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A New Orientation

By: Mariela PΓ©rez-Simons β€”
A hand with red nail polish cups a compass, above the mossy floor of a forest, and the other hand points to moss or another object on the ground.

Mariela PΓ©rez-Simons

My inner compass reminds me of the power we’ve been given to create a new future.

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Beauty is a Need of the Soul

By: Mariela Perez-Simons β€”

Two Sundays ago, during our Earth-Day service here at All Souls, I preached about Beauty and explored various cultural perspectives on the subject. In that sermon, I made a case for why Beauty matters and how it’s considered a universal human right. One of my favorite quotes from that service came from the poet and philosopher John O’Donohue who sees Beauty as a need of the soul. He writes: “the human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere—in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, in love, in religion, and in ourselves…When we experience the Beautiful, there is […]

The post Beauty is a Need of the Soul appeared first on BeyondBelief.
