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First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Jan 15, 1903 (Annual Meeting)

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta, Ga. Jan 15, 1903

The annual meeting of the church was held in the Sunday school rooms of the church on the evening of January 15, 1903. It was in the nature of a banquet and there were about 75 persons present.

After supper the different reports were heard.

President speaking for the church made an interesting and eloquent address urging all the members to stand by our little church and our pastor. At the conclusion of President Hubner’s address, the report of the SS (Archivist: Sunday School) was called for.

It was given by our Sunday school Secretary W.R. Beck. His report showed that the S.S. was doing a good work; that we had about 50 schoolers and had paid our pledge to the church of $50.00.

The report of the mission circle was read by Mrs. Beck. It showed that the circle had had a most prosperous year; that the ladies had raised a total sum of $427.26

The Y.P.C.U. reported that this auxiliary of the church had raised $137.60; and that while they had suffered the loss of several members by removal from the city, the union was in good condition.

Dr. McGlauflin submitted a most admirable and encouraging pastoral report.

The Secretary’s Books showed as per his report that from all sources during the past year we raised the sum of $2,104.22

That we had expended the following:

Salary for 1901 $300.00
Salary for 1902 $685.00
Janitor services 1902 $22.25
Music 1902 $56.75
Japan Mission $10.00
General Convention Quota $10.00
Back debts other than salary $118.35
Printing 1902 $22.25
Coal 1902 $47.56
Fixtures $35.75
Charities $154.75
Lights & Water $27.88


That during the 1902 we received 61 pledges to the remaining expenses and salary account accounting to $829.00
Deduction on account death $12.00
Sub Total $817.00
Paid to date of Meeting $716.18
Bal due $100.82

1902 pledges exceeded those of 1901 by $177.80 and the amount paid on same exceeded the amount paid in 1901 pledges by $149.54.

We own balance on 1902 salary of $65.00

We are sorry to report that the basement still remains unfinished and we hope to be able to finish it up during 1903.

Recommend we retain Dr. McGlauflin for 1903 at same salary.

Recommended a more faithful use of the envelope system in the payment of dues.

The report of the secretary was adopted.

The chair announced the next order of business as election of officers:

The nominating committee was appointed.

During the absence of the nominating committee in getting ready their report, Dr. McGlauflin presented the following names of persons who were voted in as associate members of the church

  • Dr. & Mrs. Peck
  • Mrs. M.A. Ball
  • Mrs. Bertha Creswell
  • Mr. & Mrs. F.J. Merriam
  • Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Marbury
  • Mrs. C. S. Ward
  • Dr. & Mrs. W. Van Valen
  • Mr. J.T. Clayton
  • Mrs. J.T. Miller
  • Mrs. F.R. Jones
  • Mr. H. Waters
  • Mrs. L.H. McLaucklin
  • Mr. J.W. Turner
  • Dr. Vincent
  • Mr. & Mrs. Cameron (Archivist Note: this name is crossed out in pencil)

Mrs. Stella Lynch (Archivist Note: also see this name as Linch)

The committee was then reported as being in waiting ready to make its report. They reported the following list of officers for  ensuing year:

  • President – C.W. Hubner
  • Secretary – J.C. Bond
  • Treasurer – F.M. Marsh
  • Trustees – N.V. Perry, A.E. Holdt, B.G. West & C. T. Garrett

On motion the report of the nominating committee was adopted and the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot for said nominees which he did and they were duly declared elected.

Mr. Holdt outlined a plan to bring the matter of Membership to the attention of the business and professional classes of Atlanta through a systematic line of advertising. His plan was thought well of and he was directed to confer further with the Board of Directors relative to same.

During the evening a very handsome chair was presented to Dr. McGlauflin by the Ladies Mission Circle as a slight token to him of their high esteem for their pastor.

The banquet was the best one we ever held and reflected great credit on our good ladies who spared no pains in its preparation.

After singing “God Be with You Till We Meet Again” the meeting adjourned.

J.C. Bond, Secy

Physical Archive: UUCA   Box: 60   Folder: 1  Pages: 70 – 73
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
