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Crowd Bans Push Worship Online In Bloomington-Normal

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Social distance doesn't have to mean spiritual distance. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal (Bloomington, IL) was featured in this "audio postcard" about online worship on their local NPR station. How did your congregation stay connected last Sunday? How are you practicing community care despite physical distance?

As the coronavirus pandemic forces the nation to disconnect from usual routines, communities of faith tried all the harder to hold on to each other and

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Attached media: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQA3S2qjwhfYGcsS&url=https://www.wglt.org/sites/wglt/files/styles/medium/public/202003/200315_uubn.jpg&_nc_hash=AQBeqiH_5Iav3dv8

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Skinner House

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
As we get ready for Passover and Easter, many interfaith families are looking to answer questions as to how to honor their different cultural and religious heritages. Susan Katz Miller's The Interfaith Family Journal is an invaluable resource for couples and family members practicing different religions (or none). The journal includes interactive exercises and creative activities to help interfaith families decide how they want to honor their histories, cultures, and beliefs in ways that nurture joy, creativity, and empowerment.

Passover and Easter fall on the same week this year as they often do and we thought this was a wonderful opportunity to highlight a powerful resource for interfaith people and families of all kinds! We'd particularly like to spotlight the work of Beacon Press and Skinner House author, Susan Katz Miller, a leading expert on interfaith families. Check out this incredible author spotlight with Miller! Her latest, The Interfaith Family Journal, is the first and only workbook supporting interfaith families as they figure out how they'd like to celebrate and honor their histories, cultures, and beliefs. The Interfaith Family Journal is an invaluable resource for couples and family members practicing different religions (or none). Interactive exercises and creative activities help interfaith families decide how they want to honor their histories, cultures, and beliefs in ways that nurture joy, creativity, and empowerment. This five-week program encourages deep reflection, intimate dialogue, constructive ways to engage with extended family, and strategies for connecting with local communities. With space for writing directly in the book, the Journal becomes a keepsake of the interfaith journey. Available at inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop at http://bit.ly/2wQ6FXO

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Stay Away and Connect

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
We are grateful for these words from Rev. Sunshine J. Wolfe and the Central East Region on staying away but still connecting with one another. How are you and your congregation connecting despite social distancing? Feel free to share tips below!

If you are a leader or have a strong following, you have great power in this situation to help people navigate it with grace.

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Attached media: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQCv5T08EzmB8lVT&url=https://assets.uua.org/sites/live-new.uua.org/files/BetterTogether/2018/04/Sun-Stole.jpg&_nc_hash=AQCgDAlr-35e0aZX

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Survey finds nearly 40 percent of college students are food insecure | The Counter

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
In 2018, the Government Accountability Office released a report that found nearly 2 million college students who are eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) are not receiving benefits. Since that report was published, new rules proposed by the United States Department of Agriculture have made it even harder for students to access benefits.

Despite new anti-hunger initiatives by colleges and universities, the numbers haven't changed much in five years.

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Attached media: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQCEEZZ6nkDexN1P&url=https://thecounter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/food_insecurity_hunger_on_college_campuses-1024x768.jpg&_nc_hash=AQB2q7GR5-NCtR19

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Guidelines for Using UUA-Copyrighted Materials in Virtual Worship

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Are you wondering what UUA publications you can use when streaming or posting recordings of your worship service? Check out this helpful guide!

Learn what UUA publications you can use when streaming or posting recordings of your worship service.

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UUA closes Boston office, discourages large gatherings in response to COVID-19

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
In ongoing efforts to promote public safety during the COVID-19 outbreak, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is requiring all staff in its Boston office to work from home until further notice. UUA events and meetings scheduled during March and early April have been canceled or moved online. The UUA is also encouraging congregations and groups in areas with COVID-19 outbreaks to suspend in-person gatherings of more than twenty-five people.

Leaders recommend suspending worship gatherings and other large events in areas affected by COVID-19; staff are working from home; UUA events in the next month have been moved online or canceled.

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Ayanna Pressley’s Husband Spent 10 Years in Prison. Now He and Pressley Are Fighting for Re-Entry Reform

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Conan Harris and Ayanna Pressley speak with Kira Lerner of The Appeal about their hopes for re-entry reform via The People’s Justice Guarantee. Advocates of The People's Justice Guarantee believe the resolution can change the conversation on criminal justice reform similar to how the Green New Deal has for climate justice.

The U.S. representative said her husband helped her realize that when one person is incarcerated, many more are affected.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

James Reeb Dies in Alabama

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
On this date March 10, 1965 The Rev. James Reeb died in Alabama. On the Saturday after the Rev. James Reeb's death, close to 30,000 people attended a memorial gathering in Boston. In his final sermon, he urged his parishioners to dedicate themselves to helping their black neighbors. He told the congregation, "We are going to have to really take upon ourselves a continuing and disciplined effort with no real hope that in our lifetime we are going to be able to take a vacation from the struggle for justice." #UUHistory

On this day in 1965, a white minister from Boston lay near death in an Alabama hospital. As James Reeb's life slipped away, his story was in every morning paper and on every evening news program. Deeply committed to the non-violent struggle for civil rights, he had gone to Selma, Alabama, in respons...

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The Enlightenment’s Dark Side - Slate - Pocket

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
"Race as we understand it—a biological taxonomy that turns physical difference into relations of domination—is a product of the Enlightenment. Racism as we understand it now, as a socio-political order based on the permanent hierarchy of particular groups, developed as an attempt to resolve the fundamental contradiction between professing liberty and upholding slavery. Those who claim the Enlightenment’s mantle now should grapple with that legacy and what it means for our understanding of the modern world."

How the Enlightenment created modern race thinking, and why we should confront it.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Breaking bread, building bonds: Four congregations of different faiths are forging friendships

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The Friends for Good initiative is designed to transcend racial, religious, and cultural barriers with the idea that it is easy to reject an ideology but harder to reject a person. The four congregations of different faiths include the First Unitarian Church of Dallas.

Regular meetings help to bridge divides and build lasting relationships.

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Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
A statement from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray on the new coronavirus with resources for our congregations.
The recent rise of a new strain of coronavirus weighs heavy on all of our hearts and minds. We want you to know that UUA leadership is in this with you. We've collected some guidance on our website and will continue to support our congregations and leaders in the weeks and months ahead. Learn more: https://www.uua.org/pressroom/press-releases/preparing-coronavirus-your-congregation

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Solidarity over segregation: Faith-based coalitions organize across races, religions - Religion News Service

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once lamented that 11 o'clock on Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in American life. By focusing on relationships at a community level, interfaith coalitions are working to change that.

(RNS) — Author and minister Adam R. Taylor cited interracial Christian work on voter protection and multifaith efforts to combat white nationalism.

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How to deal with coronavirus panic when you're experiencing health anxiety

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
For folks with health anxiety, the fear-mongering around infectious diseases can be detrimental. This article from Metro UK offers some tips to ground yourself. (For example, setting news sources to "snooze for 30 days" might be great for your mental health!)

It's normal to feel your anxiety peaking in the midst of coronavirus panic.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

'UU the Vote' mobilizes year-long focus on Election Day

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
What foundational UU beliefs & values do you think are on the line this electoral season? How is your UU The Vote team organizing around those beliefs & values?

UU the Vote organizers say the 2020 elections are ‘all-hands-on-deck’ for Unitarian Universalists, whose values are on the line.

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Okay As It Is, Okay As You Are

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
"I’ve always felt that there’s a connection between my being black and my being a Zen practitioner. Actually, my whole childhood [during the Civil Rights movement] prepared me for Zen...What I learned growing up was that being persecuted, being hated, for who I was didn’t make sense. I had to be okay, because it wasn’t like I had any choices about it - this is how I came into the world! And I would say that a time when we are always okay is when we are in solitude or in zazen. I experience both as freedom." Merle Kodo Boyd is the first Black woman to have received Dharma transmission in Zen Buddhism and the founder of the Lincroft Zen Sangha (Lincroft, NJ)

A conversation with Merle Kodo Boyd, founder of the Lincroft Zen Sangha

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World Water Day | Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
How would your congregation like to do more work in solidarity with indigenous peoples? The UU Ministry for Earth is proud to be an executive producer of the award-winning documentary, The Condor and The Eagle, and has set a goal of holding as many UU community film screenings as possible on (or around) World Water Day on Sunday, March 22. To sign up, click the link!

Host a Community Film Screening of The Condor & the Eagle for World Water Day! UU Ministry for Earth is honored and proud to be an Executive Producer of the award-winning documentary, The Condor and The Eagle, and has set a goal of holding as many UU community film screenings on (or around) World Wa...

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Meet the Iowa Architect Documenting Every Slave House Still Standing

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Jobie Hill's mission is to visit all 700 identified slave houses to see what's become of them. Though she has issues with how the buildings are being used today (from storage to B&Bs), the fact they are still standing pushes back on a common false narrative that these structures were poorly built. Enslaved people built their masters' homes, and applied the same skill to the building of their homes when it was possible. "The slave-owners didn’t want these buildings to survive, and the fact that they do is credit to the enslaved people." Making one's life better in times of oppression is an act of resistance.

Jobie Hill has visited 700 former residences. Many have been abandoned. Some have become storage space. Others are B&Bs.

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By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Today is the beginning of #UULent. In the Christian tradition, Lent is a forty-day period before Easter when many Christians spend time in deep introspection and prayer. UU Lent is rooted in the idea of having a time when UUs might also engage in shared spiritual practice. From the words of UUA Co-Moderator Mr. Barb Greeve: "Rather than a practice of self-denial, we offer this opportunity to spend the Season of Lent engaged in a spiritual discipline of deep intention and appreciation of our world, our place in it, and an openness to Grace in our daily lives.

2020 #UULent calendar now available.

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Rooted? 🌳 ☑️ Inspired? ✨ ☑️ Ready? ❌ Without a 🏨 you're not! The housing reservation portal opens on March 2nd. Save the link! http://www.uua.org/ga/travel/general-assembly-hotels

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Allendale United Methodist Rev. Andy Oliver delivers scathing rebuke in controversial House prayer

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
ICYMI ("In Case You Missed It") Rev. Andy Oliver, an outspoken advocate for marginalized people from the United Methodist Church, was asked to perform the invocation at the Florida House of Representatives. He was told he could not advocate for specific issues. So he advocated for several during his time. “The idea of saying a prayer that doesn’t advocate is nonsense. The very essence of a prayer is to advocate."

In just two minutes. Oliver managed to mention almost every controversial issue facing lawmakers.

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Op-ed | Here's the ugly truth about the ugly produce movement

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
(From 2018) VC-backed startups are commodifying need and undermining food banks and CSAs while they're at it. It's a market solution disguised as activism.

VC-backed startups are commodifying need and undermining food banks and CSAs while they're at it. It's a market solution disguised as activism.

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Attached media: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDcVAw5tDLpf0vM&url=https://thecounter.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/imperfect-produce-phat-beets-commodification-food-waste-undermine-csa-august-2018.jpg&_nc_hash=AQBVjfGkHy_SgnzA

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When white women practice the politics of polite, the violence of nice

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Sometimes being "nice" gets in the way of real change. White folks - what do you do to push in the name of Justice?

We must admit that, when we’re moderate, we’re complicit.

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Feral Church Children: Kids Need Time to "Just Be" at Church

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Kids need time to just "be," even in a church setting.

For children, unscheduled and unprogrammed time at church gives the opportunity to experience Christ in community in ways not found in other places.

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β€œI am the mother of a gay son and I’ve taken enough from you good people.”

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
(From 2015) Only one “side” is bullying and demeaning children, kicking them out of their homes and onto the streets to be brutalized. Only one side is turning them out of churches with phrases like “disgusting” abomination, denying housing, denying health benefits, denying job protection, denying their human right to live as they were created. And they do this “in God’s name.” They are without defense.

"I'm tired of your foolish rhetoric about the "homosexual agenda.” You are cruel and ignorant. You have been robbing me of the joys of motherhood." I am the Mom of two LGBTQ children. I love them and advocate for them daily. I shared my story on the TED stage and that talk has more than a million ...

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Okay, so you probably know WorshipWeb is an app. But did you know it now has a chalice lighter feature? 🤯 So light it up! 🕯️ Download from Apple Store: https://apple.co/2AR4B0h Download from the Google Play Store: http://bit.ly/30NZSqQ

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Charlene A. Carruthers

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Thank you Black Lives of UU for this share. Today would have been Toni Morrison's 89th birthday.

Happy Birthday Toni Morrison. I remember weeping in public the day the world learned of her transition. I wrote much of this the same day. "While she bared the souls of Black folk in pursuit of freedom, I realized that I had to bare my own in my writing if I want to get free. That is the work of a writer, to ignite conversations others work diligently to smother out — even if that someone is you."

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Give me children, and I (and they) shall die

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
UUWorld contributor Kim Hampton speaks on black maternal health care disparities where the fight for reproductive rights continues.

As the fight over reproductive rights continues, not enough is being said about racial disparities in health care.

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In this LA neighborhood, residents unite to bless one of its most sacred murals - Religion News Service

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Murals and street art in LA's Highland Park neighborhood are cultural markers for the Chicanx & Latinx people who live there. As people are pushed out by gentrification, the Restorative Justice for the Arts project aims to restore and preserve the murals, which often depict religious figures like the Virgin Mary.

LOS ANGELES (RNS) — On a recent Sunday afternoon, more than 100 people gathered at a northeast Los Angeles intersection to honor what some refer to as the neighborhood’s most sacred mural.

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15-minute, completely seated chair yoga practice - Body Positive Yoga

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Yoga is good for all bodies! #BodyPositivity

Enjoy this 15-minute, completely seated chair yoga practice. It's a great gentle morning wake-up or a boost whenever you might need it.

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Church of the Larger Fellowship

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Today, we celebrate all forms of love. What's your favorite UU-themed Valentine?

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Church of the Larger Fellowship! We hope your day is full of luuve and ethically sourced chocolate. 😊💙 Thank you to Tim Atkins and Jessica Ferguson for these wonderful valentines.

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Before the Bus, Rosa Parks Was a Sexual Assault Investigator

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
[CW: details of specific sexual assault case] Not only was Rosa Parks a sexual assault investigator for the NAACP, but she was also a survivor of an attempted assault. Black women have truly led the way!

Why has history left out this piece of Rosa Parks' story?

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The time for #ClimateJustice is NOW! Naomi Klein will give the 2020 Ware Lecture at General Assembly. She is the award-winning author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, and The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. She is a co-founder and advisory board chair of @TheLeapOrg, a climate justice organization confronting the intersecting crises of our time: climate change, racism and inequality.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

β€œPositive Vibes Only” is Toxic: the Danger of New Age Spiritualism.

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
[CW: mentions of sexual misconduct] Positivity culture can be used to "gaslight" people, and deny very real aspects of the human experience - pain & grief. May we remember that we are all connected, and to dig deep for compassion, even when it is inconvenient. May we exercise bravery in attending to the traumas in our lives & communities.

Life is beautiful; life is painful.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Inner Climate Change

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Our brains adapt to our environments to help us survive. So what does this mean for the human psyche in such a digital age? Howard Axelrod is the author of the new book The Stars in Our Pockets: Getting Lost and Sometimes Found in the Digital Age from Beacon Press http://www.beacon.org/The-Stars-in-Our-Pockets-P1513.aspx

After living alone for nearly two years in a house in the northern Vermont woods, I returned to the city alert in all the wrong ways.

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'We felt called to be his people': Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship welcomes Honduran asylum seeker

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
We are so thankful for the work of the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. By welcoming asylum seeker Romel, you have given someone who has had so much taken away from him a family, and a place to call home. "The United States should be an asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty." - Thomas Paine

BOISE — While in a detention center near Shreveport, Louisiana, an asylum seeker from Honduras named Romel learned how to make bracelets and began preparing gifts for the new family

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Federal judge accepts religious liberty defense of immigrant rights activists - Religion News Service

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
A federal judge has ordered the reversal of the convictions of four No More Deaths volunteers for their aid work in the Cabeza Prieta wilderness. The reversal once again confirms that humanitarian aid is never a crime.

(RNS) — U.S. District Judge Rosemary Márquez argued that not only are the activists' beliefs sincerely held, but also that prosecuting them amounts to a substantial burden on their faith.

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Iowans on vacation to Florida take part in satellite caucus in Port Charlotte

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
This satellite caucus was hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County (FL). Perhaps some of you are curious to know how a UU congregation hosted a political event within 501c3 guidelines. You can find the answers to these questions and more via our UU The Vote weekly office hours! https://www.uua.org/justice/vote2020/uu-vote-office-hours

Iowans on vacation to Florida take part in satellite caucus in Port Charlotte

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
It's time for the Greeley Sermon Competition! The purpose of this annual award program is to encourage and recognize Unitarian Universalist principles, thought, and action on a wide range of global issues as well as the role of the United Nations and our own Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office. **The 2019-2020 theme is: Equity in Action: Gender in an Intersecting World** Each year, the Dana Greeley Sermon Competition theme pertains to the theme of the UU-UNO Intergenerational Spring Seminar. While all submissions will be considered, those highlighting the work of the United Nations and the UU-UNO will be given priority consideration. Read the full submissions guidelines here: https://www.uua.org/justice-programs/awards/greeley

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UU the Vote

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Unitarian Universalists have been part of every movement in U.S. history, and we are ready to show up for the 2020 election like never before. Our forebearers and ancestors gave us the blueprints for seeking justice in the world and speaking truth to power. And now it’s our turn. It's time to #UUtheVote. Join us at uuthevote.org.

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Racist Housing Practices From The 1930s Linked To Hotter Neighborhoods Today

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Redlined neighborhoods have more concrete, which absorbs heat & releases it slowly. Coupled with the lack of trees and green space, these neighborhoods can be degrees hotter. Heat waves in these areas disproportionately affect low-income, elderly POC, who are susceptible to serious health consequences.

A study of more than 100 cities nationwide shows neighborhoods subjected to discriminatory housing policies nearly a century ago are hotter today than other areas.

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Florida Supreme Court issues setback for Amendment 4 supporters

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The Florida Supreme Court has ruled people with felony convictions cannot vote until they pay all fines & fees associated with their sentence. Rights restoration is a separate issue from financial obligation. Voter disenfranchisement is alive & well in Florida.

The court ruled that Amendment 4‘s “all terms of sentence” include the payment of all court fees, fines and restitution.

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Ableism and the struggle for spatial justice

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
People are disabled by society, not individual impairments, so it’s society that needs fixing.

People are disabled by society, not individual impairments, so it’s society that needs fixing.

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Voyage of the St. Louis

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp. What is the best way to honor the lives that were stolen from this world? One way is to recognize when history is repeating itself, and push back. To this end, we offer the story of the "Voyage of the St. Louis," often highlighted by the brave & just folks of the Never Again Action network. From the Holocaust Encyclopedia: "In May 1939, the German liner St. Louis sailed from Hamburg, Germany, to Havana, Cuba, carrying 937 passengers, almost all Jewish refugees. The Cuban government refused to allow the ship to land, and the United States and Canada were unwilling to admit the passengers. The St. Louis passengers were finally permitted to land in western European countries rather than return to Nazi Germany. 254 St. Louis passengers were killed in the Holocaust." #NeverAgainIsNow #ImmigrationJustice

The voyage of the German transatlantic liner St. Louis dramatically highlights the difficulties faced by many people t...

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'Why would I close the door to a queer person?' LGBTQ fantasy comes of age

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
New LGBTQ fantasy allows characters to move past narrative tropes. “We’re getting to the point I yearn for where if you have a queer character they could have a romance narrative where [their queerness] is not the romantic obstacle. They could have a more exciting obstacle, like, ‘You killed my brother but I’m falling in love with you’,” she laughs, describing Captive Prince. “Or a mystery detective narrative. Or a hero’s journey.” - CS Pacat, author of the Captive Prince series

Futuristic and fantastic fiction has long remained stuck in the past when it comes to sexuality. But a new generation is catching up

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If we oppose capital punishment, we must also stand against death by incarceration

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
"Death by incarceration is connected to the larger issue of this country’s banishment mindset, the idea that we can get rid of our problems by tossing them away somewhere where we no longer have to see or hear them."

For decades, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and millions of activists, people of faith, and concerned citizens from around the globe have been calling for an end to capital punishment. These efforts have generated substantial progress – since the late ’90s, we have seen a steady d...

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Money Mythbusters: An Online Stewardship Conference, January 25, 2020

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Does your congregation struggle raising money? Get your stewardship team together *this* Saturday for the Central East Region's online stewardship conference "Money Mythbusters." You’ll experience both inspiration and practical tools to help your members find joy in their service and generosity to your congregation. https://www.uua.org/central-east/events/webinars/stewardship-conference-online

Learn about money and how it works in your congregation at this online stewardship conference.

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Join Us for General Assembly 2020 in Providence, RI!

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
We are rooted. We are inspired. We are ready. Join us for the UUA General Assembly on June 24-28, 2020 in Providence, RI! Experience all of the amazing opportunities to enhance your faith and connect with other Unitarian Universalists. General Assembly offers workshops, programs and lectures customized and created for spiritual growth and development. You don't want to miss this incredible opportunity. REGISTER EARLY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT: https://www.uua.org/ga/registration

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Black Women For Positive Change donates gift bags to Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh | New Pittsburgh Courier

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The Allegheny UU Church partnered with the local advocacy organization Black Women For Positive Change to donate gift bags to a local women's shelter. What are you doing to enact positive change in your community?

The New Pittsburgh Courier has learned that the advocacy organization, Black Women For Positive Change, recently partnered with Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church on the North Side to donate gift bags to the Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh. Reverend Dave McFarland of Alleghen...

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. honored our faith tradition by giving the Ware Lecture in 1966. Titled "Don't Sleep Through the Revolution," it called us to mobilize and not miss the Change that is happening right in front of us. It is just as applicable today as when it was spoken, over 50 years ago. "There is nothing more tragic than to sleep through a revolution. And there can be no gainsaying of the fact that a social revolution is taking place in our world today. We see it in other nations in the demise of colonialism. We see it in our own nation, in the struggle against racial segregation and discrimination, and as we notice this struggle we are aware of the fact that a social revolution is taking place in our midst. Victor Hugo once said that there is nothing more powerful in all the world than an idea whose time has come. The idea whose time has come today is the idea of freedom and human dignity, and so all over the world we see something of freedom explosion, and this reveals to us that we are in the midst of revolutionary times. An older order is passing away and a new order is coming into being." The entire text is available via UUA.org: https://www.uua.org/ga/past/1966/ware

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

When retail and reverence collide - Religion News Service

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The symbols of minority religions are marketed for empty consumption by the dominant culture. And while parody can teach us not to take things too seriously, it can also have unintended consequences on cultural competency.

(RNS) — Yoga's ubiquity has put Hindu imagery in the mainstream, but until HIndus are seen as equals in the U.S., mocking our faith's images defines us as colonialist caricatures.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

'Muslims in my house': A tribute to a beloved centenarian - Religion News Service

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
May we always ask how we might share more. More space, more resources, and more love.

(RNS) — A small-town hero, she said yes to our fledgling Islamic school during a time of uncertainty for Muslims, delving deep into what it means to be American.

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Anna Bethea Appointed Lifespan Faith Engagement Director

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Anna Bethea as Lifespan Faith Engagement Director, starting Feb 1. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Anna Bethea as Lifespan Faith Engagement Director, starting Feb 1.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Eileen Fisher built a fashion empire. Her employees now own nearly half of it

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
"Once we started having extra profit, the first thought was share it with the employees. They do all the work, it's only fair to share, which I think all companies should have to do. I really do."

For many entrepreneurs, taking a company public is the ultimate mark of success. But for fashion designer Eileen Fisher, staying private and giving her employees a big share of the business has allowed her to carve her own path to success.

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We Need to Talk About Ableism-Related Anxiety

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
For disabled people, concerns about whether they will encounter ableism when they go outside can cause chronic anxiety.

I’m sitting on the edge of my bed in my bathing suit. I have decided to wear it all day in the hopes I would gather the nerve to go to the pool in it. I’m dealing with a particularly rough concocti…

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TIME 100 Next 2019: Varshini Prakash

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Today's the day! We can't wait to learn from Varshini Prakash, the Executive Director and co-founder of Sunrise Movement! She is joining us today at our #UUtheVote online launch! Read about Varshini here: https://bit.ly/2uoncAO Then join us TODAY at 4 p.m. Eastern for the launch: https://bit.ly/2sPZ7Tk

Find out why Varshini Prakash is on this year’s TIME 100 Next list

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Crowd returns after a decade of Sundays speaking against war

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Unitarian Universalists across the U.S. are sending a clear message: No War with Iran! Rev. Renee Ruchotzke, a UU minister and UUA staff person featured in this article, was one of many UUs who took to the streets in support of peace. https://bit.ly/2QBAHGf

Vivien Sandlund stepped away from the chanting and pulled out her phone. With one glove off, she thumbed through photos of her 8-month-old daughter

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UU the Vote: A Very Serious Poll

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
As we prepare for a year of digging deep and living into our values through the UU the Vote Campaign, we want to help you prepare to make important choices in 2020. So let's start practicing now. Share your vote in the comments below. 🐱: Kitttttttttttyyyyyyyyy 🐶: Pupppppyyyyyyyyy And also, don't forget to sign up for our #UUtheVote launch event: https://bit.ly/2tEDQMo (Video description: A split screen. The top of the screen has an adorable kitten jumping around. The bottom screen has an adorable puppy jumping around.)

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β€˜The Blackalachian’ treks to shed light on the outdoor industry’s diversity problem

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Daniel White documented his 2,000 mile, 49-day bike trek from Alabama to Canada along the Underground Railroad Trail to reflect on the nation's racial history and the lack of POC ("people of color") in the outdoor scene.

From the Appalachian Trail to the Underground Railroad, Daniel White hikes and bikes to highlight racial disparities in the nation’s parks and historic landmarks.

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
If you're feeling anything like we are, you're exhausted. And sometimes scared. And even angry. But don't let the despair win. We can still take action. And we can build accountable, life-giving community as we do it. You can make a difference in the 2020 election by helping us #UUtheVote. Join us for our online launch event so you can learn how we're planning to show up like never before in 2020. Sign up for the launch event today: https://bit.ly/2sPZ7Tk (Image Description: Text graphic with blue background. Text says: #UUtheVote Online Launch with Special Guest Varshini Prakash of Sunrise Movement. Sunday January 12, 2020 at 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Sign up at uuthevote.org.)

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Faith statement on escalating violence with Iran

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
"Violent conflict is a path of mutual destruction." #NoWarWithIran

January 3, 2020 As people of faith, we condemn the United States’ dangerous aggression towards Iran, including the assassination of Gen. Qassem Soleimani and the deployment of additional troops to …

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Discomfort Means Your Life Is Demanding a New You

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Many of us are looking to grow in a big way this year. What discomfort are you leaning into to foster that change?

How to use your pain to propel growth

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Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
“May we remember, even as we acknowledge our capacity as human beings for violence, that there is so much more that is possible for humanity - so much more care and goodness and generosity. When we choose love we nurture that possibility. May we find the resiliency and faith in times of tragedy and violence, to continue to kindle what is life-giving.” -Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, UUA President
Dear ones, my heart continues to grieve for the Jewish community in Monsey, New York as they grieve and tend to one another. I pray for the wider Jewish community in New York and around the country. This attack was the 13th incident of anti-Semitism in New York in the past three weeks. I am thinking of my Jewish siblings within Unitarian Universalism tonight and our congregations that have experienced acts of violence and acts of vandalism, including anti-Semitic vandalism. The rise in anti-Semitism is real and deadly. Across this country, the rise in hate crimes, against Jews, Muslims, people of color, immigrants, trans people, LGBTQIA+ people - it calls us to do more to resist fear and hate - to speak up in the midst of growing racism, xenophobia and white nationalism. All of these forms of hate foster violence and create fear. As people of goodwill, as people of faith, as Unitarian Universalists, may we remember our calling to nurture the values and practices of compassion and interdependence. May we speak and act and live in ways that foster more compassion, solidarity, and a powerful form of love that “casts out fear” so we might better protect and care for one another, for everyone, for the wholeness of our humanity. May we remember, even as we acknowledge our capacity as human beings for violence, that there is so much more that is possible for humanity - so much more care and goodness and generosity. When we choose love we nurture that possibility. May we find the resiliency and faith in times of tragedy and violence, to continue to kindle what is life-giving. And may we all hold each other and our loved ones more closely these days, and be tender with our selves - making room for our grief and for our love.

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'Why I'm Optimistic' Abdul El-Sayed on Faith, Medicine, and Hope

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
El-Sayed on his religious background and spiritual formation: "I think I always had a firm faith, but I rebelled against religion." Wow, who can relate?

'I think I always had a firm faith, but I rebelled against religion.'

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Just in Time for the Holidays: 6 Steps to a Happier You

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Even though it is the season of giving, it’s important to focus on yourself.

’Tis the season to focus on your happiness and well-being

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How long is the sermon? Study ranks Christian churches

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Historically black Protestant churches have the longest sermons of any Christian church at a *median* of 54 minutes. 🤯 🏆 Some people wonder how long the "ideal sermon" should be. Rev. Hershael York, a professor of Christian preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, says, “...After 35 years in ministry, I have a definitive answer: You can preach as long as you hold their attention.”

NEW YORK (AP) — How long should a sermon be? The major branches of Christianity in the U.S. have sharply different traditions, with sermons at historically black Protestant churches lasting...

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Hidden Brain: Does Going To Church Improve Your Mental Health?

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
A new study weighs in on a potential benefit of attending services.

It's been debated a long time: Does being part of organized religion improve your mental health? A new study finds that religion can buffer adolescents against depression.

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A massive voter purge in Wisconsin threatens the 2020 election β€” here's how activists are fighting back

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
It's already happening - voting rights are under attack in Wisconsin.

Pro-democracy advocates on Saturday vowed to ensure all Wisconsin voters are permitted to vote in the 2020 election after a state judge ordered more than 200,000 voters to be purged from the rolls. The state had sent letters to 234,000 people who were believed to have moved, who were told they wo

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Border Patrol Threatens to Deport Honduran Teen Mom to Mexico & Keep Newborn in the US

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Border Patrol told a 19 year old and new mom she would be deported to Mexico to await the outcome of her asylum case while her newborn remained in the United States. Her attorney is fighting to ensure the young woman and her baby stay together. #EndFamilySeparation

After giving birth at a California hospital, a Honduran teen mom seeking asylum in the U.S. alleges that a Border Patrol agent threatened to separate her from her newborn.

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Unitarian Church And City Of Lenexa Reach Agreement Over Homeless Shelter

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
A UU congregation fought back against the City of Lenexa when the city attempted to prevent them from opening a temporary homeless shelter for the winter. This is a huge win, not just for the Shawnee Mission Unitarian Universalist Church but for our faith tradition as a whole! When we fight, we win!

A church whose request to operate a temporary homeless shelter was opposed by the city of Lenexa will be able to do so after all. Under a settlement

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Pinterest and The Knot will no longer promote former slave plantations as wedding venues

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Color of Change, a civil rights advocacy group, reached out to several leading wedding companies. But only Pinterest and The Knot responded, and engaged with the organization to craft new policies with the goal that plantations will no longer be romanticized.

Plantations played a shameful part in U.S. history, but some are being marketed as wedding venues with “unique Southern charm.”

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Watch Hilda not Sabrina if You Want to Learn about Spirit Working and Paganism

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Want to learn more about spirit work? Netflix's Hilda is not just for kids.

I can’t quite understand the giant hype and all the various pagan blog types commenting on it on "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina," however, if you want a show that models realistic interactions with spirits, and characters that learn deep lessons about how humans ought to interact with the non...

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Native American COP25 Delegation Removed from US Embassy While Trying to Honor Missing and Murdered Women

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The US Department of Justice has only recorded 116 out of 5,712 (2%) of cases involving missing and murdered Indigenous women, two-spirits, and girls in federal missing persons database. MMIWG activists have noted many of these cases are tied to transient industry workers being brought to indigenous communities to work on pipelines and other fossil fuel industry projects.

Breaking News Published December 10, 2019 Photos by Indigenous Rising Media MARDRID, SPAIN – U.S. Embassy — Over 75 Indigenous activists and their allies demonstrated in front of the US Emba…

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Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Thank you for your example Rev. Betsy Sowers and Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh PhD, LICSW. An excerpt from Rev. Dr. Walsh's statement: "I am choosing to risk arrest today because my faith calls me to oppose environmentally destructive actions that continue to damage our planet and all her creatures...As both a clinical social worker and a Unitarian Universalist clergyperson, I am called to be a moral witness to these truths and to place my body on the line in nonviolent resistance on behalf of beloved community and social justice. I call for other local clergy, as well as social workers and human service providers, to do the same. We have very little time left for current and future generations."

Update: Two more people were arrested at the North Parcel today for stopping Enbridge. Clergy members, Rev. Betsy Sowers and Rev. Michelle Walsh, stood in front of the gates that lead to the construction site. We thank them for putting their bodies on the link to protect the community. Their statements are below. Rev. Betsy Sowers, Minister for Earth Justice, Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge, MA: "I am here today because my faith compels it. Christians are in the midst of Advent, the season of anticipating One who will bring down proud and powerful empires, lift up the lowly, and send the rich away empty (Luke 1:31-32). As a faith leader, I am called to follow Jesus’ example: to expose and oppose destructive empires, and to invite people to join in creating a new order with love of neighbor and defense of the vulnerable at the center. Locally, empire takes the form of Enbridge’s proposed compressor station. It is adjacent to two Environmental Justice Communities, already suffering some of the highest rates of respiratory, heart, and neurological diseases, and cancers in Massachusetts, due to toxic emitters already in the area. They are supposedly protected from further exposure. Environmental law, in fact, requires the existing pollution of local air, water, and soil to be cleaned up. Yet MassDEP dismissed data showing local air pollution at alarming levels, saying it was not their practice to consider existing pollution when permitting a new project. Similarly, the fact that this site is a toxic coal ash dump, where digging is exposing residents to high levels of arsenic and asbestos, was dismissed as insignificant. Also dismissed was the fact that this project will make it impossible for Massachusetts to reach its legally mandated targets under the Global Warming Solutions Act. Globally, this project endangers life, health and safety from the fracking fields of Pennsylvania to the Mi’kmaq people in Eastern Canada (https://stopaltongas.wordpress.com/), to the places abroad where it is destined to be burned. This week, global leaders are meeting to try to salvage any hope of averting climate catastrophe, as scientists’ warnings become ever more dire (http://bit.ly/34asD2u). With gas as the primary driver of increasing greenhouse emissions, it is simply madness to continue the fracking gold rush that places short-term profit over the survival of life on earth. The fossil fuel industry is a proud, powerful, rich empire. It has come to the Fore River Basin in the form of Enbridge to destroy the lives, health and safety of my vulnerable neighbors – local and global, human and other-than-human. It has coopted our Governor and President, and the regulatory agencies created to protect the public and environment from being sacrificed in the name of profit. As a follower of Jesus, I am here today to say that this empire of extraction must end. This project must be stopped. The Commonwealth must move quickly to 100% clean energy within a fair economy that includes all of our neighbors. Until that happens, as Martin Luther once said, “Here I stand. I can do no other.”' Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh, PhD, LICSW, Affiliate Community Minister with United First Parish Church UU in Quinc: "I am choosing to risk arrest today because my faith calls me to oppose environmentally destructive actions that continue to damage our planet and all her creatures. Our addiction to fossil fuels and the creation of pipelines and compressor stations foster these destructive actions. Compressor stations are known hazards to the environment and surrounding communities – so much so that there is a unanimous agreement among the mayors of these communities in opposition to this particular compressor station. Compressor stations emit methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, and contribute to public health issues for the surrounding communities, including cancer and asthma. Public safety issues also are ongoing risks, particularly for population dense areas such as Weymouth. My action today testifies to my deep belief that we need an immediate and radical change of heart and cultural transformation in our personal and social practices if we are to successfully face the larger climate crisis that is upon us now, with less than a decade left according to the latest United Nations scientific reports to change. We cannot afford any development that furthers our dependence on fossil fuels and contributes to the current climate crisis. This is the moral issue of our time, with humanity itself at stake and the most marginalized by race, class, gender, and ability, as well as first responders, taking the brunt of the traumatic impact first. As both a clinical social worker and a Unitarian Universalist clergyperson, I am called to be a moral witness to these truths and to place my body on the line in nonviolent resistance on behalf of beloved community and social justice. I call for other local clergy, as well as social workers and human service providers, to do the same. We have very little time left for current and future generations."

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Opinion | To Take on the Religious Right, We Need a Religious Left

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The church has long been a place where people not only found spiritual fulfillment, but engaged in political organizing. In this political climate, could a "religious Left" work to "Save the Soul of America?"

My faith shapes my progressive politics. I wish this were true of more liberals.

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UUA Holiday Message 2019 ft. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
“I believe that as we light candles, sing songs, and recall the stories of our sacred texts, we are teaching our hearts and our bodies how to hold on to the same resilience that has saved people from disconnection and despair for centuries.” Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association, shares a blessing for the holiday season.

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Board Announces Its Nominations for Co-Moderators of the Association

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is pleased to announce its unanimous nomination of the Rev. Meg Riley and Charles Du Mond for election as the next co-moderators of the UUA, at the special election to be held at General Assembly (GA) 2020, in Providence, RI. If elected, they will serve in this position for a term beginning at the conclusion of GA 2020 and ending at the conclusion of GA 2025.

On December 10, 2019, the UUA Board announced its nomination for Co-Moderators of the Association.

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Cash Bail Comes With a Cost. Would Portland Be Better Off Without It?

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Cash bail is an ineffective and inherently classist tool. It hurts people, families, and communities. Blair Stenvick of the Portland Mercury discusses the work being done to provide alternative routes to true Justice.

Sometimes it’s an upcoming job interview, or a work shift that can’t be missed, or rent that needs to be paid. Sometimes it’s caring for a child, or helping an elderly parent, or being home for the holidays. And sometimes, it’s every possession a person has. Those are the kind of things that...

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Autumn Peltier is a 2019 Chatelaine Woman of the Year

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Autumn Peltier is a 15 year old indigenous clean water activist who recently spoke at the United Nations General Assembly. “We need to protect the inhabitants around all waters across the world,” she said during her address. “One day I will be an ancestor, and I want my descendants to know I used my voice so they can have a future.”

For being a clean water warrior.

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
It may be Thursday but it's still #GivingTuesday in our hearts. Especially as the dollar-for-dollar match is still active! Help us to UU The Vote and support grassroots organizing in your community! Donate via FB or via the link: https://giving.uua.org/votelove

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The next stage of witch resistance is here - Religion News Service

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Witches are using their craft for good in the political arena.

(RNS) — If all realities are equally plausible in the Internet age, then there is no reason that magic should be less plausible, indeed less powerful, than any other form of reality-creation.

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Registration is open! The fact that there are 140 million poor and low-wealth people in a country this rich is morally indefensible and constitutionally inconsistent. Join poor people and moral witnesses from across the country June 20, 2020 for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington! On June 20, 2020, we rise together! #PoorPeoplesCampaign

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Donation to UU the Vote | Vote Love - Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
We mean it when we say your #GivingTuesday contribution matters. Because you have been so generous, the $50,000 match deadline has been extended to FRIDAY! 🎉https://giving.uua.org/votelove

Donate to UU the Vote 2020 efforts and #votelove.

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It's still #GivingTuesday, and it's not too late to contribute. Thanks to a generous $50,000...

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
It's still #GivingTuesday, and it's not too late to contribute. Thanks to a generous $50,000 matching gift from UUA President's Council members, your gift today will be doubled to help ensure we can hit the ground running in January. https://giving.uua.org/votelove Here are just a few of the things your gift will fund: -Provide organizing toolkits and online support for congregational organizers -Train congregational leaders in mobilizing voters and countering voter suppression -Host regional gatherings to increase UUs skills and capacity around electoral work -Facilitate strong partnerships with frontline community organizations -Bolster UU State Action Networks with targeted resources

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
It's #GivingTuesday. Will you #VoteLove with us? giving.uua.org/votelove The UUA is launching UU the Vote in January 2020 to support congregations and UU organizations in activating thousands of UUs nationally to mobilize voters, counter voter suppression, leverage our resources, and to engage in spiritually grounded, values-based issue conversations with voters in our communities.

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Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Your gift to UU the Vote by December 3 will be doubled in value, thanks to a generous $50,000 match. https://giving.uua.org/votelove Help build momentum for this grassroots campaign to engage in meaningful, nonpartisan work at the local, state, and national levels.

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Unitarian Universalist Association

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Your gift to the UU the Vote campaign by Tuesday, December 3 will be DOUBLED in value, thanks to a generous $50,000 match. Help build momentum for this grassroots campaign to engage in meaningful, nonpartisan work at the local, state, and national levels. https://giving.uua.org/votelove Together we're going to #VoteLove and bring our passion to the polls.

The 2020 election is our chance to make history. We’re launching UU the Vote to support UU congregations and UU organizations as you mobilize voters, counter voter suppression, and engage in spiritually grounded, values-based issue conversations with voters in their communities. Text VOTELOVE to 51555 or visit uuthevote.org to join us. #UUTheVote #VoteLove

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Money can actually buy you happiness. Here’s how to get it.

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
It's almost #GivingTuesday! Experts agree that by implementing "effective altruism," we can live more fulfilling lives. And don't forget the UUA in your giving plans! https://giving.uua.org/friends

Simply having a lot of it won’t automatically increase your sense of well-being. "But using it well can," says one expert.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

GA affirms democracy as vital but corrupted ideal

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Unitarian Universalists are known for a few things, perhaps most notably our dedication to justice work in all its forms. When it comes to electoral justice, we have remained committed, affirming our work through the 2019 A Democracy Uncorrupted resolution. Will you consider helping us further our work by donating to the UUA today? https://giving.uua.org/friends https://www.uuworld.org/articles/ga-2019-business-summary

At annual business meeting, Unitarian Universalists also celebrate completion of fundraising for Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I’m a 250-Pound Ultramarathoner. Here’s What I Want Everyone To Know About Size And Fitness

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
"Know that regardless of what kind of body you live in, you belong out there as well.”

Ultrarunner Mirna Valerio is here to tell you that the trails don’t care what you look like.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

An act of kindness washes away hate from vandalized church

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
One week after the Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta was vandalized with spray paint, an act of kindness is washing away the hate.

One week after the Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta was vandalized with spray paint, an act of kindness is washing away the hate.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

The Thanksgiving Tale Is a Harmful Lie. As a Native American, I’ve Found a Better Way to Celebrate

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
"The thing is, we do not need the poisonous 'pilgrims and Indians' narrative. We do not need that illusion of past unity to actually unite people today. Instead, we can focus simply on values that apply to everybody: togetherness, generosity and gratitude. And we can make the day about what everybody wants to talk and think about anyway: the food."

With something we truly share (and would prefer to talk about anyway)

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Timeline Photos

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
ICYMI - Registration is OPEN for #UUAGA 2020 in Providence, RI! Early birds 🐦 can access a new payment plan option, too. 😊 We hope to see you June 24-28, 2020! https://www.uua.org/ga/registration

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Local Opinion: In Warren trials, humanitarianism emerged victorious

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Two juries have now rightly refused to buy into the government’s far-fetched narrative and the prosecution’s attempt to vilify both Warren and No More Deaths, an organization that was founded in 2004 with the singular goal of preventing more migrants from losing their lives during their attempts to reach the United States.

The foundational texts of all major religions call for protecting those in most desperate need of help and assistance, and that’s exactly what Scott has been doing.

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Attached media: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDyrEMUl469TRjk&url=https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/tucson.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/f/a5/fa595a63-2936-5d71-8c30-9da50e190ca3/5dd8377a6fd1d.image.jpg?crop=512%2C288%2C0%2C26&resize=512%2C288&order=crop%2Cresize&_nc_hash=AQBiLyFlGIGOQNrn

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

UU the Vote in 2020 with Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
The 2020 election is our chance to make history. We’re launching UU the Vote to support UU congregations and UU organizations as you mobilize voters, counter voter suppression, and engage in spiritually grounded, values-based issue conversations with voters in their communities. Text VOTELOVE to 51555 or visit uuthevote.org to join us. #UUTheVote #VoteLove

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

We’re Losing Generations of Family History by Not Talking to Each Other Enough

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
As the holidays approach, we can build commonality with relatives by sharing our family history. Because you have all the time in the world, until suddenly you don't. What's a family story you're looking forward to sharing or discovering this holiday season?

But there are easy ways to get the conversation started.

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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Politics is for Power, Not Consumption

By: Unitarian Universalist Association β€”
Is "political hobbyism" taking us away from direct action? "A third of Americans say they spend two plus hours a day on politics. Of these people, four out of five say that not one minute is spent on any kind of real political work."

Political hobbyism takes well-meaning citizens away from pursuing power.

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Attached media: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQBUrL_bQOrOEIcL&url=http://bostonreview.net/sites/default/files/9781982116781_0.jpg&_nc_hash=AQCr5-PHmS2ySbhP
