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Daily Doorway Writing Prompt

By: Karen β€”
In his beautiful poem, “The Meaning of Simplicity,” the Greek poet Yannis Ritsos wrote: Every word is a doorway to a meeting, one often cancelled, and that’s when a word is true: when it insists on the meeting. In this time of COVID-19 with all the necessary precautions around meetings and contact with one another, […]
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Bridging New Distances and Distractions

By: Karen β€”
Many years ago, my daily bus commute crossed the Mississippi River on the old Lake Street bridge. Then almost 100 years old, the quarter-mile bridge connecting St. Paul and Minneapolis was a wrought iron structure built well before the invention of the automobile. And one day, engineers inspecting the bridge’s integrity, determined it could no […]
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The Rhythms of Resilience

By: Karen β€”
Rhythms of Resilience I’m watching for the first delicate crocuses to break through the hardened crust of the March ground. Yellow, purple and white, their short blooms open like small cups of sunlight. But by night, the delicate blossoms close up, waiting until dawn coaxes them to yawn agape again. Their daily opening and closing […]
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The Heart’s Work of Repair

By: Karen β€”
My grandfather knew how to keep time moving. Head bent over the wooden jeweler’s bench at the back of his jewelry store and peering through a small magnifying loop attached to his glasses, he repaired watches. Patiently disassembling gears and springs, he knew how to put them back together so they could once again keep […]
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The Brokenness We Carry

By: Karen β€”
My friend Leena once brought me a gift from a trip to her family’s homeland in Myanmar – a small seated figure carefully carved in rosewood with great attention to his hatted face, robe and bare feet. But when Leena retrieved the figure from her suitcase after the long flight home, she discovered the wood […]
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Cultivating Reverence in Irreverent Times

By: Karen β€”
As we enter the season of candlelit wonder and awe, I have been considering what reverence means. Is it reverence that stirs when we sing “Silent Night” by candlelight? Was it reverence, in the ancient story two millennia ago, that brought shepherds and kings to their knees before a poor and homeless baby born in […]
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Thanksgiving Rules of Engagement

By: Karen β€”
More than anything, perhaps, the Thanksgiving holiday is marked by messes large and small. Travelers by the millions stalled in airports and on highways. Kitchens from coast to coast piled up with pots and dishes. And some of the biggest messes of all, inside human hearts, anticipating or already experiencing the challenges of gathering across […]
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Stopping for Gratitude

By: Karen β€”
All things end in the Tao as rivers flow into the sea.[1] On a recent writing residency on the eastern edge of Wisconsin, I stayed in the middle of Door County, the state’s narrow peninsula jutting out like a long thin thumb into Lake Michigan. After unpacking my bags, I walked a short distance down […]
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American Sacrifice

By: Rev. Karen Hutt β€”

Sacrifice is a powerful, ancient, evocative word that conjures images of animals slaughtered in rituals to bind a community together in a celebratory feast for a long-awaited harvest after a drought. Sacrifice can be a visual, visceral and vivid concept that attracts our curiosity but repels us morally. Sacrifice is also described as a blessed act of holy reverence, a necessary rite to cleanse the soul of an individual or restore the hope of a people.

The concept of sacrifice is a complex religious, social and political construct whose meanings derive from cultural experiences and expectations, but I want to explore sacrifice as a political act associated with social violence. These days political and social sacrifice seems ubiquitous, from the rhetorical mobilizations at the U.S. southern border; to the ideological sacrifice of austerity for the poor and largess for the rich; to the “necessary” constructs of neoliberalism and libertarianism that emphasize privatization, deregulation, and unfettered free markets over public institutions and government services. We see the sacrificial environmental violence associated with the lack of urgency to address a rapidly changing climate.

Drill down into the data for an hour, and you will see that sacrificial thinking is the new normal. The motif of “sacrifice” or “blessed brutalities” and sanctioned violence permeate all layers of the social and cultural fabrics purporting to offer an explanatory framework for contemporary imperial American practices. Each instance of our blessed brutality—whether it is the execution of Quakers in Boston in the 17th century, the enslavement of Africans, the genocide of native people, or the abuse of wives in the early American republic—is all a distinct trajectory that is the bedrock of the American empire of sacrifice.

Yes, friends, today American sacrifice is an intentional machine gun mounted on a hill of lies that is aimed at the rule of law, the truth and role of expertise. Everywhere you turn, it seems, some form of sacrifice is rearing its head, demanding tribute and governed by an algebra of expected returns. The transactional nature of sacrifice creates unholy alliances and disturbing binary outcomes of either/or.

When we look more closely at sacrifice, we see that sacrifice is a form of violence that places itself in relation to a desired effect, so that the gain depends upon the loss or destruction of something—call this something the offering. The conscious act of sacrifice links the two. The offering might be a black rooster or a packet of tobacco, but it could just as well be a species, a landscape, the heart of a captured enemy or the youth of a nation. What matters is the necessity of this destruction within a logic that renders the destruction understandable—and worthwhile—as a means to some higher gain. Sometimes the terms are blunt, issued as a judgment: This species is common, uninteresting or of “least concern.” This landscape is worthless, remote or uninhabited—it can be destroyed. The minimal value of what stands to be destroyed will be recovered, many times over, in the projected return.

But friends, sacrifice also comes in the disguise of moral control. Just pay attention to the arguments that weave through the next housing development, the next culled species, the next police review board, the next military intervention, the next cut to the Special Olympics. Sacrifice is almost always a mechanism in which loss and gain have been made equivalent, the balance settled—like trading a mountain for jobs in the mining sector, a forest for a highway and a faster commute.

Derrick Bell was the first Black tenured professor in the law school at Harvard, and founder of the academic discipline of critical race theory. His 1992 book Faces at the Bottom of the Well includes an allegory entitled “Space Traders,” which explores what happens when extraterrestrials make first contact with the United States—using a holographic projection of Ronald Reagan—and offer to solve all of the country’s economic and environment problems. As proof of their power, the aliens turn the Statue of Liberty into solid gold and clean the polluted air over Los Angeles and Denver. The extraterrestrials have a price for this service. All Black Americans must be given to the aliens, for purposes unknown.

Will African-Americans become food, pets, subjects for experimentation? Perhaps they will be feasted, protected or worshiped? The extraterrestrials provide no answers. Could this be the ultimate solution to the centuries-old “Negro Problem”? A Republican president and his administration debate the merits of the offer from the aliens and eventually decide that the American people should vote on the matter.

Of course, this outcome has the superficial veneer of being “fair,” because the outcome was “democratic.” The safety, security, and freedom of Black Americans are treated as something illusory, debatable, something that can be compromised. The historic resistance to providing Black people inalienable civil and human rights makes the results clear for the majority of white voters. “Space Traders” concludes with millions of Black Americans—much like their ancestors being loaded into the bowels of slave ships centuries before—being marched at gunpoint into the cargo holds of the alien vessels. A return is calculated, and the decision is made to execute a sacrifice.

When this book came out in 1992, I remember talking about it with Black and white friends and our reactions were reminiscent of the OJ verdict in 1995. Very different responses. Many white friends were horrified by the story, unable to believe that such a vote could happen in the year 2000 when the story was set. Many Black friends were horrified that the white people were so naïve as to believe that it could not happen. And there was still a small set of us (me included) who pondered leaving the US for what could be a better life with the aliens. Many of us said that anything might be better than this place. I was willing to take that trip on the spaceship because the unknowable future might provide me with a new hope that I lack after 400 years in America. What would it be like to live in a world where I am not vilified, minimized, objectified or pacified by a system that has struggled so desperately to obliterate me and my ancestors?

Friends, remember the basic tenets of sacrifice. The sacrificial offering must be destructible—but also, it cannot be worthless. If anything, it must be exalted, because the destruction of its value is what renders the sacrifice worthy, even heroic. Sacrifice infuses the destruction of value with value, justifying itself not only in the prospect of a return, but also in the inherent nobility of surrender. Here the idea becomes not just dangerous, but also insidious, continuously threatening to identify destructive surrender not just as moral action, but also as the very ground of morality. To be good—to be a good citizen, a good person—is to surrender what you value, what you love, for a “higher” cause. In “Space Traders,” one of the ideas floated by the government was to create a selective service for Black people to volunteer to go with the aliens as a duty to country.

As Unitarian Universalists we have the imperative as people of faith to be spiritually animated by the sacrificial violence all around us. We need to be animated enough to see the sacrificial violence in policies that appeal to our heads and ignore our hearts. We need to be animated enough to dismantle false equivalences of sacrifice. We must be animated so we can demand answers, so we can resist the duplicity of sacrifice. We must make our faith three-dimensional enough to resist sacrifices out loud. When people of faith and goodness charge head on into that sacrificial altar to destroy it, the mechanism of sacrificial thinking will be disassembled, their logic revealed, their syntax demystified, and their weapons made inoperable.

So pause for a moment at the next “justified” sacrifice you are asked to vote on or participate in, the next “trade-off sacrifice,” and dwell on these questions: What is hiding among the lines of spreadsheet calculations and seemingly innocent platitudes of this sacrifice? Where is the scapegoat and how is sacrifice being framed? How does this sacrifice hide in plain sight? Whose hopes stand to be fulfilled in this and whose losses are guaranteed? And where do I stand as a person of faith?

Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211110063450/https://www.questformeaning.org/podcasts/19_10/02.mp3

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Living the Dream

By: Karen β€”
You could call it our dream house – in many ways it is. Now months after moving in, we still wake up almost every day exclaiming how grateful and happy we are to be here. We love its urban energy, the constant flow of pedestrians walking past in front, the kids from across the alley […]
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Is it a mega church? I tried one in Ft Wayne once. Hated it. Emphasis was on conformity. I found a great Unitarian Universalist church, lived it! Then I moved, and the nearest UUA is 20 miles away. It’s a worthwhile hike.

By: (@bakerkaren555) β€”

Is it a mega church? I tried one in Ft Wayne once. Hated it. Emphasis was on conformity. I found a great Unitarian Universalist church, lived it! Then I moved, and the nearest UUA is 20 miles away. It’s a worthwhile hike.

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You're a Unitarian Universalist and didn't know it. Welcome!

By: (@karensgold) β€”

You're a Unitarian Universalist and didn't know it. Welcome!

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Curiosity’s Call: far and near

By: Karen β€”
Freshly returned from a pilgrimage to Transylvania, I recall questions that beckoned me there. Who were the early ones giving voice to the faith that claims me today, and what landscape and history inspired their spiritual quests and convictions 500 years ago? What new discoveries could be unveiled in my heart by visiting these sites […]
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wow is Marianne a unitarian universalist or what

By: (@karennashleyy) β€”

wow is Marianne a unitarian universalist or what

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Listening for Wisdom

By: Karen β€”
Wisdom, says the biblical book of Proverbs, takes her stand at the crossroads. She is found, not in the quiet glen or near the babbling brook where one might expect a wise word to be heard. “Wisdom cries out in the street,” Proverbs’ priestly scribes claim; “in the squares she raises her voice. At the […]
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I'm a Unitarian Universalist. We are a very small minority in our very red County. We are seriously considering locking the doors during our service for the first time.

By: (@KarenRo12109221) β€”

I'm a Unitarian Universalist. We are a very small minority in our very red County. We are seriously considering locking the doors during our service for the first time.

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Freedom: the work of wings

By: Karen β€”
Freedom: the work of wings It was a warm spring day when our chimney began to sing. Birdsong reverberated down, an unexpected gift tumbling into the ashes. But soon after, more distressingly, came the frantic beating of wings. We had forgotten to close the flue and a small bird had dropped through the narrow opening, […]
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There’s gotta be a Unitarian Universalist church near you! Our only common creed is that we believe in democracy & justice (there are people of all denominations at our church, including atheists). Definitely a good place to organize & a place with lots of resources ($$$)

By: (@karennashleyy) β€”

There’s gotta be a Unitarian Universalist church near you! Our only common creed is that we believe in democracy & justice (there are people of all denominations at our church, including atheists). Definitely a good place to organize & a place with lots of resources ($$$)

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Unitarian Universalist Faith. Still trying to figure out if this is really a religion or just movement or some scientific endeavor? http://uua.org/node/23081Β  via @UUA

By: (@KarenBarna4) β€”

Unitarian Universalist Faith. Still trying to figure out if this is really a religion or just movement or some scientific endeavor? http://uua.org/node/23081  via @UUA

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The Other Side of Resistance

By: Karen β€”
Have you found yourself resisting recently? In other words, fighting against, or refusing to accept any number of the unacceptable conditions of our times? Let’s face it. There are countless pressures, problems and prejudices today worthy of our resistance. More and more of us are resisting, each in our own ways, and doing so with […]
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@MagdaDavitt77 Hello from a fan in NYS. I have been a spiritual seeker all my life (raised Lutheran, became Baha'i in college, then Unitarian Universalist, now interested in the Unity Church and Quaker.) I love that you are a seeker, too. I send you blessings and love.

By: (@karenluisasmith) β€”

@MagdaDavitt77 Hello from a fan in NYS. I have been a spiritual seeker all my life (raised Lutheran, became Baha'i in college, then Unitarian Universalist, now interested in the Unity Church and Quaker.) I love that you are a seeker, too. I send you blessings and love.

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#UUSunday Went across the river to @westwoodUU, even though it was -38 & the furnace went out in the church, it was a great visit + potluck Then back across the river to @UnitarianUCE to enjoy the Mulitfaith Concert & presentation of the Interfaith Advocate Award #UU #yeg #wihwpic.twitter.com/5US79PM9Fy

By: (@Karen_UCE) β€”

#UUSunday Went across the river to @westwoodUU, even though it was -38 & the furnace went out in the church, it was a great visit + potluck Then back across the river to @UnitarianUCE to enjoy the Mulitfaith Concert & presentation of the Interfaith Advocate Award #UU #yeg #wihwpic.twitter.com/5US79PM9Fy

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Paradise and Plenty

By: Karen β€”
It’s full-fledged winter here in the upper Midwest. Over the past two weeks we’ve seen minus 24 degrees one day and minus 29 the next. The windows frosted. The furnace began to whine. The car stayed put for days – as did we. Then came the snow. And a thaw. Freezing rain. More snow, more […]
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The truck said -40C on the way to church this morning. (@UnitarianUCE was full though for our incredible Tazie service!) p.s. -40C=-40F

By: (@Karen_UCE) β€”

The truck said -40C on the way to church this morning. (@UnitarianUCE was full though for our incredible Tazie service!) 🎼🎶🎵🎶 p.s. -40C=-40F

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Join @indivisibledgo in Durango, CO on Sat. 1/19 for the Women's March! Meet at the train station before 11am, at 11 we'll march up to Buckley Park for a short program. Wear good boots/there's snow in the park! Co-hosts @plannedparenthooddgo and Unitarian Universalist Church

By: (@karen_pontius) β€”

Join @indivisibledgo in Durango, CO on Sat. 1/19 for the Women’s March! Meet at the train station before 11am, at 11 we’ll march up to Buckley Park for a short program. Wear good boots/there’s snow in the park! Co-hosts @plannedparenthooddgo and Unitarian Universalist Church ❤️

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Canadians (Ryan Reynolds and Sarah McLaughlan - @SarahMcLachlan), Gin, and #UU Unitarians!!! These are some of my favourite things!!

By: (@Karen_UCE) β€”

Canadians (Ryan Reynolds and Sarah McLaughlan - @SarahMcLachlan), Gin, and #UU Unitarians!!! These are some of my favourite things!! ❤️🍸🇨🇦❤️

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When Gratitude Travels

By: Karen β€”
This Thanksgiving, I am thinking about travelers. Not just the 54 million of us in the U.S. who will travel to a holiday gathering this week, but especially the thousands traveling in the migrant caravan now arriving on the U.S. border. In a news video of their arrival, I have seen the gratitude in their […]
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What is lifted rises

By: Karen β€”
The horrific news of recent weeks feels impossible to bear. Like many others, I have cried, raged, railed, lamented, sought community and sat in desolate silence. This week’s elections may bring what some will call victory, but no matter which winners are declared, we will remain a country dangerously divided. It is important to ask […]
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Belonging to Our Longings

By: Karen β€”
I’ve been doing a lot of longing lately. Every morning’s headlines shouting something I wish were otherwise, I long for the world to be different than it is. Not for the way things were (which has never been that great). But longing for the shared wellbeing and right relationship of Beloved Community, which points me […]
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Finding the Right Words

By: Karen β€”
We’d driven almost 3,000 miles, from the northern Midwest to the southwestern tip of the U.S. and were making our way home last month before I confessed that I hadn’t yet found the right words to describe the extraordinary landscape we were passing through. Expansive wasn’t big enough. Astonishing wasn’t specific enough. Thrilling didn’t do […]
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Taking a break

By: Karen β€”
I took a break from presenting this summer to work on a new book. Then, having turned in my manuscript to my publisher, I took a break from writing with daily word-count goals. Going off-line and on the road, I took the advice of a friend and left my hefty journal behind. Get something fresh […]
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Feeding the Future

By: Karen β€”
Two downy woodpeckers visit the deck in the morning. The female fat with eggs sits on the railing. The male flits between feeder and mate, feeder and mate, seed by seed feeding a future not yet nested. It is coded within whether we’re winged or flat-footed, this care across time. How much we humans have […]
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The New Face of Hope

By: Karen β€”
Finally, spring has arrived. Even so, I hear many folks growing weary of the political storms blowing about every day. The blustery posturing that hawks fear like a street peddler desperate to make a sale. On many a day, I find it hard to believe in the seasonal rising of hope that typically blooms in […]
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Tapping Transformation

By: Karen β€”
Forty to one. That’s the ratio of sap to maple syrup in the long, slow process of creating the amber sweetness my family used to boil and bottle every spring. It’s a ratio that tells you something about the time and determination required to make syrup, but gives no hint of the longer arc of […]