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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Colorado Springs Church?

By: /u/Yorradorable

So one of my partners has recently gotten interested in the UUs and has an interest in attending the church in Colorado Springs.

So I was wondering if there's anything that y'all could tell her about that congregation and what to expect from their services?

submitted by /u/Yorradorable
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Michigan and Minnesota UUs?

By: /u/Yorradorable

So I'll be heading up North for college and Michigan and Minnesota seem to be where most of my schools are. I'm very active in my local congregation but I don't know anything about the churches up there.

So what are they like? Do they have queer groups? Anything I should know ahead of time?

submitted by /u/Yorradorable
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