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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes Nov 6, 1893 (Annual Meeting)

By: Archivist โ€”

waysAtlanta, Ga. Nov 6, 1893
Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father held in the church. A quorum of members being present, the Clerk called the meeting to order and Mr. Geo. H. Crafts was elected Chairman.

The minutes of the last Annual Meeting and the Special meeting held during the year were read and approved.

The Treasurer Mr. Jno. Y. Dixon made a detailed report of the receipts and disbursements for the year ending Nov 6th, 1893. Total Receipts – $3,961.48; Disbursements – $3,959,75. Balance in Treasurer – $1.78. See filed Report – marked A.

On motion the Report was referred to a special auditing committee consisting of Messrs. Winslow, Behre and Lederle.

The Treasurer’s report was accompanied by the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee consisting of the Estimate of Receipts and Disbursements for the coming year and a copy of a letter which had been sent to Rev. Mr. Cole.

These recommendations were referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Kennedy, Winslow and Farrell.

Rev. Mr. Cole presented his annual report as follows which was received and ordered to be spread upon the minutes.

To the members and congregation of the Church of Our Father, Atlanta, Ga.

Tonight we gather together to review the work of the past year and to lay our plans for the year we are about to enter. My report then must look both ways into the past and into the future.

Though we have no large increased membership as evidence of growth, I am persuaded that by various means, our church and opinions have become better and wider known to the people of this city. I have experienced a greater curiosity to know what sort of people we are. I have on the other hand noticed among you as a congregation more earnestness and interest in the first year of my ministry here.

It has been a good year of planting and preparation.

As to my duties form the first of Nov 1892 to the first of Nov 1893, I have not been absent from this church except one Sunday outside of the annual summer vacation. I have preached 38 times Sunday morning and five sermons and lectures Sunday evenings. During Lent, I held three services with short addresses making in all 46 times I have occupied the pulpit.

You and I have had the benefit of eight morning supplies and seven evening supplies in all making fifteen the total number of services held in the church of Nov 92 to Nov 93.

I have also christened two children, performed the marriage service twice, taken part in one installation and made an address to the Southern Conference.

Recognizing that the pulpit is where the minister must, above all things, put his conscience and work. I feel that I have not neglected that other very essential function of my work. Calling upon my people and other persons to whom I have felt I had a right to go.

Looking over the church book, I find that we have lost (6) six signed members and gained (8) eight; making a gain of tow. But I must not fail to mention that there are a number who during the course of the year have shown interest in our church and views by their constant presence and work.

Since last November we have organized and set in motion a Free Library and Reading Room (and) the Young Men’s Saturday Night Club. Also there has been formed a Flower Committee. Whose adornment and beautifying the church on Sunday, I hope you have enjoyed and understood its suggestiveness as much as I have.

What of the future?

The future is full of promise and hope and achievement to all who are courageous and strong. I think we stand at the beginning of a very important year in this church’s life and it lies with you to gather the fruit to burn up the dead tree.

I should advise that you undertake no new enterprise outside of those you have in hand. They are about as many as you can carry now, but lay your hands to the work and put your hearts into the meaning and purpose of each one of these auxiliaries and I feel sure great profit will be the result.

And in closing, I want to call your attention to the fact that your presence at the regular service means a great deal towards the increase numbers; your absence towards decrease.

You may do much to advantage your church in this way and you may advantage your minister better than all the papers of your city – if you let your friends know that your are interested in your church – its work and minister.

For your kindness, consideration and work in the year that closes tonight, I feel great appreciation and gratification.

I feel confident if our relations are to continue the same for the coming year of the same generous treatment and help at your hands.


Wm. R. Cole
Minister of the Church of Our Father, Atlanta, Ga.
Nov 6, 1893

Dr. Theo. Schumann, President of the Fortnightly Club made a verbal report. Stating that the Club was in good condition and had lately re-organized for the winter work. On motion the report was accepted.

H.M. Currier, Clerk, presented his report which was accepted and placed on file (See paper marked B).

Mrs. Edwina Schumann, Vice President of the Woman’s Auxiliary made a report which was full of interest(ing) and good suggestions for the future of the Woman’s Alliance and our church. It was, on motion, accepted and placed on file (see paper marked C).

Mrs. Emilie S. Behre, Librarian, presented a report of the work and organization of the Free Library and Reading Room which contained many valuable suggestions and three recommendations. On motion the report was accepted and the recommendations referred to the Board of Trustees with power to act (see paper marked D).

On motion it was voted to appoint a committee of three to nominate officers for the consideration of this meeting. Chair appointed Mrs. Dellingham, Mrs. J.N. Swift and Mr. Theo. Schumann.

Mr. Jno. Y. Dixon presented the following resolution which was unanimously adopted by a raising vote.

Resolved: That this church make a call to Rev. William Cole to become its permanent pastor. With the understanding that either party can sever the connection by a three (3) months notice.

The Special Committee on Ways and Means recommendations reported in favor of adopting the same (see paper marked E) and on motion they were adopted by a vote of 6 yeas and 4 no’s. The other members present refraining from voting.

Mr. Behre voting in the negative asked to have his vote transferred to the affirmative as he wished to move a reconsideration.

Mr. Behre then moved to reconsider the above vote and on voting the church refused to reconsider.

he Special Committee on nomination of officers reported the follow candidates:

  • Mr. Jno. Y. Dixon – Treasurer
  • Mr. H.M. Currier – Clerk
  • Mr. Frank Lederle – Trustee

On motion the report was accepted and on a ballot the several candidates were elected.

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

H.M. Currier, Clerk,

Physical Archive: UUCA   Box: 25   Folder: 03   Book: 01   Pages: 180 – 183
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
