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Newspaper Notice - Temporary Location of Church of Our Father / Universalist Dedicated New Church

By: Archivist โ€”

From the Realm of Religion Column


Church of Our Father, temporary place of meeting Women’s Club room in the Grand.  Service at 11 o’clock. Rev. F.A. Bisbee, D.D., editor of the Universalist Leader will preach.  Dr. Bisbee is visiting in the city as a delegate to the annual convention of the Young People’s Christian Union of the Universalist church. The public is cordially invited.


This will be a memorable day with the Atlanta Universalist.  The convention of the past week has brought together some of the best brain and heart of the whole church, and today these will make their impress.  At 9:30 this morning, Rev. F.C. Leavitt, of Alabama, will conduct the devotional meeting.  At 11, Rev. F.C. Priest, of Chicago, will preach.  The greatest interest of the day will center in the dedicatory exercises of the new church edifice.  Several prominent ministers will participate in the service.  Rev. I.M. Atwood, D.D., of New York, will preach the sermon. At night there will be a praise service at 7:30 followed by three-minute speeches from delegates here representing some twenty-eight states, Canada and Japan.  The service will close with the celebration of the communion.

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia)  Sun, Jul 15, 1900  Page 21
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