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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Feb 7, 1898 (Financial / Sunday School Matters)

By: Archivist โ€”

Feb 7, 1898

The Board met in the Woodman of the World Office.

Present: Mrs. Abel, Mr. St. Amand, Mr. Crafts and Mr. Davidson.  Mr. Frost was chosen to preside.

The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was postponed.

The Treasure made a report of the receipts and disbursements since last meeting as follows:

On hand and received since last meeting: $303.53
Paid out: $300.83
Balance on hand present date: $2.70

A motion was carried that the report be received and spread on the minutes.

A motion was carried that the Treasurer pay T.H. Porter bill of $23.00.

The Treasurer was instructed to pay the following bills as they become due: Gas, Water, Fuel, Janitor and Organist.

The Sunday School Committee reported that the Sunday School had been re-organized since the last meeting of the Board by the election of a full corps of officers and the adoption of a new set of rules for the government of the School.

The Treasurer reported that he had turned over to the Sunday School Treasurer all the monies belonging to the Sunday School which had come into his hands since his election.

A motion prevailed authoring the Property Committee to rent the Parsonage at a  price not less than $35.00 per month and to place the property in the hand of other agents if necessary to secure a tenant.

The following resolution was passed by the Board:

Resolved, that the use of the Church to the Junior Debating Club be discontinued and that the Clerk be instructed to so inform the member of the Club.

No further business was transacted and the Board adjourned.


E.A. Davidson, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26 Folder: 02 Book: 02 Pages: 142 – 143
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
