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Five Approaches to Zen, Fingers Pointing to the Moon

By: James Ford โ€”
            In the early Ninth century the renowned Chinese master of both Zen and Huayen, Guifeng Zongmi, spoke of five styles of Zen. In the Twentieth century the Japanese Zen master Haku’un Yasutani adapted this list to express his own observations about the various ways people engage Zen. That adaptation […]
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Sensei Mary Gates, the New Zen Teacher in Town

By: James Ford โ€”
        Jan & I’ve just completed a three-day sesshin with the Empty Sky Sangha in West Cornwall, Connecticut. The leaves are turning, but it’s been a warm and wet season and there’s not a lot of color, many leaves simply falling to the ground. Even so this rural Connecticut area is astonishingly […]
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Living in the Great Buzz: Some Near Random Thoughts on Zen, Buddhism, Nondual Christianity, Decentering one's Ego, And Finding a Life

By: James Ford โ€”
        Over the last couple of years I’ve found a shifting in my interior life. As a Zen practitioner I’ve been focused for many years on the profound and subtle pointing expressed succinctly within the Heart Sutra: Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. It is an approach to that religious perspective generally […]
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A Few Words from the Catholic Monk Who Translates a Daoist Sage and Points us to the Zen Way

By: James Ford โ€”
      One of my absolute heroes is the Trappist monk Thomas Merton. He walked the mystery between Christianity and Buddhism in ways that have called to my heart over the many years. He has been a companion, a guide, offering correction and encouragement every step I’ve taken. He counts in my life as […]
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Zen at the Edges of Tinseltown

By: James Ford โ€”
    So, today, Jan I took our pretty regular stroll down to the beach in Long Beach. As we walked past the big Life guard central station we were taken aback to see that it was now the headquarters for “Malibu search and rescue.” I’d long had my suspicions about Malibu, but that they […]
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Francis & a Canticle for Creation

By: James Ford โ€”
        Many years ago I ran across a book describing a visit to Japan sometime before the second world war. I don’t recall a lot about that book. Well, except, for one thing. The writer described encountering a small Buddhist society whose members were following an adaptation of the rule of St […]
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Great Soul: The Smallest of Reflections on Mohandas Gandhi on his One Hundred & Forty-Ninth Birthday

By: James Ford โ€”
          The Indian spiritual and political leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on this day in 1869 in Porbander, a town in present day Gujarat. Later called Mahatma, or Great Soul, a title bestowed by the poet Rabindranath Tagore, Gandhi would become a singular figure on the twentieth century public stage. […]
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The Wondrous Annie Besant is Born

By: James Ford โ€”
        Annie Wood was born on this day in 1847. At 20 she married an Anglican priest, Frank Besant. They would have two children together before their marriage collapsed. Apparently spurred on by Annie Besant’s increasing distaste for organized religion and equally increasing devotion to the work of justice. In 1877, as […]
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A Zen Priest Dreams of Angels

By: James Ford โ€”
    Today within the Christian liturgical calendar is Michaelmas. Or, and actually my preferred name, today is the Feast of the Saints Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. Or, if you prefer, the shorter while still more accurate version, today is the Feast of the Archangels. An archangel is a chief or principal angel. Angels […]
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Zen Poet Gary Snyder Sings For All

By: James Ford โ€”
  My Facebook friend John Harrison just posted Gary Snyder’s poem For All. I thought it something perfect in the moment. And, so, here I am sharing it, as well… For All Ah to be alive on a mid-September morn fording a stream barefoot, pants rolled up, holding boots, pack on, sunshine, ice in the […]
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A North American Zen Priest Confesses a Faith

By: James Ford โ€”
    This past weekend we were deep in sesshin, an intensive Zen meditation retreat. As we practice with koans as part of our project we have frequent opportunities for spiritual direction, a practice called dokusan. So, I was meeting with the sesshin participants when someone came into the interview who is a long-time Zen […]
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Peace Through a Cup of Tea: Genshitsu Sen, Zen, and the Way of Tea

By: James Ford โ€”
        PEACE THROUGH A BOWL OF TEA A talk delivered on the 19th of September, 2018 at the first Annual Dr Genshitsu Sen Lecture Series at the Huntington Library Glenn Taylor Webb (Professor Webb is both an ordained Obaku Zen priest and professor emeritus  of Japanese culture at Pepperdine University, where he served […]