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Expression of Thanks to Rev. Vail for Service at the Church of Our Father

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 12th 1899

At a special meeting of the Church of Our Father, held this day, the following resolution was adopted by a rising vote and ordered spread on the minutes of the Church.

We the committee appointed at a meeting of the Church of Our Father held November 10th 1899, to draft resolutions expressing our loss at the resignation of Rev. W.S. Vail as pastor of the church, realize that we can but feebly express in words the deep sorrow and regret the departing of Rev. Vail at the present time will cast over the entire parish.

Since Rev. Vail came into our midst some three years ago, he had endeared himself to the members of our parish by his eloquent speech, simplicity of character, and lovable disposition, and the seed sown by him for the cause of Unitarianism we are satisfied will be fruitful when Father Time sees fit to cover his brow with snowy locks.

It is with regret the connection of pastor and church is severed, but our weakness financially, we consider that Rev. Vail has acted wisely in accepting the call from Unity Church, Sioux City, Iowa, and we congratulate the church securing his services, and can truly say our loss is their gain.

Wishing Rev. Vail abundant success in his new field of labor, and trusting that he may be spared to his family and work many years to come, we remain

Very respectfully,
Mrs. M. E. Owens
John L. Moore
Joseph G. St. Amand

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25    Folder: 03   Book: 01   Pages: 208
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
