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UU the Vote = Removing Voting Barriers with Non-partisan Info

By: Mary Jane Lindaman β€”

UU the Vote’s mission is to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilizeβ€―voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives. Join our team and the Women League of Voters on September 11 at 4 p.m. for State Question Summit on Zoom where both sides of SQ 805 and SQ 814 will be presented.

The post UU the Vote = Removing Voting Barriers with Non-partisan Info appeared first on BeyondBelief.

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Expect the Unexpected

By: Rev. Jane Dwinell β€”

Two months ago, Sky was having one of his recurring nocturnal fights against a bad thing, a monster of some sort. Except instead of attacking me, as he usually did, he attacked the air off the side of the bed, and fell out. Gashed his forehead on the bedside table, and needed five stitches. Then refused to sleep in that bed again.

We dragged the mattress onto the floor, took the bed apart and put it in the cellar, and I headed to the furniture store. I bought a new frame that sits closer to the floor and a king size mattress to replace our double. I posted the old bed on Craigslist, and sold it. Given that all of our bedding was for a double bed, I bought new sheets and made a new king-size quilt. I’m glad we had the money to do all this.

Expect the Unexpected.

Also about two months ago, Sky said he felt he could no longer read books—it was too much work keeping track of the sentences, and he often forgot what he had just read and had to go back to the beginning of the sentence to try again. Maybe a Kindle would help? Fewer words on a “page” and he could make the font size whatever he wanted. We downloaded some books from the library. That was better than paper books, but still too hard.

He took an audio book out of the library. We hauled out our rarely-used sound system, and he gave it a try. That was better. With his headphones on, he could sit happily in his chair and “read.” I bought him a small, portable CD player so he could listen to books in other locations — in bed, on the porch, at another house.

Expect the Unexpected.

About a month ago, just as the weather was getting better, Sky started taking long bike rides again. Except he found himself having a hard time swinging his leg up over the seat to mount the bike. He found himself falling off his bike if he didn’t get a fast enough start. He became too scared to ride his bike anymore, even though he never was physically injured, just psychologically injured.

Today we talked about what to do. Did he want to try a recumbent bike? (Closer to the ground, mounted in a different way.) Did he want to try an adult tricycle? (Sturdy, for sure, but maybe too humiliating? After all, we’re in Vermont, not Florida.) Did he want to give up bike riding all together, and take up walking? No clear answers yet, we’re still thinking on it.

Expect the Unexpected.

A handful of times in the last month, Sky has walked away from a hot pan on the stove when he was preparing his lunch. Once the smoke detector went off. The other times I noticed, and sent him back to the stove. I am waiting, and watching, to see if it’s time for Sky to stop cooking for himself. I hate for that to happen, but I would also hate for the house to catch on fire. Good thing the cats know to skedaddle out the cat door when the smoke detector goes off…..

Expect the Unexpected.

Because of Sky’s inability to read books anymore, I recently read aloud Bill McKibben’s new book, Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?. We are both concerned with the climate change/climate chaos that is transforming our planet. We both are concerned that the human race may be heading for extinction, that it may be too late to bring this dire situation around. We thoroughly enjoyed the book, and have had many deep conversations about what may be ahead for the planet, for the human race, our beloved mountains and lakes, our family and friends, and how we want to live our lives given this situation. We already live in a net zero house, and try to keep our footprint as small as we can. And to that we add the philosophy to live each day to the fullest, and not waste time with things that are not important. And, above all…

Expect the Unexpected.

Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211110085025/https://www.questformeaning.org/podcasts/19_12/02.mp3

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I didn't realize that the word 'catholic' meant 'universal.' That's interesting! I grew up Catholic, but the religion was too controlling for me. Now I'm a Unitarian Universalist! I guess there's a connection I wasn't aware of. :-)

By: (@janet444) β€”

I didn't realize that the word 'catholic' meant 'universal.' That's interesting! I grew up Catholic, but the religion was too controlling for me. Now I'm a Unitarian Universalist! I guess there's a connection I wasn't aware of. :-)

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Really? I didn't know that. I used to be Catholic and I don't know what the seminary training is like. But my current minister and many Unitarian Universalist pastors have doctorates in theology. People claim UUs don't have real beliefs but our clergy is well trained in theology.

By: (@janet444) β€”

Really? I didn't know that. I used to be Catholic and I don't know what the seminary training is like. But my current minister and many Unitarian Universalist pastors have doctorates in theology. People claim UUs don't have real beliefs but our clergy is well trained in theology.

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I grew up Catholic but I'm now Unitarian Universalist. You can be an atheist and go to a UU church. Some think that means we don't believe in anything. I think it means we're better at embracing Jesus's message of love and acceptance than the Catholic church.

By: (@janet444) β€”

I grew up Catholic but I'm now Unitarian Universalist. You can be an atheist and go to a UU church. Some think that means we don't believe in anything. I think it means we're better at embracing Jesus's message of love and acceptance than the Catholic church.

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Greetings friends and fans! Thank you so so much to those of you who attended the Carole King tribute show at the Unitarian Universalist Church this past weekend, didn't we have such wonderful energy together?! That makes 4 special tribute shows we have ready to present, CK an...

By: (@janeojazzo) β€”

Greetings friends and fans! Thank you so so much to those of you who attended the Carole King tribute show at the Unitarian Universalist Church this past weekend, didn't we have such wonderful energy together?! That makes 4 special tribute shows we have ready to present, CK an...

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Who said Jesus wrote the Bible? Yes, I've studied my religion. I'm a Unitarian Universalist after having been brought up Catholic. I respect people of varying beliefs, including atheists and agnostics. You might want to try that sometime.

By: (@janet444) β€”

Who said Jesus wrote the Bible? Yes, I've studied my religion. I'm a Unitarian Universalist after having been brought up Catholic. I respect people of varying beliefs, including atheists and agnostics. You might want to try that sometime.

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Heard a youth presentation about Schools for Climate Action at a Unitarian Universalist service. This group of folks gave their full support so a youth rep could go to DC 2advocate for action on climate. Standing up for the future! @Schools4Climate

By: (@janetatk_s4ca) β€”

Heard a youth presentation about Schools for Climate Action at a Unitarian Universalist service. This group of folks gave their full support so a youth rep could go to DC 2advocate for action on climate. Standing up for the future! @Schools4Climate

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I wonder if you're right. I grew up Catholic but am now Unitarian Universalist. I love belonging to a church, but it's true that most religions probably do desensitize us to blatant hypocrisy and also get us used to accepting being controlled, like children, by their own rules.

By: (@janet444) β€”

I wonder if you're right. I grew up Catholic but am now Unitarian Universalist. I love belonging to a church, but it's true that most religions probably do desensitize us to blatant hypocrisy and also get us used to accepting being controlled, like children, by their own rules.

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Try Unitarian universalist churches

By: (@janedog9) β€”

Try Unitarian universalist churches

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But we should never be deprived of labeling ourselves as we wish. I'm an autistic Unitarian Universalist white female. I should get to use those labels as I wish without fear of being harassed, and so should anyone who is Muslim, transgender, etc.

By: (@janet444) β€”

But we should never be deprived of labeling ourselves as we wish. I'm an autistic Unitarian Universalist white female. I should get to use those labels as I wish without fear of being harassed, and so should anyone who is Muslim, transgender, etc.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

My former Lutheran Church and now my Unitarian Universalist Church teaches the same thing -- LOVE, not hate!

By: (@JaneLar29381270) β€”

My former Lutheran Church and now my Unitarian Universalist Church teaches the same thing -- LOVE, not hate!

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I'm a Unitarian Universalist and we accept everyone, including atheists. Which means we're not really a Christian religion AND that we're more like Christians than Christians. That's why, as a Christian, I'm a UU.

By: (@janet444) β€”

I'm a Unitarian Universalist and we accept everyone, including atheists. Which means we're not really a Christian religion AND that we're more like Christians than Christians. That's why, as a Christian, I'm a UU.

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Thanks for sharing that. I only seem to stand up on Twitter. My church (Unitarian Universalist) has an anti-racism task force. I should get involved in it.

By: (@janet444) β€”

Thanks for sharing that. I only seem to stand up on Twitter. My church (Unitarian Universalist) has an anti-racism task force. I should get involved in it.

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Now that's the least surprising thing. It seems like once it becomes a religion, there's another agenda beyond the lessons of love. I'm a Unitarian Universalist and we probably do get it right just because we know that we don't know, so we accept all.

By: (@janet444) β€”

Now that's the least surprising thing. It seems like once it becomes a religion, there's another agenda beyond the lessons of love. I'm a Unitarian Universalist and we probably do get it right just because we know that we don't know, so we accept all.

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(husband, myself, and daughter) we are now going to yoga nidra and a Unitarian Universalist church where they are very welcoming. The fac...

By: (@Jane__Barnett) β€”

(husband, myself, and daughter) we are now going to yoga nidra and a Unitarian Universalist church where they are very welcoming. The fac...

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I'm a Unitarian Universalist now and I love it because we accept people of all religions, as well as agnostics and atheists. But it seems most religions are focused on controlling, including the Catholicism I grew up with. Makes for confusing rules that oppose Jesus's teachings.

By: (@janet444) β€”

I'm a Unitarian Universalist now and I love it because we accept people of all religions, as well as agnostics and atheists. But it seems most religions are focused on controlling, including the Catholicism I grew up with. Makes for confusing rules that oppose Jesus's teachings.

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https://youtu.be/8g_Kji0kZ0YΒ  Scientology church by True crimes channel! Strange deaths at this Cult- look up the Obamas Unitarian universalist church(cult

By: (@Janetspell3) β€”

https://youtu.be/8g_Kji0kZ0Y  Scientology church by True crimes channel! Strange deaths at this Cult- look up the Obamas Unitarian universalist church(cult

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I'm a Unitarian Universalist after having grown up Catholic. You might like that denomination, it is very liberal and very accepting. I'm very spiritual but too many organized religions use their power to control ppl & that is not spiritual.

By: (@janet444) β€”

I'm a Unitarian Universalist after having grown up Catholic. You might like that denomination, it is very liberal and very accepting. I'm very spiritual but too many organized religions use their power to control ppl & that is not spiritual.

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https://youtu.be/ZRasTCSevtQΒ  Here's the video of The Muslim cult Obama Pretended 20 yr at Rev Wright Church. this church is a global cult Unitarian universalist Devil's Dems

By: (@Janetspell3) β€”

https://youtu.be/ZRasTCSevtQ  Here's the video of The Muslim cult Obama Pretended 20 yr at Rev Wright Church. this church is a global cult Unitarian universalist Devil's Dems😈

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Resistance by the 'Rules'

By: Janet Hayes β€”
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Field notes for the resistance

By: Janet Hayes β€”