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Back to School

By: Corey Smith β€”

Sunday, August 15 is Back to School Sunday. We will have a special blessing in the 10:00 AM service for students, teachers and volunteers as we embark on another school year.

The post Back to School appeared first on BeyondBelief.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Should I have a UU marriage?

By: /u/ismokedwithyourmom β€”

I am a christian of no particular denomination and my (gay) partner is a witch. We both believe that our respective faiths are different ways of reaching the same spirit so don't see any problem with practising together.

We hope to get married soon and in the UK, you can choose to have a religious or civil marriage but if you choose the civil marriage option then you're not allowed to include anything religious in the ceremony. It's important to us that faith plays a part in our marriage, so we are thinking about a UU wedding as it sounds like the church is accepting of all different ways that people express their faith.

Do you have to be a member of the church to get married in it? I think our beliefs align with those of the UU but we don't go to church there, preferring to worship at various different places. I'd love to hear from anyone who can advise on what a UU wedding is like and if it would be right for us

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify my use of the word 'witch'. It has some bad connotations but it doesn't mean 'devil worshipper' - for my girlfriend at least, it means connecting with the life energy to bring about positive change and communing with the natural world

submitted by /u/ismokedwithyourmom
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How does the UUA work?

By: /u/ElatedNihilism β€”

I'm curious about how the UUA works. What does it do? What are its responsibilities? Does the UUA have any authority over UU churches? Do UU churches pay dues?

I've found some good UU introductory resources on the website, but I'm unclear on how it interacts with individual churches. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ElatedNihilism
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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

[Update] Congregation funding levels have been slipping for years, minister is going part-time, and I've been added to the team tasked to solve it

By: /u/smeggysmeg β€”

I wrote this post a few months back about a congregation with slipping funding and membership, where the minister is going part-time to offset the budget.

Well, it turns out while the budget situation is a reality, a big force behind the transition is a certain portion of the older crowd having a grouchy attitude toward the minister and trying to put him in his place. They complain about service quality, which maybe isn't pew-rocking but at least is fairly substantive.

Myself and the other "younger" person on the team have largely been steamrolled, ignored, or ridiculed when we've given an opinion.

About the only positive thing to come out of this experience has been the reallocation of some funds to a Youth/Teenage RE class. When I brought up how the services aren't very child-inclusive and how it would be nice to have something else for elementary age children to do, the response was largely, "send the kids to the nursery until they learn to sit quietly."

Meanwhile, the lay-led services have become more shallow and pointless meanderings. In adult RE, my spouse and I are always the only people under 60 and we get a lot of passive aggressive questions on "why young people do X" while they spent time griping about their Gen Y/Z kids and grandkids.

The last service was extremely, groan-worthy vapid, and the team meeting later that day started with the old hats praising it. For me, that was the end of it. My kid doesn't want to go, my spouse and I find the services less insightful than feel-good messages in greeting cards, and nobody in our family feels like this church meets our needs.

I hope others will take up the mantle to reform it, maybe in a few years when the situation is more dire or those in power have let go, but I'm not willing to commit a huge chunk of time to an organization and group of people so hostile to change. Due to a nearby university, they tend to have a regular flow of visitors, maybe that will be enough to keep them afloat in the meantime.

The only problem I'm left with is where my child can have a space to explore religious topics away from parents, but we can revisit that in a couple years.

submitted by /u/smeggysmeg
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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Congregation funding levels have been slipping for years, minister is going part-time, and I've been added to the team tasked to solve it

By: /u/smeggysmeg β€”

I'm relatively new to the congregation, and to UU generally. This congregation is fairly well-established, has a decent building in a vibrant city, but over the last decade or more funding and membership levels have been sliding. The congregation has tried to ignore the problem by dipping deeper into endowments/bequeathals, but that solution isn't working any longer. While the sanctuary is often reasonably well filled on the average Sunday, and occasionally packed even, the overwhelming majority of the congregation is 60+, and most of the work of running it has fallen into just a few hands. The financial woes have finally reached a head, so the minister is going part-time and a team has been assembled to help prepare this congregation for its next steps - whatever they may be.

I'm not at all spiritual and a rather firm secular humanist, but have a background in philosophy and the humanities and am generally interested in religious and life topics. My spouse and I started attending UU because we have a young child and felt he needed a broader sense of community, a place to help instill positive social values, and a venue to ask religious questions to open minded parties who aren't just his parents. If we didn't have a child, we probably wouldn't attend at all, and as it is we usually only make an appearance once a month.

But as one of the few dozen under-40s who attend, and one of the few families with children, I was asked to serve on this team. I'm not usually the outgoing/volunteering type, but I couldn't say no in a moment of need.

I haven't attended a team meeting yet, but these are the questions as I see them:

  • How can we increase membership (and with it, hopefully, donations) without obnoxiously proseletyzing? Demographically, millennial (like myself) and younger are not generally interested in organized religion. But there seems to be a desperate social desire for positive community experiences and sense of connection, and I think UU is a good fit for those who don't agree with the theology or social views of the religion of their upbringing, who want the freedom to debate and form their own opinions, and who want to make a positive impact.
  • How can we increase engagement from the members we have, to help them take the next step from being casual attendees to members of the community? Chalice circles and the like don't seem to be catching on (hell, I'm not part of one). The way I see it, the time competition comes from the fact that people are overworked and overstressed. How can we make congregational participation more accessible for people who have fleeting free time and low emotional reserves?
  • Can a congregation plausibly function without a minister? Ours only gives 2 sermons per month, and now it will reduce to 1. We seem to have a steady stream of decent guest speakers, mostly thanks to the nearby university, but when lay members lead services they tend to be... wandering events. The topic is unclear and gets lost, or sometimes people get very woo-woo/hokey, or far too personal, emotional, and a bit... cringey. I worry that without a minister, the lack of organization will become worse, and the service consistency will be so lacking that it turns people away.

My first starting point is trying to understand my lack of engagement. When my child attended the nursery and it was just play, he loved to go, but now that he attends Children's Education he hates it. A lot of it is over his head. But the people who run it are educators, and while my spouse has thought about stepping in to help, my spouse is a teacher at an underprivileged school 5 days a week and really needs the weekends off from anything resembling teaching. I was previously a EFL teacher abroad, but I'm not intrinsically inclined to work with kids. My kid generally doesn't enjoy the main service either, because while they try to incorporate a "story for all ages," most of the service is just sitting, standing, singing, sitting, a little talking, more sitting.

And then why don't we participate in other activities outside of education and the service? We have such little time to recharge our personal emotional reserves from the work week, and we still have to catch up on the labors of life, as well as parenting, on the weekends and weeknights, and we just don't have time to spare. We're natural introverts who happen to be successful when out in the world, but only when we're given the appropriate time to recharge. Plus, we're highly drama-averse, traits we developed from our pasts being community activists; UUs seem to be a passionate lot, and with passion comes a lot of drama.

The amount of work needed for the congregation seems like so much, and it's hard to break it down into bite-size chunks that can be spread around, so instead nobody pitches in to help.

Is it a hopeless case? Are all church-like institutions on the steady path toward irrelevance? Demographically speaking, that seems to be the case.

submitted by /u/smeggysmeg
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Disheartened ex-Catholic needing a spiritual home - would love to learn more about UU.

By: /u/bigteethsmallkiss β€”

Hi all! I was raised Catholic, but stepped away from the Church several years ago. As I approached adulthood and came more to terms with myself as a lesbian, the religion became something I could no longer follow, as you all may understand.

Today, I feel that I am a spiritual person but subscribe to nothing specific. I do miss the feeling of having a spiritual home and community, and would love to learn more about UU (I do know they are LGBT accepting, and I am so thankful)! Can someone give me a general rundown of beliefs, what a mass (are they called that in UU? Service?) looks like? It would be very appreciated. Thank you!

submitted by /u/bigteethsmallkiss
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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Creating Inclusive Leaders: Stories from Anytown

By: Corey Smith β€”

All Souls' Youth learn inclusive leadership at the OCCJ Anytown Leadership Institute

The post Creating Inclusive Leaders: Stories from Anytown appeared first on BeyondBelief.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Unitarian Universalist and atheist

By: (@Chrismartin76) β€”

Unitarian Universalist and atheist

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Congregation of SF Unitarian Universalist church came outside their Church to publicly declare "Shutdown the camps! Never Again is now!" Refuse Fascism was there to join in and challenge people to join in the struggle to drive out the regime. pic.twitter.com/A26nilNGuC

By: (@SFRefuseFascism) β€”

Congregation of SF Unitarian Universalist church came outside their Church to publicly declare "Shutdown the camps! Never Again is now!" Refuse Fascism was there to join in and challenge people to join in the struggle to drive out the regime. pic.twitter.com/A26nilNGuC

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I cast no aspersions on anyone's faith, but hypocrisy is always fair game! As a Unitarian Universalist, I honor all religious traditions, including Christianity. (More info at https://www.uua.org/beliefsΒ .) "Truth is one. The wise call it by many names."--Rg Veda (Hindu scripture)

By: (@revfredsmall) β€”

I cast no aspersions on anyone's faith, but hypocrisy is always fair game! As a Unitarian Universalist, I honor all religious traditions, including Christianity. (More info at https://www.uua.org/beliefs .) "Truth is one. The wise call it by many names."--Rg Veda (Hindu scripture)

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I appreciate the compliment! I'm Unitarian Universalist, actually. We honor all faith traditions, including Christianity. (More info at https://www.uua.org/beliefsΒ .) "Truth is one. The wise call it by many names."--Rg Veda (Hindu scripture)

By: (@revfredsmall) β€”

I appreciate the compliment! I'm Unitarian Universalist, actually. We honor all faith traditions, including Christianity. (More info at https://www.uua.org/beliefs .) "Truth is one. The wise call it by many names."--Rg Veda (Hindu scripture)

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

DCC is the most liberal, affirming Christian denom around. I'm Unitarian Universalist which is liberal, affirming, and not at all Christian, generally speaking. Both fantastic.

By: (@MaevesMomma1) β€”

DCC is the most liberal, affirming Christian denom around. I'm Unitarian Universalist which is liberal, affirming, and not at all Christian, generally speaking. Both fantastic. 💗💙

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Thank you First Unitarian Universalist Church for having me! pic.twitter.com/rf1REpqfTA

By: (@DrJasmineParker) β€”

Thank you First Unitarian Universalist Church for having me! pic.twitter.com/rf1REpqfTA

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Awful. So sad you experienced such a vile person. If there’s a Unitarian Universalist Church nearby, you might find it more welcoming. There, you can dress and be however you like, you can believe in Christianity or not. They will welcome you with open arms.

By: (@MegSmythe1) β€”

Awful. So sad you experienced such a vile person. If there’s a Unitarian Universalist Church nearby, you might find it more welcoming. There, you can dress and be however you like, you can believe in Christianity or not. They will welcome you with open arms.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Unitarian Universalist can be a sanctuary church or buy solar panels all day. They’re still incredibly comfortable, with no touch into the world of those who church in a strip mall (or fell out of society completely). Sanctuary solar panel won’t make me feel good about the world.

By: (@isomorphisms) β€”

Unitarian Universalist can be a sanctuary church or buy solar panels all day. They’re still incredibly comfortable, with no touch into the world of those who church in a strip mall (or fell out of society completely). Sanctuary solar panel won’t make me feel good about the world.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

check out the Our Whole Lives curriculum ! Offered in most Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ churches in the US.

By: (@abbyinsm) β€”

check out the Our Whole Lives curriculum ! Offered in most Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ churches in the US. 💕

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

"White fragility" smacks of psychological abuse

By: /u/pro-semitism β€”

I have been lurking and reading the comments about the ongoing Eklof controversy but I made a reddit account to because I feel so strongly that the way people are deploying the notion of "white fragility" is a form of psychological abuse. I think there are conceptual problems with the concept as it is described by DiAngelo in the book, but I am especially troubled by how it is used by UUs as a way of putting down other people and as a thought-terminating cliche.

Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence.

(From Beacon's summary)

This is essentially saying that if a white person experiences any kind of emotion that isn't immediate acceptance, or says something, or doesn't say something, that they are demonstrating white-supremacy. I think this contains within it the assumption that white people are always automatically wrong, and that it is impossible that there could be any other dynamic going on. Maybe there is just a simple misunderstanding.

But the bigger issue here is that this really looks like it is about invalidating a person's feelings. Saying "oh, that's white fragility" seems to mean "your feelings don't matter." That's psychological abuse, not anti-racist education.

These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue.

I don't think she's wrong, but I also think that invalidating people's feelings by saying the emotion that they are currently experiencing is actually just white fragility and not whatever else they may be feeling is also going to prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. If people are afraid of being accused of aid and abetting white supremacy or being fragile anytime they try to speak their truth, it isn't hard to imagine that people will become oppositional.

I anticipate that people will claim this is simply my own white fragility or something like that. I don't really think so. But I have gone to enough therapy to know that I have not really said anything here that I ought to be ashamed of.

submitted by /u/pro-semitism
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☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Did I miss something? He's volunteering with a Unitarian Universalist group. Does he identify as a Christian? And does he use that as part of his defense?

By: (@amyericasmith) β€”

Did I miss something? He's volunteering with a Unitarian Universalist group. Does he identify as a Christian? And does he use that as part of his defense?

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

FUNDING: Fund for a Just Society provides grants to 501C3 organizations in U.S. & Canada that address issues of social and economic justice. DUE: 9/15/19 Most grants are $6,000-$8,000. Visit the Unitarian Universalist Association website https://buff.ly/2JwXzEwΒ pic.twitter.com/yDyOHveOXo

By: (@YERasmuss) β€”

FUNDING: Fund for a Just Society provides grants to 501C3 organizations in U.S. & Canada that address issues of social and economic justice. DUE: 9/15/19 Most grants are $6,000-$8,000. Visit the Unitarian Universalist Association website https://buff.ly/2JwXzEw pic.twitter.com/yDyOHveOXo

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

This is the moment I asked myself, what the heck is a Unitarian Universalist? Then I visited one, and was hooked forever.

By: (@MaevesMomma1) β€”

This is the moment I asked myself, what the heck is a Unitarian Universalist? Then I visited one, and was hooked forever.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

According to the BeliefNet quiz, I am mostly aligned with Secular Humanism followed by 86% Unitarian Universalist and ending with 5% Orthodox Jewish. 70% Atheism, which is how I usually identify. I don’t hate the results but they are very interesting. Hmm.

By: (@mercurialmissm) β€”

According to the BeliefNet quiz, I am mostly aligned with Secular Humanism followed by 86% Unitarian Universalist and ending with 5% Orthodox Jewish. 70% Atheism, which is how I usually identify. I don’t hate the results but they are very interesting. Hmm. 🤔

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I love you guys so much. I'm not a member of your temple, but I am a Unitarian Universalist and we share many of the same fundamental values. Keep up the good work!

By: (@AmorDeCosmos97) β€”

I love you guys so much. I'm not a member of your temple, but I am a Unitarian Universalist and we share many of the same fundamental values. Keep up the good work!

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I was raised Unitarian Universalist. We spent a year @ 11/12 going to other faiths/denominations services. P.S. Also the best, bo seriously, for real, the best. sex. ed.

By: (@smaqcksaidso) β€”

I was raised Unitarian Universalist. We spent a year @ 11/12 going to other faiths/denominations services. P.S. Also the best, bo seriously, for real, the best. sex. ed.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Unitarian Universalist *waves*

By: (@MaevesMomma1) β€”

Unitarian Universalist *waves*

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

The Unitarian Universalist Association Denounces Attacks on Abortion Rights and Demands Reproductive Justice http://uua.org/node/234801Β  via @UUA

By: (@FUSMinneapolis) β€”

The Unitarian Universalist Association Denounces Attacks on Abortion Rights and Demands Reproductive Justice http://uua.org/node/234801  via @UUA

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I’m a Unitarian Universalist minister and trans colleagues and parishioners are beloved members of my circle. God made Adam (Earth Creature) in OUR (God’s) image - God is non-binary. We are all a part of God’s beloved creation.

By: (@tardisMadelyn) β€”

I’m a Unitarian Universalist minister and trans colleagues and parishioners are beloved members of my circle. God made Adam (Earth Creature) in OUR (God’s) image - God is non-binary. We are all a part of God’s beloved creation.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Thomas Jefferson was a theological lightweight. And I say this as a Unitarian Universalist. He was a supersessionist and he really needed to get over himself. But religious freedom - that was a good bit.

By: (@tardisMadelyn) β€”

Thomas Jefferson was a theological lightweight. And I say this as a Unitarian Universalist. He was a supersessionist and he really needed to get over himself. But religious freedom - that was a good bit.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

That's the first Unitarian Universalist principle.

By: (@momosmomma) β€”

That's the first Unitarian Universalist principle.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Buddhist Scholar, Teacher, and Unitarian Universalist Gene Reeves Dies - Buddhistdoor Global http://dlvr.it/R4RR7nΒ 

By: (@Buddhismofworld) β€”

Buddhist Scholar, Teacher, and Unitarian Universalist Gene Reeves Dies - Buddhistdoor Global http://dlvr.it/R4RR7n 

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

hey folks - some of my artwork will be shown at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greenville. it's a free art show, from 5:30-7:00. come out.

By: (@poorbutvrysmart) β€”

hey folks - some of my artwork will be shown at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greenville. it's a free art show, from 5:30-7:00. come out.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Refugees are Mother’s too. As you celebrating Mother’s Day remember that refugees are Mother’s too. A meaningful #WeAreAllAmerica event today, we had the Honor today to share stories of refugees and immigrants mothers at the Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church.

By: (@BasmaAlawee) β€”

Refugees are Mother’s too. As you celebrating Mother’s Day remember that refugees are Mother’s too. A meaningful #WeAreAllAmerica event today, we had the Honor today to share stories of refugees and immigrants mothers at the Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

You're for infanticide, support the kingdoms of Omar and Sarsour who are responsible for about 100 million FGM, and millions of little girls marring old men and pretend they support women's natural rights...what possible higher entity would hear you?

By: (@JurisMedici) β€”

You're for infanticide, support the kingdoms of Omar and Sarsour who are responsible for about 100 million FGM, and millions of little girls marring old men and pretend they support women's natural rights...what possible higher entity would hear you?

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

If ppl do not belong to a religious group that has experienced terrorism they have no idea. Every black church in the country knows they can be a target not in the same way as a synagogue but they know so do mosques and frankly so do Unitarian Universalist churches.

By: (@smartstatistic) β€”

If ppl do not belong to a religious group that has experienced terrorism they have no idea. Every black church in the country knows they can be a target not in the same way as a synagogue but they know so do mosques and frankly so do Unitarian Universalist churches.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Boston Pilgrimage: Growth, Values, and Belief

By: Corey Smith β€”

The COA class spends the year exploring their values and beliefs. During the Boston Pilgrimage, they bring all their experiences and understanding together to articulate their individual credos—their personal statements of belief. Everyone is invited to join them in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. on Sunday, April 28.

The post Boston Pilgrimage: Growth, Values, and Belief appeared first on BeyondBelief.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

It felt a tiny bit like coming out to my parents when I told them I'm a #UnitarianUniversalist now. My dad said, But honey, they don't believe in the Divinity of Jesus...! And I said, Yeah, I know...

By: (@MaevesMomma1) β€”

It felt a tiny bit like coming out to my parents when I told them I'm a #UnitarianUniversalist now. My dad said, But honey, they don't believe in the Divinity of Jesus...! And I said, Yeah, I know...

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I'm a Unitarian Universalist minister, and I approve this message. #EasterBunnyology

By: (@revfredsmall) β€”

I'm a Unitarian Universalist minister, and I approve this message. #EasterBunnyology

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

The memorial celebration for Ralph Metzner remains on Friday, May 24th; however, it will now be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 1187 Franklin Street in San Francisco (not at St. Ignatius Church as announced earlier). Sure wish I could be there...

By: (@DennisMcKenna4) β€”

The memorial celebration for Ralph Metzner remains on Friday, May 24th; however, it will now be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 1187 Franklin Street in San Francisco (not at St. Ignatius Church as announced earlier). Sure wish I could be there...

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

The Unitarian Universalist church near me (which is the religion I was raised in but not actively attending) always has a huge Black Lives Banner across the front and it makes me so happy!

By: (@HoopsMilo) β€”

The Unitarian Universalist church near me (which is the religion I was raised in but not actively attending) always has a huge Black Lives Banner across the front and it makes me so happy!

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Honestly I resisted anything Christian, even though it’s the faith I was raised in. Could get the picketing Sunday school teachers (pro 8) out of my head. Last year I found a Unitarian Universalist fellowship that is inclusive. It’s a relief.

By: (@TheResumeSmith) β€”

Honestly I resisted anything Christian, even though it’s the faith I was raised in. Could get the picketing Sunday school teachers (pro 8) out of my head. Last year I found a Unitarian Universalist fellowship that is inclusive. It’s a relief.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Unitarian as in Unitarian Universalist? The ones around me are all EXTREMELY into politics and wokeness. You'd probably be really frustrated with them.

By: (@Murdersmith) β€”

Unitarian as in Unitarian Universalist? The ones around me are all EXTREMELY into politics and wokeness. You'd probably be really frustrated with them.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Unitarian Universalist.

By: (@SuzsMuses) β€”

Unitarian Universalist.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

My Unitarian Universalist congregation meets at an interfaith center in Columbia, MD that we share with other faith groups, including a Muslim mosque. Today as they gathered for jama masjid (Friday prayers), members of UUCC lined up outside to welcome them. 1/

By: (@RossMartin) β€”

My Unitarian Universalist congregation meets at an interfaith center in Columbia, MD that we share with other faith groups, including a Muslim mosque. Today as they gathered for jama masjid (Friday prayers), members of UUCC lined up outside to welcome them. 1/

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

He's also the only person I've met in Ohio who has been or is now or even recognizes the words "Unitarian Universalist." He LOLs and winces at many of the UU experiences I relate, such as the clothing-optional spa at my childhood summer camp.

By: (@smpa) β€”

He's also the only person I've met in Ohio who has been or is now or even recognizes the words "Unitarian Universalist." He LOLs and winces at many of the UU experiences I relate, such as the clothing-optional spa at my childhood summer camp.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Proud to be a Unitarian Universalist @UUA where we prioritize common sense and compassion. Atheists & agnostics encouraged. Namaste, Om and amen!

By: (@AdrienneSMcCord) β€”

Proud to be a Unitarian Universalist @UUA where we prioritize common sense and compassion. Atheists & agnostics encouraged. Namaste, Om and amen! 🙏🏼

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I was raised Unitarian Universalist and fell away from the church as a teenager. Recently I started attending services at a UU church again. This post articulates quite a few sentiments that I agree with about the recent UU World article on trans UUs. https://transuu.org/2019/03/06/putting-the-t-first/Β /

By: (@ESMahony) β€”

I was raised Unitarian Universalist and fell away from the church as a teenager. Recently I started attending services at a UU church again. This post articulates quite a few sentiments that I agree with about the recent UU World article on trans UUs. https://transuu.org/2019/03/06/putting-the-t-first/ …

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

yes, this is basically what #unitarianuniversalist is about

By: (@Eidsmore) β€”

yes, this is basically what #unitarianuniversalist is about 😇🥰🤗🤝🙏👍

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Come to Unitarian Universalist

By: (@WaysMargoways) β€”

Come to Unitarian Universalist 🏳️‍🌈

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Come to Unitarian Universalist

By: (@WaysMargoways) β€”

Come to Unitarian Universalist 🏳️‍🌈

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

To all LGBTQ UMC faithful - you are a beloved member of the Body of Christ. My heart grieves for you. From a Unitarian Universalist who loves you. #GC2019

By: (@tardisMadelyn) β€”

To all LGBTQ UMC faithful - you are a beloved member of the Body of Christ. My heart grieves for you. From a Unitarian Universalist who loves you. #GC2019

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

This Unitarian Universalist minister, who has been educated by Methodists, is praying for the wholeness of your church and the way forward. We see you. We see your bravery. We ache with you.

By: (@tardisMadelyn) β€”

This Unitarian Universalist minister, who has been educated by Methodists, is praying for the wholeness of your church and the way forward. We see you. We see your bravery. We ache with you.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Tonight in Colorado at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder with Elena Klaver. Come join us! pic.twitter.com/IK7lYD2K98

By: (@JoeJencksMusic) β€”

Tonight in Colorado at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder with Elena Klaver. Come join us! pic.twitter.com/IK7lYD2K98

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

@MagdaDavitt77 Hello from a fan in NYS. I have been a spiritual seeker all my life (raised Lutheran, became Baha'i in college, then Unitarian Universalist, now interested in the Unity Church and Quaker.) I love that you are a seeker, too. I send you blessings and love.

By: (@karenluisasmith) β€”

@MagdaDavitt77 Hello from a fan in NYS. I have been a spiritual seeker all my life (raised Lutheran, became Baha'i in college, then Unitarian Universalist, now interested in the Unity Church and Quaker.) I love that you are a seeker, too. I send you blessings and love.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Concerned citizens gathered at First Unitarian Universalist Church on Dupont Ave. S., Mpls. to learn about The Human Element in climate change. Human impact on climate is undeniable. Its effects are already devastating and costly. #WeCantWait a minute longer to address this.pic.twitter.com/0oYbvxz0u4

By: (@annejonesmn) β€”

Concerned citizens gathered at First Unitarian Universalist Church on Dupont Ave. S., Mpls. to learn about The Human Element in climate change. Human impact on climate is undeniable. Its effects are already devastating and costly. #WeCantWait a minute longer to address this.pic.twitter.com/0oYbvxz0u4

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

You guys are over playing your hand with moves like this. All you're going to do is galvanize the religious people against you more. I mean, besides the Unitarian Universalist Church, but nobody gives a shit about that.

By: (@DolusMiles) β€”

You guys are over playing your hand with moves like this. All you're going to do is galvanize the religious people against you more. I mean, besides the Unitarian Universalist Church, but nobody gives a shit about that.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Many Unitarian Universalist congregations vow each Sunday "to speak the truth in love." Disagreement is inevitable, healthy & democratic. Avoiding hatred & demonization is crucial--and harder than ever in these polarized times. #spiritualpractice @BetterAngelsUSA @NICDInstitute

By: (@revfredsmall) β€”

Many Unitarian Universalist congregations vow each Sunday "to speak the truth in love." Disagreement is inevitable, healthy & democratic. Avoiding hatred & demonization is crucial--and harder than ever in these polarized times. #spiritualpractice @BetterAngelsUSA @NICDInstitute

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Unitarian Universalist!

By: (@cosmicooze) β€”

Unitarian Universalist!

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Unitarian Universalist.

By: (@TyNHelensMom) β€”

Unitarian Universalist.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

If you live near Augusta, GA you can try Metropolitan Community Church of our Redeemer http://www.mccoor.comΒ  or The Unitarian Universalist Church http://uuaugusta.orgΒ . I think the Unitarian Church is nationwide so there may be one near you.

By: (@kasmith803) β€”

If you live near Augusta, GA you can try Metropolitan Community Church of our Redeemer http://www.mccoor.com  or The Unitarian Universalist Church http://uuaugusta.org . I think the Unitarian Church is nationwide so there may be one near you.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Help Wanted Part-Time Child Care The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southern Maryland has an opening for a part time child care provider. This position provides childcare on Sunday mornings presently located at... https://www.facebook.com/UUFSM/posts/10157679858821756Β /

By: (@UUFSM) β€”

Help Wanted Part-Time Child Care The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southern Maryland has an opening for a part time child care provider. This position provides childcare on Sunday mornings presently located at... https://www.facebook.com/UUFSM/posts/10157679858821756 …

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Was raised COGIC and now I'm a Unitarian Universalist...Also thank you so much for the podcast it's a blessing! #karenrebels #Godtalk

By: (@IamMissESmith) β€”

Was raised COGIC and now I’m a Unitarian Universalist...Also thank you so much for the podcast it’s a blessing! #karenrebels #Godtalk

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Scandal extraordinaire. People leave when the Truths are no longer proclaimed. @JamesMartinSJ et al, your a day late and a $ short. There is already a Unitarian Universalist Cult where one can believe anything, even nothing if one so desires-Just don't hoist your truth on others. https://twitter.com/taylorrmarshall/status/1087546383798861826Β /

By: (@DycusMax) β€”

Scandal extraordinaire. People leave when the Truths are no longer proclaimed. @JamesMartinSJ et al, your a day late and a $ short. There is already a Unitarian Universalist Cult where one can believe anything, even nothing if one so desires—Just don’t hoist your truth on others. https://twitter.com/taylorrmarshall/status/1087546383798861826 …

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

I'm a #UU (Unitarian universalist) #Exvangelicals , left the Christian fold completely.

By: (@MaevesMomma1) β€”

I'm a #UU (Unitarian universalist) #Exvangelicals , left the Christian fold completely.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

We are honored to announce another presenter at Women's Wave Montpelier: Rev. Joan Javier-Duval! Joan is a Unitarian Universalist minister, daughter of Filipinx immigrants, activist, mother, and spouse. She tries to live life kindly, awake, and with joy... pic.twitter.com/1ri28Y1QcK

By: (@WomensMarchVT) β€”

We are honored to announce another presenter at Women’s Wave Montpelier: Rev. Joan Javier-Duval! Joan is a Unitarian Universalist minister, daughter of Filipinx immigrants, activist, mother, and spouse. She tries to live life kindly, awake, and with joy... pic.twitter.com/1ri28Y1QcK

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

Today I learned that the only Unitarian Universalist member of Congress, Amerish "Ami" Babulal Bera, is Indian-American. (I'm both UU and Indian-American, and that's pretty damn rare.)

By: (@Chrismartin76) β€”

Today I learned that the only Unitarian Universalist member of Congress, Amerish "Ami" Babulal Bera, is Indian-American. (I'm both UU and Indian-American, and that's pretty damn rare.)

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

As a lapsed Catholic I feel vaguely guilty about not watching this Notre Dame game. But as a Unitarian Universalist, I know I won't go to hell for missing it.

By: (@Chrismartin76) β€”

As a lapsed Catholic I feel vaguely guilty about not watching this Notre Dame game. But as a Unitarian Universalist, I know I won't go to hell for missing it.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ WWUUD?

A couple of the performers attended my church (I am atheist via Unitarian Universalist) and the 1st time I heard them it was "Kashmir" in the sanctuary. I was immediately shaken out of my usual Sunday morning stupor. There are several of their arrangements on YouTube.

By: (@CandyAllenSmit2) β€”

A couple of the performers attended my church (I am atheist via Unitarian Universalist) and the 1st time I heard them it was "Kashmir" in the sanctuary. I was immediately shaken out of my usual Sunday morning stupor. There are several of their arrangements on YouTube.
