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Liberal Christian Church - Meeting Minutes, May 4, 1926 (Monthly Meeting of Trustees)

By: Archivist โ€”



May 4, 1926.

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Liberal Christian Church was held at the Kimball House restaurant at 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 4, 1926, all members being present, and with Mr. T. C. Perkins, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and Mr. P. M. Greene, also of the Finance Committee, in attendance.

After all had enjoyed supper together, President Harding called the meeting to order, and the clerk read the minutes of the last meeting. These were approved as read. The treasurer, Mr. Rogers, again passed to each person present a financial statement brought up to date, and this showed a balance on hand of $201.96.

It was reported that Mrs. J. W. Rowlett, our delegate to the Southern Unitarian Conference, had been compelled while in Orlando to incur some extra expense for taxi hire and for meals, and the Board voted that Mr. Rogers, our treasurer, see that Mrs. Rowlett was reimbursed for this extra expenditure.

Mr. Perkins reported that the organ key-board had been changed from its old position on the right hand side to the back center, with the organist now facing the singer in the choir. Mr. Perkins stated that Mr. Hubbard, the organist, was much pleased with the new arrangement and that better results were now possible.

Mr. Perkins also gave the report of the Pulpit Supply Committee showed that the series of special addresses was going over in fine style, and that much interest was being shown by the public in these addresses, as was evidenced by the large attendance. He stated that Mr. S. G. Dunham would be in Atlanta on May 16th and 23d to preach for us as a candidate, and that Dr. H. B. Taylor, of Meriden, Conn., would fill the pulpit on the first two Sundays in June.

The date of the May church meeting was then discussed, and it was voted that Friday, May 28th, be set as the date, so that action on Rev. Mr. Dunham might be taken, and the Women’s Union was asked to serve the supper for that occasion. It was voted that the price for the supper be placed at 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. This was done that the Women’s Union might be enabled to make a little profit.

Matters were talked over informally, it being brought to the attention of the Board that moths were getting into the church carpet; some dissatisfaction was reported with the quality of the singing, but no action was taken.

The meeting was then adjourned.


Arthur H. Scott, Clerk.

Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
