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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Apr 11, 1898 (Financial / Use of the Church)

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta Ga., Apr 11, 1898

This day was held the regular monthly meeting of the Church of Our Father, every member of the Board being present.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The Clerk reported that the average attendance at the Sunday morning services during the preceding month had been sixty.

It was recommended that in future the attendance be reported for both the morning and evening services.

The Treasurer repots was read and accepted showing

On hand and received during the month: $177.43
Disbursements: $174.78
Leaving a balance on hand of: $2.65

Mr. St. Amand stated that certain repairs were necessary on the Parsonage to make it satisfactory to the new tenant as papering, fixing of locks, and hanging blinds to the amount of about $5.80.  By vote of the Board, Mr. St. Amand was requested to see that the work was done.

The Treasurer was authorized to sign the lease for the Parsonage for one year.

Mr. Frost tendered his resignation as chairman of the Committee on Operation of the Church. On motion his resignation was referred to the committee with the recommendation that the committee enlarge itself.

A communication was received from the Equal Suffrage Association asking that the charge to them for gas and rule be reduced to one dollars per month.  A motion that the requested be granted was lost.

The matter of a summer vacation being under discussion it was moved, seconded and carried that we allow our pastor a vacation of six weeks or a less time at his discretion, to include the month of August.

A bill from Weisenfield and Murin was read amounting to $2.15.  The bill was referred to the Music Committee.

A communication was received from the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union asking for the use of the Church in which to hold a convention in May.

On motion the request was granted and the charge fixed at $10.00.

No further business was transacted and the meeting adjourned.


E.A. Davidson, Clerk
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26 Folder: 02 Book: 02 Pages: 145 – 146
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
