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Universalist Prepare for Booth at Atlanta 1895 Cotton Exposition

By: Archivist โ€”


The query raised by the Post Office Mission Commission in a recent issue of Onward, is meeting with no uncertain answer. ‘”Shall we bombard Atlanta?” was the question, and scarcely was it asked, and the answers in various forms came pouring in.

One Union almost before the ink was dry on the paper which contained the call, answered yes with a remittance of $5.00. Others replied, “We are greatly interested in the Post Office Mission, our Union will contribute liberally on December 8th.”

Meanwhile the Commission itself has not been idle. With the hearty co-operation of the Universalist Publishing House an immense amount of literature has already been shipped to Atlanta.

Brother McGlauflin and the Atlanta friends have been active, so that probably this, the booth has been constructed, tastefully decorated with National Union colors, and well stocked with literature. Now, let there be a veritable deluge of generous offerings by our Unioners and their friends on December 8th, not only that this Exposition Booth may be properly maintained, but that there may be a large surplus with which to do a big work in the general field.

The Atlanta Booth will cost in all not less than $200, the commission ought to have at least $500 above that amount, who shall say they may not have it? Send all remittances to Secretary Canfield. Begin now to plan to take to the devotional meeting on December 8, – or the nearest date to that on which your Union holds its regular meeting, – a generous gift for the Post Office Mission.

Source: Onward found in Google Books, Vol. II, No. 44, Nov 29, 1895, Page:  173
