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22 September 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (22 September 2019) at 11:00 AM for “What Unitarian Universalism Holds Sacred” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Some things that are held sacred are different for each one of us.  But as Unitarian Universalists, we also hold a common sense of what calls us to this faith, even as we “arrive from many singular rooms.”

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

A newcomer class will follow the service.  All visitors interested in pursuing membership or just wishing to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation are welcome to attend.  Child care will be provided.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 22 September 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (22 September 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — UU Elevator Speech.

You may be familiar with the concept of an “elevator speech” — a concise way of explaining something in the time it would take to ride a couple of floors on an elevator.

For the next three Sundays, we’ll help you come up with one of your own, to talk to others about our Unitarian Universalist faith.

This is a part of the series Faith Forward: From Visitor to Leader.

The UU Elevator Speech class will give you the sense of empowerment and ownership that reminds you that you are the church.

In our first class, we learned the difference between a credo and an elevator speech.

While a credo is a personal statement expressing what “I believe,” an elevator speech speaks to our common history and distinct Unitarian Universalist theology.  It is the story of who we are as a faith tradition.

This week, we come to Session 2 — “Writing Your Elevator Speech.”

We’ll look at some examples of elevator speeches from others, and (using some basic tools for constructing an elevator speech) we’ll take some time to work individually on our own.

Hope to see you there — we can’t wait to hear yours (sharing, however, is optional — don’t let that keep you away).


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8 September 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (8 September 2019) at 11:00 AM for  “Great Things They Have Taught Us. Great Things Can Be Done” by Rev Barbara Jarrell.

This is a service in celebration of those prophetic people of our two movements who have come before us, and our own responsibilities for living into their legacy.

We are delighted to announce that the service will feature music from Twang Darkly.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

Be sure to join us after the service for our annual swim party and potluck at the home of Kathy Osuch and Mike Roberts.


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No Adult Religious Education Class This Sunday (8 September 2019)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Our 9:15 AM adult religious education class is taking a break this Sunday only — you can sleep in a little and we will see you at the 11:00 AM worship service.


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21 April 2019 Sermon Podcast

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

“Given-ness: A Celebration of Easter, Passover, and the New Life of Spring” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell


Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211110045523/http://allsoulsshreveport.org/podcasts/21April2019Worship.mp3

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1 September 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (1 September 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Someone Else’s Truth” by Rev Barbara Jarrell.

“When galaxies collide, there are all sorts of consequences. And still, truth is bigger than all of that.”

You are going to want to know where this is going.

Our summer fun for children and youth will focus on the theme of “Love is the Doctrine of this Church.”

The children and youth will talk together about what that means and then work together on a collaborative art project that supports that theme.

And it’s also Green Bag Sunday for Noel United Methodist Food Pantry ! Bring your bag (any color bag!) this Sunday with one or more of the following items:

  • Jiffy Cornbread Mix (8.5 oz.)
  • Green Beans (15-16 oz. can)
  • Mac and Cheese (7.25 oz. box)

Place them in the hatch of the green Kia Soul that will be parked up by the front breezeway and JoDel Adkins will make sure they get to the food pantry this week.


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No Adult Religious Education Class This Sunday (1 September 2019)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Our 9:15 AM adult religious education class is taking a break this Sunday only — you can sleep in a little and we will see you at the 11:00 AM worship service.


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4 August 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (4 August 2019) at 11:00 AM for our Water Communion Service with Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We welcome Rev. Barbara back this Sunday for our annual Water Communion Service.

This is a time when we bring water — whether real or symbolic — from our experiences of the summer (from far away across oceans or from a puddle in your own backyard).

We pour the water into a common vessel as we briefly share our stories.  No one drinks this water.  Instead, we boil, filter, and freeze it and add it to water from previous years of this service.  The water is used for child dedications and other special rituals of the church.

We’ll have the water ceremony while the children and youth are in with us and then sing them out to their summer fun activity — preparing a salad bar lunch for the church in celebration of Lughnasadh (the beginning of the harvest season in the Druid tradition) with help from Kevin Henry and friends.

This is Green Bag Sunday for Noel UMC Food Pantry.  This month, they need canned green beans (15 oz.) and packaged side dishes such as mac and cheese, Rice-a-Roni or Zatarain’s side dishes.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 4 August 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (4 August 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Faith Like a River:  Themes in Unitarian Universalist History” with Bennett Upton and Jax Schmidt.

Join Bennett and Jax for this workshop series exploring “the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history-the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage.”

This week: “The Water is Wide: Multiculturalism”:

As Unitarian Universalists, we face the challenge and opportunity to embrace those with different experiences, perspectives, and ways of being in the world.  As Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists, we have at times in our history followed societal norms in our willingness or reluctance to welcome diversity.  At other times, we have confronted and refuted the accepted ways-sometimes our own accepted ways-in order to embrace diversity and invite it to transform us.  This workshop explores stories of multicultural encounter from our tradition; some are inspiring, and some ask us to examine past actions with candor and compassion.


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16 June 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (16 June 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Carry the Flame” by James Peck.

On this Father’s Day, come and hear All Souls member James Peck — a Unitarian Universalist Dad — reflect on the ways we teach and reinforce Unitarian Universalist principles and values in the home.

Our summer fun activity for children and youth this Sunday will be Rovena and Boogie Windsor guiding the preparation of our Father’s Day Lunch while Kevin Henry and Maggie Molisee guiding the creation of tactile Father’s Day cards and teaching a lesson on God as Father from various traditions.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 16 June 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (16 June 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Faith Like a River:  Themes in Unitarian Universalist History” with Bennett Upton and Jax Schmidt.

Join Bennett and Jax for this workshop series exploring “the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history-the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage.”

Authored by Alison Cornish and Jackie Clement, the course “invites participants to place themselves into our history and consider its legacies.

What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present?

What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future?”

This week: Session 1: “Wading In”

“This workshop explores Unitarian Universalist history as one current in the stream of human history, with its own themes of thought and action that swirl, eddy, and bubble to prominence at different points in time. A selection of stories from our faith heritage offers not only a grounding of knowledge, but also insights into contemporary issues, practices, challenges, and trends in our faith movement.”
– Alison Cornish and Jackie Clement


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9 June 2019 All-Ages Worship Service

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (9 June 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Building Bridges:  Celebrating Our Children and Youth.”

We will be honoring our graduating seniors — Ash McLain, Sarah Allen, Mason Upton, and Sarah Lord.

Our Affirmation Sunday service brings our whole church community together in honor of our children and youth and features the senior sermons and bridging ceremony for our graduates.

A bridging ceremony celebrates the transition of our graduates from youth to adulthood and is most meaningful when all generations of our community are present to witness and support them.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 9 June 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (2 June 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “The Story of God, Episode 5  — Why Does Evil Exist?”  We will continue our discussion of this topic from last week.

This Sunday, we view the conclusion of an episode that asks yet another question for the ages — “Why does evil exist?”

Once again, our intrepid guide travels the globe examining the question from the perspectives of various faith traditions as well as science.  This sparked some great discussions that we look forward to continuing this week.


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Building and Grounds Work Day โ€” 8 June 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Saturday (8 June 2019) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Most of the care and maintenance of our physical church home is done by us — the members and friends of All Souls.

This is a great opportunity for you not only to contribute to the stewardship of our surroundings and also to get to know your fellow church members and strengthen our community.

Come for the whole time or just an hour or two if that’s all you can spare.

And if your day’s too busy to stick around, consider dropping off snacks for the crew — see you this Saturday!


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28 April 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (28 April 2019) at 11:00 AM for “How We Get There” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This is also our Sunday for Give Away the Plate — all of our non-pledge collection will go to Spread the Vote/Project ID.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 28 April 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (28 April 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — we will continue our exploration of “The Story of God:  Beyond Death.”

Although Morgan Freeman has indeed played the role of God in the past, in this National Geographic documentary series he steps into the role of explorer of the idea of God in all its myriad forms around the world.

We will continue our look at Episode 1 (“Beyond Death”) featuring the perspectives of various cultures and individuals on what happens beyond the grave.


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Rev. Dr. William Barber II Coming to All Souls โ€” 10 May 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

On Friday morning (10 May 2019) at 10:00 AM, we hope as many of you as possible can join us to welcome Rev. Dr. William Barber II.

Rev. Barber is bringing the Poor People’s Campaign here to Shreveport.

We realize the morning event may be hard for many to attend — but if you can possibly take the time off — this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you and our church.


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Hazel Martin Memorial Service โ€” Saturday, 27 April 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Friends and family of Hazel Martin will gather on Saturday (27 April 2019) at 3:30 PM in the sanctuary to celebrate her life (Hazel passed away on 10 March 2019 in Raleigh NC).

Hazel was a longtime active member of All Souls and a dedicated Unitarian Universalist at the district and national level as well.

A tribute to Hazel and her many contributions to church life is on page 2 of the April 2019 newsletter.

We will have a reception in the social hall for those in attendance immediately following the service.

We would appreciate more help with set-up and clean-up for that event and — if anyone can bring some nice cookies, pastries, or a fruit or veggie tray to go with the food we already have coming, that would be lovely.

Join us to welcome Hazel’s family and to celebrate a great life well lived!


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21 April 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (21 April 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Given-ness:  A Celebration of Easter, Passover, and the New Life of Spring.

Our celebration of new life at this time of year includes an optional communion at the end of the service that requires no specific belief but is centered around the community and coming together that is at the root of the word.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

An Easter egg hunt for nursery toddlers through 5th grade will follow the service.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 21 April 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (21 April 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “The Story of God:  Beyond Death.”

Although Morgan Freeman has indeed played the role of God in the past, in this National Geographic documentary series he steps into the role of explorer of the idea of God in all its myriad forms around the world.

Fittingly on this Easter morning, we’ll look at Episode 1 (“Beyond Death”) featuring the perspectives of various cultures and individuals on what happens beyond the grave.


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14 April 2019 All-Ages Worship Service

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (14 April 2019) at 11:00 AM for “How Beautiful — A Service in Celebration of the Home We Share” with special guest musicians George Hancock, Alan Dyson, Maurice White, and Paula O’Neal.

This is the second Sunday of Faith Climate Action Week, Palm Sunday on the Christian liturgical calendar, and the end of our season of focus on peace, social justice, and the interdependent web.

Instead of individual class presentations from the children and youth, the service will feature participatory elements for all ages as well as lots of music.  We will also have a new member signing ceremony.

Pride in the Park has moved to Sunday afternoon — and we all plan to be there but please join us for this worship service before going to Pride.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 14 April 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (14 April 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — Faith Climate Action Week:  Part II

U.S. citizens affected by contaminated air, water, and soil are disproportionately black, brown, and poor.

This week we continue our focus on environmental justice and our own responsibilities as a faith community.


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2019 Pride in the Park Moved to Sunday (14 April 2019)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Due to adverse weather on Saturday (13 April 2019), PACE‘s annual Pride in the Park event has been moved to Sunday (14 April 2019).

The event will now be happening on Sunday (14 April 2019) from noon to 5:00 PM.

And the community-based Our Whole Lives Grades 10-12 sexuality education course that is hosted by All Souls will not meet on Sunday afternoon.

Many of our OWL class facilitators and youth participants will be attending Pride in the Park and promoting the Our Whole Lives values in their daily lives.


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Building and Grounds Work Day Postponed to 20 April 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Due to adverse weather, our monthly building and grounds work day has been moved from this Saturday (13 April 2019) to next Saturday (20 April 2019).

Check back next week for more details for our rescheduled monthly building and grounds work day.


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7 April 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (7 April 2019) at 11:00 AM for our Faith Climate Action Week Service with Frances Kelley.

We are delighted to welcome activist and organizer Frances Kelley back to our pulpit this morning as we celebrate Faith Climate Action Week.

A past winner of All Souls’ Emerson Award, Frances was the director for the massive campaign that defeated the planned open burning of toxic waste at nearby Camp Minden.

She has organized locally for the national 350.org movement and — in addition to various environmental issues — has worked on women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and various election campaigns.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

And this Sunday will be the last day for our spring plant sale.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 7 April 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (7 April 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Intersectionality Part II:  Camp L’eau Est La Vie.”

US citizens affected by contaminated air, water, and soil are disproportionately black, brown, and poor.

As we kick off Faith Climate Action Week, we look at issues of environmental justice locally, statewide, nationally, and globally, with particular attention to the Bayou Bridge pipeline protests in South Louisiana.


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31 March 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (31 March 2019) at 11:00 AM for “A Seat at the Table” by Lee Jeter.

Join us as we welcome back Lee Jeter (Executive Director of the Fuller Center for Housing of Northwest Louisiana).  He is one of our most requested guest speakers.

His message of empowerment and inclusion will be taken from Luke 14:10 in the Bible.

This is our monthly “Give Away the Plate Sunday” and the Fuller Center will be the recipient of this Sunday’s non-pledge collection.  Remember that if you only bring one check, you can indicate on the memo line the proportions allotted to All Souls and the Fuller Center.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 31 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (31 March 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.  We will have a presentation on “Spread the Vote” with Candice Battiste (Director of Spread the Vote Louisiana).

Spread the Vote is a national organization that empowers and educates voters and also helps them to obtain the necessary state photo IDs to exercise their voting rights and participate in many other basic, daily activities of citizenship that many of us take for granted.

From the Louisiana Spread the Vote Facebook page:

Without ID it is almost impossible to obtain legal employment, to find housing, or even needed medical care. At Spread The Vote + Project ID , we work every day to help the most vulnerable members of our communities obtain the little card that changes lives.


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Plant Sale โ€” Second Weekend โ€” 6 and 7 April 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

We are having a second weekend for our plant sale at All Souls — here are the dates and hours:

  • Saturday, 6 April 2019 — 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Sunday, 7 April 2019 — 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

The sale features a wide selection of native plants, herbs, perennials, vegetable seedlings, and more.  We are also selling yard art and raffle tickets.

All proceeds from the plant sale benefit All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church.


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24 March 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (24 March 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Celebration of Women:  Still Angry” by Melissa Gibson with help from Kathaleen Pittman and Loretta Casteen.

It is Women’s History Month across the nation and Celebration of Women Week in Shreveport-Bossier.

Join us to welcome All Souls member and local activist Melissa Gibson as we celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of those who’ve gone before and recommit ourselves for the great work that is still ahead.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


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Adult Religious Education โ€” 24 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (24 March 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.  Today’s class topic is “It’s Not Feminism if It’s Not Intersectional.”

Even as we express our gratitude for everything that first and second wave feminists have accomplished, we can still take the time to unpack the critique that these movements were largely for the benefit of white cisgender women (whether intentionally or obliviously).

History suggests a bit of both and both are symptoms of white privilege.

What does feminism mean today and who is at the table?  Join us.


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Plant Sale โ€” 23 and 24 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

We are having a plant sale at All Souls — here are the dates and hours:

  • Saturday, 23 March 2019 — 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Sunday, 24 March 2019 — 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

If the plants are not sold out this weekend, we will extend the sale to next Saturday and Sunday (30-31 March 2019)

The sale features a wide selection of native plants, herbs, perennials, vegetable seedlings, and more.  We are also selling yard art and raffle tickets.

All proceeds from the plant sale benefit All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church.


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17 March 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (17 March 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Dwelling in Peace … because It Matters” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

An important part of the task at hand is to learn how we speak with each other — and more importantly — how we listen to each other within our own walls.

Without this practice, we stand little chance of doing so in the wider world.

We are continuing this season’s focus on peace, social justice, and the interdependent web.

In this season of our church year, we honor our second principle (“justice, equity, and compassion in human relations”), our sixth principle (“the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all”) and our seventh principle (“respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”).

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

We will host another “Lunch and Learn” potluck with our Committee on Ministry after the worship service.


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Adult Religious Education - 17 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (17 March 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

This morning, we will watch a video of a TED Talk by Robb Willer — “How to Have Better Political Conversations.”

As a social psychologist, Willer has some ideas on how moral values might serve to bridge the ideological divide as opposed to widening it, and how we might talk to each other in ways that better promote mutual understanding.

Join us for the viewing and discussion.


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10 March 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (10 March 2019) from 11:00 AM for “Growing Justice” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We are continuing this season’s focus on peace, social justice, and the interdependent web.

In this season of our church year, we honor our second principle (“justice, equity, and compassion in human relations”), our sixth principle (“the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all”), and our seventh principle (“respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”).

We will have a new member signing ceremony as part of this worship service.  Please join us and welcome our new members.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

We will host another “Lunch and Learn” potluck with our Committee on Ministry after the worship service.


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Adult Religious Education - 10 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (10 March 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

Join us to view the Together Louisiana Civic Academy presentation — “Criminal Justice and Incarceration.”


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Building and Grounds Work Day - 9 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Saturday (9 March 2019) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Most of the work for our church home is done by us — the members and friends of All Souls.

Weather permitting — we’ll have tasks both outdoors and indoors.

But rain or shine, we’ll have jobs for all ages and abilities.

Come join us for the whole time, or just an hour or so if that’s all the time you have.  Every little bit helps.

Can’t stay this Saturday — consider dropping off some snacks for the work crew.


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3 March 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (3 March 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Justice and U(U)s” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Continuing this season’s focus on peace, social justice, and the interdependent web, what is ours to do as Unitarian Universalists in the effort to bend the moral arc of the universe toward justice?

In this season of our church year, we honor our second principle (“justice, equity, and compassion in human relations”), our sixth principle (“the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all”), and our seventh principle (“respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”).

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 3 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (3 March 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

Join us to view the Together Louisiana Civic Academy video “The Louisiana Paradox: Why Louisiana Stays Poor.”

This video includes a look at one of many paradoxical zip codes in Louisiana.


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Green Bag Sunday for Noel Food Pantry (3 March 2019)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

This March 2019, Noel Food Pantry is requesting:

  • Canned fruit – 15 oz.
  • Instant oatmeal packets
  • Cornbread mix

Buy one or more of any or all of these items, bring them in a bag (any color bag) on Sunday and place your bag in the hatch of the green Kia Soul that will be parked out front.

JoDel Adkins will take the food to Noel on Monday when she volunteers there.


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24 February 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (24 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Parsing the Paradox of Peace” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell

Beginning this season’s focus on peace, social justice, and the interdependent web, we honor our second principle (“justice, equity, and compassion in human relations)” our sixth principle, “the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all, ” and our seventh principle (“respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”).

A newcomer session will follow the service. This is a time to view a video from the UUA, to tell us a little of your own story, if you are willing, and to ask any questions you might have about our congregation or about Unitarian Universalism. Childcare will be provided.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.




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Adult Religious Education - 24 February 2019 (NOTE - earlier start time)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (24 February 2019) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class (please note the earlier start time for this Sunday only).

We’re starting early this Sunday for the opportunity to hear from one of the most powerful and prophetic voices of our time — Rev. Dr. William Barber II (leader of the modern Poor People’s Campaign and Repairers of the Breach).

We will view the video of his address to the Peace and Justice Summit of the Equal Justice Initiative.


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17 February 2019 All-Ages Worship

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”
Please join us on Sunday (17 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Our Third Source: Learning and Growing with Love and Respect” with the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.
Capping this season’s focus on the third source of Unitarian Universalism (the wisdom of the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life), we will look at how we tell the stories that did not come from us and how we can learn and be nourished by those stories without stealing or misusing them or the traditions from which they come.
Give Away The Plate — For this Sunday, all of our non-pledge income will go to our Give Away the Plate recipient — Holy Cross Hope House.
Opened in 2004, Hope House is a ministry of Holy Cross Episcopal Church and a place where the church’s homeless neighbors can shower, receive mail, access telephones, and get fed.
Staff and volunteers help guests navigate the system to receive food stamps, Medicaid, and other services, and St. Luke’s Mobile Medical Van visits there twice a month.
Earlene Venable will be on hand to tell us more about this vital ministry in our community.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

17 February 2019 All-Ages Worship

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”
Please join us on Sunday (17 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Our Third Source: Learning and Growing with Love and Respect” with the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.
Capping this season’s focus on the third source of Unitarian Universalism (the wisdom of the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life), we will look at how we tell the stories that did not come from us and how we can learn and be nourished by those stories without stealing or misusing them or the traditions from which they come.
Give Away The Plate — For this Sunday, all of our non-pledge income will go to our Give Away the Plate recipient — Holy Cross Hope House.
Opened in 2004, Hope House is a ministry of Holy Cross Episcopal Church and a place where the church’s homeless neighbors can shower, receive mail, access telephones, and get fed.
Staff and volunteers help guests navigate the system to receive food stamps, Medicaid, and other services, and St. Luke’s Mobile Medical Van visits there twice a month.
Earlene Venable will be on hand to tell us more about this vital ministry in our community.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 17 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (17 February 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class for an overview of yesterday’s (16 February 2019) Together Louisiana’s statewide leadership meeting in Alexandria along with an invitation to participate with Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith and Together Louisiana during the upcoming legislative session and the 2019 and 2020 election cycles.

Our Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) affiliate organizations provide us with the opportunity for the kind of active citizenship for which voting is just the first step and we are able to accomplish more through these partnerships than we could ever do as one congregation.

Come and learn more about what we’re doing and how you can join in.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 17 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (17 February 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class for an overview of yesterday’s (16 February 2019) Together Louisiana’s statewide leadership meeting in Alexandria along with an invitation to participate with Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith and Together Louisiana during the upcoming legislative session and the 2019 and 2020 election cycles.

Our Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) affiliate organizations provide us with the opportunity for the kind of active citizenship for which voting is just the first step and we are able to accomplish more through these partnerships than we could ever do as one congregation.

Come and learn more about what we’re doing and how you can join in.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

"Lunch and Learn" Potlucks Continue - 10 and 17 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

The All Souls Committee on Ministry will continue hosting “Lunch and Learn” Potlucks on 10 and 17 March 2019.

In an ongoing effort to bring more members into full engagement with church life, the Committee on Ministry will host “Lunch and Learn” potlucks for discussion of the book Moving on from Church Folly Lane by Rev. Robert T. Latham.

The potlucks sessions will take place on 10 and 17 March 2019 immediately after our worship service.

Child care will be provided for the discussion part of the event.

For more information, contact Amanda Lawrence at 318-402-3314 or via email here.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

"Lunch and Learn" Potlucks Continue - 10 and 17 March 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

The All Souls Committee on Ministry will continue hosting “Lunch and Learn” Potlucks on 10 and 17 March 2019.

In an ongoing effort to bring more members into full engagement with church life, the Committee on Ministry will host “Lunch and Learn” potlucks for discussion of the book Moving on from Church Folly Lane by Rev. Robert T. Latham.

The potlucks sessions will take place on 10 and 17 March 2019 immediately after our worship service.

Child care will be provided for the discussion part of the event.

For more information, contact Amanda Lawrence at 318-402-3314 or via email here.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Farewell Party for Jeff Gauger - Saturday, 16 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Come join us this Saturday evening (16 February 2019) at 7:00 PM for a party to mourn Jeff Gauger’s leaving and to celebrate his time among us.

In the short time Jeff has been here at All Souls, he has served on the board, sung in the choir, preached a sermon, and has done spoken word pieces for Artist Sunday and for our recent New Year’s service.

We are sad to lose him from the church and from the community, but this is our chance to let him know how much we appreciate him!

Bring a snack to share (think “heavy hors d’oeuvres”) and whatever you’d like to drink.

We’ll have some beer, wine, water, lemonade, and coffee available, but more and different options will be welcome.

To help with setup, cleanup, or any aspect of the party, contact Bennett Upton at 318-553-7321.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Farewell Party for Jeff Gauger - Saturday, 16 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Come join us this Saturday evening (16 February 2019) at 7:00 PM for a party to mourn Jeff Gauger’s leaving and to celebrate his time among us.

In the short time Jeff has been here at All Souls, he has served on the board, sung in the choir, preached a sermon, and has done spoken word pieces for Artist Sunday and for our recent New Year’s service.

We are sad to lose him from the church and from the community, but this is our chance to let him know how much we appreciate him!

Bring a snack to share (think “heavy hors d’oeuvres”) and whatever you’d like to drink.

We’ll have some beer, wine, water, lemonade, and coffee available, but more and different options will be welcome.

To help with setup, cleanup, or any aspect of the party, contact Bennett Upton at 318-553-7321.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

10 February 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (10 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “With Help from the Essential Wisdom of the World’s Religions” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We are continuing this season’s focus on the third source of Unitarian Universalism:

“the wisdom of the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.”

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

Please stay with us after this worship service for a “Lunch and Learn” potluck with the Committee on Ministry.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

10 February 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (10 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “With Help from the Essential Wisdom of the World’s Religions” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We are continuing this season’s focus on the third source of Unitarian Universalism:

“the wisdom of the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.”

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

Please stay with us after this worship service for a “Lunch and Learn” potluck with the Committee on Ministry.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 10 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (10 February 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class —  the wisdom of Pema Chödrön.

We will be viewing a presentation by this renowned Buddhist nun and teacher followed with discussion.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 10 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (10 February 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class —  the wisdom of Pema Chödrön.

We will be viewing a presentation by this renowned Buddhist nun and teacher followed with discussion.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

3 February 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (3 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “The Four LImitless States of Mind” by Larry Androes

Larry Androes — teacher of the Saturday sitting Buddhist meditation — will be here to speak to us on the Four Limitless States of Mind: Metta (lovingkindness); Karuna (Compassion); Mudita (empathy) and Upekkha (equanimity).

Please join us to hear a speaker who shares these teachings with great compassion, joy, and humor.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

Please stay with us after this worship service for a “Lunch and Learn” potluck with the Committee on Ministry.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

3 February 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (3 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “The Four LImitless States of Mind” by Larry Androes

Larry Androes — teacher of the Saturday sitting Buddhist meditation — will be here to speak to us on the Four Limitless States of Mind: Metta (lovingkindness); Karuna (Compassion); Mudita (empathy) and Upekkha (equanimity).

Please join us to hear a speaker who shares these teachings with great compassion, joy, and humor.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.

Please stay with us after this worship service for a “Lunch and Learn” potluck with the Committee on Ministry.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 3 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (3 February 2019) for our 9:15 AM adult religious education class.

Continuing this season of focus on our third source (“wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”), we will view the next in a series of videos from the Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding Summit at Emory University of Atlanta (featuring the Dalai Lama in dialogue with an internationally renowned multifaith group of religious leaders).

This week — having heard the responses of the assembled religious leaders to the Dalai Lama’s address — we turn now to a dialogue among the group.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 3 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (3 February 2019) for our 9:15 AM adult religious education class.

Continuing this season of focus on our third source (“wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”), we will view the next in a series of videos from the Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding Summit at Emory University of Atlanta (featuring the Dalai Lama in dialogue with an internationally renowned multifaith group of religious leaders).

This week — having heard the responses of the assembled religious leaders to the Dalai Lama’s address — we turn now to a dialogue among the group.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Green Bag Sunday (3 February 2019)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

This Sunday (3 February 2019) is Green Bag Sunday

Bring your bag (of any color) to church on Sunday with the following food items:

  • Soup (10-18 oz cans)
  • Instant Oatmeal Packets
  • Cornbread Mix (8 oz box)

JoDel Adkins will have her green Kia Soul out front with the hatch open and you can place your bags in there for her to take to the Noel Food Pantry on Monday (4 February 2019).

Many thanks for helping to prevent hunger in our community!


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Green Bag Sunday (3 February 2019)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

This Sunday (3 February 2019) is Green Bag Sunday

Bring your bag (of any color) to church on Sunday with the following food items:

  • Soup (10-18 oz cans)
  • Instant Oatmeal Packets
  • Cornbread Mix (8 oz box)

JoDel Adkins will have her green Kia Soul out front with the hatch open and you can place your bags in there for her to take to the Noel Food Pantry on Monday (4 February 2019).

Many thanks for helping to prevent hunger in our community!


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

"Lunch and Learn" Potlucks - 3 and 10 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

The All Souls Committee on Ministry will be hosting “Lunch and Learn” Potlucks on 3 and 10 February 2019.

In an ongoing effort to bring more members into full engagement with church life, the Committee on Ministry will host “Lunch and Learn” potlucks for discussion of the book Moving on from Church Folly Lane by Rev. Robert T. Latham.

The first two sessions will take place on 3 and 10 February 2019 immediately after our worship service.

Child care will be provided for the discussion part of the event.

For more information, contact Amanda Lawrence at 318-402-3314 or via email here.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

"Lunch and Learn" Potlucks - 3 and 10 February 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

The All Souls Committee on Ministry will be hosting “Lunch and Learn” Potlucks on 3 and 10 February 2019.

In an ongoing effort to bring more members into full engagement with church life, the Committee on Ministry will host “Lunch and Learn” potlucks for discussion of the book Moving on from Church Folly Lane by Rev. Robert T. Latham.

The first two sessions will take place on 3 and 10 February 2019 immediately after our worship service.

Child care will be provided for the discussion part of the event.

For more information, contact Amanda Lawrence at 318-402-3314 or via email here.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

27 January 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (27 January 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Right” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  What is right?  Come and explore this with us on this World Religion Day.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


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Adult Religious Education - 27 January 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (27 January 2019) for our 9:15 AM adult religious education class.

Continuing this season of focus on our third source (“wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”), we will view the next in a series of videos from the Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding Summit at Emory University of Atlanta (featuring the Dalai Lama in dialogue with an internationally renowned multifaith group of religious leaders).

This week, we hear the next two responses of the gathered leaders to the Dalai Lama’s address — Sister Joan Chittester OSB (Benedictine nun, scholar, author, and theologian) and Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im (Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law at Emory University).


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20th Annual World Religion Day Celebration (27 January 2019)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (27 January 2019) from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM for the 20th Anniversary of Shreveport’s World Religion Day Celebration.

Join us for the 20th Annual Celebration of World Religion Day –Shreveport-Bossier and experience the true religious diversity of our community.

The event features table displays by participating faith groups as well as multifaith panel discussions on important issues of the day along with musical performances representing some of the participating groups.

We need volunteers to help us set up for the event on Saturday (26 January 2019) at 12:00 PM and to also staff the All Souls table in 90-minute shifts between 1:00 and 6:00 PM on Sunday (the event is over at 5:00 PM and the last shift will assist with post-event clean-up).


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20 January 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (20 January 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Beyond the Dream:  Living into Dr. King’s Legacy” by Dr. Jennifer Russell.

Please join us to welcome psychologist, Dialogue on Race facilitator, and All Souls member Dr. Jennifer Russell as she shares her perspective on how far we’ve come and how far we have yet to go in fulfilling our responsibility to Dr. King’s dream.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 20 January 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday morning (20 January 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

Continuing this season of focus on our third source (“wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”) we will view the next in a series of videos from the Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding Summit at Emory University of Atlanta, featuring the Dalai Lama in dialogue with an internationally renowned multifaith group of religious leaders.

This week, we hear the first of the responses from the gathered leaders including Rabbi Dr. David Rosen and Dr. Rajmohan Gandhi (the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi).


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13 January 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (13 January 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Rhythms / Cycles / Circles of Life and Religious Differences” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This will continue our focus on our third source (“wisdom of the world’s religions that inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”).

A special congregational meeting will follow the service.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


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Our Whole Lives Grades 10-12 Sexuality Education Class Begins 13 January 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

First class session for Our Whole Lives Grades 10-12 comprehensive sexuality education program will happen Sunday (13 January 2019) at 3:00 PM.

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of All Souls and the Shreveport-Bossier chapter of the National Organization for Women, we are proud to announce a new non-profit (Shreveport-Bossier OWL) founded to provide comprehensive sex education for the youth of our community.

Next year, we will offer the middle school curriculum and, in time, we hope to offer the Our Whole Lives curriculum at all available age levels.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 13 January 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday morning (13 January 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

Continuing this season of focus on our third source (“wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”), we will view a series of videos from the Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding Summit at Emory University of Atlanta, featuring the Dalai Lama in dialogue with an internationally renowned multi-faith group of religious leaders.

This week, we hear the keynote address by the Dalai Lama.



โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

6 January 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (6 January 2019) at 11:00 AM for “What Is Religion Good For? (Dangling Preposition and All…)” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

As the new year begins, we turn our focus to our third source (wisdom from the world’s religions) beginning with this question worth pursuing in the age of the “nones.”

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

Adult Religious Education - 6 January 2019

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday morning (6 January 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

Join us as we welcome the New Year and begin our season of focus on our third source — “Wisdom from the World’s Religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.”


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

11 November 2018 Sermon Podcast

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

“Tribute, Solace, Challenge:  Some Thoughts on Veteran’s Day” with Steve Caldwell and Jennifer Russell


Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211109073619/http://allsoulsshreveport.org/podcasts/11November2018Worship.mp3

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4 November 2018 Sermon Podcast

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

“Loving the Hell Out of the World: The Universalist Belief of Hosea Ballou” by Rev. Jacqueline Anne Luck


Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211109073558/http://allsoulsshreveport.org/podcasts/4November2018Worship.mp3

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30 December 2018 Worship Service

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

Please join us on Sunday (30 December 2018) at 11:00 AM for “On the Brink:  Music and Original Readings at the Turning of the Year.”

We presented this short phrase “on the brink” to a group of our members and friends inviting them to follow it wherever it leads.

Join John Allen, Susan Caldwell, Judith Cantil, Barbara Deger, Laura Flett, Jeff Gauger, Bob Jordan, and Rev. Barbara Jarrell to see and hear the result.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

No Adult Religious Education Class (30 December 2018)

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

We will not be having our 9:15 AM adult religious education class on this Sunday (30 December 2018).

You can sleep in a little later and join us for the 11:00 AM worship service.


โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ WWUUD?

30 December 2018 Religious Education for Children and Youth

By: Steve Caldwell, Web Editor โ€”

On this Sunday (30 December 2018) between Christmas and New Year’s Day, we will have a movies and popcorn Sunday.

The children and youth will have a chance to watch some holiday classics and take a break before we start our next pillar (World Religions) next Sunday (6 January 2019).

