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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Reasons why the convicted felon supporters shouldn't be allowed in UU.

By: /u/insignificant33

At this point whoever supports that felon supports sexism, racism, LGBTQIA+ phobia, anti-climate activities etc.-all of which are clearly against UU values. There's a clear difference in morality hence these folks shouldn't be allowed in UU. Many people from marginal communities are UU members and they aren't safe around those "anti-human rights activists".

submitted by /u/insignificant33
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

How much should new members donate to UU?

By: /u/insignificant33

My partner and I joined a local UU recently. How much should we donate/month?

submitted by /u/insignificant33
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Is UUU suitable for an atheist who experienced childhood trauma from Methodist church and hates the concept of God?

By: /u/insignificant33

Asking for a queer friend who is going through severe depression and hopelessness. He believes this depression stems from his upbringing in a conservative Christian background. He can't find joy in anything. He doesn't want to seek therapy.

submitted by /u/insignificant33
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