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Is UU very political?

By: /u/hwagoolio โ€”

Hi! I'm agnostic (family is not religious and I've never been to any kind of church in my life) and I've been interested in exploring different churches lately.

I think what I'm mainly looking for is a community that shares my values. I'm getting married soon, so my partner and I have been thinking about potential kids in the future. I sort of have belief that it's good to regularly have open and thoughtful conversations about love, morality, and other things with your kids, so in a sense I'm interested in looking for a "Sunday school" without a strongly religious element where these types of conversations are facilitated in a diverse and welcoming community.

While I'm not religious, I believe strongly in love, kindness, empathy, acceptance, diversity, forgiveness, etc. I'd also like to be able to provide a loving community for any future children I have (...my partner and I are strongly introverted and we don't have many friends or participate in other social communities).

Unitarian Universalism sounded like a really good fit, but I heard from some friends/colleagues that their impression of UU was that it was strongly political and grounded in activism.

I think all of those things are great (I'm left-leaning), but from a parenting perspective, I sort of want my children to arrive at their own political beliefs without anyone telling them what to believe. Ideally, I would like to keep politics separated from love/kindness/empathy/etc, and hope that they are able to come to their own conclusions about various political issues themselves as they grow up.

I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on this subject, and I'd love to hear your thoughts, recommendations, and opinions! Thank you!

submitted by /u/hwagoolio
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