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Unitarian Universalist is the only one of widespread presence that works on this. To my knowledge.

By: (@jacklhasa) β€”

Unitarian Universalist is the only one of widespread presence that works on this. To my knowledge.

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Restorative Justice

By: Jack β€”

Restorative justice is an act of giving back, not going back, for nothing will ever be the same as before the damage was done. Most justice is seen as retribution, or revenge. The victim is to be made whole again by the act of removing the perpetrator from society, punishing them in the hopes that by this act the victim will gain some kind of restoration, while the perpetrator’s years of incarceration may deter them from future misdeeds.

However, this system does nothing to truly restore the victim’s sense of loss and harm, and it produces even more victims. For every incarcerated person there is likely to be a spouse and children who are made destitute by the imprisonment. There are children who grow up without one of their parents in the home. And the larger system is victimized by what is so often the family’s need to rely on services such as food stamps and public health services.

Those who must manage the prisoners are also victimized by the rules and by being seen by their charges as captors. These guards then go home and may find it difficult to adopt the role of loving and listening parents and spouses. The rate of substance abuse and family dysfunction is high among prison guards, creating yet another generation of victims.

Most of all, the actual victim of the crime is not restored, for vengeance has no restorative qualities. They may well live in fear that they will once again become victims. Their lives are forever changed.

Restorative justice gives the victim the opportunity to take control, to give up that feeling of powerlessness. They may well be able to face their perpetrators and let them know just how their actions have caused damage— often permanent harm. It allows victims to be part of the legal process, not, as so often happens, becoming victimized once again by a process in which they have no say in the outcome. In many cases restorative justice gives the perpetrator the opportunity to perform acts of contrition to try to restore the lives they have harmed through their actions.

Restorative justice is often able to divert the perpetrators from long-term incarceration, and from the high social cost that goes along with it. The goal of restorative justice is to make whole that which was torn, with each of the participants emerging stronger than before, able to enjoy a sense of peace, responsibility and unity.

Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211109232810/https://www.questformeaning.org/podcasts/19_04/05.mp3

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There's a community of Holiness Church, as well. Baptists, Methodists, Presperterian, Unitarian Universalist, 9 or 10 Roman Catholic Churchs. A synagogue, Laotian Buddhist Temple, 2-3 Wiccan groups, 1000s of Spiritualistsahs HooDoo practioners. A Ba'hai Temple

By: (@jacklhasa) β€”

There’s a community of Holiness Church, as well. Baptists, Methodists, Presperterian, Unitarian Universalist, 9 or 10 Roman Catholic Churchs. A synagogue, Laotian Buddhist Temple, 2-3 Wiccan groups, 1000s of Spiritualistsahs HooDoo practioners. A Ba’hai Temple

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Gonna join a Unitarian Universalist church and convince the pastor to preach about Spinoza

By: (@chonos_jacket) β€”

Gonna join a Unitarian Universalist church and convince the pastor to preach about Spinoza

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That's definitely a Unitarian Universalist stole on an officiant in the background, bearing their slogan "standing on the side of love." Now I'm curious: did the UU send folks down for this? Or is that a local UU minister and the UUA just sends everyone the same stole worldwide? https://twitter.com/zackford/status/1064510370772062209Β /

By: (@jackmjenkins) β€”

That’s definitely a Unitarian Universalist stole on an officiant in the background, bearing their slogan “standing on the side of love.” Now I’m curious: did the UU send folks down for this? Or is that a local UU minister and the UUA just sends everyone the same stole worldwide? https://twitter.com/zackford/status/1064510370772062209 …

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Turning from one road to another. Seeking a new faith.

By: /u/jackjack_d3mon β€”

I gotten myself in rather a bumpy road and wanted to go back and forth, try something new.

I first thought that maybe bible study would be a first, but after meeting the group yesterday on the first day-

Things didn't seem right after I talked about my first experience with my folks.

The bible groups gibberish prayers, the sexist head scarfs, mixed messages with their interpretation of the bible and how they study it, they're so happy to have me in the group and immediately wanted me baptized.

It doesn't feel right, I didn't wanna let them feel upset bout' it all, how they felt for me in first impression, in their religion.

I turned in away from the bible study group and took up Unitarian today on my first day wanted to try it out too because of the same things that I'm into, I've heard about UU before with online friends and family.

I am rather openly interested and sexually different plus with open mindset on things that I like, so I gave UU a go.

But my first time in UU, I felt so confused after what I learned from yesterday first bible study, kinda brainwashed in a bit???

Maybe i should stick to UU for now after what I visited about yesterday.

submitted by /u/jackjack_d3mon
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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Yes, I'd have heard of it. I'm a Unitarian-Universalist. We've heard of pretty much everything. But why does "pandeism" need a messenger? What does it offer as a belief system that is more useful than good old secular humanism?

By: (@jackiebarbosa) β€”

Yes, I'd have heard of it. I'm a Unitarian-Universalist. We've heard of pretty much everything. But why does "pandeism" need a messenger? What does it offer as a belief system that is more useful than good old secular humanism?

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@BlackLivesUU hi, how can non-Facebook users receive info about virtual worship w #BLUU ?? I disengaged from FB a few years ago and have zero desire to utilize it going forward but want to become more active w BLUU. Thank you!!

By: (@Brax6Jackson) β€”

@BlackLivesUU hi, how can non-Facebook users receive info about virtual worship w #BLUU ?? I disengaged from FB a few years ago and have zero desire to utilize it going forward but want to become more active w BLUU. Thank you!!

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Othering and belonging

By: Darrick Jackson β€”
☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Head of the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns #MuslimBan2 as "un-American" and an attack on "single religious group."pic.twitter.com/041Rzz77Vd

By: (@jackmjenkins) β€”

Head of the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns #MuslimBan2 as “un-American” and an attack on “single religious group.”pic.twitter.com/041Rzz77Vd

Head of the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns #MuslimBan2 as “un-American” and an attack on “single religious group.”pic.twitter.com/041Rzz77Vd
