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Universalist Women's Mission Circle - Meeting Minutes, Oct 11, 1897 (Sympathy for loss of Mrs. McGlauflin)

By: Archivist โ€”

October 11, 1897

Mission Circle met at Mrs. Hallam’s.

President Mrs. Cottingham presiding.

The regular devotional exercises were held.

Roll call responded to by the following members: Mesdames Cottingham, Jones, Gill, Fincher, Hallam, Blackman with six visitors.

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

Reports from committee asked for:

Hospitality – Mrs. Hallam reports 12 calls made and requested all the members to make an effort to call on the strangers.

Flower Committee asks to have Mrs. Cottingham name added to assist the committee in furnishing flowers and decorating church rooms. Motion made and carried. There are now four on the committee.

Benevolent – No report.

Literature – No Report.

Treasurer – Mrs. Gill reports $2.75 received from collections and dues. Dr. McGlauflin paid balance of Mrs. McGlauflin. Mrs. Blackman paid $.25 on dues. Secretary paid $.25 to National Secretary for cards receipt given to Treasurer.

New Business

Committee on Experience Social reports 13 cards signed and $5.00 donated. Final arrangements to be made Sunday previous to social.

A letter from Mrs. Sherwood in answer to one written by Secretary received giving us some good advice and offering her sympathy in our great loss in Mrs. McGlauflin.

An interesting letter written by Mrs. Beck read by Mrs. Cottingham on her impressions of Mrs. McGlauflin and her influence on those around her – was a beautiful tribute.

A motion made and carried, to have Mrs. Hallam draw up suitable resolutions of respect of Mrs. McGlauflin death to be inscribed on Secretary book.

Three names were presented to Circle for membership, Mrs. J.C. Buchanan, Mrs. Wilber Calvin, Mrs. S. Clayton – all approved.

No further business – we took up the literary program. A short paper was read by Mrs. Hallam on the duties and mission of our Circle, which should be worked for with more earnestness, every member should do her duty to live up to the purposes of the Circle.

A letter from Mrs. Calvin who was to read a paper on the life of Miss Moore was read by Mrs. Hallam. Mrs. Calvin being unable to come.

Others who expect to read a paper on this prominent woman of our society being absent on account of inclement weather, we adjourned.

Mrs. Blackman, Secretary


Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60   Folder: 02
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

Archivist: Miss Moore is assumed to be a reference to Henrietta Greer Moore. Born in New Jersey, Miss Moore entered the ministry of the Universalist Church and became active in temperance and equal suffrage causes.   She was pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd (Universalist) in Springfield, OH for ten years and pastor of Church of Divine Love (Universalist) in Dayton, OH.

She was president of the Women’s Universalist Missionary Alliance in Ohio, a member of the Executive Board of the Woman’s National Universalist Mission Association and president of the Equal Suffrage Club of Springfield.

Source: Men and Women of America: A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries found in Google Books, 1910, page 1189
