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First Universalist Church - Meeting Minutes, Jan 29, 1901 (Financial Discussions)

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta Ga Jan 29, 1901
The regular monthly business meeting of the church Board was held on Jan 29, 1901 in the study of Dr. McGlauflin; the following members being present: Dr. McGlauflin, Treasurer Marsh, Secy Bond, H.C. Blake, Chas W. Hubner and James Harvey.

The president being absent, Mr. Blake was called to the chair to preside over the meeting.

The minutes of the called meeting of the church and the annual meeting were read accepted.

Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $113.21.

Upon motion duly seconded it was ordered that an order be drawn for $1.90 that same being the amount of the Sunday evening collection of Jan. 27, 1901, the same to be paid to the Treasurer of the Y.P.C.U. to be sent to Central Y.P.C.U. to be applied on state assessment owning by the Georgia Y.P.C.U.

It was moved that an order be drawn for $3.29 payable to Mrs. Nellie Peters Black for the Free Kindergarten School, the same being the amount of the collection taken on Thanksgiving Day 1900, it having previously been agreed that said collection be given to said school.

Dr. McGlauflin who was appointed a committee of one to look after the rent owning by the church to the Good Templars reported that he had made no progress in adjusting same and suggested that as Br. Harvey was an officer in the Good Templars Lodge he could look after this matter better. Upon motion, the matter was therefore referred to Mr. Harvey.

It was moved and seconded that the Board make and deliver a promissory note to Dr. McGlauflin in the amount of $200.00 dated July 1, 1901 the same being for his salary from Sep 1, 1900 to Jan 1, 1901, carried.

It was moved and seconded that the chair appoint a committee of four to be known as the Furnace Committee, carried. The chair appointed Mr. Marsh, Mr. Crone, Mr. Blake and Mr. Bond.

It was also moved that the chair appoint a committee of five to be known as Music Committee, carried. The chair appointed Dr. McGlauflin, Mr. Hubner, Mrs. Gill and Miss Bert Crone and Mr. Holdt.

The chair appointed a committee consisting of Dr. McGlauflin and Mr. Bond for the purpose of revising our old constitution and by-laws.

It was moved and carried that the committee on Music make such arrangements with Miss Cawthon as to retaining her services in the choir as it saw fit, it being the sense of a majority of the members of the board that a sum not exceeding ten dollars for be paid her for this purpose.

Upon motion duly seconded and carried the Secretary was instructed to write Mrs. H.W. Young thanking her for past services but owing to our present financial condition we could not pay her anything and did not think it fair to her to ask her further services or accept same.

Upon motion duly carried the Finance Committee was empowered to make such settlements of accounts owning, as well as note for furnace, as it deemed best and to borrow money to do so if necessary.

Adjourned at 10:30 pm


J.C. Bond Secy

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60 Folder: 01  Page: 22 – 24
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
