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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Feb 18, 1895 (Schumann Memorial)

By: Archivist โ€”

Feb 18, 1895

Regular meeting held Feb 18, 1895  5 pm.

Present: Crafts, Currier, Harding, Lederle, Peck and Rev. Mr. Cole. Crafts in the chair.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that he had received on official notice from Geo. C. Batchelor Secretary A.U.A. of the appropriation of $500.00 in aid to the Church of Our Father for the coming year.

The special committee on Memorial to Theodor Schumann reported and there report was adopted as follows:

Theodor Schumann

Theodor Schumann born in Germany and for thirty years a resident of Atlanta died suddenly, December 31, 1894 aged 71 years.

All through his life he was a close student and took an active interest in the affairs of his adopted country and in this State was instrumental in shaping and improving the laws governing pharmacists.

He was a man of advanced thought in religion and an earnest worker for the Church of Our Father.

He was a musician of a high order and possessed a large amount of general and instruction information.

It would be useless for use to attempt to extol his many virtues as a citizen, a gentleman or as a member of our Board.

Resolved, that in his removal of Theodor Schumann from our Board our loss is irreparrable and that we extend to his berveaved  family our heartfelt sympathy.

Resolved, that the clerk be instructed to record this token of our esteem upon the minutes and furnish a copy to Mr. Schumann’s family

Archivist Note: Theodore F. Schumann, German-born graduate chemist and a well-known Whitehall Street druggist since 1869.

The Committee on the Operation of the Church reported a plan to improve the choir by organizing a chorus of boys and young people of the church and on motion the report was referred to the Music Committee.

The Treasurer reported as follows for the month.

Balance on Hand at last report: $14.24
Receipts: $218.26
Disbursements: $211.09
Balance: $21.41

Report ordered on file.

Bill of Geo. H. Crafts to amount of $1.50 presented and ordered paid.

On motion it was voted that Mr. Crafts be appointed a special committee to collect the Street Railway assessment for paving.

Voted to instruct  the Clerk to procure printed lists of officers and auxiliary societies – not to exceed the amount of $5.00.

The Chair appointed Rev. Cole a member of the Library Committee – Theodor Schumann deceased.

No further business appearing the Board adjourned.


H.M. Currier, Clerk
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26 Folder: 02 Book: 02 Pages: 122 – 124
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
