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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

The Waiting Time

By: Megan Lloyd Joiner β€”
A straw-filled manger in a stable, with the Christmas star in the window

Megan Lloyd Joiner

Advent encourages us to be present in each moment of waiting.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Long May They Wave

By: cristy cardinal β€”
A Progress Pride flag on a flagpole, with a blue sky and bright sun behind it.

cristy cardinal

Queer joy is resistance.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Small Decisions

By: JD Stillwater β€”
Against a field of early evening stars, a path winds its way around a grassy hill and out of view.

JD Stillwater

Little changes can snowball into massive impacts.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Mistakes & Miracles: UU Common Read Discussion Guide

Cover of Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism

Susan Dana Lawrence


Karin Lin


Nancy Palmer Jones

The UU Common Read of Mistakes & Miracles is a four-session discussion series engaging congregations on the road to Beloved Community.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Called to Heal

By: Melissa Jeter β€”
A broad, green leaf held by a Black woman's hands. A small tattoo of a heart is on her wrist.

Melissa Jeter

Love is reaching through the generations with expectations that I live through challenging times.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Mistakes & Miracles: UU Common Read Discussion Guide

Cover of Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism

Susan Dana Lawrence


Karin Lin


Nancy Palmer Jones

The UU Common Read of Mistakes & Miracles is a four-session discussion series engaging congregations on the road to Beloved Community.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Part of the Mystery

By: Laura Shay β€”
A branch contains a dozen monarch butterfly chrysales, in various stages of development. A monarch's wing pattern is visible in one of them.

Laura Shay

Witnessing the lifecycle of a monarch butterfly has made me a better chaplain.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Retracing My Steps

By: Glen Thomas Rideout β€”
Seen from the chest up, a side view of three generations: a Black son, father, and grandfather standing side by side.

Glen Thomas Rideout

I rise on the shoulders of ancestors whose names I can not know.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

After Big Win in Kansas, Can Pro-Choice Advocates Prevail in Kentucky?

By: Jeff Milchen β€”
Β© 2022 Dave Kaup/AFP via Getty Images

Jeff Milchen

Kansas organizers succeed through inclusive leadership and seeking dialogue with potential opponents.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

New Year, New Challenges

By: Natalie Briscoe β€”
In front of a church altar, about a dozen school backpacks are stacked up.

Natalie Briscoe

Your regional staff is very aware of the challenges you face in this upcoming year, and we are working together to provide resources as well as online spaces to gather, learn from one another, and get through this year with gusto.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Choosing to Connect

By: Priscilla Shumway β€”
Cropped shot of a group of businesspeople standing together and holding hands in a modern office

Priscilla Shumway

It's my actions and choices that determine my connection to others.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Deepening Diversity in Worship

By: JeKaren Olaoya, Erika A. Hewitt β€”
Inside a church, Black people stand as if listening to a preacher or choir.

JeKaren Olaoya


Erika A. Hewitt

If you’re trying to build a worship service that's anti-racist and decenters whiteness, you start in one spot.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

A GA Business experience like no other

By: UUA Communications: Periodicals β€”
Β© 2022 Nancy Pierce/UUA

UUA Communications: Periodicals

As the organizers of the 2022 assembly had promised, the reimagined multiplatform event in Portland was no business as usual.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

We Will Only Rise

By: JeKaren Olaoya β€”
Seen from below looking up, a circle of BIPOC people clasp hands.

JeKaren Olaoya

We have to keep finding ways to widen the circle of care and concern.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

All That Shimmers

By: Laura Solomon β€”
A group of people, backs to the camera, walk holding a giant rainbow flag under their heads, as if in the middle of a Pride parade.

Laura Solomon

To be queer is to know the ways of holding all that shimmers to the light.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Us, Human, Here

By: Laura Solomon β€”
a pink heart, apparently drawn on chalk, on a badly cracked concret surface

Laura Solomon

We are an angry and beautiful people.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

I Am Here, Growing

By: Melissa Jeter β€”
The hands of a Black person cradle the new lettuce leaves growing in their garden.

Melissa Jeter

Growing connects me to ancestors who had their hands in the dirt because it was keeping them alive.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

UUA General Assembly 2022: Not Business as Usual

By: Elaine McArdle β€”
Β© 2019 Nancy Pierce/UUA

Elaine McArdle

The UUA wants the multiplatform General Assembly to be an equitable experience for all, including the voting process.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

The Sacred Choice

By: Leslie Ahuvah Fails β€”
A newborn infant lies on a bed next to their mother, whose torso reveals stretch marks and other signs of recently giving birth.

Leslie Ahuvah Fails

Motherhood must be a choice. It cannot be chosen for us.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Q&A: Public Theologian JΓ© Exodus Hooper

By: Elaine McArdle β€”
JΓ© Exodus Hooper, a Black non-binary person in a red hat and jacket

Elaine McArdle

On our theology’s leading edgeΒ (+video)

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

UU the Vote Campaign Rises Again for Justice

By: Jeff Milchen β€”
Β© 2020 Caroline Gutman

Jeff Milchen

As threats to democracy grow, we’re determined to make 2022 the year love and justice regain the upper hand.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

UUA President Application Process Opens April 4

By: Elaine McArdle β€”
@ 2022 UUWorld UUA

Elaine McArdle

Association’s next chief executive and spiritual leader to be elected at General Assembly 2023

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

UU the Vote Campaign Rises Again for Justice

By: Jeff Milchen β€”
Β© 2020 Caroline Gutman

Jeff Milchen

As threats to democracy grow, we’re determined to make 2022 the year love and justice regain the upper hand.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

UUA President Application Process Opens April 4

By: Elaine McArdle β€”
@ 2022 UUWorld UUA

Elaine McArdle

Association’s next chief executive and spiritual leader to be elected at General Assembly 2023

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

We Keep Rising in Love

By: Molly Housh Gordon β€”
Seen from high above, a human crowd forms two hands and a heart shape on white background

Molly Housh Gordon

You can crush Love down, bury it, cover it over, but it will rise.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Return and Remember

By: Summer Albayati β€”
A person in pink robes, mostly cropped out of the photo, holds a Qur'am and Muslim prayer beads.

Summer Albayati

When the holy month of Ramadan approaches, it becomes a beautiful reminder to return to myself.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

The Power to Save

By: Sara Palmer β€”
A mother and daughter, holding hands, walk on a path through a forest. They are smiling at one another, and are seen from behind.

Sara Palmer

May we forever perceive the ways we can empower others.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Learning How to Fail

By: Christine Slocum β€”
A close up of two competitors, mid-match, at the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Shinbun Championship (2017).

Christine Slocum

White supremacy culture tells me that I’m only "good" if I’m perfect, treating all falls as hard stops.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

The Defiant Spark

By: David Kohlmeier β€”
In dim light, a person holds their hands out, palms forward, obscuring their face. A few bright sparks hang suspended between their hands.

David Kohlmeier

You didn’t earn your worth, and you can’t lose it. Because you exist. Period.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Asking for Help

By: Quinn Gormley β€”
Seen from behind, at the beach, a father has his arm lovingly wrapped around his child's shoulder.

Quinn Gormley

Happy kids are safer kids, because happy kids have adults they can ask for help.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Event Recap: Using Art as Advocacy

By: Rose Singleton β€”
A mosaic of four videoconference screenshots: The upper left is a woman with glasses, dark hair, and a colorful sweater; the upper right is a woman with dark hair and a black shirt; the lower left is a man with glasses, salt-and-pepper beard, playing a flute; the lower right is a woman with blonde hair wearing a black shirt.

Rose Singleton

β€œUsing Art as Advocacy” was a webinar hosted on February 17, 2022 by the UU@UN (Unitarian Universalist Association’s office at the United Nations). This event showed how art can be used to build community and inspire change in chaotic times. Art can result in profound social change when used...

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Starting Fresh

By: Lynette Yetter β€”
A woman stands, eyes closed and hands up in a meditative pose, on a crosswalk with the blurred impressions of passersby around her

Lynette Yetter

I was often being a stern taskmaster over my mind. I yearned for more openness and joy.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Claiming My Worth

By: JeKaren Olaoya β€”
From the back, a Black woman is seen with her arms raised, wrists crossed. Her top is made from traditional west African fabric.

JeKaren Olaoya

I affirm that I am worthy of being good enough to touch hearts and souls, and connect others to Spirit.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Love Is Showing Up

By: Melissa Jeter β€”
Two Black women pack toys into a box, as though preparing a donation

Melissa Jeter

Every time someone showed up for me, I learned that love is greater than skin deep.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

A Village of Strangers

By: Laura Shay β€”
On a nest of straw and holiday tinsel three white paper stars, or Froebelsterne, are nestled.

Laura Shay

May we continue to find ways to connect while keeping safe this holiday season.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

The Grace within a Pecan Pie

By: Jake Morrill β€”
In the foreground, a slice of pecan pie and a hot beverage sit on a table. In the background, there's a merry decorated Christmas tree.

Jake Morrill

For me, β€œsurrendering everything tenderly” brings an awareness of grace.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Laying Dreams to Rest

By: Leslie Gatto β€”
In a nest woven from twigs and leaves, a small spotted eggshell is broken.

Leslie Gatto

Acknowledging that our dream was not happening didn't end the grief, but it did offer closure.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

An Atheist's Prayers

By: Sally Fritsche β€”
A person in a medical coat, mask, and gloves braces themselves on a balcony, head bowed as though in prayer.

Sally Fritsche

May we release ourselves from the need to fit every truth neatly into our own language.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Words Fail

By: David Glasgow β€”
A young teen lies on their bed, eyes closed, listening to music on headphones. A guitar lies on the bed next to them.

David Glasgow

Spirit of Life who dwells before and between and beyond all words… we open ourselves to you.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

The Work That's Ours to Do

By: DanaLee Simon β€”
Bright red-orange kokanee salmon swim in the water of a shallow stream flanked by foliage

DanaLee Simon

We already have everything we need within us to meet the life that is before us.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Putting on Armor

By: Shannon Lang β€”
Five people of color are seen in a line, holding hands with arms crossed in a sign of solidarity.

Shannon Lang

In order to be welcoming, the systems of power and privilege in our spaces need to be actively dismantled.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ UUA Top Stories

Only Clay on the Wheel

By: Jake Morrill β€”
A person's hands shape a clay vessel on a potter's wheel.

Jake Morrill

I want to be shaped in a way that lets me serve the eternal.

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