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Wife wants to take son to UU

By: /u/okayhansolo

So my wife was raised in UU, and I see the value her experience had for her in her very different upbringing.. I was raised in Christian churches (evangelical and Episcopalian). I'm an atheist and don't like any form of organized religion. She wants to start bringing our two-year-old son to UU Sunday school citing the progressive and social values which we both share, but she found through church and I found outside of the church.

I've made it clear that I don't want him in a church of any kind, I feel like it taints one's ability to find where they want to be and who they are on their own, even if said religion is about exploration. She's insistent and this could honestly be a breaking point for us. I've said if she wants him to go she has to be ok with me sharing my views on churches and religions. She claims that I'm saying I'd be actively trying to sabotage our son's experience. I feel like I don't have a choice as if we split over this then she'd take him to church when I'm not with him, if I repair this and let her take him then I'm in a place of feeling like I would need to counter everything he's being told and sharing my view of religious frameworks as weak and dangerous.

How does this sit with other UUers? AITA? How does the radical inclusion of UU fit with the rejection of my desire as a parent to let our son come to his own decisions when he's old enough to seek out faith or the need for a religious community?

Edit: I have been to a UU Church, I have read a lot about UU, its beliefs and history, I'm on board with what yall are doing, I have read the RE materials and lessons, and it's great that atheists can go too, doesn't make it less of a church.

Edit II: it's pretty disappointing that the vast majority of replies have tried to sell me on your church and missed the point. I really appreciate the very thoughtful replies and consideration all the same.

submitted by /u/okayhansolo
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I’m brand new to this and got kicked from the Discord

By: /u/Stonemario0

I have searched for years for a place where I’m fine with people but to no avail. I think the internet is mostly comprised of jerks. I’m misanthropic. I’m antireligious. I’m anti trans ideology. But I want to put that aside because I think this sort of group is one that I could actually get along with people. I’m tired of being alone or being around people who think it’s ok to call a creator’s work ass or whatever. Because that is the best I could find in years of searching. That or people who excuse such behavior.

submitted by /u/Stonemario0
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Searching for sermons that aren't dull

By: /u/Jacrava

I've been a member of congregations in a couple of cities over the years, but never could commit to the one in my current city because I just couldn't deal with more dull sermons and services. Every one I've seen is read word-for-word from a page, with little to no extemporaneous speaking, and such little passion.

Why does this seem to be such a common trait in UU churches? And does anyone have recommendations for UU churches that aren't like this that livestream their services online?

submitted by /u/Jacrava
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Question about religious beliefs

By: /u/terrabranfordstrife

Please don't kill me if I've got this wrong, I googled my query and Unitarian Universalist Association came up as an answer. Does the UUA, on the religious side, not believe in Hell and the Devil? Again if I'm wrong, my sincerest apologies.

submitted by /u/terrabranfordstrife
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What is UU all about

By: /u/SendThisVoidAway18

Hello all. I am just curious to what UU's actually believe?

I consider myself a Secular Humanist, so it sounds like in that regard, it rolls with how I feel.

submitted by /u/SendThisVoidAway18
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Visual descriptors for the visually impaired

By: /u/CaptainTime5556

There's a movement among UUs (and I guess the liberal community in general) that any public speaker will begin by providing a self-description, for the benefit of any visually impaired people in their audience. My own congregation started doing this recently when a legally blind person started attending. (I'm unsure how involved she was personally in starting that practice with us, but I do know our minister started recommending it be done, and doing it herself, once this person started attending.)

Example, if I were introducing myself: "I am a middle-aged white man with greying brown hair and a bald spot, wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans, and I use glasses."

It's always bugged me for some reason, and I think I've figured out why. A couple of reasons.

I'm not blind, but I do have a visual impairment in the form of reduced color vision (I hate the word "colorblind" because it implies black-and-white vision, which most of us don't have.) It's not something you would necessarily know about me unless I bring it up.

But for the people who do know this about me -- it hasn't happened much but is has happened, that people I meet decide I need a description of what they're wearing. I get they're trying to be inclusive, but when it happens to me as a non-blind person it feels really patronizing.

I also put the question into Google to see what other people are saying about it. I found several corporate DEI boards who are recommending it. I also found a thread over on /r/blind where they talked about this practice. It's a couple of years old, but it was the only place I found from within the Blind community -- the only place where their voices are centered. It was a small sample but it was mostly unanimous, they don't want this. They feel it's a distraction.

With one noticeable exception - if your physical appearance is relevant to what you're talking about, then go for it. They used the example of a presentation on wheelchair accessibility, it would be useful to know if the speaker themselves is actually a wheelchair user. Other than that, they recommend avoiding the practice.

Anybody else have any experience/thoughts on this question?

submitted by /u/CaptainTime5556
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Do you think like the word "patriot" is a dogwhistle, and why?

By: /u/Odd-Importance-9849

To be up front - I do not think so and I think interpreting it that way is dangerous for our culture, especially in an American context, because it otherizes a lot of really great people.

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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How do you feel about the collective noun "Beloveds"?

By: /u/estheredna

I am watching General Assembly. Several clergy members / leaders have referred to people watching as "beloveds" as a group term, including President Betancourt. As in "Good morning, beloveds, it is good to be here with you today".

While it's clearly well-intentioned, and I am not offended..... my knee-jerk reaction is that it feels culty. From the same universe as "under his eye". It's ritualistic, odd. It also evokes Toni Morrison's novel, one of the most horrifying stories I have ever read, and I am a huge horror novel fan.

I don't know what faith or cultural tradition this comes from, and I would like to learn more.

submitted by /u/estheredna
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At home Sunday school curriculum? Children’s books?

By: /u/barrnac13

My daughter is 4 and has started to ask a lot of theological questions, especially after visits with my very religious Christian in-laws. I’m fine with that exposure, but I would like to help her put Christianity in the context of other religions and beliefs.

I grew up in a UU Church, and really appreciate the liberal religious foundation it gave me, especially through our Sunday School curriculum, but it’s REALLY tough getting up and out to our “local” (30 min drive) UU service with little kids.

I would love any recommendations for UU children’s books or even RE curriculum that we could do at home! Thanks so much 🙏

submitted by /u/barrnac13
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By: /u/Confident-Tourist-84

Anyone else open the article 2 revisions in canva and notice something strange?

submitted by /u/Confident-Tourist-84
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Catholic feeling drawn to UU

By: /u/wabisabi94

Hopefully this post will be welcome here. Please be kind, as I'm genuinely searching for what feels right/authentic to me, spiritually.

I grew up in an extremely conservative, devout Catholic home, and have followed Church teaching to the T throughout my life, but only recently have discovered how much trauma I have as a result of this upbringing. Essentially, I had very controlling parents, and was raised within very controlling religious parameters. I was raised -- at least on a subconscious level -- to believe that love is something that is earned by being "good" and following the rules, rather than as something that is freely given. I learned that if I clung to my devout Catholic identity and conservative beliefs, I would be accepted and loved by not only my parents, but by God. Any deviation from this meant rejection by the family unit at best, and eternal damnation at worst.

I'm currently at a point where, after 30 years of sacrificing my own personal beliefs and desires to comply with not only my family's expectations, but Church teaching, I can simply no longer do it. I still go to Mass every week, but I have a million questions about many of the doctrines we're told we MUST believe and follow, otherwise we risk hell.

That doesn't feel like a loving God. That doesn't feel like a merciful God. How are we supposed to believe that God is perfect love if he rejects us for things like using contraception, struggling with sexuality, or any other number of areas that don't perfectly align with Church teaching?

All of that said, I've found myself increasingly drawn to UU in a way I never thought I would be to any other spiritual group. Actually (don't laugh), my interest stems from a close alignment with American Transcendentalism, which no longer exists but seems to continue on in UU. Your 7 principles are beautiful to me -- they feel like the polar opposite of the trauma and spiritual abuse I've endured growing up, and I'm encouraged by your church's openness to everyone, not just those who fit a particular worldview or abide by a specific set of doctrines.

At my core, I think I will always love God (Jesus, in particular) in a way that renders me incapable of fully detaching from the beliefs with which I was raised, but I want to start living in a way that feels more true to who I am and what I want, rather than who I'm told to be and what I'm told to believe.

Be straight with me: do you believe some version of Catholicism and UU can coexist? Or are the two just so incompatible that one must choose one or the other in selecting a spirituality?

submitted by /u/wabisabi94
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RIO RANCHO, NM UU’s Pride Parade

By: /u/Tarotismyjam
RIO RANCHO, NM UU’s Pride Parade
  1. That’s me as passenger in the truck with all the decorations.

  2. My husband unit atop the decorated truck.

  3. The trailer is being decorated. I’ll see if I can add photos.

This is the Albuquerque Pride Parade 2024. I’ll see if I can add more pics in comments.

Unitarian Universalist Westside sees you! Come see us!

We also had a booth at the festival


submitted by /u/Tarotismyjam
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UU education opportunities?

By: /u/muta-chii

I recently started attending my childhood UU fellowship again and I'm looking for education opportunities! I'm getting involved with out youth as a volunteer and I really see myself in it for the long haul.

I'm interested in whatever you all suggest! Paid, free, books, conferences, etc!

In my youth I attended several GAs when they were in person and I loved them.

submitted by /u/muta-chii
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Please say no to JETPIG

By: /u/estheredna

Many UU professional are using JETPIG as shorthand for the new (not voted but obviously coming) article II values. Justice, Equity, Transformation, pluralism, Interdependence, generosity = JETPIG.

There are mascots, graphics, memes. One example here.

I can't stand that short-distance air travel and an animal mostly factor farmed are "cute" ways to talk about our values. It feels gross to me, personally, as a UU. I know there are people who will see this and think mmmmm Bacon!!!

I personally don't think it's funny or cute or represents us and I hope I'm not alone.

submitted by /u/estheredna
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Anyone attending First Unitarian Universalist Society Of San Francisco

By: /u/maallyn


This is a bit unusual. I am looking for anyone here who is attending or have attended the First Unitarian Universalist Societ Of San Francisco.

I want to ask those who have been at UUSF as to whether there mostly gay men or lesbians. I am facing frustration here in Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship due to the severe lack of available gay men versus abundant availability of lesbians.

My background included meeting my one and only love at the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco, where there were a lot of gay men available. He had died of cancer back 1981 and I have been alone since, hoping to find another man in a church setting.

I am curious as to weather my situation here in Bellingham is common, or are we unique with this problem. I am just curios with UUSF, being in the queen city, if they are having a similar situation.

Thank you


Mark Allyn

Bellingham, Washington

submitted by /u/maallyn
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Article II Proposal

By: /u/MissCherryPi

Please discuss the proposed Article II changes in this thread. You can read more about them here: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission/final-proposed-revision-article-ii

submitted by /u/MissCherryPi
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Dear Mods: How about a "Seven Principles Discussion Megathread"

By: /u/JustWhatAmI

It seems like these days most of the posts here are by folks posting lop-sided articles with leading titles about the voting on the Seven Principles

While the discussion is important, it seems to be the same thing, over and over again

How about a weekly mega-thread for discussion around the vote. Pin it to the top of the sub. All articles go there

Edit: The phrase I was looking for was Article II discussion, not Seven Principles

submitted by /u/JustWhatAmI
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The Seven Principles are in danger of being voted out

By: /u/EarnestAbe

The delegates at UUA GA 2024 will conduct the final vote on replacing the Seven Principles and Sixth Sources (which are in Article II). At last year's GA (General Assembly, 2023), the delegates were encouraged to vote for the proposed changes, with the argument that a "yes" vote would enable UUs to "continue the conversation" in the coming year.

I wish that the UUA and UUMA had truly encouraged congregations to hold deliberative conversations, to discuss both sides of the issue, in preparation for selecting GA delegates. Instead, the UUA/UUMA have been mostly either promoting the changes, or have been assuming that the changes are a done deal (for example, in the preparation of new religious education (RE) materials). Personally, I feel the whole process has been manipulative, and at odds with encouraging the democratic process; the UUA/UUMA have not encouraged congregations and individual UUs to form wise and responsible opinions on the matter.

The situation is so bad that many UUs are still blissfully unaware that their beloved Seven Principles may well be voted out, in just three weeks. If it happens, it will be a surprise to too many.

One congregation that held a deliberative conversation was UUCJ (Jacksonvile), which held a workshop in which presentations were given on many aspects of the issue. The church has made their presentations available here. The result of their their vote was summarized in a letter to other congregations; PDF version here.

Other resources are: the Save the Seven Principles website and Facebook group; UU the Conversation; and the UUA's promotional/RE material.

The GA vote will be held in about three weeks--this is worth becoming a delegate to vote on, or discussing with your congregational delegates to GA.

EDIT: changed "One of the few congregations to hold a meaningful conversation ..." to "One congregation that held a deliberative conversation..." In my view, if the "conversation" is merely a one-sided presentation of promotional material, and doesn't involve deliberation and debate, so that people can discern the issues at hand (and then vote or otherwise reach consensus), then it isn't very meaningful.

submitted by /u/EarnestAbe
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Are homemade religions allowed?

By: /u/NecessaryPassage1523

Is making n syncretizing one legitimate r only if I was in altered state of consciousness for every scribing session so its not man creating god(s) in his image?

submitted by /u/NecessaryPassage1523
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America's religious roots



Ken Burns and Kristina Tippett, shared by a member of our congregation. At about 18:40, they start talking about the role of religion needing to be reclaimed, and I think that what UU has tried and failed to do in the last few decades, and still needs to, is in there somewhere.
I think we have a long road to figuring out, to summoning a kind of common moral vocabulary, not just for being religious, but for being alive, being human beings in this century. I will say that I have never in my lifetime felt that overtly theological language, or let's say spiritual technologies, that our great traditions have carried forward like contemplation, that those things have never been more relevant than they are before. Just language, like language which has practices attached, which is true of our, you know, lamentation, confession, repentance, redemption. Those are words and actions that come to us from this part of the human enterprise, nowhere else, and I see people reaching for those. I see young people reaching for what those things represent for, you know, being drawn to that language, being drawn to communities of service for example. Even without this upbringing, I think a lot, I have thought a lot in these recent years about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian. Bonhoeffer's situation was that, in Nazi Germany, the church had been absolutely co-opted by fascism. It had fallen away completely. And he began to speak of something called religionist Christianity. And what he was saying is that Christianity had brought truths into the world which would survive even if the institutions failed. And he said the institutions will always fail. I don't think you can make a one to one comparison of Bonhoeffer's Germany and 21st century America, but this notion of religionless Christianity or religionless religion feels resonant to me. And not just in the fact that we are religionless, you know, compared to previous generations, but what that means is that we are inside this project of looking again at what those truths are that we need, and those, really, those moral muscles, and again, those spiritual technologies.
There is also a transcript if like me you would rather read than listen.

submitted by /u/JAWVMM
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Discussion Question: Why has UU membership been falling?

By: /u/rastancovitz

To start, UU membership and the number of congregations is at a historic low, and has historic annual losses in the last several years. Even with the national population increases, the UUA now has the lowest number of members, congregations, and RE membership in church history. There no doubt are a variety of reasons for this, including general trends of membership losses in many churches.

I am curious as to what others here believe are contributing causes?

If you wish, you can include ideas on how to help increase membership. There's little question that most congregations are comprised of aging white leftists. How to attract a younger generation, especially young adults with kids, is a pressing concern at my congregation.

Another question might be: Does it matter that UU membership and congregation numbers matter?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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Found my Statement of Faith that I made at 14

By: /u/ampinater

Preface: I am currently 23. Was going over old google documents and found it

I sometimes feel as though my search for something more is just that. I’m searching. I know deep down inside, that I will never be satisfied with one answer, but that’s why I like Unitarian Universalism so much. Seekers after truth; remember? It gives me the freedom to keep seeking for my truth. I have the feeling that, I will keep trying to find my truth, over and over again. I also have the feeling that I will do it as a Unitarian Universalist. I understand that my beliefs could change at and I don’t want to put myself in a box. At this moment, though, I feel as though I truly am a Unitarian Universalist. My values align with the Seven UU principles already. The two principles that really stand out to me, and that I probably appreciate the most are:

the need to respect the interdependent web of all existence


the acceptance of one another


I will probably re-write my Statement of Faith over and over in my mind, and I might regret a few things, but I know that I will never regret being apart of this fellowship. It has taught me so many life lessons already that I will continue to carry with me as I become an older, and hopefully a more compassionate person. I will try to never doubt myself too much and let other people’s prejudice define me, and no matter what, I will continue to be who I am, forever a seeker of my own truth.

Thank you for listening.

submitted by /u/ampinater
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Does it look like the 7 principles will be going away?

By: /u/wrest472

This summer they plan to vote on replacing the 7 principles with the "Shared Values Flower" (https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission/article-ii-flower-graphic). Does it look like there will be enough votes for it to succeed?

submitted by /u/wrest472
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UU Jacksonville's Letter Explaining Its No Vote on the Bylaws Rewrite

By: /u/rastancovitz

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville Florida letter (signed by the minister, board president, and Article II Task Force Co-Chairs, and approved by the Board of Trustees) explaining the reasons for the congregation's overwhelming vote of No (84 No votes to 4 Yes).

Link to letter: letter to congregations.5.13.2024.pdf - Google Drive

The text:

May 11, 2024


[Address redacted]

Dear Congregation Leadership and Members,

After more than 12 months of engaging our congregation in research, in-depth discussion and discernment, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville has voted with an overwhelming majority for our delegates to vote to reject the amendments to Article Il at the upcoming Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly.

From its beginnings, Unitarianism has attracted individuals who seek to examine their relationship to the transcendent and have engaged in exploring their connection to spiritual practices in matters of faith. What many of these individuals have in common is the invitation Unitarian Universalism extends to them to bring their questioning minds, and their reasoning to a beloved community that values diversity in its fullest meaning (theology, religious background, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, financial status, political preferences, etc.); and to share with others their expansive hearts ready to practice unconditional love.

The Beloved Community sustains individual belief systems and practices and provides the seven principles and six sources as the glue that bonds individuals to the whole. The seven principles illuminate the path of moral and ethical living, foster personal responsibility and accountability, and call for promoting universal justice, impartiality, interdependence, and the democratic process. The six sources provide wisdom of the ages, from voices from the millennia to our current voices, that open the heart and demand action for eliminating unjust practices wherever they may be. That is why we will continue to be guided by the seven principles and six sources of wisdom.

As a matter of practice, Unitarian Universalism does not create, require, or enforce creeds or dogmas. There is no centralized seat of theological order. The absence of a hierarchical governance structure allows congregations to draft locally meaningful mission and vision statements; to choose its governance structure and practices; to hold its members accountable to its covenant; and to design justice-focused action plans focused on community needs.

We believe the proposed Article Il changes could pose grave consequences for Unitarian Universalism. We do not judge people's intentions; we look only at the facts. The change in the first line says it all. The current Article lI states, "We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association..." The proposed change begins with, "The Unitarian Universalist Association..." It is evident that there is an ideological movement to pivot the Unitarian Universalist Association from being an umbrella service body of the member congregations, to becoming a governing body that imposes its positions on congregations with consequences for those congregations and members that don't adhere to its edicts.

What we do know is our congregation and the Unitarian Universalist Association have been at the forefront of opposition to racism in the fight for racial justice. We are constantly reflecting and learning to ensure continuous improvement. However, there are accusations of being inherently racist to such a degree that we must reject our past, discount our history, and abandon the underpinning spiritual and ethical principles that guide us; replacing them with a set of nebulous values that anyone would be hard-pressed to recite, let alone define.

We are seeing concerning glimpses of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board plans to define the new values and to impose severe sanctions for congregations and individuals that don't adhere to them. Here are just three examples:

* Even before the upcoming vote, the UUA Board is setting up procedural policies of congregational accountability requiring congregations deemed to not be "doing the work" as defined by the UUA, to be in-need of some type of consequence.

* At the 2023 General Assembly, the delegates voted to remove the sentence "We will work to repair harm and damaged relationships" from the proposed amendment, but it was re-inserted by the UUA board, negating the vote of the General Assembly.

* The new value of "discipline of LOVE," as addressed by the Article Il Study Commission, is shorthand for "Doing the Work." According to the Commission on Institutional Change, that means focusing on fighting racism and oppression, and upholding multi-culturalism at the possible expense of other justice issues needing advocacy.

Our congregation has voted to reject the proposed amendments because the proposed changes:

* Use language that is divisive, and espouses practices based on blaming and shaming.

* Introduce a creedal approach to which all members would be required to adhere for a congregation to remain certified by the UUA.

* Expect that only individuals who share the UUA values may be welcome to join a congregation.

* Focus the reason for being a Unitarian Universalist solely on fighting racism and oppression, and upholding multi-culturalism, at the expense of other justice issues needing advocacy as determined by congregations.

* Dissolve the seven principles and six sources which have been the core of Unitarian Universalism and replace them with language that equates Unitarian Universalism to a socio-political organization rather than one that serves as a source of spiritual guidance.

* Reject an individual's right of conscience, the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large, and the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

* Imply an authoritarian, hierarchical governance structure with UUA leadership at the top with the authority to judge congregations and declare congregations to be out of covenant setting up procedural policies of congregational accountability with consequences for congregations deemed to not be "doing the work."

* Conflict with congregational polity and the rights of congregations to democratically choose their mission, covenant, their minister, and governance structure.

The importance of your congregation's discernment regarding the proposed changes to Article Il cannot be overstated.

Sincerely, Meg Rohal President Peter Racine Lay Minister Marge Powell Article II Task Force Co-Chair Fresie Tessie Bond Article Il Task Force Co-Chair

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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I just laid my personal theology regarding an afterlife hell out for my 5 point Calvinist father.

By: /u/NationYell

He has yet to respond as I know it's a lot for him to unpackage and, knowing him, come up with a rebuttal. But I love my father and I know he loves me and I'm hoping that the love I know and experience he too can! I'm hoping he can strip fear from his life and personal theology, so that he can walk in a fuller and deeper understanding of love. Love Wins y'all, love wins!

submitted by /u/NationYell
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Dedication Practices

By: /u/yellow88bird

Hi fellow UUers

I’m relatively new to the UU realm but found my home at my local UU church and we are having our kids dedicated on Sunday.

I’m curious to learn standard practices as a gift to the minister. Does the parent typically give a card and gift to the minister for the dedication? Our current minister was here for an interim period and will be moving on at the end of June. Should I wait and give her a gift then as a thank you for dedicating our babies AND for helping make my UU church our “religious home”?

I’m just curious what is standard in this practice. I’m not historically religious so I have no foundation to compare it with. I want to make sure I’m doing the right thing.


submitted by /u/yellow88bird
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Visiting Pittsburgh in a few weeks, looking for a church recommendation

By: /u/CaptainTime5556

Long-term UU from the Midwest, who will be visiting Pittsburgh on Sunday, June 9. I see there are six UU churches in the area, hoping to narrow down my choice for a church to visit that morning. Any Pittsburgh UUs who can help with my decision?

submitted by /u/CaptainTime5556
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The gardening metaphor

By: /u/Odd-Importance-9849

I want to express that I think the gardening metaphor that UU ministers, UUA staff, and other leaders have been using lately is beautiful. There are many ways I have seen it riffed on and I have also been inspired in my own layperson ministry and philosophizing. However, I want to express a concern. People are not weeds. Let's not use the gardening metaphor to treat anyone like an unwanted thing to be tossed aside. There are many philosophies around gardening. There are beautiful, wild, and even healing plants that might not pair well with an aggressively farmed monocrop system. With a deep ecological view, every plant and every person has a place where they might best thrive. All have an inherent dignity worth preserving and protecting, even the disruptive ones. It's important to keep healthy and respectful boundaries with other people in our own lives and within our congregations, but I’m not sure how to communicate that well within the gardening metaphor. How would all of you communicate this within the gardening metaphor?

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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"The Unitarian Universalist Association’s systematic dehumanization of laity"

By: /u/rastancovitz

Excerpt from the below-linked essay:

The current UUA, the two UU seminaries and some national UU groups are trying to transform UU from a liberal church into a fundamentalist utopian political collectivist movement.

Collectivists prioritize the movement's goals over individual rights, freedoms and liberties. Thus, throughout history, utopian collectivist religious and political movements have employed various methods that dehumanize their members. These methods include considering members primarily as generic categories and cogs in the system rather than unique individuals, removing basic civil rights and individual liberties, authoritarian governance, dogmatism and propaganda, undermining basic democratic rights, suppressing viewpoint diversity, and shaming and guilt-tripping members into compliance.

The classic book on this topic is social philosopher Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s systematic dehumanization of laity

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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What is the volunteer/community outreach like at your congregation?

By: /u/UrDeAdPuPpYbOnEr

I’m debating joining my local church and am spiritual in a sense, but I really want to join somewhere that does a lot of work helping others. Is UU that?

submitted by /u/UrDeAdPuPpYbOnEr
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I'd like to attend, but... I don't know any of the songs.

By: /u/baphommite

Yeah okay it's kind of embarrassing lol. I've been really interested in attending the local UU church, and think I might go if I can overcome my nerves. My local congregation has a website of what to expect, which is very helpful. The only problem is... they mention the congregation singing songs. Admittedly, I've never been to church, so my understanding of this could be completely off, but my impression is that we are gonna be singing along to some music. Like... me, the person to my left, the person to my right, and so on.

What would I do if they did start singing? I really don't have any idea what I'm expected to do. I know, it's so silly. Should I just kinda... sit and be quiet? Do I need to leave the room?

submitted by /u/baphommite
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Is there room for someone who isn't politically active?

By: /u/ActualBus7946

Like someone who loves religion in all forms and doesn't necessarily fit the mold of a certain religion but at the same time doesn't particularly enjoy radical (or really much at all) politics, left or right?

submitted by /u/ActualBus7946
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Research for (potential) lay-led service on DEI topic

By: /u/Odd-Importance-9849

Hi everyone, I'm gathering material to maybe lead a lay-led service in a few months related to our topic for that month, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Some of the DEI training paradigms have become rather controversial. For those who might know more than me, can you point me to some good resources you are familiar with?

For example, I've read White Fragility and understand the controversy around that work. I have also found a program I personally think looks good, called Theory of Enchantment, but I haven't found any reviews of their programs yet. Anyway, thanks everyone. I'm looking for good quality information and I expect people in this conversation to keep a respectful tone toward those who disagree with them and keep opinions in the practical realm. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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UU Greater Lansing

By: /u/Vegetable_Fault_896

Hi - my husband and I (both mid-20s) just learned about the UU Church. He grew up Catholic but left the church several years before we met, and I grew up atheist. We are both interested in starting our own spiritual journeys, but are also seeking community in general.

If anyone here is a member of the UU Church of Greater Lansing - what has your experience been like? Is there active discussion of the big topics listed on the UUA website - “The existence of a Higher Power, Life and Death, Sacred Texts, Prayer and Spiritual Practices”? Are there other young adults <35 there?

I also noticed some dialogue (and seemingly some controversy) regarding the upcoming vote on an amendment to Article II. Is that relevant to what goes on in the churches themselves, or is it more of an organizational issue that doesn’t affect day-to-day?

Thanks in advance! We appreciate any insight you can provide.

submitted by /u/Vegetable_Fault_896
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How Covenants Are Used As Ideological Weapons In Unitarian Universalism

By: /u/rastancovitz

How covenants are used as ideological weapons in Unitarian Universalism

'In his open resignation letter from the UU Ministers’ Association (UUMA), longtime UU minister Rev. Alex Holt wrote: “In a few short years, the ‘rules’ (so-called ‘guidelines’) have been radically changed to fit a new norm of covenant and accountability that seems to forget the foundations upon which they were based.”'

Educational psychologist Patricia Mohr Ph.D., who criticizes the UUA's new approach, writes, “Covenants are dangerous when there are no rules for veracity, when the only ‘fact’ is the perception of the victim-- and the victim is always the most marginalized/oppressed person. It's a recipe for resentment and division, not diversity. This is why any organization needs rules for addressing conflicts. It's why empiricism, reliability, and validity are the heart of science.”

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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A web meeting to discuss the upcoming Article II vote on the Seven Principles

By: /u/EarnestAbe

There's a townhall meeting this Wednesday (4/24/2024) evening to discuss the upcoming GA vote to replace the Seven Principles with the Six Covenants (+ Love). It's at 8:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, 5:00 PM Pacific.

Register at "UU the Conversation".

The website also has a video library discussing the changes. One particularly informative video is Much Ado About Article II: "The video explores the “why” behind the changes to Article II ... The answers are in the years of UUA reports and working group recommendations ... This video provides easy access to that information."

submitted by /u/EarnestAbe
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how do you become a uu

By: /u/Asleep_Mouse_7297

is there any kind like prosses you have to do to become a uu or is it more just showing up to a local group

submitted by /u/Asleep_Mouse_7297
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Dissent vs gadflyism?

By: /u/OkTower2904

I'm considering UU since you can believe in any god you want or none at all, but I did some googling and found the gadfly controversy. I know UU is progressive, if I'm center-left (resoundingly for a lot more police accountability but not ACAB or for public option health care but skeptical of a government monopoly on it especially post-Roe, but strongly against Republicans (even sane ones if post-2016 they're still choosing to associate with the GOP)) is that gadfly? Would those politics welcome? Am I worrying too much?

submitted by /u/OkTower2904
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Family Fellowship

By: /u/functionalmagic

Every other month, we have a Family Fellowship Sunday where we host lunch for the congregation. Today we'll be doing Stone Soup, an appropriate way to wrap up our pledge drive.

We're quite a small congregation and I would love ideas to facilitate more of these events, but during evenings and weekends.

What Family-focused activities does your Fellowship offer?

submitted by /u/functionalmagic
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Feeling worshipful while working worship

By: /u/zvilikestv

I am a worship tech and occasional worship leader at my congregation. I often feel disconnected when I'm being the tech and even sometimes while leading worship.

Does anyone have techniques for being more present and having a spiritual experience while working the service? (I'm an apatheist humanist, so spontaneous prayer to divinity is unlikely to be helpful, but mantras are something I can try, regardless if they reference deity.)

submitted by /u/zvilikestv
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Gen X/millenial/ Gen z groups in UU

By: /u/Thasira

Hi all - I am a millenial woman looking for my community within UU. As background, I was raised Catholic and was heavily involved in my church’s youth group and I’m no longer part of the Catholic Church but really missed the community. I found that UU really aligns with my values and was hoping it would fill that want for community.

The folks at the congregation are extremely welcoming but a majority of them are 60+ and retired and many of the events they hold are during the week during normal working hours. For example, they started a craft group to make things to sell at fundraisers - they meet at 1:30 on the first Tuesday of the month. Their “ladies lunch” is held at noon on the first Thursday of the month. I do not have the ability to attend these, or any other group, meetings.

There is a group within the congregation that consists of folks under the age of 40. But there isn’t presently any specific thing bringing us together with any regularity, beyond coffee hour after services - which not everyone can always stay for.

I’ve been considering reaching out to our minister about starting a group for younger members of this UU congregation. Before I propose this group I was hoping to see if anyone else’s congregation had a group like this and if so, do people actually come? And if they do, what topics do you discuss?

Tl;dr I’m considering if anyone else’s congregation has a group for younger congregants (gen x/millennial/gen z) that they could provide some insight into how that group functions and what topics it explores.

submitted by /u/Thasira
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Any SUUSI goers this year?

By: /u/deeceelo
Any SUUSI goers this year?

Hi all! Wanted to note that SUUSI, the Southeastern Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute, is coming up this summer. We have moved back to Radford University, in Radford, VA, July 21-27. Would love to answer any questions you may have!

SUUSI is an LGBTQIA+ friendly week-long summer camp for UUs and UU adjacents for all ages, races, families, singles, nerds, outdoors enthusiasts and more. Our catalog is now live, so please check out the catalog here: https://www.suusi.org/suusi_events, and registration begins Monday, April 15.

You can also find out a little more on our website: www.suusi.org and sign up for immediate updates here: https://bit.ly/49QVJGy.

SUUSI will have some of your favorite people you will ever meet!

submitted by /u/deeceelo
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Psychedelic UU seeks same for Engagement, Enrichment, and/or Chalice Circle.

By: /u/Cyanophora

I am going to project this into the universe and see what comes of it. I've done this twice in the past year, and been amply rewarded, so it certainly can't hurt. This is an earnest and humble request, and I welcome your feedback and input, even those not on this path. Background: After working with my home congregation for a number of weeks, I think I know what I want - I want to be a member of an intensely spiritually-oriented and committed chalice circle that honors, appreciates and validates an authentic pursuit of spirituality which utilizes the tools of psychedelics to engage the divine.

While all members of my congregation that I've interacted with are supportive of whatever path any member chooses, I find that something is lost in terms of understanding between myself and my path and other church members who aren't pursuing a spiritual path in quite such a similar fashion. This leads to hesitancy on my part in sharing and a sense of marginalization or having to hide some part of who I am from them, and that starts to feel very yucky. However, I need to honor their beliefs and experiences just the same.

I feel like there must be other members of the church in the same boat - and if you could point me in the right direction, I sure would appreciate it. Perhaps this has been thought about before, and there's a sub-group of the church that goes around quietly practicing in a super intense way with psychadelics, divining the messages between things, maybe called the children of Emerson or Thoreau's siblings... The type of people who would have been at the scene when the events of the electric kool-aid acid test were playing out. Again, this is me raising my hand and saying that I'm ready and wanting to connect with my church and my church community on this topic, validate this as a path within the church (perhaps bringing the matter to the general assembly) but less interested in the politics than in connecting with like-minded folks who are using every tool in the toolbox for their spiritual pursuits, especially this, what I would consider the most obvious one and certainly one of the most reliable.

What my hope is: To connect, bounce ideas off of one another and likely have an at least year-long chalice group (nationwide, probably) to discuss issues which face those of us at the intersection of these two important parts of our lives as practicing UU's and psychedelic seekers.

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: I just want to say thank you to all of your beautiful people who engaged me on this topic even though I realize its kind of edgey; it was a true honest inquiry as I seek to understand my own spiritual journey and my place within my own congregation and the larger UU organization - thank you for your patience and grace, I really appreciate your support! Be well!

submitted by /u/Cyanophora
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Had a great time at my UU women's retreat last weekend! (SW Florida)

By: /u/traumatized90skid
Had a great time at my UU women's retreat last weekend! (SW Florida)

The reason for a Bible quote is, it's not a UU specific retreat space but one built by Episcopalians. But I do respect this Bible quote! And the wonderful work they put into making the space beautiful.

But it was a great retreat. I am coming from a place where I need healing and to figure out what I'm doing next with my life. And this retreat helped me with both a lot more than I expected!

Thanks to everyone that was there and a special thanks to everyone who organized and assisted!

submitted by /u/traumatized90skid
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Swag for Pride Events

By: /u/This-Ad-6604

What kind of swag/giveaway items would be good to have at our table at a Pride event to promote our Welcoming Congregation? Anyone have good results with any items in bringing in new members to visit?

submitted by /u/This-Ad-6604
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Ethical Investing and absentee investors who buy up local housing

By: /u/maallyn


Some conversations I hear in my fellowship is the problem of absentee investors buying up lots of our housing stock.

I am asking this question here considering that we are mostly like minded and I am a bit afraid of going onto r/investing, which has over 1 million people and that I would be flamed to a crisp.

I wonder if it's okay for us to consider that absentee investors buying up local housing and preventing local ownership is unethical.

Would you agree?

Thank you

Mark Allyn

Bellingham, Washington

submitted by /u/maallyn
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Book recommendations ?

By: /u/Oakandoracle

I’m new to the faith still and would love book recommendations! I am aware that there’s a wide variety of topics but if any of you have read something that really resonated and helped you along this journey I’d love to give it a try :)

submitted by /u/Oakandoracle
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Looking to make friends :)

By: /u/Oakandoracle

I’m new to the UU faith and don’t have a community or congregation anywhere near me.

I’m just wanting to see if there’s anyone who would want to be friends :)

A little about me

  • 24 y/o F
  • practices Celtic and pagan spirituality paths
  • from BC Canada !!
  • 🍃🍃friendly
submitted by /u/Oakandoracle
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New to Unitarian Universalism. Where should I look and how can I join/participate?

By: /u/goliv04053

I'm Brazilian and got out of religion (ex-christian). Nothing against the minister of the church I were member but I became oversaturated with religion. Born and raised in a Christian family sometimes make it a one choice and others.... You know the rest.

My mom is a member of a Assembly of God church but when I was young I preferred the baptists because I considered (and kinda consider them in some ways as Moderates).

But as various protestants and neo-pentecostals churches do the thing like: The other religion follow the devil and yadda yadda. They will go to hell if they don't convert. I think you all know the rest. And when I begun to think more outside of the box even if I was on a slow pace or thinking outside but not much I still get annoyed because of some hypocrite behaviors and like: "We are good and the other religion is bad and worship the devil" but when you look the "devil worshiping people" you see them doing more to help people than "us".

In resume, got out and I feel better. Taking care of my mental and physical health. And I want to join something with the same ideals like mine so I chose UU. How can I learn more and how can I join?

Tl;dr: Ex-christian (Baptist / Brazilian Baptist Convention) who got oversaturated by religion because of being raised in a Christian family who wants to know more and thinks joining UU.

Sorry for the long text. And also, my English sometimes get broken. Also, writing this question inside a bus.

submitted by /u/goliv04053
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My church has a problem with social media.

By: /u/arsenokoitai96

My church (close to Boston hint) has a problem with social media.

An instagram account never used and a facebook that posts the live transmission each Sunday. Need some advices friends of this fellowship of Reddit.

I have been thinking church is this two way street that getting to know each other makes people to know us as a church community. I need ideas but it feels the congregation faces melancholy of a past splendor or a past minister... I think getting to know each other is the first step of any outreach idea. An ongoing to know each other that keeps the theology of fellowship and unity alive. But, in my case, many of the church members say hi the first weeks and then go back to their groups of friends... I wish I could have more tools to sort dialogue and conversation with Congregations where most of its members are old beyond the age of Jesus Christ.

submitted by /u/arsenokoitai96
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Chalice Lighting Words Based on Stress

By: /u/JaredTheMountainLion

So, the youth group at my church is doing a sermon based on stress and procrastinating. They asked me to help them with the chalice lighting because they couldn't think of anything, and as it turns out, neither can I.

Collectively, we came up with this:

"Be mindful that with life comes stress and anxiety, We light this chalice in hopes of warding off all the negativity, if only for this day"

We're unsure what we think of it. Is there anything better or is this good enough?

submitted by /u/JaredTheMountainLion
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A new website hosting town hall meetings on the upcoming Article II vote.

By: /u/EarnestAbe


The topic is the upcoming GA vote to replace the Seven Principles with the Six Values (+ Love). The first planned town hall web meeting is March 27.


(Note that there was a Fifth Principle Project announcement about this. I am unsure of how coordinated this effort is with the "Save the Seven Principles" website and Facebook group.)

submitted by /u/EarnestAbe
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"What Unitarian Universalism Loses as it Becomes Politically Narrow"

By: /u/rastancovitz

What Unitarian Universalism loses as it becomes politically narrow

Two quotes from the online piece:

"The narrowing of political perspectives within the Unitarian Universalist community poses significant harm to the church and its members. This trend towards ideological homogeneity often transforms UU spaces into monoliths, fostering echo chambers characterized by groupthink and intellectual laziness. Such insular environments exacerbate extremism and 'us versus them' tribalism, not just within UU but in greater society."

"In many respects, the national church has transformed into a partisan political organization rather than a religion. Even many UU laity who are politically left and social justice activists have expressed discomfort with the idea of the church functioning as a political platform. They come to a church for spiritual growth and an oasis from the toxicity they get from the news and social media in their daily life."

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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Alternatives to UU?

By: /u/ShreksMiami

My husband and I have recently moved to a new town, and the people at our local UU are really un -welcoming. It’s not a bad church, we’re just introverts and have felt pretty awkward and not welcome at the church. There also isn’t a coffee hour, or any kind of mingling time, which there was at our old UU, and that allowed us to get to know people. Also, we’re probably 20-40 years younger than her than most congregants.

We are wondering if there are any similar churches that anyone knows of that we can try. It’s a mid-size town, about 40,000 people, so there won’t be a ton of options. Does anyone have any ideas?

submitted by /u/ShreksMiami
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OWL question

By: /u/clawhammercrow

I am posing this here before I take it to our DRE or minister. Are there resources for families that can be accessed between OWL sessions? My 7th grader got shafted by lockdown and has never been to OWL. They just finished a 4-6th grade session, and the unit for his cohort starts this fall. I need guidance now on burgeoning sexuality, particularly around pornography use. Due to the way he communicates with me, I think our relationship and trust level would suffer if I was the one leading this conversation, and six months is a long time to wait for help.

submitted by /u/clawhammercrow
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Church committee heavy lifts?

By: /u/_jhb

Hi friends,

I go to a church in the greater Boston area and have an observation about the committees that I am part of. It seems as though every committee has a pretty heavy lift and does many activities with a fairly large time commitment involved. This is fine, and I am glad to help, but I wish people would chill a little. Has anyone else had similar experiences with committees and committee work at their church?

Also, just an observation in general: I wish that there was more time devoted to getting to know each other at said church. I understand the point of outreach and getting new members, but I wish the faith as a whole worked at cultivating its current members more. (Maybe that's a generalization.)

Thoughts? Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/_jhb
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UU Social Media Policies/Online Code of Conduct

By: /u/unseelieseed

Do any of you have any policies in place at your congregations for both staff and members regarding social media policies and online codes of conduct? Curious about what that would look like.

submitted by /u/unseelieseed
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Lovely podcast about Justice

By: /u/Odd-Importance-9849
Lovely podcast about Justice

A friend recently recommended a podcast called The Emerald to me. The most recent episode is called Justice and I found it quite beautiful. It's a podcast so it's lomg of course.

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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Our Whole Lives (Owl) programs as non church goers?

By: /u/OhGoOnYou

Whenever sex education is brought up in a reddit discussion, there is mention of the OWL program. I have kids and I'm looking for a supplementary sex education program for them. Are these programs just for UU members? Or can non church goers attend? How do I find a program? We are in Oregon, near Portland.

submitted by /u/OhGoOnYou
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Do we UUs really listen to minorities or just those minorities we agree with?

By: /u/rastancovitz

Two example from the below post:

The large majority of blacks and Latinos polled said that they did not find offensive so-called microaggressions such as, "America is a land of opportunity," "Where are you from?," "I don't notice people's race," and "Everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough." Commenting on the poll, Columbia University sociologist Musa Al-Gharbi wrote, "(M)any whites, in their eagerness to present themselves as advocates for people of color and the cause of antiracism, neglect to actually listen to ordinary black or brown folk about what they find offensive, or what their racial priorities are.

In 2020, Minneapolis activists vigorously pushed for defunding the police, leading to the city council to endorse the idea. However, when they later surveyed the black community, a large majority did not support this cause. As a result, a ballot proposal to defund the police was overwhelmingly rejected, with 75% of black voters opposing it. National polls consistently indicate that the majority of black Americans want an equal or increased police presence in their neighborhoods.

The Consequences of Ignorance and False Assumptions in Activism

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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Small Jewish Groups

By: /u/commonorange

Would it be normal to have small “Jewish” groups for anyone interested at a UU church? Would that be a weird thing to propose? I am Jewish but our local synagogues are brutal with social stuff and not overly welcoming. I love the local UU church and I love the general approaches (religious Ed, atmosphere of welcoming) but I want a little more spirituality than it offers. I’m wondering if any UU groups ever experiment with Shabbat dinners or Rosh Chodesh (Jewish women’s celebration focused on the moon).

submitted by /u/commonorange
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Observing Lent

By: /u/SnooPeppers7217

Anyone here observing Lent?

As a former Catholic, I have to say I always enjoyed Lent. Forty days of “giving up” something and starting with Ash Wednesday, which is a reminder of our mortality. I always felt Lent was the only mystical or deeply meditative aspect of Catholicism (obviously people may disagree).

Even now as a UU I observe. Anyone else feel similar?

submitted by /u/SnooPeppers7217
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How is this a religion?

By: /u/Bobandwalter_1983

It seems that this is just Atheism but religious, so I'm wondering how it's a religion and not an idealogy as unlike Satanism it doesn't have a God.

submitted by /u/Bobandwalter_1983
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I've been going through a rough breakup, mainly over the topic of religion.

By: /u/Full_Ahegao_Drip

I wouldn't say it's the only factor in me dumping her but I'd say it was the straw that broke the camel's back. She's born and raised Conservative Jewish while I'm born and raised Unitarian.

We get stereotyped as being only nominally religious but that's not the case for me. I spend well over a third of my yearly income and spend on average about 28 hours a week at directly UU-related functions usually as part of an older Northeastern US fellowship but I'm also active in helping support smaller facilities and causes.

Of course I was plenty open to converting to Judaism, even an Orthodox conversion since that's usually what's preferred for marriage even among the most liberal Jews. However I made it clear that I would continue to be active in my community and would expect her to at absolute minimum be respectful of my participation.

I did my best to tell her about how many Jews see zero contradiction between their Jewish faith/identity and UUA.

Yet whenever I took her to services and other events she was disparaging, called it the "most goyish thing" she'd ever seen.

Without getting into too much of a rant, she went out of her way to be disrespectful to myself and others.

It got to a point where she was bringing it up to say that I'm not a real man, which burns extra deep since I'm a trans man.

Long story short I basically told her this was a dealbreaker for me and that we could either come to some sort of compromise or we could go our separate ways. She wouldn't budge so as much as it hurt, I dumped her.

It sucks because out of all the people I've dated she's someone I very deeply fell in love with. We were friends and Krav Maga sparring partners for about a year before we started dating but it looks like we won't be able to be friends, it's too raw and painful.

But there's tittles of pride in that I put up a boundary and stood my ground even when it was torture.

This isn't necessarily a call for advice more of a vent. Share your own insights and experiences if you want.

submitted by /u/Full_Ahegao_Drip
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UUs and Cohousing

By: /u/smiling-heart

I heard ~11% of Cohousing residents (in the US) are UUs! Three cohousing communities are participating in events at the end of February. If you’re interested in learning more about San Francisco Bay area cohousing opportunities, consider joining February 24 or February 25 in person event. Details are posted here https://www.cohousing-solutions.com/artofneighboring

submitted by /u/smiling-heart
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Why are liberal Quakers considered Christian, but Unitarian Universalists aren't?

By: /u/VteChateaubriand

Seeing QuakerSpeak's video about a Muslim Quaker got me wondering why are Quakers considered Christian, even though they accept other religions like UU does? What is it that makes them different from the UU in a way that makes them Christian?

submitted by /u/VteChateaubriand
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Yet another money/tithe/pledge question...

By: /u/aint_noeasywayout

I've been deep diving in this subreddit and have found a lot of discussion around the money/tithe/pledge issue. It seems there are a lot of people who ultimately felt unwelcomed, or were outright told they were unwelcome, based on income. There are also a lot of folks saying that it doesn't matter, at least at their local churches.

I am stuck. Ten years ago I attended my local UU Church until it came time for pledging. I was a broke college student and struggled with transportation to the church. I distinctly recall talking to another member about how I couldn't afford even the lowest check box to pledge, and they told me to go without Starbucks once a week... I didn't eat out or drink at all at that point in my life. I didn't even respond because that response was enough for me to feel like these weren't my people, despite otherwise feeling very welcomed and like I belonged.

I am finding myself again in a place with a deep need for community. My family and I went to a service today and during the "offering", the stand in minister said that the offering was just as important as any other involvement in the church, if not more. It was heavy on the guilt. Only after the plate was back up was it stated that if we were joining for the first time, to skip the plate. Somehow, I forgot about this aspect of the church entirely. I was so stressed out the whole time about money. A family member had a donut and a cup of coffee and all I could think about was that we were being judged for what we left in the offering plate vs what we took. Probably paranoia, but I was really overwhelmed at the thought.

The church's website says that we should be giving 5-10% of our income. We are deeply in debt, have several thousand in medical bills alone every month, and are desperately trying to catch up. I'm not hurting like I was as a college student, but I'm still hurting in a way that 5-10% of our income would leave us beyond fucked, if I'm being completely honest.

I don't know exactly what I'm looking for with this post. I'm so lonely but I can't afford to pay for companionship at the level they want. And the church didn't feel like it once did. It was so empty, hardly anyone stayed to chat after service, and the service was awkward and boring. This month is apparently pledge month too, so we picked the worst time to start coming (again?).

submitted by /u/aint_noeasywayout
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UU in Iceland

By: /u/UrFace111

Are there any UU congregations in Iceland? We're planning a vow renewal there and I'm wondering if I can reach out to them for an officiant.

submitted by /u/UrFace111
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Are you an adult who was in foster care as a child?

By: /u/HeyitsWillow

Hello! I am a doctoral student exploring the outcomes for adult alumni of the foster care system and how trauma informed care may improve outcomes. Understanding that UU communities are passionate about social justice issues, I am considering the possibility that former foster youth may seek community in this space. If you are 18+ and experienced foster care, will you please take a moment to help me in my research? I appreciate your time! Thank you!

submitted by /u/HeyitsWillow
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Worshiping what exactly?

By: /u/kissfan7

Maybe this is a misstated question, but what exactly are we worshiping when the minister says "Come, let us worship."

I know for many UUs, the answer would be God. But for other UUs?

submitted by /u/kissfan7
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Question on Article II Section C-2.2 organization

By: /u/bemrys

Can anyone explain why the line "We work to be diverse multicultural Beloved Communities where all thrive." is in the Justice subsection and not in the Pluralism subsection?

I have no problem with the line, just wondering why it wasn't in Pluralism.

submitted by /u/bemrys
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What are memberships for?

I’ve looked around and from what it looks like, they’re just to give you more responsibility in the congregation? I would assume if you pay for it, that’s how the congregation is upkept because the Sunday donations go to local causes?

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong; I’m just trying to understand the difference between member and nonmember.

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Looking to go to a UU Service, advice?

By: /u/AStackOfUsedNapkins

I've been struggling a lot lately and am at a point where I really feel that I need community and something to really touch on the spirituality side of things. However, I have very very little experience with religion in general, and what little I do is tainted.

When younger, around 17, I was dragged to sunday service at a non-denominational mega campus style church, the kind where the church resembles a massive Ampitheater and there's a starbucks. It was, interesting, and you could kinda just wander in, all sorts of people would show up, you could get lost in a crowd. I stopped going and haven't really interacted with religion or spirituality in any serious way since.

Now, I'm a late 20s visibly queer brown woman, and from what I've read, UU congregations tend to skew older and white. I also imagine they are smaller. I'm terrified of showing up. I did find a service I want to attend (UU of Church of Buffalo), but have zero clue what to expect or how to show up.

Questions I have in no particular order:

-Do I need to RSVP before hand, or contact them to let them know I'll be arriving?

-What should I wear (I really only have ragged jeans and a tee)?

-How early should I arrive?

-What's proper etiquette?

Thanks for any help. I really want to show up.

submitted by /u/AStackOfUsedNapkins
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Only a few days left to approve amendments to be voted on at GA! They need 15 congregations each!

By: /u/Odd-Importance-9849

For anyone whose board (or congregation) hasn't reviewed amendments to Article II proposed by congregations, several still need a congregation or board to support them to make it. There are only 5 total that have been proposed. You can find two threads at discuss.uua.org. One thread has amendments that have not yet gotten enough support and the other thread has the ones that have. Please, they only need draft minutes from your board with approvals! Emails are provided for the contact people and they should be able to share with you forms to attach your minutes to.

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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In the context of UU philosophy and theology, how many of you are interested in emergence and synergy?

By: /u/Odd-Importance-9849

More specifically, I'm wondering how many of you are excited about the ideas of Daniel Schmachtenberger, particularly what he has to say about emergence.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's a taste: https://civilizationemerging.com/media-old/emergence/

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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Is Water Communion based in any way on Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land?

By: /u/AardvarkPatient63

Recently, I was trying to remember the water brother ceremony from Robert A. Heinlein’s novel Stranger in a Strange Land (pub. 1961) and googled ‘Water Communion’ and was interested to see that is a practice in the UUA, started in 1980. Stranger in a Strange Land is a very spiritual book (the central message of which—or at least the message of the protagonist if not the author—is ‘Thou art god’) about which had an enormous influence on new age and ‘hippie’ (meant without pejorative) culture, and one of the central features is the ceremony of sharing the water of life (ie just water) , which establishes brotherhood (a term explicitly glossed in the book as being without gender due to the Martian language—one of the first water brothers of the protagonist is a woman). In other words, it’s plausible that people interested in the UUA would be reading and influenced by this book.

However, sharing water is hardly unique to Heinlein, and I don’t know anything about the history of Water Communion in the UUA beyond a cursory googling. Does anyone know if those who created the practice were inspired by Stranger in a Strange Land? Or is it just one of those coincidences, perhaps the two being cousins influenced by the same longer traditions about water?

submitted by /u/AardvarkPatient63
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Curious about a response to these articles

By: /u/Dayshade

Hey, I've become interested in spirituality and UU particularly (due to the pluralism/syncretism, rationalism, and lack of creeds) recently and came across these articles detailing some things that seem problematic to me - was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on them?

The first is at https://whyevolutionistrue.com/2024/01/02/the-uus-go-woke/ which links to https://news.fairforall.org/p/the-ideological-takeover-of-the-church

submitted by /u/Dayshade
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Discussion forums lessons learned?

By: /u/elTomPar

Do people have good examples or stories of digital forums to create connection and improve communication within a UU congregation? Any lessons learned to share? Open social media isn't cutting it. The idea is to have a closed, curated membership forum where people will be more open to sharing and discussion.

I'm presently advocating for a Discourse forums, or similar, in my own church. Here is a UUA example https://discuss.uua.org/.


submitted by /u/elTomPar
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CUC National Events

By: /u/bengaliburgerboy

Does anyone know if the CUC holds any summer programs like SUUSI where I could meet more young adult UU followers like myself?

submitted by /u/bengaliburgerboy
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Hi everyone! Recent member here with a little question

By: /u/Ladderclimbert

I (25m) have been an agnostic/atheist who has received a Christian upbringing, and after some soul searching I started a spiritual journey of sorts. I tried to convert to Reform Judaism, a very progressive branch of Judaism, but geography and other reasons prevented me from doing so.

I felt a little defeated but that was until I found out about UU. I was in love with the idea of being united by the shared 7 principles, rather than scripture, traditon or religious law. This way I still get to explore my beliefs and such without worrying about whether or not am I violating the core beliefs of my chosen religion, and I still get to celebrate the Christian holidays with my family.

I "attend" UU online as I live in a European village with only a Catholic Church and a fundamentalist Baptist congregation. I love that there are no formal requirements in order to convert to UU, but I also feel that I lack something this way.

So my question would be: is it possible to get certificate that I'm now UU? Like a certificate of conversion? Like not even a physical one, just a pdf or something. Would a UU Rev grant me one if I were to contact one?

Happy New year btw!

submitted by /u/Ladderclimbert
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Hey everyone 👋🏾

I am a bipoc and would like to find people within the UU community to possibly date.

Does anyone have any advice on how I could find others to connect with?

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Holiday Season 2023

By: /u/Remarkable_Cream1423

Hey guys! Since the holidays are almost done, which ones did you celebrate? As someone who has ties to the UU Christian Fellowship, Advent Sunday marked the first day of a new year and the beginning of the holiday season. If you don’t necessarily celebrate them in the traditional sense, how do you? Thanks and have a happy end to 2023

submitted by /u/Remarkable_Cream1423
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Revised Ask

By: /u/RainbowRhymes

Since my previous post was apparently not clear enough, I'm looking for something closer to the now defunct Fellowship for Secular Humanist Unitarian Universalists (FSHUUN). Since this is no longer an option and my beliefs differ slightly, what are my options? A single fellowship is what I'm looking for, or perhaps two or three, that are more focused on deism and historical (18th ish century Unitarian/Universalism).

submitted by /u/RainbowRhymes
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