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Universalist Women's Mission Circle - Meeting Minutes, Apr 12, 1897 (By-laws)

By: Archivist โ€”

April 12, 1897

At the regular meeting of the Mission Circle held April 12 at the residence of Mr. McCutcheon, the following members were present: Mrs. Beck, Buchanan, McCutcheon, Dennis, Ferris, McGlauflin, Hallam, Ickes and Jones and four visitors.

In the absence of the President, Mrs. Beck presided.

Minutes of the preceding read and approved.

The Benevolent, Hospitality and Flower committees made verbal reports of work done. The committee on amendments to by-laws proposed the following which upon motion were adopted.


No I – Annual Meeting and Elections of Officers

The Annual Meeting of this Circle shall be held on the second Monday of February at which time the Officers shall be elected by ballot consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and, if desirable, a Board of three Directors to assist the President, the seven of which shall make up the Executive Board of this Society.

No II. Duties of Officers

(a) The President shall call the meeting to order at the appointed time, preside at all meetings, announce the business in proper order, preserve order, appoint standing committees and call an extra session when desired.

(b) The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President.

(c) The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings, inform about persons of elections and office or appointment on committees and invite necessary notices. The Secretary shall also be the custodian of the papers of the Society and sign all orders drawn on the Treasury and make a monthly and annual report.

(d) The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Circle and expend the same under the direction and on an order duly singed by the Secretary and shall make a monthly and annual report.

No III. Duties of Standing Committees

(a) Benevolent – It shall be the duty of the Benevolent Committee to visit and assist the sick and needy in the parish, to report the same to the Society and receive suggestions from them.

(b) Hospitality – It shall be the duty of the Hospitality Committee to promote sociability and good will in the parish, to call upon the members of the church and congregation especially the new members and strangers and to greet and introduce strangers who may attend church service.

(c) Flower – It shall be the duty of the Flower Committee to look after the neatness and attractiveness of the place of worship, to provide decorations for the altar and consult with the Benevolent Committee concerning their distributions.

(d) Literature – It shall the duty of the Literature Committee to procure denominational literature, keep it on hand at the place of worship and place or lend it where it may seem best.

No. IIII Business Meetings

  • Business meetings shall be held the second Monday of each month and oftener when called. And the order of business as follows:
  • Opening Exercise conducted by the President
  • Roll call by the Secretary
  • Report of the Secretary
  • Report of Treasurer
  • Report of Standing Committees
    • Benevolent Committee
    • Hospitality Committee
    • Flower Committee
    • Literature Committee
  • Report of Special Committees
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business

No IIIII Adjournment

A quorum shall be necessary to transact business and shall consist of not less than five members; any member can adjourn.

No. IIIIII Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at any regular monthly meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, one month’s notice having been given of the same.

No. IIIIIII Auditing

An Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the Society at each Annual Meeting to audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer.

Mrs. McCutcheon reported that at the annual church she had pledged on behalf of the ladies of the church fifty dollars towards the general fund. After some discussion it was moved that the Mission Circle assume that pledge, carried.

Mrs. Hallam, Jones and Cottingham were appointed a committee to arrange for an Experience Social to be given in May for the purpose of raising money for the before mentioned fund.

Mrs. Hallam and Mrs. Ickes were appointed to arrange programs and topic for next meeting.

Two new members were added to our number, Mrs. Laura Dibble and Mrs. C.C. Salten.

All business before the Circle being finished the literary part of the program was taken up with Mrs. Hallam in charge. Several papers were read on the subject “What has been done for the extension of our Faith.”

A pleasant social hour followed and refreshments were served. After which the meeting adjourned to meet the 2nd Monday in May with Mrs. Dibble 72 Walton Street.

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60   Folder: 02
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
