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Universalist Executive Board Funds Building of Atlanta Church

By: Archivist โ€”


A meeting of the General Executive Board was held at the Publishing House, 80 West St, Boston, Jan. 19 and 20, 1900 all the members being present. After the opening prayer by Rev. Alfred J. Cardall, the Board proceeded to the consideration of business.

Atlanta Gifts

Mr. Fowler as a member of the Board of Trustees of the General Convention reported that that Board had made the generous appropriation of twenty five hundred dollars ($2500.00) for the Atlanta Church edifice.

The same to be payable in five yearly payments of $500.to each. And that the Woman’s Centenary Association has pledged $200.00 for the same purpose.

These generous gifts relieved the extreme anxiety of the Board in its efforts in behalf of the Atlanta Building Fund.


It was, therefore, after due consideration of the Lynn Recommendation No. 6, ordered, that the building of the church edifice at Atlanta be begun at once, and it Is to be ready for dedication at the time set for the next annual Convention.

Convention Date

The place of holding the next Annual Convention now being assured, the date of the Convention at Atlanta, Ga., was set to begin July 11 and continue to and including July 18.

Source: Onward found in Google Books, Vol. VII, No. 5, February 3, 1900
