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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Mar 27, 1897 (Fees to be Assessed for Use of Library)

By: Archivist โ€”

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Present: Messrs. Crafts, Peck, Lederle, Davidson and Mrs. Owens.

The minutes of the previous meeting held Dec 15th were read and approved.

Treasurer Lederle reported that our minister had been paid in full up to the beginning of this month and third dollars on this month salary. Also that he had paid for repairs on steps and closet and for plumbing $48.00.  Also that all rent due on the church property had been collected except $57.00 and that there was now on hand the sum of $48.00.

It was reported that an organist had been engaged temporarily at $6.00 per month.

The Library Committee reported that it would be impractical to continue to keep the Library open to the public without providing a means of paying a librarian. It was the sense of the Board that no appropriation could be made at  present for that purpose. On motion the Committee was empowered to charge a fee of five cents per month to all members of the library who are not affiliated with the Church or Sunday School.  The amount thus collected to be paid to the librarian.

Mr. Lederle read a letter which he had received from the Secretary of the A.U.A. stating that the Association had considered favorably our proposition to sell a portion of the church property and that $500.00 had been appropriated to the Church of Our Father at Atlanta.

Mr. Menken, on behalf of the The Brotherhood of Industrial Freedom requested the  use of the Church reading room as a place of meeting for the order.  On motion the request was granted with the understanding that the Brotherhood meet not (more) often than once a week and pay at the rate of 50 cents per month for the gas consumed, the arrangement to terminate at the will of the Church Trustees.

No further business was transacted and the Board adjourned.


E.A. Davidson, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26 Folder: 02 Book: 02 Pages: 135 – 136
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
