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UU Carnival pulling up tent stakes

By: uucarnival โ€”

If you’ve noticed that the carnival hasn’t produced anything in the last few months, there’s a reason: I’ve been busy and prior months were difficult to get submissions going.

Whether it’s because there’s no need for a carnival (because of UUpdates and other aggregators) or because folks don’t quite get the idea (ultimately, the goal would be to turn down some submissions and just cull the best), or because everyone else is busy like me, or because I could have promoted the idea better, I don’t know.

Regardless, I’m announcing that the UU Carnival, in this form at least, is closing.  I’d be happy to help in future projects like this, or to transition this site over to someone else.  Just shoot me an email (arbitrary /dot/ marks at gmail /dot/ com).

It’s been fun, but it’s time to shut down the Ferris Wheel, gather your stuffed animal prizes, and head home.  Thanks to everyone who submitted, helped out with the administration, and who read and commented on the posts.  See you around the blogosphere!

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UU Carnival #9: Are You a Pop UU?

By: uucarnival โ€”

Check out some of the conversation already started in the UU Blogosphere, and then submit your own post on the topic to the carnival. 

Mom to the Left
Spirituality & Sunflowers
The Musings of Yet Another Working Mom

Here’s what Kinsi (Spirituality & Sunflowers) says about the topic:

So…do you feel too stupid to be a UU?

Do you watch Survivor?  American Idol?

Do you root with Jerry Springer or love the Maury paternity test shows? [I’m a thousand percent sure I do!]

Have you read less than 2 of the books/authors you hear regularly mentioned as being essential to UUism or mentioned in a sermon?

Would you rather watch prime time than go to an art gallery opening?

Then maybe you are a Pop-UU too.  

Entries are due by next Thursday, April 5th, and will be posted at a blog-to-be-named on Friday, April 6th.  Follow the link above or in the sidebar to submit your entry!

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Carnival#8 At Suriviving the Workday

By: uucarnival โ€”

You can find the latest carnival online at Surviving the Workday, here.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  If you’re interested in hosting next month, send an email to uucarnival at gmail dot com!

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Carnival #8: Authority

By: uucarnival โ€”

It seems like most folks want a broader topic for the carnival, so I am opening up March’s carnival with the topic of authority.  You can take this as a jumping off point to talk about

  • The authority of the church or scriptures–how they get (or don’t have) authority over us
  • The authority of your conscience, reason, etc.
  • The authority of the state (perhaps in connection with your conscience)
  • Whether you think of “authority” as a negative or a positive, and your experiences with it.
  • These are all just ideas.  Take it and run with it, people!

Again, I’m opening up calls for hosts.  Ideally, I’d like to get some of the UU Blog Award winners to host.  So if you’re interested, leave a comment or email.  I might call on people individually if I don’t get responses, so be prepared for me to knock on your virtual door!

Curious how to send carnival submissions?  Click on the big link at the right that says “submissions.”  I am aiming to have the carnival online Friday, March 2, so you have 11 days to work on some posts!

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UU Carnival is at Peacebang

By: uucarnival โ€”

Check out the most recent installment of the carnival here.  We received two submissions, but I’m sure you have more opinions on the topic.  Check out Peacebang’s commentary on the quote and add to the discussion.

Also, we’ve received one suggestion for a way to get more involvement in the carnival–a more open topic, like simply “love” or “community” or “change”, rather than a quote and/or a specific description?

What say you?  Do you need a framework from which to riff, or would you rather have one word and brainstorm from there?

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Peacebang to host UU Carnival!

By: uucarnival โ€”

The glamorous and graceful Peacebang has agreed to host the upcoming UU Carnival, slated to appear on the World Wide Web tomorrow!  Now, darlings, we wouldn’t want to disappoint the Dame of De-frumpification, who has just accepted her first mainstream media interview, would we?

You can find the topic here, but if it isn’t to your liking, feel free to riff off it into another subject matter, like poverty, racism, ecological abuse, etc.  I’m sure our creative bloggers can find ways to work it in.

Along with colored hose and frumpy denim dresses, Peacebang dislikes tardiness among the clergy and the blogosphere.  So, ladies and gentlemen, get your blog posts in today and tomorrow so that PB can host her first carnival! 

Email your submissions to uucarnival at gmail dot com.

Disclaimer: This blog post was not written or approved by Peacebang.  All similarities to actual UU clergy, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.  Offer not valid in Hawaii, Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands.

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Calling all UU Blog Award Winners!

By: uucarnival โ€”

I’d like to highlight some of the winners of the 2007 Blog Awards by having them host / facilitate upcoming carnivals.  So if you won an award (first, second or third place) and are interested in coming up with a topic and/or hosting a carnival, leave a comment or send an email to uucarnival at gmail dot com!

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UU Carnival # 7: Atheist prophets

By: uucarnival โ€”

In order to get more participation in the carnival, I’m asking for submisssions, on any topic at all.  The only catch is that you need to be responding, in some way, to this quote from James Luther Adams:

A good deal of so-called atheism is itself, from my point of view, theologically significant. It is the working of God in history, and judgement upon the pious. An authentic prophet can be a radical critic of spurious piety, of sham spirituality.”

From the submissions we receive, I’ll choose the best representatives of UU blogging, as usual, and we’ll have them online by Friday February 9th.

Here’s how to send in submissions.

Quote taken from “Prophetic judgment and grace,” responses to questions, January 1977, quoted from George K Beach, ed., The Prophethood of All Believers, (1986) p. 57.

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Sixth Carnival up @ Arbitrary Marks

By: uucarnival โ€”

I’ve posted our sixth installment, on the topic of change, at Arbitrary Marks.

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UU Carnival #6 Topic: Change

By: uucarnival โ€”

New Year’s has come and gone, and now it is time for the sixth UU blog carnival!  Last month we had only a handful of submissions.  I would really enjoy seeing more folks submit their posts–UUpdates is exploding with bloggers, so we aren’t hurting for content, just motivation!

We’ve already covered a variety of topics in the short life of the carnival:

What is our purpose?
Religion word that move us…
What gets you through the night?

In the spirit of the New Year, during which many people generate lists of resolutions, I’d like to propose this topic: Change.

What compels you to change, and towards what are you aiming?  You could talk about what religious (or non-religious) figures inspire you, about what tools you use to help yourself change, and what role you think god and the church might have to do with this change?

Send submissions (your name, blog and location of the post) to me at arbitrary (dot) marks (at) gmail (dot) com.  I’ll post entries which make the cut next Friday, January 12th…to give you some time.  Anyone want to host the carnival?  Send me an email as well!

And sadly, if we don’t get more participation in the carnivals, I’ll have to assume there’s no desire for them on the part of the community.  There’s no reason to beat a dead horse, or maintain an empty carnival tent.   So send the submissions in, if you’d like to see the carnival continue!  Thanks!

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Submissions for UUCarnival!

By: uucarnival โ€”

The submissions form is broken and I don’ t have time to fix it before the next carnival.  There are (I know from UUPdates) some folks writing on the topic.  Do us a favor, will you?  1.  Leave a comment with your URL, blog and name; 2. Email this info to arbitrary |dot| marks |at| gmail |dot| com; 3. Tag the URL with “UUCARNIVAL1106” in del.icio.us or Technorati.

Using one of the above methods will guarantee that we look over your entry for this carnival.  Thanks!

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UU Carnival #4 Theme: Evil

By: uucarnival โ€”

From Chalicechick:

Can people be evil?  If so, what are the theological implications?  If not, how can we account for all the evil that some people commit?

Submissions to the carnival are due Thursday November 2nd. (use the submissions form here, tag it in delicious or Technorati with “UUCARNIVAL1106”, or email arbitrary dot marks at gmail dot com)

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Introducing two new UU carnies!

By: uucarnival โ€”

Chalicechick and Kinsi have graciously offered to help with the administration of the UU Blog Carnival.  For the month of November, Kinsi will be hosting the carnival.  CC has come up with a theme, which will be announced in the next post.

Join me in saying thank you and welcoming them, won’t you?

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UU Carnival Administration

By: uucarnival โ€”

All, if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that we’ve skipped an installment of the UU Blog Carnival.  Why?  I got really busy.  That’s a bad thing, leaving a project like this in the hands of one person, whose “real life” can get in the way.  What I’d like to do is open up the administration of the carnival to three other people.  This would allow one person to maintain only three months worth of carnivals, on a rotating basis.  (You wouldn’t necessarily host each month, just be responsible for putting up the announcement and selecting a host.)

If anyone is interested, please send me an email (arbitrary dot marks at gmail dot com) and let me know.  My goal is to make the carnival self-sustaining by summer of 2007. I think it can happen–the number of UUs currently posting, and the success of the UUpdates website demonstrate there are Unitarian Universalists looking for good content.

Comments are closed.  Email me if you would like to discuss the project.

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UU Carnival #4: November 3rd, 2006

By: uucarnival โ€”

The next installment of the UU Blog Carnival is slated for November 3rd, 2006.  We’ll be posting an announcement this week about a theme.  Submissions are due November 1st.  (Use the submission form at left, or tag your post in Technorati or del.icio.us with “UUCARNIVAL1108”)

Remember, the point of a carnival is that you submit your post to us and we determine if it fits the theme.  We’re trying to scour the UU-Internet for posts, but eventually we want to focus on what is submitted.

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Blog Carnival # 3

By: uucarnival โ€”

Rev. Sean of Ministrare will be hosting our upcoming carnival.  He’s posted the topic on his blog, which is reproduced below: 

With the anniversary of Katrina, the resurgence of terrorist threats, and several more personal losses weighing on me, I am hoping to hear your answers to the question,  “What gets you through the hard night?”  More specifically, what is it in our faith tradition, that brings you the strength and/or comfort you need to face difficult times?  Are there theological concepts, specific words, hymns, practices that sustain you in trying times?

Submissions are due soon–Monday, September 4. (Labor Day!) You can submit your entry here or if you prefer, email them directly to me at seanden–at–gmail–dot–com.  I am looking forward to it.

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Religion words that move us, religion words that don't

By: uucarnival โ€”

Chalice Chick is hosting August’s carnival, and she’s come up with the following theme:

Religion words that move us, religion words that don’t.

This is inspired, of course, by the recent discussion about “Lord” that sprung up in response  to Peacebang’s post about how wonderfully evocative she finds “Lord.”  But in the last month of so, we’ve also seen the Presbyterian church taking steps toward gender-neutral language. 

Astrologer Rob Brezny reports that his drinking toast begins “To the Divine Trickster formerly known as God.”

We’re all talking about God and spirituality and using new words to do it. 

Was the first time you heard God spoken of in female language a revelation for you?  Are you rediscovering the power in the religious words of you childhood faith?  

Or does your own difficult childhood make “God the father” a problematic phrase for you?

(I’m sure my Christian background has colored my examples.  But you get the idea.   People from non-Christian backgrounds doubly encouraged to participate here.) 

Let’s talk about the language we use when we talk about faith. 


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Second Carnival Deadline: August 3rd

By: uucarnival โ€”

Please submit your post to the UU Carnival submission form or through del.icio.us / Technorati tag UUCARNIVAL0806.  ChaliceChick will be looking for the best writing on the theme announced in the next post.

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UU Carnival #1

By: uucarnival โ€”

You can go read the first installment of the UU blog carnival at ArbitraryMarks.com.  The theme, loosely defined, is Unitarian Universalist purpose, whether at an institutional or personal level.

Sign up for the UU Carnival Newsletter to get notifications of new installments; also submit your writing or the blogging of others through our submission form.

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First Carnival Deadline: Midnight July 6

By: uucarnival โ€”

Please submit a post for the current UU Carnival, slated to appear on ArbitraryMarks July 7th 2006. The (loose) topic is “purpose” and, for our inaugural carnival, I think any well-written and articulate post relevant to the General Assembly and the larger goals of Unitarian Universalism will be considered.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please use the submission form or tag the post within del.icio.us or Technorati: UUCARNIVAL0706

As well, please let me know by email (arbitrary.marks (at) gmail.com) if you would like to join the newsletter test list. When it is fully functional, I’ll put a post here.

Finally, for the initial carnival, I will scour the Internet for folks who don’t submit but have good stuff. You may find yourself here in two weeks. Considered yourself warned…

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Images for your blog

By: uucarnival โ€”

Here are a couple of graphics you can copy/paste into your blog to advertise the carnival.   Please put them in your sidebar, and adjust your HTML to direct to the UU Carnival page (uucarnival.wordpress.com).



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July Carnival: Purpose?

By: uucarnival โ€”

June 21-25 is the date of the 2006 UUA General Assembly.  While not all UU bloggers will be attending the event, quite a few will, or will be contemplating the topics discussed during these few days.

Our first carnival theme, then, is an oldie but a goodie for UU's.  What is our purpose?  Or, alternately, what is my purpose being within a Unitarian Universalist congregation?  Or, finally, should we even talk about the "Purpose Question"?

As Unitarian Universalists range from humanists to Christians to Buddhists to pagans, I suspect we'll have variety in our answers.  Use the Submission Page to enter your email, blog post URL and a summary of your contents.  You can also nominate fellow bloggers.

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Welcome to the UU Carnival!

By: uucarnival โ€”

Each month, a Unitarian Universalist blogger will host the best and brightest in the UU blogosophere. We’re trying to bring new bloggers into focus and encourage thoughtful writing about UU-related topics.

How does this work?

1. If you want to submit your stuff, send your email, post URL, and a short description in an email to uucarnival at gmail dot com.

2. Our rotating host will decide which posts reflect the best writing on our monthly theme, and email bloggers when they’ve been chosen.

3. If you want to host, send an email to uucarnival at gmail dot com, and the UU Carnie will assign you a month (and a theme if you don’t have one in mind).

That’s it! Our first carnival date is sometime in July–details to be announced later. 

Please limit yourself to one submission per round, so that everyone can share in the fun. 
