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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Jan 8, 1900 (Annual Meeting - New Lot Selected/Minister Called)

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta, Ga Jan 8th, 1900

The regular annual meeting of the Church of Our Father was held in the church parlors, this day.  Meeting called at 8:30 pm.

Present: Mesdames St. Amand, Abel, Spencer, Daniels, Dixon, Owen, Archer, Lederle, Miss Martin.  Messrs.  Peck, Daniels, St. Amand, Crafts, Spencer, Chillingworth and Lederle.

Mr. St. Amand, for the Committee on Real Estate, reported that a lot had been selected, paid for and the title passed.  Mr. Crafts, for the Committee on New Church Building, reported progress.  Mr. Chillingworth for the Committee on New Pastor reported that from names suggested and of these one – Mr. Langston, had preached two Sundays.

The Treasurer then submitted his financial report covering a period form Nov 13th 1898 to Dec 31st 1899, which was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes.

Receipts Amount
Sunday Collections $207.09
Rent from Dwelling $359.30
Woman’s Alliance $125.00
Equal Suffrage Assoc $6.00
Subscriptions $577.15
American Unitarian Association $500.00
Total Receipts $5,862.29
Janitor $105.00
Organist (49.50 + 27.00) $76.50
Taxes (State and City ’98 45.60, ’99 66.10; City ’00 36.00 $148.10
Fuel & Gas $19.40
Expense Account $55.05
A.U.A. $10.00
Real Estate – Church lot $3750.00
Sunday School $50.00
Total Disbursements $5,714.55

Balance Jan 1st, 1900: $147.74

It was moved that the Pastor’s salary be fixed of the year at the maximum amount decided upon at the last meeting, which as $1,200. Adopted.  The special committee appointed at the last meeting made a report on the material in the old church building that might be utilized.  Election of officers for the ensuring year then took place.  Mr. J.G. St. Amand was elected Treasurer, Mr. Frank Lederle as Clerk, and Mr. J.C. Peck as Trustee for the full term of five years.  Miss Martin reported on behalf of the Sunday school, that the attendance had been better than the year before, that there was enough money in the treasury to pay all debts and that the piano fund now amounted to $60.00.

It was then moved that the matter of selecting a pastor be taken up.  The members present gave their views, expressing the favorable impression that the candidate, Mr. Langston, had made upon each and all, both as  preacher and man.  It was moved and seconded, that the Church of Our Father extend a call to serve as minister of the church to Rev. Clarence Langston of Boston.  Carried unanimously.

Upon motion a committee of threes consisting of Mrs. Own, Messrs. Moore and Chillingworth were appointed to notify Mr. Langston.  The Real Estate Committee was then instructed to select a temporary meeting place for the use of this society.

The subscription list for the year 1900 was circulated by the Treasurer.

After the conclusion of the business session, Rev. Geo. L. Chaney, the founder of this church, who was temporarily in the city made a short address in which his pleasure at the interest shown by the members in the work of the church and expressed the hope that the new conditions which would be met the coming year would also bring to the church a new career of work and usefulness.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM


Frank Lederle, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25   Folder: 04 Book: 01   Pages: 209 – 210
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
