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Tattoo discussion/advice

By: /u/topgirlaurora β€”

I've finally made up my mind. My first tattoo is going to be the number 637, and a chalice, all tattooed on my wrist1. For those not in the know, #637 is the Litany of Atonement in the Gray Hymnal, aka Singing the Living Tradition. (Does anybody ever actually call it that??) The refrain is "We forgive ourselves and each other. We begin again in love." The Litany of Atonement is slowly finding its way into the foundation of my relationship as recurring words of comfort.

What I am getting hung up on is Part 2, the chalice. There are a dozen different designs, and I'm finding it hard to choose! So, TatUUed2 folks, my question is this. How did you decide on the particular design of your chalice tattoo? What was the significance of that shape?

I could go with the two circles, but that's not what my home church's chalice looks like. Do I lean into our "ringless" chalice, do I not? Need to hear what other people have done!

1 Astute UUs of good humor may note that I have planned for myself the equivalent of a bible verse wrist tat, and have my welcome permission to chuckle at the irony of a Pagan of all people doing such a thing.

2 This joke is not mine, it is shamelessly stolen!

submitted by /u/topgirlaurora
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