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Letter - Liberal Christian Church to Mr. Singleton (Emory University Student)

By: Archivist โ€”

Archivist Note:  Hand written at the top of this letter is “Letter written to an Emory student who wanted to find out something about the Unitarian church (required research).”

Nov 16, 1949

Dear Mr. Singleton

Reviewing in my mind our talk of last night, I’m afraid I did not give you a very good idea of what our church in doing at the present time.  Of course our church is congregational in organization. There is a Board of Trustees whose President in elected by the congregation. The Board of Trustees elects its own officers. The Board is responsible for the property of the Church, the management of its affairs, and the proper conduct of its spiritual functions between its general business meetings.

There in a Standing Committee known as the Pulpit Committee which is responsible for the investigation and calling of ministerial candidates. In considering a candidate open discussion is mandatory. To elect a candidate 51% of the membership must cast votes, of which a three-fourths majority shall be required.

“In 1825, by unintentional coincidence, both in England and America, national Unitarian organizations were formed. In both countries these organizations are democratic societies representing — the churches and supported by them.”

“The American Unitarian Association has its headquarters in Boston. Its elected president, its officers and committees respond to the will of the churches, and care for those matters that are of common concern. They assist young churches, plan for the education of the ministers, guide the educational work of the churches, and prepare literature of many kinds.”

The Women’s Union meets second Tuesday each month at 10:30 in the morning. It has 18 active members. Besides the local work of the church, such a preparing church suppers, visiting those who are 111 or in distress, furnishing flowers each Sunday for the church service, the members work faithfully for the Needlework Guild which furnishes new garments for the needy of our city. The Union has membership in the Travelers’ Aid, Hillside Cottages, Egleston Hospital, and the Council of Church Women. They have done a great deal of work for the American Red Cross, Have sent clothing and food boxes to needy families in Europe, helped with the expense of keeping a cripple in a nursing home here in Atlanta, sent writing materials, etc. to country schools, and are continually sending clothing, old furniture, etc. to the Goodwill Industries of Atlanta where handicapped workers put them in good condition and sell them at low prices.   The meetings open with a devotional period, after which business is attended to and a literary program given. Lunch with a social hour usually ends the meeting at about 2 P.M.

The Youth Fellowship Forum meets twice a month, the first and third Sunday, at 6:30 P.M. A prominent speaker in secured for each meeting and a discussion period follows. After thin light refreshments are served. The public is invited.

The Sunday-school is in need of trained teachers. We have a devoted leader, but she needs more assistance.

In July and August our church sponsored two outdoor concerts which were very successful. Our members are interested in all cultural undertakings.

Am enclosing a pamphlet sent out from Universalist headquarters to show you how the beliefs of the Unitarians and Universalist harmonize. Hope this letter will be of some help to you. Have located my copy of “The Church Across the Street” and will be glad to lend it to you.

Sincerely, Alice Dixon Draper

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 10
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
