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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes of Apr 20, 1896 (Recommendation to Call Rev. Vail)

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta, Ga. April 20, 1896

Special meeting of the church was called to consider suggestions of Board of Trustees.

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Crafts, who stated that the object and upon request the following resolution, adopted by the Board, was presented and action of the Board ratified.

Whereas in response to our invitation Rev. W.S. Vail has occupied our pulpit as a candidate for the pastorate of our church resulting in four successful meetings and a renewal of interest among both members and friends; and whereas it is our opinion that Mr. Vail’s ability and adoption to our circumstances our opportunity and our people are such as to lead us to believe that his the proper person to organize and stimulate a successful work here, be it

Resolved – that the Board of Trustees call a meeting of the congregation for Wednesday evening at seven forty five o’clock for the purpose of accepting or rejecting the recommendation of said Board, to wit:

That Mr. Vail be called to the pastorate of the Church of Our Father at a minimum salary of Fifteen Hundred Dollars per year, this arrangement to date from the 1st of May 1896.

That a special Committee consisting of Chairman Geo. H. Crafts, Treasurer Frank Lederle and Secretary Walter Menken be appointed to confer with Mr. Vail and arrange all details of the matter.

The question of finances was introduced and thoroughly discussed.

On motion, a Committee, consisting of Messes. Ivy, Stall and Crafts was appointed to look into the matter of property ownership the conditions of lease, title, etc.

Meeting then adjourned,

Walter Menken, Clerk


Source: Physical Archive: UUCA   Box: 25   Folder: 03   Book: 01   Pages: 192 – 193
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

