fair Fight Action. We applaud leaders like Representative Park Cannon who have engaged in direct action and shown up with moral courage to condemn state repression. And we encourage Unitarian Universalists across the country to organize to defeat voter suppression in their own states.

Unitarian Universalist values hold that all people should have a voice and a vote in choosing their leaders.

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By: Unitarian Universalist Association
On March 31, we’ll celebrate Trans Day of Visibility, uplifting the beautiful lives and important work of trans & non-binary folk. In anticipation of that, we share this collaborative poem "Beyond Resilience" created by trans & non-binary writers as part of Forward Together’s annual art project. “Trauma is not our name. Survived is not our identity. The future is unbound, the chains are broken.” #tdov2021

Visit the post for more.

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Raphael Warnock gives FIRST speech from the Senate floor

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
During his inaugural speech on the Senate floor, Senator Rev. Warnock of Georgia proclaimed that “as a man of faith, I believe that democracy is the political enactment of a spiritual idea: the sacred worth of all human beings, the notion that we all have within us a spark of the divine, and a right to participate in the shaping of our destiny.” As Unitarian Universalists, we echo this belief that our commitment to democracy is grounded in our spiritual tradition. We applaud Senator Rev. Warnock and encourage you to watch the full speech.

Sen. Raphael Warnock gave his first speech from the Senate floor.

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Navigating an In-Between Time

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
While some of us may be experiencing relief and reconnection as friends, family and others receive COVID-19 vaccinations and feel safer about interacting in person, many of us remain at risk. President Frederick-Gray describes this "in-between time" as likely to be more challenging than a year ago, when we all pivoted quickly to virtual programming.

Risk tolerance may vary across our communities, but our Unitarian Universalist values call us back to a steadfast commitment to protect the most vulnerable, within and beyond our communities. Read more from Rev. Frederick-Gray and get new resources to help you plan for what comes next.


Now is the time to start planning for how to guide your community as the pandemic subsides.

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By: Unitarian Universalist Association
On March 22, the multi-faith network Faithful Democracy Coalition sent a letter to the Senate Rules Committee in support of the For The People Act. Our own UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray is quoted in this powerful letter below that calls for a bold, equitable democracy.

"Unitarian Universalists join leaders of faith nationally and call on the U.S. Senate to pass the For The People Act to begin to repair our democracy and protect everyone’s fundamental right to vote—especially historically disenfranchised Black, Brown, Indigenous, and low-income communities. We hold democratic principles at the center of our tradition and call on senatorial leaders to follow their elected duty and moral conscience to uphold and strengthen our democratic institutions. After years of partisan and politically motivated gerrymandering, we must forge ahead to make voting more accessible for ALL the people. We must combat voter suppression at all levels of government and prevent state encroachment of these constitutional rights. Passing this federal legislation is crucial to reclaim our democracy and recommit to our collective belief that every person in our country deserves a voice and a vote."

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Coming of age in an American internment camp

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
There is a deep history of white supremacy and racism towards Asians & Asian Americans in this country. With the recent surges of violence, we are reminded of the injustice of the Japanese internment camps in the 1940s. We remember the perseverance of Rose Tanaka, who came of age in the Manzanar camp and later became a dedicated Unitarian Universalist at First Unitarian Society of Denver. How can we be welcoming, loving communities in this time of pain and hatred?

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Home | YARN

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are delighted to lift up the Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Revival Network, also known as YARN. Their mission is to create inclusive, celebratory, and community-based spaces for UU young adults. We invite all young adults to check out the spaces and resources that YARN currently offers. What other young adult ministries have been meaningful for you? What ministries do you hope to see?

YARN is the successor project to the Young Adult Ministry Initiative, which was a year long effort to initiate a conversation about UU young adult ministry. Once the pandemic hit last spring, we shifted gears to organizing and delivering ministry to UU young adults everywhere. 

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Breaking Covenant - Repair Restore Renew

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
The UUA's MidAmerica Region is offering a day-long workshop on covenant and what we can do in the difficult and often heartbreaking instances when covenant is broken. Learn more and register:

Join us to learn more about the need to have policies and procedures in place to deal with destructive behavior.

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Disaster Relief Fund and Resources

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Your generous donations to the UUA's Disaster Relief Fund have been put to meaningful use meeting critical needs of UUs and their local partners recovering from severe winter storms in Texas. Thank you to everyone who has contributed.

The Disaster Relief Fund exists to support UUs and their communities when they are facing serious and unexpected hardship. As we know these events cannot be predicted well, and early spring has already brought more severe storms across the South, we hope you'll continue to support this fund as a concrete expression of our covenant with one another.

Assist UUA congregations, their members, and communities experiencing destruction from natural and human caused disasters.

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The UUA Decries Anti-Asian Violence

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
The UUA joins leaders across the country in decrying the recent surge of hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans. #StopAAPIHate

We call on federal, state, and local governments to send the clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. And we are in solidarity with victims, survivors, and families who have suffered loss and pain. We know these acts of violence are rooted in the same white supremacy and hate that takes the lives of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people.

We need to recognize that this discrimination was born of the extremism that hurts us all.

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This time last year, Unitarian Universalist congregations had to make a quick transition to virtual operations, in response to t...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
This time last year, Unitarian Universalist congregations had to make a quick transition to virtual operations, in response to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We have been so inspired and proud of the creative and caring ways UUs responded to this challenge. We've also heard from some UUs about the benefits they've gotten from gathering virtually.

What unexpected gifts have you found in virtually gathering? As we mark this unique anniversary in our lives and our spiritual communities, what insights have you gained? What practices will you continue?

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Mathematician Karen Uhlenbeck, a Unitarian Universalist, is first woman to win Abel Prize

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Today is Pi Day! We are marking it by uplifting Karen Uhlenbeck, the first woman to receive the Abel Prize in mathematics. She’s also a Unitarian Universalist! We are so impressed by and grateful for #WomenInStem

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Sunday Morning Worship

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Recognizing the importance of shared ministry and the many innovative approaches to worship created by congregations during the pandemic, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick Gray, selected the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis to serve as worship leaders for this year's GA Sunday Morning Service. First Universalist has been a model of shared ministry and what it means to put the work of dismantling white supremacy and building anti-racist, anti-oppressive practices at the center of their ministry.

We are excited to share in worship together again at GA and we hope you'll join us!

Join us for the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience will take place at the Spokane Convention Center on Sunday, June 28, 2020

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Addressing Anti-Asian Attacks With Transformative Justice

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As people of faith and conscience, we denounce the ongoing anti-Asian violence in communities across the U.S. We hold members of the Asian community in our hearts and our prayers—and in our cries for justice and an end to the white supremacy culture that fuels this hate.

Michelle Kim writes, "Today, White supremacy is acting again, pitting our communities against each other and banking on our collective amnesia about the conditions that have birthed the violence—the government’s utter failure to create any semblance of financial safety for the most marginalized...systemic racism permeating every nook and cranny of our medical system that bar access to adequate care for the most vulnerable...and the institutional robbery committed against the public while corporate billionaires became multibillionaires off a game only they are allowed to play."

As attacks on Asian communities rise, so must understanding and solidarity between Asian and Black communities to challenge the real enemy, White supremacy.

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We Continue to Nurture the Bonds of Care and Love

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
A year ago, the transition to virtual operations felt difficult and uncertain. We're so proud of the ways that Unitarian Universalists shifted to meet congregation and community needs at the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic. #1yranniversary #goingvirtual

Be sure to watch and share the video message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray included at the link below.

So many of you, and your communities as a whole, have done so much to nurture life and care and hope in this time.

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How Four Activists Celebrate Women's History Month

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
These activists are each making unique and powerful contributions to our world and they are lifting up other women, too. How are you celebrating Women's History Month?

We reach out to five activists to learn how they're celebrating Women's History Month and share their advice on how to celebrate women every day.

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BIPOC Caucus On Climate Justice Registration | Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As we’ve seen, the climate crisis exacerbates preexisting oppression and disproportionately impacts communities of color. In collaboration with Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, Paula Cole Jones and Rashid Shaikh have organized a BIPOC caucus that focuses on intersectional environmental justice. This intentional community will gather to reflect on the current moment of climate emergency, exchange aspirations, and learn from each other. Sign up below.

Inviting All People of Color to work on Climate (In)Justice Climate change promises not to be kind on anyone, least of all on us in the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. Time and time again, we have witnessed the disproportionate and disastrous impacts of climate change on....

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The Unitarian Universalist Association is proud to join Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth as a partner for the Interfait...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
The Unitarian Universalist Association is proud to join Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth as a partner for the Interfaith Day of Action for Climate Justice - Sacred Earth, Sacred People taking place this Thursday.

On March 11th, faith communities across the world will come together to call for bold climate justice. At 11am Eastern in Washington, D.C., UUs and partners will gather at the Washington Monument to sound the alarm with bells, gongs and horns, showing that people of faith are rising up for bold, compassionate solutions on climate change. We are proud to be able to livestream the event. Learn more about this Day of Action and see how you can participate from your home.

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We are so grateful for all the women leaders—especially the BIPOC women, trans women, women with disabilities and poor women—who...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are so grateful for all the women leaders—especially the BIPOC women, trans women, women with disabilities and poor women—who have been leading change throughout history and today. And we remain ever grateful for the leadership of our President, the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray.


[Text in the image reads, "Women’s leadership is essential for the transformative change we need to center collective care, environmental justice, and the well-being, dignity and wholeness of communities everywhere. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray" set next to an image of three people in close contact, smiling.]

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We are proud that Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations and the International Women's Convocation are ...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are proud that Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations and the International Women's Convocation are offering events as part of the United Nations' 65th Annual Commission on the Status of Women Forum. Show up for women and girls across the globe on this #InternationalWomensDay by signing up to participate in one of these critically important events. Find the events here https://www.uua.org/international-justice/events/csw65-ngo-forum

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UU@UN Spring Seminar

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Are you all in for climate justice? Join us for the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations Spring Seminar April 9-11 to discuss and envision a future with equitable and sustainable food systems. Registration closes March 18th, learn more at www.uua.org/unspringseminar

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This Black History Month, Stop Asking Black Women To Do The Most

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
As we transition from Black History Month to Women’s History Month, we share this powerful essay from Shayla Lawson because it remains essential to recognize the unique struggle of Black women in the fight for justice. Black women are often expected to “be the envoys to a better world” despite the trauma and exhaustion of living in the world as it is. We cannot forget that those with privilege must do the work to create a world that cares for and nourishes Black women instead of expecting them to lead us there.

I am starting to feel like cauliflower.

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The Pro-Democracy Faith Movement - Center for American Progress

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
History will recognize the dedication and impact of the progressive faith movement in support of democracy. UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray and Rev. Marlin Lavanhar of All Souls Unitarian Church are both quoted in the section "Grounding Democracy in Shared Sense of Community." We are so proud that Unitarian Universalism is part of this excellent report.

CAP brought together diverse religious leaders to explore the values underpinning the faith community’s support of democracy.

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Looking back, volunteers who stuck by asylum-seekers in Mexico take moment to rejoice

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
After enduring over a year of living in a tent encampment, asylum seekers are finally being released into the U.S. The camp in Matamoros, Mexico is emptying as more people are approved to cross the border. There is still more struggle ahead, but right now, these asylum seekers and their longtime supporters are rejoicing.

A Catholic nun and volunteers were among those who shed tears of joy on Friday as the second day of release for hundreds of asylum-seekers from the Migrant Protection Protocols program went off wit…

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UU@UN Intergenerational Spring Seminar

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Making food systems more equitable and sustainable is one of the many ways we can act in our communities to combat climate change and advance climate justice. This April 9-11, learn why and how at the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations #UNSpringSeminar #AllinforClimateJustice

Youth and adults from all over North America gather annually for our three day seminar to dig deeply into issues with global impact.

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The Black history I carry with me

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
This project, A Beautiful Resistance, offers a snapshot of New England's contributions to Black history and Black futures. Keep the #BlackHistoryMonth celebration going by reading through these stories of Black, New England change-makers and the people that inspired them.

The Boston Globe is celebrating Black History Month by amplifying local stories of change-makers and the people inspired by them--Part of Jeneé Osterheldt's A Beautiful Resistance series.

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You are held in care.

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
An important part of being in a community of faith is taking seriously our need make space in our daily lives to care for others and to be cared for ourselves. We're so grateful for UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray's words of reminder for us all to prioritize compassion and self-care as we process the many layers of stress and trauma we're experiencing today.

We must also remember that trauma disproportionately impacts Indigenous, Black, Latinx communities and communities of color. We can all do something to connect in care with those around us. What will you do?

It matters that we lean more deeply into compassion and care. There is no more important practice or culture to develop in this time.

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Opinion | Reversing Myanmar's Coup Isn't Enough. Here’s How to Build a Better Burma

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
President Biden and other Western leaders have condemned the military coup in Myanmar. Rachel Gore Freed, Vice President of the UUSC, argues that we must also consider the human rights abuses that have been committed by Aung San Suu Kyi’s government, especially towards the Rohingya and other ethnic minorities. In this op-ed, she proposes that “the West needs to take specific and concrete steps to ensure that Myanmar emerges as a more just and humane country.”

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We know that congregations are considering what their regathering policy will look like. Find helpful guidance and resources at ...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We know that congregations are considering what their regathering policy will look like. Find helpful guidance and resources at https://www.uua.org/safe/pandemics/gathering-guidance

Image text reads: "2021 Guidance for UU Gatherings - Role of Congregational Leaders - 'A good COVID-19 regathering policy will refer to scientific data to tell you when it's safe to regather. It's not our feelings or our politicians' attitudes that tell us when we can get together in person again.'"

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Policymaking and Leadership During COVID-19

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We offer this short video from UUA staff to watch and share with congregational leaders as they think through the many important issues connected to regathering in-person as the COVID-19 pandemic begins to subside. Explore more here: https://www.uua.org/safe/pandemics/gathering-guidance

This is "Policymaking and Leadership During COVID-19" by Unitarian Universalist Assoc. on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love…

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Disaster Relief Fund and Resources

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We are tracking the ways that Unitarian Universalists continue to be impacted by the severe winter storms that swept across the U.S. South. Through our Disaster Relief Fund, we've already been able to provide grants to two congregations in Texas to help them support their members and their communities during this heartbreaking time. #WinterStorm2021

Your generous donations to the Disaster Relief Fund will help us continue to provide this care and support. Please give as generously as you are able.

Assist UUA congregations, their members, and communities experiencing destruction from natural and human caused disasters.

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Loved Into Being

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
To express our gratitude for the ministry and dedication of congregations, we’ve put together a full-length stewardship service that can be shared during Sunday worship. This service includes vibrant music, storytelling, and other elements that will help us to grow in spirit, in courage, and in generosity. You can use all, or parts of, this service beginning Friday, March 5th.

Faith in Unitarian Universalism isn't an intellectual exercise: it's "heart" work....

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Disaster Relief Fund and Resources

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We're holding family, friends and loved ones, and everyone across the U.S. South, especially in Texas, in our hearts and prayers. Unitarian Universalists can help one another and their local partners through the UUA's Disaster Relief fund. #winterstorm2021

Assist UUA congregations, their members, and communities experiencing destruction from natural and human caused disasters.

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Latina Pastor, Denied Vaccine At First, Speaks Out On Race And COVID-19

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
People of privilege may find it hard to believe that healthcare institutions would deny anyone access to medicine they are qualified to receive. This is how it happens.

An experience for one woman at Sentara RMH in Harrisonburg highlights concerns about racial bias in healthcare, especially regarding the distribution of

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UU@UN Intergenerational Spring Seminar

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
When food is grown unsustainably & distributed inequitably, those at the frontline of the climate crisis suffer first. We can heal our communities by taking action for climate & food justice. Learn more at Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations #UNSpringSeminar April 9-11 online! www.uua.org/unspringseminar

Youth and adults from all over North America gather annually for our three day seminar to dig deeply into issues with global impact.

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Share your climate justice message! Submit a sermon to the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations for t...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Share your climate justice message! Submit a sermon to the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations for the 2020-21 Dana Greeley Sermon Competition and you could win $500! This year’s theme: People, Power, Planet. Submissions are due February 23 - details at www.uua.org/greeleysermon

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Share or find a Common Read group for Imani Perry's book, "Breathe: A Letter to My Sons"

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
We encourage you to get involved with a discussion group for our Common Read this year, "Breathe: A Letter to My Sons." There are two discussion guides to choose from, with one for BIPOC groups and the other for general groups. We hope you take advantage of virtual engagement and create a group unbounded by geography. Join one and tell us about it!
Additional info here: www.uua.org/read

Share or find a Common Read group for Imani Perry's book, "Breathe: A Letter to My Sons"...

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30 Days of Love 2021: Sunday Worship — Side With Love

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
What if to “side with love” meant making bold, faith-full choices? What if it were even a little bit scary? We’ll explore these ideas together at the closing worship service of the Side with Love #30DaysofLove celebration this Sunday. Worship leaders and musicians from across the country will offer hopeful, moving, challenging reminders about what we, as Unitarian Universalists, are called to do, and BE, in the world. Find more information about the service here:

Are you taking part in this year's 30 Days of Love? Either way, we invite you to celebrate Side With Love Sunday by showing our full video worship service on Sunday, February 14, 2021 (or a later Sunday that works best for your congregation). Download the Order of Service for more information.

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We are held in covenant.

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
This is a season of stewardship in many congregations, as well as in the UUA. We're all looking at budgets and funds and what's possible to ensure that our vital ministries continue in this time of great need. UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray says it well in this message to congregations and leaders:

"The value and need for our life-saving, justice-centered, bold and compassionate ministries will not change. And neither will the need we have for each other."

Read more about this and get details on some new worship materials that will be available on UUA.org soon.

The value and need for our life-saving ministries will not change. And neither will the need we have for each other.

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Depth, complexity and beauty: this Princeton professor urges us to reclaim black history

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
In this video profile, author Imani Perry expresses a powerful desire to give her sons resources from the extraordinary Black tradition of resilience and resistance as they come of age in the U.S. We encourage you to join a reading group to explore and discuss Perry’s moving book, "Breathe: A Letter to My Sons," as part of this year’s Common Read. Get involved here https://www.uua.org/read

Born to social activist parents in Birmingham, Alabama, just nine years after the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, scholar and author Imani Perry grew up ...

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Joe Biden, #BuildBackFossilFree

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
The climate crisis and fossil fuel pollution are already disrupting lives across the country, especially in BIPOC communities. Join this national week of action led by frontline activists calling on President Biden to Build Back Fossil Free, work towards environmental justice, and fulfill his promise to be a climate president. Learn more here https://buildbackfossilfree.org/ and get involved here https://actionnetwork.org/forms/build-back-fossil-free-week-of-action/

Fossil fuel pollution and climate disasters are already disrupting millions of lives. That’s why we — groups representing millions of people across the count...

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Unitarian Church COVID Memorial remembers every American who has died of the coronavirus

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Even with the overwhelming numbers of deaths caused by COVID-19, so much of our individual and collective grief has gone unprocessed. The Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge has undertaken a memorial to recognize each death by carefully filling glass jars with pebbles, each pebble representing a single COVID-19 victim. These types of contemplative practices are important for guiding us in our sorrow.

It wasn’t just that COVID-19 was killing people. It was the loneliness of their deaths in quarantine that disturbed the Rev. Nathan Ryan, pastor at the Unitarian Church of Baton

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This Joy

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
In this last week of the Side with Love #30DaysofLove celebration, we’re listening to and loving “This Joy” sung by the Resistance Revival Chorus. There is much that is broken in our world, but restoration and repair is possible. The world can’t take away our Joy. Learn more about #30DaysofLove here: https://sidewithlove.org/thirty-days-of-love

Resistance Revival Chorus · Song · 2020

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Another World Is Possible: What Does Prison Abolition Really Mean?

By: Unitarian Universalist Association
Grounded in Unitarian Universalist theology, this piece by Rev. Carl Gregg calls upon us to envision a world without prisons. Driven by the belief that “another world is possible,” our Universalist ancestors rallied behind the abolition of slavery. Yet systemic racism persists in mass incarceration, leading Unitarian Universalists to take a modern abolitionist stance and continue reimagining the future. How is your congregation or community connecting to this work?

If you hang out long enough with social justice activists, you’ll eventually hear the classic slogan “Another world is possible.” You can find it

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