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First Universalist Church - Meeting Minutes, Jan 14, 1907 (Repairs/Bill Payment)

By: Archivist โ€”

Atlanta, Ga., Jan 14, 1907

Board of Trustees met in regular session a the residence of the Pastor Mr. Ellenwood 40 East Harris St. 8:00pm Jan. 14th with the following members present: President Bradford, Marsh, Coleman, West, Blake, Moon & the Pastor Mr. Ellenwood.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Mr. Ellenwood reported that opening on tower had been closed to prevent birds from entering. Also that valley and leaks had been repaired.

On motion of Mr. Ellenwood house committee was instructed to have a chains and box fastening applied to man-hole to coal bin. Also that window fastenings be repaired.

After a general discussion relative to enlarging rostrum and changing pulpit, the matter was passed without any definite action being taken.

The Treasurer reported the following:

Balance on hand from previous meeting: $43.95
Collections: $187.58
Total: $231.53
Disbursements: $173.61
Balance on hand: $57.92

The following bills were read and approved and ordered paid:

  • Sundry bills of Treasurer: $41.11
  • Woodbury & Kellam: $80.00 payment in full on piano
  • Miss Martha Smith: $15.00 salary for month of December
  • Bill of S.M. Truitt for coal: $22.00
  • Bill Mr. Ellenwood: $4.40 postage & printing

The Board was agreeably surprised by being presented by Dr. Hitchcock with an insurance policy on church organ – dated Dec 14th, 1906 and covering a period of three years for $500.00 – premium $7.50. Same was thankfully received and turned over to Treasurer Mr. B.G. West for safe keeping.

There being no other business, the board adjourned to meet on call or at next stated meeting.


G.D. Coleman, Acting Secretary.

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60   Folder: 01  Pages: 134 – 135
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

