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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Sep 24, 1897 (Library News)

By: Archivist โ€”

Sep 24, 1897

Called meeting of the Board.

Present: Messrs. Crafts, Watts, Davidson and Mrs. Abel.

Mrs. Abel asked for information how the organist to be paid.  It was ordered that the organist shall be paid monthly at the rate of $1.50 per Sunday, the bill to be approved by the chairman of the music committee and paid by the Treasurer.

The engagement of Miss Dora Morrell as organist was endorsed by the Board.

On motion a vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Lillian Garrison for her highly appreciated service while singing in our church and the clerk was instructed to notify her of the action of the Board.

Miss Alice Dixon was elected to fill the vacant on the Sunday School and Library Committee cause by the removal of Miss Horsey away from the city.

A communication form Mr. Otto Abel acting librarian recommending certain improvements and rules for the library was read.

On motion Mr. Otto Abel was appointed to the office of “Librarian” and was authorized to charge a fee to non-members of the Church and Sunday School according to the rule passed by the Board March 23, 1897.

A new book was ordered to be purchased for the library in which to keep the loans and returns of books.  Mr. Crafts volunteered to pay for the same.

The matter of allowing the use of the church to the Equal Suffrage Association was considered and it was decided to allow the subject to be over till next meeting before taking action.



E.A. Davidson, Clerk
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26 Folder: 02 Book: 02 Pages: 137
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
