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Announcing the Hymn by Hymn Resource Guide Project!

By: Kimberley β€”
Finally… as promised! I’m diving into the work to turn the blog you’ve come to love into a more complete resource! Over the next three years, every hymn in Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey will be re-examined; with the help of other colleagues (musicians, educators, and ministers) each hymn will be more deeply researched, with information ...


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A love letter to my Unitarian Universalist colleagues

By: Kimberley β€”
Beloveds, It’s getting harder and we don’t know what to do about it. In his song “My Oh My,” David Gray sings What on earth is going on in my heart As it turns as cold as stone? Seems these days I don’t feel anything ‘Less it cuts me right down to the bone What […]
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Earth Teach Us Resurrection

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 21, 2019 at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Kennebunk. Earlier in the service, we read The Cloud Spinner by Michael Catchpool. All stories are true. Some of them even happened. The Gospel of Mark tells us that “when the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome […]
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Earth Teach Us Resurrection

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 21, 2019 at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Kennebunk. Earlier in the service, we read The Cloud Spinner by Michael Catchpool. All stories are true. Some of them even happened. The Gospel of Mark tells us that “when the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome... Continue Reading →
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Earth Teach Us Resurrection

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 21, 2019 at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Kennebunk. Earlier in the service, we read The Cloud Spinner by Michael Catchpool. All stories are true. Some of them even happened. The Gospel of Mark tells us that “when the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome... Continue Reading →
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Earth Teach Us Resurrection

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 21, 2019 at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Kennebunk. Earlier in the service, we read The Cloud Spinner by Michael Catchpool. All stories are true. Some of them even happened. The Gospel of Mark tells us that “when the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome ...


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See the Whole Board

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 15, 2019 at First Parish UU Church of Kennebunk, ME Reading  Matthew 21:1-11 (NRSV) When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a […]
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See the Whole Board

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 15, 2019 at First Parish UU Church of Kennebunk, ME Reading  Matthew 21:1-11 (NRSV) When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a... Continue Reading →
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See the Whole Board

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 15, 2019 at First Parish UU Church of Kennebunk, ME Reading  Matthew 21:1-11 (NRSV) When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a... Continue Reading →
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See the Whole Board

By: Kimberley β€”
Delivered April 15, 2019 at First Parish UU Church of Kennebunk, ME Reading  Matthew 21:1-11 (NRSV) When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a ...


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Be Subject to One Another

By: Kimberley β€”
Note: The original sermon, delivered at the West Wing Weekend on September 27, 2018, may be seen here; it includes multiple references to the show. The sermon below was delivered with the title “T.H.I.N.K” at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, NY on October 28, 2018. How many of you grew up watching Mister Rogers […]
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Be Subject to One Another

By: Kimberley β€”
Note: The original sermon, delivered at the West Wing Weekend on September 27, 2018, may be seen here; it includes multiple references to the show. The sermon below was delivered with the title “T.H.I.N.K” at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, NY on October 28, 2018. How many of you grew up watching Mister Rogers... Continue Reading →
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Be Subject to One Another

By: Kimberley β€”
Note: The original sermon, delivered at the West Wing Weekend on September 27, 2018, may be seen here; it includes multiple references to the show. The sermon below was delivered with the title “T.H.I.N.K” at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, NY on October 28, 2018. How many of you grew up watching Mister Rogers... Continue Reading →
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Be Subject to One Another

By: Kimberley β€”
Note: The original sermon, delivered at the West Wing Weekend on September 27, 2018, may be seen here; it includes multiple references to the show. The sermon below was delivered with the title “T.H.I.N.K” at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, NY on October 28, 2018. How many of you grew up watching Mister Rogers ...


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By: Rev. Kimberley Debus β€”

I first learned the word “transmogrified” from the cartoon Calvin and Hobbes.

One day, Calvin built a transmogri-fier. To us, it was just an upside-down cardboard box with a dial drawn on the side. But to Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes, it was a machine that could turn them into whatever they wished to become—eel, baboon, bug, dinosaur, tiger, toad. While everyone else still saw a little boy and his stuffed tiger, Calvin and Hobbes saw themselves transmogrified—trans-formed in a surprising manner.

I think sometimes we forget that we can transmogrify things—especially in religious communities. Which is why I was struck when my colleague Ian Riddell wrote, “I’m in a bad mood that our principles are in a list. So I transmogrified them.”

Huh. It’s true that our UU principles appear in a numbered list. We even tend to quote them by number: Our fifth principle calls me to fight for responsible gun control legislation. I’m doing third principle work in learning about Hinduism. I’m a seventh principle guy so I invest in renewable energy.

A handy, step-by-step list. Nice. Neat. Ordered. Isolated. Each principle an individual.

But that was bugging Ian, so he devised something new. Instead of an ordered list, a wheel. No numbered principles, but rather a different pattern of organization. A surprising way to approach them.

The center—the axle—is the inherent worth and dignity of every person. It’s where we start, where everything else moves from. Then, encompassing it all, is the interdependent web of which we are all a part. The spokes are the other principles, the ways we understand ourselves in the world, the ways we act in the world because of who we are and where we are.

So what does this mean? How would we approach our faith, our work, our connection to other human beings, our sense of the divine, if we were willing to transmogrify how we think of them?

Let’s start with the spoke calling for justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. Alone, it sounds pretty good; it’s the cornerstone of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and Side With Love and of every social justice action we take, both within and outside Unitarian Universalism.

There’s something missing, however.

Unitarian Universalists are good at questioning things, but we can forget to examine what’s underneath our own principles. Often we might ask What?—What do they mean? or How?—How do we affirm and promote them? But rarely do we ask Why?—Why are they important for us to affirm and promote?

But when we change how we see them, we suddenly have a way to question the why of our principles, to interrogate the deeper meanings, to see the connection between the individual and the world.

Why is justice, equity, and compassion so important? Because if I as an individual am inherently worthy of dignity, then every other individual must be as well. And if we are all connected, how can I be like the pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm and say some animals are more equal than others? How can I fail to notice that the compassion I hope you’ll show me might be worth showing to everyone else?

This principle calls us to be in that state of becoming just, equitable, and compassionate. We are never JUST just. But if we remember who we are and where we come from, we are becoming just. The justice, equity, and compassion we see in the world helps us become more just—to others, yes, but also to ourselves.

Now I will admit a bit of my own theological struggle here. I don’t always believe that the things I know are true in general also apply to me. In other words, sometimes it is easier to declare that the inherent worth and dignity of every person in this interdependent web of all existence means that there must be justice, equity, and compassion for other people.

But it’s hard for me to accept that I am part of that web and am just as inherently worthy. If that’s the case, then justice, equity, and compassion should also be for me. For you—absolutely. For everyone in the world who faces injustice, oppression, and hatred—absolutely. For me—eh…

And when the principles are in a tidy list, it’s easy to dismiss myself as not really part of it. It’s easy to apply these things to the people I love, the congregations I serve, the larger community.

But this wheel, Ian’s pesky new way of looking at things…well, it’s not letting me off the hook. Instead, it is reminding me of what my colleague David Bumbaugh wrote: “In this interconnected existence the well-being of one cannot be separated from the well-being of the whole…. We all spring from the same source and all journey to the same ultimate destiny.” In other words, y’all can’t grow into harmony with the Divine without me, nor I without you, nor all of us without each other.

It is this connection—from the individual to the collective and back again—that helps answer questions of why. Why do we affirm and promote justice, equity, and compassion in human relations? Because it’s about me and it’s about you, neither of which can stand alone, so it becomes about us. As theologian Frederick Buechner famously said, “It’s the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you, too.”

The question of why can apply to any of our principles. Why do we affirm and promote this? Why, of course, being the question this wheel seems to ask of us over and over. And over and over we see the need both for affirmation of the individual and for commitment to all of our complicated relationships—including those that reach beyond the human realm.

Each principle connects the self to the interdependent web and back again, in areas of truth, justice, community, connection, process, growth, and compassion—leading us from the familiar form that asks what, to the transmogrified form, which inquires why.

Once you see it, it can’t be unseen. Now we can’t think of the principles without thinking about the wheel and the spokes and the interconnectedness. We have transformed our way of thinking about it. We’ve transmogrified our principles, our ethics, and our faith.

And maybe that’s the real message. Not that we become something new overnight, but that we—and our world and how we act in it—are always in process, always rolling forward on this wheel which carries us to new lands, but always brings the essentials with us as we go: You matter. You are not alone.

Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211109013341/https://www.questformeaning.org/podcasts/18_09/02.mp3

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The Blessing of One Voice

By: Kimberley β€”
(Click here to listen – as delivered at the UU Congregation of Saratoga Springs, NY – thanks to soloists Nancy Kass and Laurie Singer) Fans of the TV show The West Wing are familiar with character President Josiah Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen. President Bartlet is smart as a whip, deeply religious, and a gregarious […]
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The Blessing of One Voice

By: Kimberley β€”
(Click here to listen – as delivered at the UU Congregation of Saratoga Springs, NY – thanks to soloists Nancy Kass and Laurie Singer) Fans of the TV show The West Wing are familiar with character President Josiah Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen. President Bartlet is smart as a whip, deeply religious, and a gregarious... Continue Reading →
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The Blessing of One Voice

By: Kimberley β€”
(Click here to listen – as delivered at the UU Congregation of Saratoga Springs, NY – thanks to soloists Nancy Kass and Laurie Singer) Fans of the TV show The West Wing are familiar with character President Josiah Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen. President Bartlet is smart as a whip, deeply religious, and a gregarious... Continue Reading →
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All Are Called

By: Kimberley β€”
I wrote a song. And instead of performing it for a few friends, or maybe a small congregation, I first performed it on a big stage, with thousands of people watching – and singing along. How am I feeling about it? Good. The Sunday afternoon reprise went better, partly because I knew folks were going […]
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All Are Called

By: Kimberley β€”
I wrote a song. And instead of performing it for a few friends, or maybe a small congregation, I first performed it on a big stage, with thousands of people watching – and singing along. How am I feeling about it? Good. The Sunday afternoon reprise went better, partly because I knew folks were going... Continue Reading →
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All Are Called

By: Kimberley β€”
I wrote a song. And instead of performing it for a few friends, or maybe a small congregation, I first performed it on a big stage, with thousands of people watching – and singing along. How am I feeling about it? Good. The Sunday afternoon reprise went better, partly because I knew folks were going... Continue Reading →
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The Courage to Covenant

By: Kimberley β€”
(As delivered on May 6, 2018, at the UU Fellowship of Bennington, VT)  Reading  “A Ritual to Read to Each Other” by William Stafford If you don’t know the kind of person I am and I don’t know the kind of person you are a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and […]
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The Courage to Covenant

By: Kimberley β€”
(As delivered on May 6, 2018, at the UU Fellowship of Bennington, VT)  Reading  “A Ritual to Read to Each Other” by William Stafford If you don’t know the kind of person I am and I don’t know the kind of person you are a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and... Continue Reading →
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The Courage to Covenant

By: Kimberley β€”
(As delivered on May 6, 2018, at the UU Fellowship of Bennington, VT)  Reading  “A Ritual to Read to Each Other” by William Stafford If you don’t know the kind of person I am and I don’t know the kind of person you are a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and... Continue Reading →
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The Courage to Covenant

By: Kimberley β€”
(As delivered on May 6, 2018, at the UU Fellowship of Bennington, VT)  Reading  “A Ritual to Read to Each Other” by William Stafford If you don’t know the kind of person I am and I don’t know the kind of person you are a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and ...


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Simply Pray

By: Kimberley β€”
Click to listen here (as delivered in Nantucket on March 18, 2018) Let us pray. Now… some of you instantly bowed your head a bit, maybe you closed your eyes. Perhaps you took in a deep breath as you waited to hear how I started the prayer and to whom I addressed it. Others of […]
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Simply Pray

By: Kimberley β€”
Click to listen here (as delivered in Nantucket on March 18, 2018) Let us pray. Now… some of you instantly bowed your head a bit, maybe you closed your eyes. Perhaps you took in a deep breath as you waited to hear how I started the prayer and to whom I addressed it. Others of... Continue Reading →
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Simply Pray

By: Kimberley β€”
Click to listen here (as delivered in Nantucket on March 18, 2018) Let us pray. Now… some of you instantly bowed your head a bit, maybe you closed your eyes. Perhaps you took in a deep breath as you waited to hear how I started the prayer and to whom I addressed it. Others of... Continue Reading →
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Simply Pray

By: Kimberley β€”
Click to listen here (as delivered in Nantucket on March 18, 2018) Let us pray. Now… some of you instantly bowed your head a bit, maybe you closed your eyes. Perhaps you took in a deep breath as you waited to hear how I started the prayer and to whom I addressed it. Others of ...


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Px3: Poetry’s hard, y’all…

By: Kimberley β€”
It’s been over a week since my last post, in part because I have been wrestling with an unruly piece that isn’t just a poem but also a song lyric. Yeah, the not-at-all lyric writer is composing a song. I suppose it makes sense, given my musical propensities, to begin understanding the poetics through music. I […]
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Px3: Poetry’s hard, y’all…

By: Kimberley β€”
It’s been over a week since my last post, in part because I have been wrestling with an unruly piece that isn’t just a poem but also a song lyric. Yeah, the not-at-all lyric writer is composing a song. I suppose it makes sense, given my musical propensities, to begin understanding the poetics through music. I... Continue Reading →
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Px3: Poetry’s hard, y’all…

By: Kimberley β€”
It’s been over a week since my last post, in part because I have been wrestling with an unruly piece that isn’t just a poem but also a song lyric. Yeah, the not-at-all lyric writer is composing a song. I suppose it makes sense, given my musical propensities, to begin understanding the poetics through music. I... Continue Reading →
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Px3: There once was a man from Nantucket…

By: Kimberley β€”
Oh dear readers, it has come to this: the section on metre where Stephen Fry leads us coyly into writing limericks. He disguises it, of course, by teaching us about amphibrachic trimeter and catalectic amphibrachic dimeter, which are the external and internal lines of a limerick – all very academic, you see.  But the end […]
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Px3: There once was a man from Nantucket…

By: Kimberley β€”
Oh dear readers, it has come to this: the section on metre where Stephen Fry leads us coyly into writing limericks. He disguises it, of course, by teaching us about amphibrachic trimeter and catalectic amphibrachic dimeter, which are the external and internal lines of a limerick – all very academic, you see.  But the end... Continue Reading →
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Px3: There once was a man from Nantucket…

By: Kimberley β€”
Oh dear readers, it has come to this: the section on metre where Stephen Fry leads us coyly into writing limericks. He disguises it, of course, by teaching us about amphibrachic trimeter and catalectic amphibrachic dimeter, which are the external and internal lines of a limerick – all very academic, you see.  But the end... Continue Reading →
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Px3: Creatures of the Poetic Sea

By: Kimberley β€”
I’ve been spending the last few mornings discovering the monsters that live in the Poetic Sea, down in Ternary Bay… I mean, what else am I to think, when rhythms, meters, and devices are given names like ‘anapaest‘, ‘dactyl‘, ‘molossus‘, and ‘tribrach‘? It’s not been a bad journey to this part of the Poetic Sea, […]
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Px3: Creatures of the Poetic Sea

By: Kimberley β€”
I’ve been spending the last few mornings discovering the monsters that live in the Poetic Sea, down in Ternary Bay… I mean, what else am I to think, when rhythms, meters, and devices are given names like ‘anapaest‘, ‘dactyl‘, ‘molossus‘, and ‘tribrach‘? It’s not been a bad journey to this part of the Poetic Sea,... Continue Reading →
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Px3: Creatures of the Poetic Sea

By: Kimberley β€”
I’ve been spending the last few mornings discovering the monsters that live in the Poetic Sea, down in Ternary Bay… I mean, what else am I to think, when rhythms, meters, and devices are given names like ‘anapaest‘, ‘dactyl‘, ‘molossus‘, and ‘tribrach‘? It’s not been a bad journey to this part of the Poetic Sea,... Continue Reading →
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The Cloaking Device

By: Kimberley Debus β€”