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First Universalist Church - Meeting Minutes, Jan 22, 1901 (Annual Meeting)

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 22, 1901
The regular annual business meeting and banquet of the First Universalist Church of Atlanta was held in the vestry of the church on the evening of Jan. 22, 1901.

The following officers being present: President R.M. Crone, Treasurer F.M. Marsh, Secy J.C. Bond and W.C. Gill, also the pastor W.H. McGlauflin and between forty and fifty other members and friends of the church.

After prayer by the Dr. McGlauflin those present seated themselves around the tables where a most sumptuous repast was spread.

After the supper was eaten President R.M. Crone stated the object of the meeting which he said was that of hearing the different reports from the different officers and the election of officers for the ensuing year.

Dr. McGlauflin on behalf of the Church, as the Pastor made an interesting report which showed J.C. Bond Secretary and Financial Secretary reported that during the year just closed we had raised in Atlanta and paid out on the Atlanta Building Fund the sum of $2,208.78

That our total disbursement for the year, which were raised and paid out as current expenses, such as rents, fuel, lights, janitor, etc. were $759.37

That we had raised sums for missions and Elecassasy???? (Archivist Note: Could not transcribe.) vary purposes the sum of $64.44.

That our total sums raised in Atlanta and paid out during the year amounts to $2,968.10

The Treasurer Mr. F.M. Marsh submitted a report which showed our total indebtedness to be ??? (Archivist Note: Could not transcribe)

The treasurer showed that the Sunday morning and evening collections had gradually increased since we had moved into the new church.

The balance in the treasury was reported to be $45.00.

(Archivist: Insert transcription of pages 17 – 19…starting below page 20 – Jan 2017)

After listing to these various reports, the election of officers was next announced upon motion President Crone appointed the following names:

Mrs. W.C. Gill
Mr. J.T. Miller
Mrs. Alex Beck

During the time the Nominating Committee were (sic) getting ready to report, Mr. J.C. Bond who is a member of the Central Board of the Y.P.C.U. and who had just returned  just returned from a committee meeting in Boston, was called upon to briefly report his trip which he did so and at the conclusion of same presented the church with a splendid photographic group of the members of the Executive Board for the years 1899 – 1900 who served during the building of the Atlanta church.

The nominating committee were (sic) then ready to report and they did as follows for officers of our church board 1901:

President –  R.M. Crone
Secretary – J.C. Bond
Treasurer – F.M. Marsh

Board Members:
Mrs. H.C. Blake
Mr. W.C. Gill
Mr. C.W. Hubner

The report was unamiously adopted and the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot for the nominees which he did.

Dr. McGlauflin reported the following names which he said ?? ????? voted in as business or associate members of the church: (IMG_6695)

Mr. Chas. W. Hubner
Mrs. Chas. W. Hubner
Mr. Chas. H. Smith
Mr. F. G. Painter
Mrs. F.G. Painter
Mr. ?. L. ???
Miss Martha Smith
Miss Mittie Smith
Mrs. James Harvey
Mrs. Strahan
Mrs. Douglas
Miss Mizzura Cawthon
Miss Davis

After singing “God be with you till we Meet Again”, upon motion an adjournment was had.


J.C. Bond


After several interesting talks including a very interesting talk by Mr. Hubner, the President announced that the mater of pledges for 1901 be taken up.  $483.50 was raised.


Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60 Folder: 01  Pages: 15 – 21
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

