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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Sexual abuse

Do any of you have any resources for individuals abused by religious professionals as adults? I have exhausted my resources and do not wish to report by the UUA.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

I did it.

By: /u/BigSexytke

This past week I was so nervous, because I had volunteered to speak to my local UU community. I did on Sunday and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

submitted by /u/BigSexytke
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Is the UU church a good church for a queer family to attend?

By: /u/Romanticdreamer3897

I’ve been just thinking about the future and I feel that of all the churches I’ve researched, if I wanted to take my future children to a church and make that a part of their life, the UU church is the one I most would want to become a member of. My question though is this: as a queer family (I’m a lesbian and so I’d be attending this church with my wife and kids) would I be welcome, and would there be a decent portion of queer couples and families who attend? I want my kids to be exposed to other families like theirs and I’m curious for people who already attend what the demographic of the average congregation tends to be like.

submitted by /u/Romanticdreamer3897
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

what's your favorite part of Flower Communion?

By: /u/-kennicott

A few months early but I'm preaching Flower Communion and want to know what everyone's favorite part is while I put together the order of service.

submitted by /u/-kennicott
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist


By: /u/BigSexytke

Can I believe in a pantheon of gods and still be a UU?

submitted by /u/BigSexytke
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

UU Wedding?

By: /u/DruidWitch82

I've been UU off and on for several years, but only the past few months have I been in a place in life (and physical location) to be able to join and regularly attend an actual UU church, which I absolutely love. My partner and I recently got engaged and we're discussing having the wedding at the church, led by our minister (which I suppose is typical of church members). I've been curious, how does a UU wedding differ from a more traditional Christian wedding (I was raised Southern Baptist so that's my main frame of reference)?

submitted by /u/DruidWitch82
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Disappointed in our first UU visit.

By: /u/dogmom34

My husband (36M) and I(35f) attended the only UU in our city today for the first time. I was very surprised by how outdated everything seemed. I am atheist, but was raised in a charismatic non-denominational Christian church... We had great music with a large band and several singers, and the place was lively and, well, charismatic. There was always a great buzz in the air. I didn't expect that of the UU; I'm weary of charismatic leaders anyway (too much hype, not enough substance), but I didn't expect this to be so... Boring.

This UU sung from a hymn book. It felt like the times when I was a child and went with my friend to her grandma's church... I'm not trying to be rude; just blunt. My husband and I couldn't think of the words to describe how the reverend spoke, but my husband mentioned he felt like he was at a slam poetry event. She spoke in flowery language but then in the next sentence would describe in layman's terms what she meant. 🙄 Lots of talk of social justice, which is good. But nothing was really uplifting, nor did it give a sense of community. Maybe I'm being too harsh for my first time, but I've read in this sub from others who talk about how UU is failing to attract younger members, and I can greatly see why. I still filled out the paperwork with our info and turned it in, and we were happy to donate as well. Just disappointed and wishing we found somewhere fun-ish/inspiring/energetic where we belong, without the dogma that comes from regular churches.

submitted by /u/dogmom34
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Unitarian Universalist question

What kinds of things would you hear about in a UU sermon? Like what kinds of things would they talk about, and what kinds of things would your kids learn about in them? I am just curious.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

How did you find UU?

By: /u/Ambitious_Doughnut22

I am always interested in how people find out about UU. Please select how you came upon it and if what you have experienced is not an option in the poll, please feel free to comment below. Thanks and have a great day!

View Poll

submitted by /u/Ambitious_Doughnut22
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Religious confusion

Lately, I have been heavily questioning my religious beliefs. I grew up in a Christian household with somewhat liberal views compared to the people surrounding me. Though, my family still has some more conservative views on certain issues. After interacting with the more conservative/fundamentalist side of Christianity I have become more disillusioned with it as a whole. Yet I still have a hard time coping with the existential dread that comes along with atheism. I used to feel a deep connection to the world and people that I no longer do. I have always had more humanistic/progressive views and heard this place might be a good fit. Has anyone here experienced this? Does anyone here consider themselves religious? Any advice on how to navigate this problem?

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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Kurt Vonnegut Requiem

By: /u/ScienceDragonGorbash


So I was introduced to Kurt Vonnegut through Slaughterhouse Five in high school English class; it became my favorite book and Vonnegut my favorite author. I may even have this requiem played at my funeral in addition to having "Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt" inscribed on my tombstone.

submitted by /u/ScienceDragonGorbash
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Interested in learning more

By: /u/NormanisEm

Hi everyone, I found out about this religion (if thats what you call it?) from my (future) university’s resources for LGBTQ people wanting to find churches/temples/etc. I was raised Christian, pretty conservative, so being a lesbian has made it difficult to have religious or spiritual beliefs. I’m not necessarily atheist either though. Anyhow, when I went to the churches website I really loved a lot of things it said, but I also noticed it was very vague. I’m curious what a service actually looks like. Do a lot of people have different beliefs? Is there any set belief on like God or gods etc? I will most likely try the UU church there when I move in August as well as the Episcopal church. I just don’t know what to expect. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/NormanisEm
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist


I consider music in its various forms to be a spiritual force, capable of touching people's hearts and making their lives richer, even if for a short time. We need it just as we need food, water, and oxygen.

So I invite all members of this subreddit to submit their favorite and most inspirational songs and musical works for all to listen to and learn from. And I will start with this:

Valley of Healing Waters - 2002


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